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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Bottom line, his actions resulted in loss of an innocent life. If medications were to blame it really doesn't makes the situation any better for the ones who suffered loss or injury. He should have been aware of the potential of driving with the combination of condition and medications could be. Maybe not? But still he is culpable and his actions can't be rationalized and my opinion. Take a look at the pictures, massive force in the collision, coil springs ripped from the chassis, not the normal fender bender-the vehicle was completely out of control. Great flu, there were not more deaths.

    People have to be willing to accept responsibilities for their actions instead of rationalizing a away to justify one's poor judgement. It would not work back home in our countries and it should not work here.

    I hope, he never gets behind another steering wheel ever.

    Yes I would add to that he never gets I see day light again

    I am sorry but if my daughter was run over by a driver , drunk, on medicine or sober

    I would kick that person be it man woman or kid until I physically can kick no more

    If my daughter was beginning her life when some idiot came across and either broke her leg or killed her then I would see justification for a bearing or worse

    It amazes me how much people complain about the way people do thins out here and compare the way should be the same as in their own country like the US or England or where ever

    If it is so bad why stay here

    I like the thai way and the way this alternate system works

    That man deserves death penalty some countries would give it

    Defiantly life

    I hope the families of the people he killed shall step up

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    "That man deserves death penalty some countries would give it

    Defiantly life"

    You don`t even know what caused the accident in the first place so just put down the ropes and rusty knives for now !! And I don`t know of on which planets they give the death penalty for vehicular manslaughter.............luckily it`s not on planet earth coffee1.gif

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  2. Pattaya, the hub of high end tourists. If you allow a location to become a toilet then do not be surprised if so many people take a shit in it.

    Yep, maybe now the Pattaya defenders will admit that Pattaya does have a pedophile problem. "It doesn't happen here anymore than anywhere else if the world..."

    Yea right.

    What's that the seventh "reported" case this year?

    Seventh reported case this year in a city with 500.000 inhabitans and millions of visitors ?!?!

    Most westerns cities with similar size has more reported cases of pedophilia than Pattaya..................no need to bash Pattaya and put a label on people living or visiting here.

    • Like 1
  3. I see there are a lot of food snobs here on TV. I eat often at the food court on the lower floor. From one of the Thai places

    or Vietnamese place. High volume turn over means lots of fresh food. Excellent value. Thais eat there and I have taken guests

    there that think the food is very good. Lots of choice. Yes ambiance is lacking and there are lots of Russians but so what.

    Like I said, a lot of food snobs. I also eat a lot at markets and food stands. I go to places that are busy so the food is fresh.

    I have yet to get an upset stomach but if it happens sometime, its OK I have had a lot of good food experiences.

    I`m a regular consumer of street food too,but I just hate the atmosphere in the food courts in these big shopping centers.

    I have no problems eating at the food outlet such as Tuccom....less noisy there thumbsup.gif .

  4. Food acceptable,but too much people there for my liking.

    Really? I want to eat in busy restaurants where there's a guaranteed turnover of food... and the number of customers will give you an idea that the food is good.

    I stay away from quiet restaurants.

    No problem with the tables being filled up with people eating,but to many milling around there all the time..........wink.png .

  5. " When asked, passers-by and residents said that this kind of thing usually happens, so this is giving Pattaya City a bad reputation with visitors and tourists. It is clear that the police and/or local government will have to act to stop these very vicious criminal groups from operating."

    Never heard about gangs of fake watch sellers going around beating up tourist !!

    Now you have!! facepalm.gif

    Yes I have now,but it doesn`t "usually happens" as stated in the article coffee1.gif .

  6. Shisha alone is enough to put my off going anywhere near walking street. I dont understand the Thai thinking behind trying to have a bar full of Arabs smoking shisha and drinking tea all night surely there not making as much profit as when there were bars full of westerners drinking beers all night. I'l stick to Soi L.K or anywhere else where i can avoid the stink from those pipes.

    Haven`t seen many arabs smoking shisha in WS.Loads of thai girls and many westerners(including myself thumbsup.gif ) is enjoying it.

    I think most prefers the smell of shisha`s compared to the regular "garbage and drain" fumes.

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