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Everything posted by RubbaJohnny

  1. Thanks Jack, maybe it was the scanner of my new phone took a few goes , I realize it isnt an app I save it to my phone but just upgraded. Thanks all , still no sign of their Digital Arival other than they are asking for staff tablets!
  2. to find the 90 day app. I scanned a few times and it is opening for me now
  3. I tried here https://www.immigration.go.th/ when you scan their Q code response 502 bad gateway
  4. Can anyone post link to Official Thai immigration website or app please
  5. Thanks , I just hope there is a web registration,for me who finds reading websites even on reasonably large cellphone hard, due to eye and hand issues, how is the issue as well as when, I just hope they can put it back 6 weeks by which time I hope to be back. with onlt TM 47 TM 30 TM8 and 90 day reports to keep track of.
  6. Looked at Immigration site , none the wiser. A brief google suggests it is a digital version of the old TM6 "landing /arrival card? I have a multi entry non O with re entry permit. Will it be an app? Will it be via eMail ? Will it work by text to my Thai mobile? I am happy to comply but the similar Malay system very clunky esp if entering address in correct formats Has anyone seen a template please? I am never in a hurry as partner always late pick up from Swampy so can do it once landed unles airlines will make it a boarding requirement. as refusal makes airline liable to deport Any advice or experience welcome thank you in anticipation.
  7. I was in Chiang Rai Provincial Hospital (Prachanukroh Hospital) for good dentistry a long time back. I also had good cataract treatment at the very modern out of town private hospital called Mai Fah luang hospital, it is about 10 miles north near the new Chinag Saen highway junction with the main highway to Mae Sai. Also had flu shots there.Easy to see and fantasic views from 14th floor, it is the largest building I have seen in the province! Just add often a long walk from the free car park but if you have a driver there is a covered drop off point at th emain entrance, and a 7-11 nearby plus a range of snack options,I only had an overnight to check cataract ok which it was but hopital food was cheap and tasty, similar to good local restaurants.
  8. Thanks for reply, have you or anyone you know actually ever done it with a WISE card though? Is that 250 at Kasikorn or SCB as similar to the fee for a transfer via wise, and may be useful to have some cash for tradesmen like gardeners plumbers builders who like the local restaurants everywhere prefer fungible cash.
  9. Please does anyone use a physical WISE card at a Kasikorn or SCB ATM machine , withdrawing baht from your Thai baht balance? While I use it for purchases have not tried new card in an ATM. If I withdraw 30,ooo baht the maximum local ATM allows in one transactions what will be the approximate cost please. Is it the fixed foreign card fee around 200-250 baht c $5-10 which is no problem or is it more like the typical range 2-3% charged on foreign currency conversions, which is will cost me close to hundred bucks a month? I realize probably better to take large sum once a month than $100 equivalent daily for "walking around money" Any advice or direct experience welcome
  10. Like others I receive into Kasikorn in seconds , sent $2600 las t week for the holidays arrived 10 seconds later, when I used to use Bangkok Bank always said 1413 next WORKING DAY, so if sent Friday morning would arrive 1413 Monday or later with the many holidays at both ends. I recommend Kasikorn to the OP if convenient . Fees , charges seem pretty similar, my choice was based on ease of parking ! Kasikorn suits me for day to day , I use SCB for visa as near immigration Office for extension letters.
  11. Was that Chiang Rai please, my friend was told the same
  12. Thanks to all most helpful, need to get my dicks in row while still capable. Next step a Thai will.
  13. Due to increasing health issues including , inter alia , memory,eye sight and mobility I wonder if as in my home country is it possible to give my Thai wife the power of Attorney for extension renewal/TM 7 , TM30, 90 day reports etc Main issues I foresee 1 Bank as account only in my main as required for non O married , will a bank accept power of attorney please? I am with SCB but can switch to Kasikorn locally if easier. 2 Non wheelchair access, parking, non disabled toilets, painful issues getting in and out of car. 3 I am happy to sit in car park and sign docs once a year at present but they now seem to require their camera photo like at Airports. I am sure I cannot be the sole foreigner in declining years to face these issues, there are no agents locally , I try to do everything legally and on time and have resources, but with mobility misfolding and eye issues, which can only get worse I want to make life easy for my poor wife who is always intimidated by the office. If it is possible can anyone explain how to go about it obtaining it while still capable please. Thank you in anticipation.
  14. They seem to change each year. Local Office will never put anything in writing. Each year different munber of pictures , coloir of ink etc Any advice welcome for forthcoming renewal
  15. As the varied experiences above reveal,while there may be written regulations but the individual office are laws unto themselves. They are an effective monopoly for us that have a home family at a constant home address.
  16. On a non O with a re entry permit, to landing time change I will stay a nhotel cChinagmai before returning to my family home. 1 Is a new TM30 needed and how soon, will arrive Friday too late to visit Office is the following Monday ok? 2 Can my wife the one who is "hosting the foreigner" do iy with my passport or do I need to attend in person please? All tips welcome, I mnaged to live here for decades without but it seems required to do extensions?
  17. Both scb and K plus are offering fixed accounts yielding about 9k per annum on two and quarter rates advertised so 18k over the term. They say you can withdraw immediatly by forfitting the interest. Will this work for Immigration or does it have to be my normal savings account. The only other easily accesible bank is Krung Thai and with no account may be a hassle to open? Thanks for any advice esp from experience, there is no TMB Bangkok, Ayuddha locally
  18. How to make friends and influence people eh? As retired and wealthy pay someone to ring the office comes to mind.
  19. Ta all sorry abouts caps was on phone easier to see Much obliged, It will be DIY ass exiting by land
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