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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. Mystery Luicky you pointed out that it is 4 years later on this thread and well done for going the distance.I am living here on the outskirts of Bangkok with my Thai husband of 20 years. Re the Non O imm Visa.Easy peasy.I did start out doing the Visa runs and then we BOTH went into Immigration to see what was required.It was a bit tedious the first time but after perservering we got thru it.Now I report every 90 days for address purposes and then once a year we go to Immigration and take the same old documents to renew my Visa.At Chaeng Wattana (Bangkok) absolutely no proof of income required from either of us.At it happens neither of us works here (retired until we need to work again)and they have never , over the years asked for any bank statements, income tax thingy etc.The first time we did have to return as theysaid they wanted photos of where we live.Which is what we gave them.However, they said "But you are not in them!"So back home we went and got the family to take photos of us beside the pool, in the loo, sitting on the bed etc etcThe only ones they are ever interested in are the pool ones-so they are using the same old photos from a few years ago.Hope this gives you a bit of an insight.As to changing to a work permit-no idea.Good Luck

    Yes in Bangkok they do not ask for any income details from the Thai hubby for the farang wife's non-O extension. They even have a little print-out that lists all the docs the foreign wife needs to provide....I think it even specifies how many photos you need to provide.

  2. Trembly-how long has this been in effect? My Thai husband has held dual citizenship and 2 passports for well over 20 years-and all without any problems from going from country to country-in this case Australia. He lived in Australia for nigh on 30 years and has never ever had a problem (Touch wood)

    I was told this after pestering a Thai lawyer friend, I've never read it myself - so I can't confirm when this came into effect.

    Given the King himself holds dual Thai / American citizenship, Abhisit holds a British passport and Thaksin holds Montenegran and Nicaraguan passports in addition to Thai, I can only foresee it being a problem if you wave your non-Thai citizenship in the face of a Thai immigration officer who is remarkably moody and / or ignorant.

    Trembly we were told recently at a Thai Govt Dept that this Thai law was changed several years ago and dual citz is now permitted. I regret that I didn't ask exactly where I could find the information though.

  3. Just re-reading this thread again as we are leaving in a few weeks. It's becoming quite an emotional time as hubby is very worried about how his elderly parents will cope without him. He is the eldest boy and has always been the one to help out on their farm whenever he could. Personally I think it's time for his many, many other siblings to step up to the plate but am biting my tongue as hubby and his family need to come to that conclusion on their own. He's also a bit worried about finding work but he's had assurances from people that provided he's willing to work a manual job there's plenty available. Other than that he's keen to go and get settled. Yup, I got me an adventurous one! ;)

  4. I'll ask here, think perhaps the pinned threads don't get too many reads....

    Can anyone tell me what documents the Thai Govt vet requires to issue an export permit? We have originals and copies of our cat's microchip details, vaccination certificate, flight details & the photo page of my passport.

    Do they need to see the import permit for the receiving country?

    Also how long does the medical check and issuing of the export permit take? We're wondering if we could do this early in the morning when they open and then make a late morning flight?

  5. Anyone done the visit to the vet at the airport recently? A couple of minor questions (we are going out there Monday)

    - How long did it take to issue your export permit & do the official health check docs?

    - Did the office want to sight your import permit (for the receiving country - in our case Malaysia) before they issued the Thai export permit?

  6. What's with all these 'need woman's view' posts on your 'ladies' forum' - never heard farang (mostly) women being referred to as 'ladies'. bar tarts yes, farang no.

    This the thai expat equivalent as some boring male bastard edging along the bar of your local pub to bore the shit out of you when you're just out for a relaxing one and a natter or so with whoever's in the same location? Yeah. I've met many of you. And I'll say trhe same as back 'ome.

    Sod off and bore someone else with you're self inflicted self indulgent tripe. 'wimmin's point of view' <deleted>.

    Not sure if you're angry at the OP for raising the topic, or for women having the audacity to have their own forum on TV. Noone's forcing you to read it, so - in your own words - why don't you "sod off".

  7. She's had her other vaccines like tetanus, rubella and measles, right? Well like other vaccines I would simply couch it in termsof being the parents responsibility to keep kids healthy. FWIW in Australia now the HPV is part of the regular childhood vaccine program - girls receive the vaccine in 7th grade (around 12 years of age).

  8. For a European (if school fees are covered by your employer or you are independently wealthy) I would look at the other 2 top international schools - NIST and Patana. Declaration of vested interest here, I have a child at NIST and we've been extremely pleased. We initially sent our child to one of the second-tier international schools and were not particularly happy with the resources teachers were given, however the teachers themselves were fantastic.

  9. Just a word of advice. Please be prepared to be rejected by clinics if you are a single female. A very good Thai friend of mine lost her husband of 10 years very unexpectedly due to heart failure. They had been trying to have a child together for some time, including several IVF treatments at various clinics around Bangkok.

    Hi Greg, what a sad story for your friend. At least one of the big clinics works with singles.

  10. I make a casserole of skinless chicken thighs and the El Sapo salsa - bake, covered, in the oven until cooked. It's really yummy :)

    Going, are you using just the bottled salsa over the chicken, and nothing else added?

    Browning the chicken first...or just baking from scratch?

    We have a recipe on our website for a similar dish called "salsa chicken" - essentially the same as described above, but topped with cheese, sour cream, and scallions. Adding beans is optional.

    See: http://www.nanaprodu...lsa_Chicken.pdf

    More recipes at bottom of the page of this link:


    First time I just cooked it - laid the chicken on the cut up vegies (usually mushrooms and zucchini) and poured the sauce over. Second time I floured & browned the chicken first before putting on the veg. To my mind there wasn't much difference in the taste. I would have used the website's sour cream/cheese option but didn't have any. The prawns sounds good....

  11. I think you can specially order it through some of the Khmer sellers at Klong Toey market. The maid we previously had working for us was Khmer and used to order a few different ingrediants that she couldn't get here and they would source them. If you have a Khmer-speaker they could ask around the market.

  12. Does anyone have a list of documents needed to extend the ED visa? Our teenager recently got her first ED visa issued outside the country, that 3-month one expires in a couple of weeks. Her international school has given us the enrolment letter that we need to help with the extension but wasn't able to tell us what other documents we should present. Also is it necessary to take our daughter to Immigration with us when we lodge the extension application?

  13. Mario2008 is correct. I went to try to adopt at the government agency in Bangkok. There are no private adoption agencies in Thailand. The first question we were asked was ' are you married' ? We were told 'no marriage, no adoption'. They then informed us how to go about adopting. We never even let them finish telling us as it was so full of BS. We went down the IVF road instead and now have 3 children.

    It's great that assisted conception was an option for you - congrats!

    However having been through the adoption system elsewhere I can tell you the Thai application process and assessment is not nearly as difficult or as onerous as most other countries.

  14. As said, it makes a difference, as you want an international adoption.

    But in your case, I believe you cannot adopt as under Thai law you must be married in order to adopt.

    For more on Thai adoption, look here: http://thailawonline...n/adoption.html

    Actually DSDW do occasionally obtain legal exceptions when it is considered to be in the best interests of the child. Both exceptions that I am aware of were granted to single women.

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