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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Burnie is what you American need big time .he is a god for change a man full of good not owned by anyone ,He will fix what is rotten in America believe in this man,vote him in.

    Don't you just love foreigners who are such experts in what's good for "us Americans"?

    What hubris.

    Why not? Can't count the number of foreigners on Thai Visa that seem to be experts for Thais

    At the end of the day who is the president in America will have an impact on other countries so I can understand why non Americans will have an opinion on who is the next President

    That being said, it is Americans that will be the one to decide but there is nothing wrong with Americans thinking about how their choice will impact America's international relations with other countries

  2. ^You're right. That puncher is not representative of Trump supporters. Trump is endorsed by academic, business and political leaders, as well as global leaders throughout the world. The world welcomes his stewardship.

    Trump has been endorsed by Ben Carson. That makes a big difference to me. Christie is an opportunist. Ben Carson is sincere. If Carson says Trump is a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America, I believe him.

    Maybe hoping for VP ?

    He would be a good candidate to bring balance to a Trump ticket

    He's very calm and sincere, maybe would be a good influence on Trump?

  3. Ruth Marcus, Washington Post columnist probably summed it up best:

    “Could a clever law student fit the fact pattern into a criminal violation? Sure. Would a responsible federal prosecutor pursue it? Hardly – absent new evidence,”

    Ruth summary bio: Post columnist since 1984 - A graduate of Yale College and Harvard Law School, she was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 2007.


    For sure, Trump and GOP will continue to beat this to death, but in all likelihood, no indictment will be forthcoming.

    Pretty certain you will be right and Hillary will not be indicted

    But shucks... Can't blame a guy for wishing it was so...

  4. Camille Paglia of Salon Magazine is a "former" Democrat and Bernie supporter. She's switched to Trump. She had this to say: LINK

    "I was wrong about Trump".

    "...But only a few weeks after that interview of mine in Salon, I suddenly realized that Trump’s candidacy had a broad support that few had expected or discerned. The agent of my revelation was

    posted by Diamond and Silk–Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two African-American sisters and former Democrats in Fayetteville, North Carolina. They were reacting with indignant outrage to the first GOP debate, broadcast by Fox News from Cleveland on August 6 and hosted by Megyn Kelly, whose loaded questions had impugned Trump as a sexist.

    If Trump wins the White House, that no-holds-barred video will go down in history as “the shot heard round the world,” Ralph Waldo Emerson’s phrase for the first salvo of the American Revolution by rural insurgents at Concord. The video signaled a popular uprising and furious pushback against the major media and political elites. (Emphasis mine)

    Thanks for that link. I really like those two ladies. But hey, there are those on TV that would deny that they were for real, because guess what, they are BLACK and they SUPPORT Trump, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I rilly, rilly hope Megyn saw that clip.


  5. Perhaps .. Only time will tell how it ends

    But I still hoping for the below

    Sanders: 53%

    Trump: 38%

    (Used fox poll as is in the middle)


    You should notice that as time passes ... In national polls...

    The margin between Trump and Hillary and Trump continues to get smaller and smaller

    While if you run polling numbers between Sanders and Trump the numbers are getting wider and wider

    Bernie is the best candidate hands down..

    If trends continue as they are, will not be surprised if Trump end up beating Hillary

  6. No way a Bernie supporter is going to vote Republican. Simply isn't going to happen.

    Speak for yourself..

    It's this opinion by DNC powers that be that make it so they feel they can shaft Bernie and appoint Hillary.. As Bernie supporter have no were to go and at the end of the day must vote for Hillary

    I am a Bernie supporter.. Voted for him in Primary and would vote for him in the fall

    I refuse to vote for Hillary

    If she wins and Trump wins.. I'd vote for Trump

  7. And this quote is why if Bernie doesn't make it... I'm voting Trump

    As its about something bigger than just about some positions that may not agree with.. It's about trying to change the system


    Bernie progressives have, through this primary, unwittingly uncovered the corrupted heart of our system: that influence peddling and money rule on both sides of the aisle. Supporting Hillary, to some extent, means capitulating, and accepting this system—which is exactly what Bernie Sanders is fighting against.


    Voting for Hillary is the worst thing a Bernie supporter could do in my opinion...

    I'm not worried about Trump.. If no one in congress .. Neither Republican nor Democrat is willing to work with him... There is very little damage he could do in the worst case..

    And if he can do some of the things he wants , some may be benefit e.g. Negotiating costs to reduce costs, bringing jobs back to US

    But a vote For Hillary means--

    --- quote--

    Voting for Hillary would mean diluting their power within the Democratic Party by supporting a leader who is bankrolled by big donors, caters to economic conservatives, and has shown progressive causes little commitment save for when it is convenient for her political career. Additionally, it would show the DNC that their votes are guaranteed despite the disregard shown by the party towards them. And most importantly, it would set a dangerous precedent that the media gets to pick the winners of the primary before any votes are even cast.

  8. Bernie or Bust!!

    I like that...

    And by Bust.. I mean Trump

  9. He'll never win. He's got all the votes he's going to get, 35% of 50%, all the angry white men. How many Hispanics, women, middle class, etc will vote for him? F all. He'd lose 66%-33% at best. The only one I've any time for from either party is Kasich.

    Yeah! Only white rednecks like Trump! Yeah!

    Check out this soon to be classic from left-wing MSNBC news...the reaction of the anchorwoman is hilarious...


    Not to worry... I bet who ever picked that clip got a dressing down...

    Didn't he know that was supposed to get the middle age white guy missing 2 teeth wearing over-alls and playing a banjo..

    That way the anchor could say... ' see , it's just rednecks, bigots and racists that are for Trump'

    She looked genuinely surprised that 'some one chose this clip to show'

  10. Of course Mexico never want to agree to pay for the wall and can certainly understand why..

    But how about this...

    Is there currently a toll on the US /Mexico border?

    I grew up 15 min from Canadian border , and there is a toll coming back into US from Canada

    Wouldn't an easy way for 'Mexico to pay for the wall' be to increase the toll by USD 1 for each car coming across into US ?

    In 2004, there was an average of 660,000 passenger crossings per day across 35 points


    Can't find the current number for 2015 but must be much higher with the continued growth of cross border traffic

    But even at this rate.. 660,000 cars x 365 days x 1 USD = 240 million dollars a year

  11. Yup thanks khaoniaw, I'm pretty sure that's the case. I remember when she wanted to renew her I'd or something she had some problems with her tabien baan. She was on some friends or relatives I can't remember who exactly. Hmmm. Not sure what to do. I don't want to have to hang around for weeks while she tracks down the blue book. How long does it take for a Thai to get entered into someone's tabien baan? Is it a long or difficult process? I really want to get this divorce done asap and I do genuinely think my wife does too (I've agreed to give her some cash when it is done), so really need some good advice here guys...

    She just goes to the Amphur office with anyone that has a Blue Book and is prepared to enter her on it.

    I paid a neighbor 1,000bht to put my Misses and kid on her book, and 500bht every time we needed to borrow the book.

    First person I asked said YES.

    (Hint: the little old Thai ladies with houses always need a bit extra money)


    Faz is giving incorrect information, don't need the old book to be entered in a new book.

    PS. Where did I state you needed an old book.

    Reread what I said.

    Thai or Foreigner can only be registered in one book.

    If you want to register in another book, you must be removed from the other.

    Please enlighten us MJ why your wife doesn't have her own TB.

    This is not true anymore...

    Wife did it with both little brother and mother...

    Moved them from house book in outer province and add to her house book here in Bangkok

    Nothing to do at the old location, all can be done at the province adding into new blue book

    As others have said the people at Ampur advise no need to remove from old Tabian Baan anymore ... Now it is all computerized.

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