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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. In Central world supermarket in top floor .. They used to have full sticks of pepperoni that you could buy

    It's been a couple years since have bought but would guess likely to still have

    Although not cheap

    Do you mean Central in Pattaya?
    sorry .. Didn't realize was Pattaya forum..

    Was talking about central World in BKK

    Although would check Central in Pattaya.. As would guess that a good chance may carry.. As both are Central .. So same chain?

  2. In Central world supermarket in top floor .. They used to have full sticks of pepperoni that you could buy

    It's been a couple years since have bought but would guess likely to still have

    Although not cheap

  3. Only if they can support themselves - that's your central premise and that is fine if you want to believe it. Yet many people can't through no fault of their own.

    But if you follow the ethos of self dependency, then i have no sympathy for you for whinging about Mexican and chinese workers. Id say, fine, roll your sleeves up and find something to do that doesn't compete with chinese or Mexican inports. Only a small percentage of any economy competes in traded goods, there is a whole non traded sector (service professionals etc). You aren't competing with a chinese worker when you are repairing someone's car or selling them a coffee - go work there.

    Id say, you've been too lazy to reskill yourself.

    But yet here you are whinging about it - blaming someone else. I've never understood how that happens if you are supposed to be a rugged individualist..

    And the real reason wages have been stagnant isn't because of the Chinese and Mexicans. Sure, they are great bogey men for the feeble minded to scream at.

    US GDP has grown, profits have grown. Productivity has grown. What hasn't grown is the share of these profits to US workers. I quote a former australian treasurer here : U.S. real wages for the Middle class have grown 4% since 1990. Not 4% per year, but 4% in total. Australian real wages have grown 40% over the same period. Yes you are feeling the pinch while over the same period of time, facing the same challenges, our middle class are 40% richer in real terms than they were 25 years ago.

    We've had the same stiff competition from China and SE Asia in manufacturing. This isn't unique to the US, no matter how special and unique you like to think of your selves.

    What is the difference?

    Profit sharing.

    Not some socialist tax redistribution (our percentage tax take of GDP is on par or lower than you). It is allowing workers to share in those profits via a strong insistence such things as a minimum wages and industry conditions which reflects these gains in productivity produced by the workers themselves. And you can do this without raising inflationary expectations, which in Australia have been low since the early 1990s.

    It isn't rocket science, but the right in the us continually object to any semblance of allowing the higher productivity of U.S. workers to be reflected in their basic minimum wage.

    So yes, it is the rest of the western world, not laughing, but shaking our heads in frustration at the US. We aren't blowing our middle class up. You guys certainly have.

    Good post...

    Only thing I would add would be to also mention the very large number of Indians into the Australian work force

    To cut off any argument about Australia not being the same because don't have Mexicans entering the work force willing to work for less

    Although it's off topic, there are instances of employer abuse, but on average 457 visa holders are proven to earn higher wages that Oz nationals by occupation. Indian migrants & other foreigners are in Oz on legally acquired visas, very different to approx 13 million Mexican illegals in the US. However, Oz has around 60k illegal migrants, of which around approx 5k+ are US nationals!

    Good know

    Australian employers pay higher salaries to Indians than they do to Australians doing the same job? Really?

  4. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that governments can't support people but rather people have to support the government?

    Why is it so hard to understand that the government has no money unless it first takes it from the people?

    Why is it so hard to understand that governments are inefficient and they spill much of the money they have before it can ever benefit any people?

    Why is it so hard to understand that governments are busy with programs that are expensive, and that the people disapprove of? (Money to Brussels from Europe perhaps or money for military all over the world from the US perhaps?)

    Why is it so hard for people to understand that the elite in all governments are looking out for themselves while trying to convince the sheeple that they are looking out for them?

    Why is it so hard for people to understand why taxes and prices on consumer items are so much lower in the US than they are in "socially advanced" countries?

    Why do our friends in the "advanced" UK not see that their national debt is about the same as that of the US but is growing faster as a percentage of GDP? Why are Europeans not concerned about the rampant printing of money in the Eurozone to pay the bills? (The Eurozone can just print money to pay bills but the US and UK can't - they by their own laws have to borrow it.)

    When did we get the stupid idea to turn the control of our lives and our safety over to our governments when it's so obvious that they are stupid and getting worse? Why can we not see that Europe will crash under the burden of its current immigration and economic policies instead of just cheering it on?

    Americans are going to sit back and watch Europe crash while listening to Europeans tell them that they are "better than". Europe is crashing and should lecture no one.


    I bet you like your medicare coverage and artificially capped premiums.

    I bet you like your social security

    I bet you like your interstates

    I bet you like the roads that are built to your farm

    I bet you like your army, navy and airforce

    I bet you like your postal service

    I bet you like your public schools

    For all your talk about economic responsibilty, why don't you complain paying twice as much for medical care than the rest of the world and getting worse outcomes?

    I don't hear you complaining that real wage growth workers has lagged behind other countries, creating a working poor - forever expected to produce higher rates of productivity but this productivity increase not reflected in the pay packet of average workers.

    It is actually the rest of the world watching the U.S. crash as it is now reaping what it has sown for the last three decades, race to the bottom politics and destitute economic policy where lowering taxes and defunding government passes for serious economic debate.

    Did you notice that you didn't address a single one of my points? Is that because you can't actually deny any of my bullet points? Why don't you answer them, one at a time?

    Then you go off on a tangent about what government is really for and why people have a government in the first place before it gets out of hand. People first establish a government for basic protection and services i.e. fire, police, military, schools, roads etc. Those are all legitimate functions of government.

    My belief for the reason that wages are stagnant is that jobs have been outsourced to China and Mexico and taken by cheap and illegal labor from Mexico. That is a failure of government to protect its own people.

    I paid premiums into both my SS and Medicare accounts all of my working life in a contract with the US government for retirement. However yes I would give them up if the government would stop all of the things that really are socialism. I don't need them.

    "Having government get and keep the hell out of my way is the essence of freedom". Only cowards look to a government to support them if they are healthy and capable of supporting themselves.


    Only if they can support themselves - that's your central premise and that is fine if you want to believe it. Yet many people can't through no fault of their own.

    But if you follow the ethos of self dependency, then i have no sympathy for you for whinging about Mexican and chinese workers. Id say, fine, roll your sleeves up and find something to do that doesn't compete with chinese or Mexican inports. Only a small percentage of any economy competes in traded goods, there is a whole non traded sector (service professionals etc). You aren't competing with a chinese worker when you are repairing someone's car or selling them a coffee - go work there.

    Id say, you've been too lazy to reskill yourself.

    But yet here you are whinging about it - blaming someone else. I've never understood how that happens if you are supposed to be a rugged individualist..

    And the real reason wages have been stagnant isn't because of the Chinese and Mexicans. Sure, they are great bogey men for the feeble minded to scream at.

    US GDP has grown, profits have grown. Productivity has grown. What hasn't grown is the share of these profits to US workers. I quote a former australian treasurer here : U.S. real wages for the Middle class have grown 4% since 1990. Not 4% per year, but 4% in total. Australian real wages have grown 40% over the same period. Yes you are feeling the pinch while over the same period of time, facing the same challenges, our middle class are 40% richer in real terms than they were 25 years ago.

    We've had the same stiff competition from China and SE Asia in manufacturing. This isn't unique to the US, no matter how special and unique you like to think of your selves.

    What is the difference?

    Profit sharing.

    Not some socialist tax redistribution (our percentage tax take of GDP is on par or lower than you). It is allowing workers to share in those profits via a strong insistence such things as a minimum wages and industry conditions which reflects these gains in productivity produced by the workers themselves. And you can do this without raising inflationary expectations, which in Australia have been low since the early 1990s.

    It isn't rocket science, but the right in the us continually object to any semblance of allowing the higher productivity of U.S. workers to be reflected in their basic minimum wage.

    So yes, it is the rest of the western world, not laughing, but shaking our heads in frustration at the US. We aren't blowing our middle class up. You guys certainly have.

    Good post...

    Only thing I would add would be to also mention the very large number of Indians into the Australian work force

    To cut off any argument about Australia not being the same because don't have Mexicans entering the work force willing to work for less

  5. Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

    Trumps got the misogynist vote sewed up!rolleyes.gif

    Perhaps ... But that doesn't mean an assault took place

    Watched the video about 5 times and couldn't see any assault

  6. Have said that even though support Bernie, in a Trump Hillary campaign I and would vote Trump

    Many have said that's crazy ... But look... Even Susan Sarandon saying the same.. So looks like may not be the only one...

    Like this quote---

    "Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said. “If he gets in, then things will really explode"


    That is not a voting strategy I favor, but it could happen.

    Think about the long game... Not about 1 presidential term of 4 years

    I'm not afraid of a Trump presidency... Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are willing to support him

    How much damage can a president with no support from either party in congress really do?

    On the other hand if Hillary looses to Trump it will force the DNC to re-evaluate ... As they could of won with Bernie, who is the epitome of what the DNC platform but they refused to support him ... Because it was Hillary's turn...

    If Hillary wins... Politics as usual and all of the things that Bernie has tried to bring to the forefront are put back up on a shelf and forgotten for another generation as Hillary forgets all of her 'me too' promises and carries on with business as usual

  7. I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

    Or if Bernie continue to chip away on the pledged delegate lead and the super delegates come to their senses...

    Yes I know... The super delegates coming to their senses is a long shot...

    It's not as if Bernie is the epitome of all of the positions of what the Democratic party says they stand for....

    But then again the billions of doner dollars is a hard drug to kick...

  8. For those that think Bernie voters will just fall in line and vote for Hillary... Think again

    Good interview with Susan Sarandon

    Be sure to watch the whole interview at below website...


    Talking about voting for Hillary if a Hillary - Trump election


    “But I think a lot of people are [saying], ‘Sorry, I just can’t bring myself to do that.”

    “How about you personally?” Hayes asked.

    “I don’t know,” Sarandon said. “I’m gonna see what happens.”

    “Really?” Hayes said, incredulously. “I cannot believe, as you’re watching the rise of Donald Trump...”

    “Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

  9. Have said that even though support Bernie, in a Trump Hillary campaign I and would vote Trump

    Many have said that's crazy ... But look... Even Susan Sarandon saying the same.. So looks like may not be the only one...

    Like this quote---

    "Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” Sarandon said. “If he gets in, then things will really explode"


  10. Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

    Completely disagree .. Communism is about government control of the means of production

    In no way is Bernie suggesting that

    Definition of communism:

    a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.

    It seems to me that many people throw around the words like Communism and Socialism without even understand what they mean

    You can look at my previous posts and see that I have come out against those on the left when they try to label and disparage those on the right

    I also think it equally wrong when done by those on the right to those on the left..

    If you don't like a policy ... Fine... Argue against it if you can..

    But it is not correct to put Labels on people to try and diminish them or then be able to discard their positions or belief

  11. Bernie is basically a "New Deal" Democrat or Independent however you wish to call it. Some of our less educated right wingers should actually read up on what socialism is and isn't and he isn't a Socialist. He channels FDR and as we all know the plutocrats, corporations, and their whores in Congress and ignorant sheeple like teabaggers hate the New Deal. You know the teabaggers calling for the destruction of government while saying "hands off my Social Security", ahem and which party is always trying to cut SS, ah duh? Why do they hate, it might take a couple of bucks out of their greedy, selfish pockets and put them into the pockets of those that actually earned and deserve them. The rich and corporations haven't paid their fair share in many years and the US is suffering for it. The government is there for the people in spite of all the right wing Republican propaganda against it. Hence the slash and burn technique the Republicans have applied to the government, cut the budgets so deeply the government can't take care of the people and then blame the government. Bernie wants to stop this. He wants to actually work for the people like he always has.

    Some left wingers might also need a refresher course on socialism. If you advocate this type of government then perhaps Australia, Europe or Russia would be more to your liking.

    The free enterprise system is what the US was founded on and what made it thrive. Government regulations are what is making it flounder.

    Definition of socialism follows:


    noun so·cial·ism \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

    Popularity: Top 1% of lookups

    Simple Definition of socialism

    : a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

    Full Definition of socialism


    : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


    a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

    b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state


    : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done


    By those definitions you have stated ... Bernie is NOT a socialist

    He is not promoting government ownership of any industries ...

    He is simply talking about taxing the corporations and wealthy, eliminating all of the loop holes they are using to avoid paying their fair share of taxes

    Then using those additional funds for setting up universal health care and extending the public education system from K-12 to K-16, dial down wasted trillions on wars, repair infrastructure, Climate change, and trying to get the billionaires out of paying bribes to Congress by repealing Citizens United

    This does not follow with your definitions of scialism

  12. Hillary's home turf, huh? A native Chicagoan who became First Lady of Arkansas prior to becoming First lady of US in DC. Upon completion of her husband's second term he she surveyed the landscape and said to herself, "where's the money located"? And before you know it New York becomes home turf.

    As a New Yorker, I remember her claims that she was NOT running for Senator of Bee York as a spring board to any other position or office

    That she always loved NY and was her intention to make her permanent home in NY and could not think of any position better than being the Senator of NY

    Then 2008.. Run for president

  13. Is that the best they can come up with for a 4 inch phone?... revamping old models. What will it cost?

    15900 starting price

    As a proud owner of the iPhone 5, which now has an expanded battery which destroyed the screen, and a brand new iPhone 6 which needed replacing after a few weeks. I also have a MacBook Air, iPad mini (1st generation) and a iPod Nano 7, so I'm no Apple newbie, but I'm no longer such a fan.

    They're still ripping us off by offering extra storage capacity for a whopping extra $100, when we know that a 16 GB model is woefully insufficient, so basically for all practical purposes we need to buy the higher capacity 64 GB model as the 16 GB will be full in no time flat. It's really disgraceful that they're even offering a 16 GB model. The base model should be 32 GB minimum. This is marketing BS to show a low entry price.

    Whereas with a Samsung you can change the battery and storage capacity instantly any time you need to.

    We don't have an Apple store in Thailand and any easy way to have them serviced. They even decided to take English off the Thailand online Apple Store.

    If you're in the US or other advanced nations, Apple makes more sense as they have decent backup services.

    Apart from that, they just revamping a nearly 4 year old model. Side by side the iPhone 5/5s and the new iPhone SE are almost identical. They're starting off with a dinosaur... imagine what it will look like in 2 years from now next to other manufacturer's much slicker and cheaper offerings.

    Already the under 10,000 baht Samsung phones are far better than the iPhone 5's.

    I won't be wasting my money on no more iPhones no more. bah.gif

    I have never had a problem with any of my Apple products and have no problem buying more.

    SE is nothing like 5, the only similarity is the screen size.

    No idea what you using your iphone for, but i also have no problem with 16gb storage.

    I have tried a Samsung and will NOT be using one even if it was for FREE.

    Why? because it takes 5 steps to do something where on iphone is just a click or a swipe.

    Have to agree.. Am happy on Apple Island...

    Also like the family sharing, so kids and me and wife can share apps and movies..

    Also have Apple TV so Air Play is a major benefit...

    Have a 5s and no problems for the last few years..

    So 15k for the same thing I bought for +20k sounds good to me..

    Also daughter has old 4 s from a number of years ago.. Still works like a charm but happy to see a lower priced option that can be for replacement for kids or to be honest... Even for me would be ok

  14. Chuckd so your big scoop is the establishment media attack Bernie. Well shock horror call the National Guard.

    Bernie is taking on the Political Establishment, the Wall Street Establishment, the Media Establishment, the Justice Establishment he is gonna need a big set to trample over the top of these institutions.

    Bernie couldn't care less who you are or who you think you are if you are wrong he's going to let you know loud and clear.

    Why do you think people came up with the term 'Feel the Bern'?

    Who gives a rats about the Establishment Media opinion piece crap.

    Agree with this ...both when it comes to media coverage of Bernie and Trump

  15. Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.
    But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.
    Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

    They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

    As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

    Agree. Numbers don't lie. There simply isn't enough uneducated, angry, racist white guys in America to get Trump into the White House.

    And only an uneducated, angry, racist white guy would vote for Trump?

    You may want to re-check, as seems that is not and has not been the case so far

    His base...

    Guess everyone's gotta vote for some one...

    If you found out some one you thought was despicable was going to vote for Hillary Clinton... Does that mean you would vote Republican ?

    If a racist chose not to jump off a bridge ... That doesn't mean I have to jump off and kill myself to ensure I was doing the opposite
  16. Somebody posted this bombshell just out of the Economist Intelligence Unit on another thread:

    Trump becoming U.S. President is placed as the sixth-greatest threat to global stability by the EIU in its forecast for April. According to the report, the Republican candidate’s hostility towards free trade and his labeling of China as a “currency manipulator” means that his election could result in a “trade war” and the scuppering of the Trans-Pacific Partnership —an ambitious agreement signed by 12 countries, including the U.S. and Mexico.


    Newsweek, NBC, VOA and all majors are running with this. Hopefully if there are any thinking people among his supporters they will start to pay attention to what the world is saying.

    Yea, because some British magazine that wants to outsource American jobs and lower salaries in the US is going to convince the US electorate.

    I'm sure you are correct that Trump supporters don't have a clue and really understand the importance to Americans and Asians of trade pacts like the TPP. They also do not understand that evil China (that Trump demonizes) is not a signatory to the TPP right, and that it benefits a whole host of friends, like Japan, Singapore etc..

    Perfect. more more misplaced anger and just plain ignorance by Trump supporters.

    **BTW, both Republican and Democratic leaders of Congress and Senate support the TPP.

    Thailand is also not a part of the TPP... So I'm a fan of it falling apart for that reason as well...

    As if goes through would also hurt Thailand's competitiveness as well.

  17. Well this should get interesting, if true.... https://twitter.com/hashtag/CruzSexScandal?src=tren

    Needs to be verified by more than just National Enquirer in order to have any real traction... I would think..

    Is it in the same issue as the story about the 3 headed baby alien given birth to by a man?

    Not saying it ain't true and no fan of of Cruz... But I'm not one to take any story in the National Enquirer at face value

  18. Donald Trumo will Times MAN of the YEAR.

    But when the time comes it will be President Trump I hope.

    Your hopes are dashed mate as there are not enough male WASP Klu Klux Klan types to carry the Donald to victory.

    They are way outnumbered by the millions who have been insulted by his xenophobic, gender slamming rhetoric.

    As my friend Jose would say, "no way".

    Agree. Numbers don't lie. There simply isn't enough uneducated, angry, racist white guys in America to get Trump into the White House.

    And only an uneducated, angry, racist white guy would vote for Trump?

    You may want to re-check, as seems that is not and has not been the case so far

  19. Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

    Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

    Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

    The poster noted lol.

    Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

    Wrong again.


    That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

    I have to disagree , as I have known some funny and decent conservatives and have also seen some on the left show a fair amount of hate

    Against those they view as 'right wingers' , conservatives, 'nut jobs', bible thumpers, or anyone they don't agree with...

    In many cases, trying to label those they don't agree with..

    If we are all being honest, This is not something that the right owns exclusively ...

    It can be found on both sides..

    The world would be better off if more people realized that there is No reason to demonize each other on both sides..

    At the end of the day, most people are genuinely wanting the best for the country but just may disagree on how to do that
  20. Today: Clinton 76 delegates, Sanders 32.

    She's jogging home now.

    Thanks Chicog. It does look that way. Maybe Bernie has planted a seed that will grow and American's will begin to understand how they are being exploited and manipulated. Very disappointing results. It really really saddens me. Your average American people are good people they deserve better.

    Likely so.,,, but I still believe that seed will never have a chance to grow under a Hillary presidency

    I believe. Trump presidency and a Hillary loss will let that seed grow further when people in DNC see the chance LOST by backing Hillary

    People do not re-evaluate themselves and the stays quo when they 'win'

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