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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. How cool is this....

    The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


    Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


    "I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

    ... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

    This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

    The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

    Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign tried to throw shade on Bernie's April 15th trip to the Vatican. Vatican hierarchy quickly shut them down.


    What, you may ask, will Hillary Clinton be doing on the day Bernie flies off to give his speech in Vatican City? She will be doing her damnedest to lay out in stark relief the differences between her's and the Sanders campaign.


    And by difference you mean while Bernie is talking about social justice... She is fund raising with corporate elites with 350 k per plate dinner?

    So illustrating her position on money in politics

  2. Seems a lot of people hoping for contested convention for Republicans, as they think will cause the most damage to Republican Party

    I'm hoping for a contested convention because at this point I think it's the only thing that can save the Republican party. If Trump somehow manages to win the nomination, it will hobble the party for at least a generation.

    I disagree... as think if the Republican Party has any chance at a meaningful future, it would need to change

    If contested convention and 'Trump is stopped' it just means the same old same old... No growth, no change, no need to evaluate why the voters have disconnected

    Why have so many Republicans voted for Trump in the primary?

    I disagree completely with the reason that it's because those voters are uneducated, knuckle dragging, racists...

    I think it is similar to way so many voting for Sanders on the Democrat side as well

    A vast number of voters are angry and not happy with the establishment politics on both sides

    I think the politicians on both sides of the isle need to accept this and need to make changes in both sides

    And a 'win' by establishment candidates on either side will not force the politicians to recognize this and work for change within their respective parties

    As it is not my hope that 1 party is destroyed and the other party establishment candidates rule the country for a generation

    I think having a vibrant multiple party system is a good thing. I thing an exchange and a debate of ideas is a good thing

    The problem is that system is not working well.. Change is needed

    A vast number of voters are angry and not happy with the establishment politics on both sides

    'Vast' is not a claim the fringe far right can credibly claim for itself in this respect.

    Fact is the vast majority of voters which means more than two-thirds of 'em say they could never vote for Donald Trump for Potus.

    AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively

    Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

    More than 60 percent of all registered voters and 31 percent of Republicans said they definitely would not vote for Trump in the general election.

    One group that is still with him includes those who describe themselves as both Republicans and supporters of the tea party movement. Sixty-eight percent of them have a favorable view.


    The end of the Republican party and not just as we know it. The end period if they nominate Trump. Senate and House turn blue as do most Republicans faces turn blue on election day. Supreme Court starts to wear blue robes.

    RIP GOP.

    Gone Old Party.

    Disagree that the Republican Party and all of its members would cease to ever be Republican Party members for ever...

    At the most just this election ...

    The RNC doesn't just cease to exist and join the Democratic Party. They must at some point assess why so many voters in the Republican Party chose to vote for Trump

    I still believe that they at some point must change to fix their internal disconnect within their party

    And don't believe that the disconnect is because all voting for Trump are stupid, uneducated racists

    I believe in many cases is just a protest against the current leadership of RNC

    Hopefully that process would better their party and don't mean a move to the further right ... Oddly enough it should be a move to the further center...

    Also the funny thing is... Hillary's negative numbers are not far behind those of Trump..

    If Trump wasn't in the election, then everyone would be talking about how high Hillary's negative numbers are

    So you should be happy Trump is in this

    Race, as you are a Hillary supporter, right?



  3. Seems a lot of people hoping for contested convention for Republicans, as they think will cause the most damage to Republican Party

    I'm hoping for a contested convention because at this point I think it's the only thing that can save the Republican party. If Trump somehow manages to win the nomination, it will hobble the party for at least a generation.

    I disagree... as think if the Republican Party has any chance at a meaningful future, it would need to change

    If contested convention and 'Trump is stopped' it just means the same old same old... No growth, no change, no need to evaluate why the voters have disconnected

    Why have so many Republicans voted for Trump in the primary?

    My initial reaction would be "because they're too stupid to see through him".

    I don't think it is an issue of being stupid... It speaks to them viewing him as an 'outsider'

    I think in many cases they are supporting him in spite of himself and the things he says...

    Why ? Because they are not happy and want change... A view by many that a change is better than the establishment

    It is a vote of frustration not of thinking and agreement with Trump

    But that's just my take on things...

  4. How cool is this....

    The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


    Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


    "I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

    ... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

    This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

    The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

  5. Seems a lot of people hoping for contested convention for Republicans, as they think will cause the most damage to Republican Party

    I'm hoping for a contested convention because at this point I think it's the only thing that can save the Republican party. If Trump somehow manages to win the nomination, it will hobble the party for at least a generation.

    I disagree... as think if the Republican Party has any chance at a meaningful future, it would need to change

    If contested convention and 'Trump is stopped' it just means the same old same old... No growth, no change, no need to evaluate why the voters have disconnected

    Why have so many Republicans voted for Trump in the primary?

    I disagree completely with the reason that it's because those voters are uneducated, knuckle dragging, racists...

    I think it is similar to way so many voting for Sanders on the Democrat side as well

    A vast number of voters are angry and not happy with the establishment politics on both sides

    I think the politicians on both sides of the isle need to accept this and need to make changes in both sides

    And a 'win' by establishment candidates on either side will not force the politicians to recognize this and work for change within their respective parties

    As it is not my hope that 1 party is destroyed and the other party establishment candidates rule the country for a generation

    I think having a vibrant multiple party system is a good thing. I thing an exchange and a debate of ideas is a good thing

    The problem is that system is not working well.. Change is needed

  6. No promotion necessary to get free Iflix for a whole year ... All it takes are ... 12 email addresses. Take anyone (if you hate someone use his) ... There is no check on the email. But they start using confirmation of the phone number. Don't know if you use duplicate phone numbers.

    Seems like a lot of work when a year membership is only 1,000 thb

    Why not just do the right thing and pay 1,000 thb after the first 1 month membership if you like it

    If everyone tried to game the system they would possibly end up closing down

    So pay the 1,000 thb ... Enjoy the service and help ensure it is a success in Thailand and continues for a long time for the benefit of all

    ... But that's just my 2 cents...

  7. Seems a lot of people hoping for contested convention for Republicans, as they think will cause the most damage to Republican Party

    Also have the feeling many people enjoy watching the meltdown

    In my opinion, I disagree..

    As if going down that road and the Republicans 'stop Trump' then does nothing to improve the Republican Party for the future ( maybe that's why some want it that way)

    But for me... I think that both parties need to change

    So I think the best thing that could happen would be for those candidates on both sides not anointed to the powers that be to win...

    That means Trump defeating the RNC on the republican side winning and Bernie beating the DNC on the Democratic side

    As both of the Party structures and powers that be on both sides I believe are corrupt

    I am not saying that I like Trump or agree with all or many of his policies or that I will vote for him in the fall

    I still haven't given up yet on Bernie, even though his path is much harder... As the DNC has rigged the primary on the democratic side with Super delegates ( we trust the people to vote - sort of- but hold a large portion of super delegate votes to make the decision if we don't agree with the voters)

    Just think ... If the Republican Party was set up in Primary the same as the democrats.. We wouldn't even be talking about Trump, as he would have no chance.

    But regardless.. I am all for both parties corrupt ruling elite getting a metaphoric 'kick in the teeth'

    It would be great to see voters on both sides stand up and have a 'Rage Against the Machine' moment --- e.g. F U I won't do what you told me...

  8. No, he DEFINITELY will not make the 1237. He knows that too. He's focusing now on his tactics to win on a later ballot. Very unlikely.

    That is a lie. Trump currently has about 757 delegates, so he'd need 480 more. This is possible see - http://www.vox.com/2016/4/8/11384940/donald-trump-losing-2016-republican-primary

    Interesting read and seems to be a pretty fair look at things as they currently stand on the Republican side

  9. Trump has had a rough couple of weeks to be sure ... But wouldn't count out him winning Republican nomination yet..

    He is still up by quite a bit in New York, California, Maryland and Pennsylvania

    If he wins all of these states this month... Momentum swings back to his side again

    Whether you like him or hate him... Those are the facts


    Edit... Actually California not till Jun 7, but even so Trump still leading there as well

  10. It's still going to be a near impossible task but the win in Wisconsin by Bernie is very meaningful .. As cut the lead a small bit on pledged delegates

    Also help ls to create momentum into Nee York Primary

    At the end of the day is going to be a long hard road but only way to have any real chance to chip away at the super delegates is for Bernie to end up with a lead in pledged delegates by the end of the primary process

    As if not, it leaves the DNC the excuse that even if super delegates voted in the same % as pledged delegates... Would still be a win for Clinton.. So 'non Issue'

    Also who really believes any of the super delegates would switch unless they know that by switching , they backed the winning

    Switch to Bernie but Clintons still gets nomination? Political suicide for them.. DNC will be funding their opponent next election for sure

    The original purpose was to try and crush Sanders and make all believe she was so far ahead in the delegate count to bring all democrats to her...

    That failed.. So above will be the next likely position..

    So every win and pledged delegate is important

  11. Yes indeed. The 9 most terrifying words in the English language:

    "We're from the government and we're here to help"

    In many cases in the past... Would agree that would be the case.. But not always and does not need to always be the case

    Wouldn't it be grand to actually have a gov. By the people and FOR the people

    Maybe we will never get there , but does not mean that all should give up hope forever and accept a gov by the politicians FOR the politicians

  12. Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

    Give em hell Bernie!

    'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

    Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


    Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

    I wonder what you get for a $700,000 'donation'? It is just pure unadulterated corruption.

    The Dems really don't have a choice. They have to engage in corruption because that is what Republicans do, Republicans sell their brand for cash. The Dems don't play ball then Corporate America and wealthy elite 1%'ers simply control the Nation in its entirety.

    The American Political system is corrupted by 'donations / bribes', the Supreme Court is corrupted by political bias, essential services have been given over to Corporate greed, the Financial Sector is corrupted by greed and self interest, taxation system is so easily bypassed by Corporations with company inversions and offshore tax havens and tax avoidance, the Criminal Justice system is corrupted by private companies vying for profit.

    What a mess America is in. I don't think it is fixable the corruption is so entrenched it is impossible to unravel.

    Bernie doesn't ... So why does Hillary have too?

    Why not fight to get money out of politics... Here nothing about this from the DNC.. Just Bernie (and Trump)

    Seems to me the DNC and Hillary like things just the way they are.. They get big donations And control how the money is spent... So can then use this as a tool to control all on the Democratic side (read -- Super Delegates)

    Dear Mr Dem Governor ... I don't care if Bernie cleaned up.. You vote for Hillary with your super delegate vote or the DNC may just support financially your opponent in the next primary election

  13. On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

    We agree on most things, but I can't agree with the sentences I enlarged above. I think you've been taking the pills that the Republican Attack Team have been distributing.

    She's not evil, and she sincerely wants to help Americans fulfill their potential. Have you listened to any of her stump speeches? You don't have to like her as a person, but I think you can agree she knows the issues and can think on her feet. That's miles ahead of Trump the Angry Fwump. Personally, I like the idea of Sanders as POTUS, but would vote for HRC without hesitation if she's the Dem candidate.

    I don't know if I would say she is 'Evil' with a capital E...

    It is just a question of whether you believe what she says... Which I don't particularly believe she is speaking from the heart or true belief ..

    To me it seems that she sees Bernie getting traction, so says 'me too'

    Although fairly certain she will have excuses on why she can't actually do these things if elected... Probably just blame it on the Republicans

    It is not that I don't think she wouldn't like to help people ... I think if all things being equal, she would like to help folks out...

    But if ever a choice between her own personal wealth or betterment and helping the folks... Just don't expect her to put her self out too much or put aside any personal benefit if it would be necessary to help out others.

  14. On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

    Hence the protesters at one of her functions... "If she wins... We loose"

    Of course these protesters were forced to leave immediately ... It's not just Republicans that make those who disagree with the candidate leave..

    although to be fair...no punches to the head that have heard about ..

  15. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton voted FOR the Troubled Asset Relief Program (bank bailout). When did they join the Republican party?

    TARP actually made money, unlike any program that is being proposed by the two Democrats now. All they want to do is spend.

    Don't let a few facts get in the way of one of your rants.

    you are not telling us that Republicans are good, you are telling us that democrats are just as bad.

    That is why we support Sanders.and you guys support Trump.

    IMO both Trump and Hillary would be a disaster for the country, only Hillary might be a little less of a disaster.

    No way Trump could ever get elected, but if by some miracle he did, he would not be able to create an Executive branch government and be able to govern. He'd have to resign within a months time. Hillary, OTOH would continue her support for oligarchs and interventionist war policies. All the while the electorate is waking up to what they have wrought, but there will be no Bernie Sanders to replace her. Now, is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the destructive and self destructive path America is on. It may never come again.

    Agree on both Trump and Hillary. Trump would have a hostile Congress on both sides while Hillary would at least have her party lemmings marching in lockstep to whatever destructive course she chooses

    And so Hillary would be far more destructive than Trump...

  16. An excerpt from the flaccid attack piece with Sander's picture:

    "Only free exchange can coordinate entrepreneurs ....that satisfy consumer needs and wants."

    What do Republicans know of 'free exchange' in the marketplace? Rich Republicans are among the first to start screaming for Federal and State hand-outs whenever one of their corporations or banks or money-manipulating schemes starts unraveling. Republicans can talk about 'free exchange' or 'open markets' or 'level playing field' but their actions (and receiving hundreds of billions of taxpayer hand-outs) show the opposite.

    Just one of many examples: a slew of the biggest banks, most of which are run by right-wingers, were given tens of billions of dollars by the Feds (actually by a small cadre of Goldman Sach's executives hand picked by GW Bush). They gave tens of billions, not just to the ailing banks, BUT ALSO TO BANKS WHICH DIDN'T NEED OR WANT HAND-OUTS! Of course all the banks took the money shoveled onto their laps. But it gets better: The banks got the money for a very low interest, but they were directed to loan the same money out (average 6 times) FOR HIGH INTEREST. So the right-wing controlled banks got taxpayer money with they didn't deserve or need, and used it to make a heap of money off American consumers. That's worse than socialism!!!! that's the government directly padding the income of select large bankers' personal wealth.

    If Socialism is Bernie at the door of the very rich, asking for some trickle down money for the struggling masses, then Republican economic policy is like a wall of mud covering an entire village.

    Trusting Republicans with economic policy is like trusting a Republican taking money at a church gathering (a $1 per ticket raffle for a cake), and when no one's looking, the Republican slips out the side door with all the raffle money.

    The problem is not just with the Republicans... The Wall Street Bail out may have started with Bush but Obama was happy to continue and Hillary along with many other Dems also voted for it.

    The issue is not a Republican / Democrat thing... As Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street as well



  17. ^I know you would like to treat FBI director's powers as de minimis in this instance because of your support of Clinton and Comey's history of going after her.

    However, after checking the definitive online legal source, Wikipedia, I found the following:

    Information obtained through an FBI investigation is presented to the appropriate U.S. Attorney or Department of Justice official, who decides if prosecution or other action is warranted.

    So, of course, the Obama Cabinet AG, Lynch will decide if prosecution is warranted, but believe me, the cat will be out of the bag once the boys at FBI makes their determination, and I stand by my position that Comey is still the most powerful person in America at this moment, because if Lynch does not follow his recommendation it will be perceived as rigged for the Clintons and the fix is in. Sanders desire for shakeup is proven right and probably nabs the nomination. That's assuming Comey recommends indictment or something similarly ominous.

    Same impact if Comey clears her.

    Clinton trots to the White House. Got it yet?

    Getting out ahead of ourselves here.

    Trying to work through possible scenarios is natural and the interaction helps in sorting the mess into a better focus and to assess possibilities, probabilities, personalities, professions, politics and the presidency. Not to mention posting.

    Your posts place a proper focus on FBI Director James Comy J.D. because few could disagree about the impact of his communication to the AG, which ever way it may go. Others will make the ultimate decisions, but the view of the Director of FBI will constitute somebody's nuke against the other guyz. Either way It will be the mushroom cloud Americans can't miss.

    I quote your statement in a post to the thread:

    Right now, FBI Director Comey looks to be the most powerful man in America. His determination on this issue could turn the election, both in Bernie's favor and possibly in the favor of the GOP.

    My argument is that no single person in government should have this power. Nor any such power. This is not a power to simply cite then move on. It is a power to stop, to remove, to prevent recurring.

    So however this awesome power and reach got to be in one single person, let's start to remove it.

    I don't know what the laws state concerning these powers, but placing all of this legal power in one person is contrary to the Constitution. The spirit of the Constitution if not the letter of it -- likely both. Certainly in the current context.

    No one here knows what FBI and the "intelligence community" IG's are doing. Those operating completely out of public view are the only ones who know. Their leaks to media infest us.

    I'd anyway think that if down the road push came to shove on this issue of one person in government and a massive summary legal power residing in the one person, the American people would justifiably have a great concern. So should Director Comy, either way, because his decision will go far beyond impacting the specific statutes. It will impact the political system, its processes, the election of a Potus.

    Or do we wait for the existing Executive Branch sub-system of internal checks and balances to get set into a motion. That is, Director of FBI to AG, to Potus who consults full Cabinet and (in some way) Congress leaders, at the least, then Potus states his call and decision (assuming all of these processes and procedures had been set in motion).

    It is inconceivable that even potentially the fate of the United States could be in the hands of an appointed federal official bureaucrat and lawyer.

    He only has this power as Hillary is running for President

    I don't the founders would have considered that some one with such a large issue hanging cover their head and the possibility that they could be indicted would be running for such an office

    It is very easy for Dems to avoid this man having any power... Just dump Hillary and he then holds no power over any election

    He only has this power as Hillary is running for President

    That is all we need to know thx.

    The point precisely.

    Thanks for supporting my argument even if it was without knowing either the point or the argument.

    Gee yes... I'm so stupid and you are so erudite ... Us Lowly peons could never understand you

    So do you think political candidate should have immunity to all laws?

    Not me... They should be subject to all the same laws as others

    Although to be honest, normally we expect more from our political candidates

    Most people would never consider running for president under such circumstance

    Also he doesn't really have that much power... As he cant prosecute that is some one else..

    All he can do is make her political race more difficult ... The reality is this doesn't speak about the constitution or government in general.. As no one else would likely even be running in her shoes

  18. ^I know you would like to treat FBI director's powers as de minimis in this instance because of your support of Clinton and Comey's history of going after her.

    However, after checking the definitive online legal source, Wikipedia, I found the following:

    Information obtained through an FBI investigation is presented to the appropriate U.S. Attorney or Department of Justice official, who decides if prosecution or other action is warranted.

    So, of course, the Obama Cabinet AG, Lynch will decide if prosecution is warranted, but believe me, the cat will be out of the bag once the boys at FBI makes their determination, and I stand by my position that Comey is still the most powerful person in America at this moment, because if Lynch does not follow his recommendation it will be perceived as rigged for the Clintons and the fix is in. Sanders desire for shakeup is proven right and probably nabs the nomination. That's assuming Comey recommends indictment or something similarly ominous.

    Same impact if Comey clears her.

    Clinton trots to the White House. Got it yet?

    Getting out ahead of ourselves here.

    Trying to work through possible scenarios is natural and the interaction helps in sorting the mess into a better focus and to assess possibilities, probabilities, personalities, professions, politics and the presidency. Not to mention posting.

    Your posts place a proper focus on FBI Director James Comy J.D. because few could disagree about the impact of his communication to the AG, which ever way it may go. Others will make the ultimate decisions, but the view of the Director of FBI will constitute somebody's nuke against the other guyz. Either way It will be the mushroom cloud Americans can't miss.

    I quote your statement in a post to the thread:

    Right now, FBI Director Comey looks to be the most powerful man in America. His determination on this issue could turn the election, both in Bernie's favor and possibly in the favor of the GOP.

    My argument is that no single person in government should have this power. Nor any such power. This is not a power to simply cite then move on. It is a power to stop, to remove, to prevent recurring.

    So however this awesome power and reach got to be in one single person, let's start to remove it.

    I don't know what the laws state concerning these powers, but placing all of this legal power in one person is contrary to the Constitution. The spirit of the Constitution if not the letter of it -- likely both. Certainly in the current context.

    No one here knows what FBI and the "intelligence community" IG's are doing. Those operating completely out of public view are the only ones who know. Their leaks to media infest us.

    I'd anyway think that if down the road push came to shove on this issue of one person in government and a massive summary legal power residing in the one person, the American people would justifiably have a great concern. So should Director Comy, either way, because his decision will go far beyond impacting the specific statutes. It will impact the political system, its processes, the election of a Potus.

    Or do we wait for the existing Executive Branch sub-system of internal checks and balances to get set into a motion. That is, Director of FBI to AG, to Potus who consults full Cabinet and (in some way) Congress leaders, at the least, then Potus states his call and decision (assuming all of these processes and procedures had been set in motion).

    It is inconceivable that even potentially the fate of the United States could be in the hands of an appointed federal official bureaucrat and lawyer.

    He only has this power as Hillary is running for President

    I don't the founders would have considered that some one with such a large issue hanging cover their head and the possibility that they could be indicted would be running for such an office

    It is very easy for Dems to avoid this man having any power... Just dump Hillary and he then holds no power over any election

  19. Are you really sure that Bernie thinks the investigation will go nowhere or is that an assumption? That's not a rhetorical question. I am really not sure. During an early debate when pressed about this, I recall that Bernie basically thinks, as I understood it, he should stay out of it and let the process take its course. That's not the same as what you have stated. So, has Bernie stated something stronger than that since that debate?

    Also, Hillary may be exonerated, but I don't think this issue comes only from her right-wing critics (I normally roll my eyes when I hear of yet another Clinton "scandal."). It's not just about the emails; it's also about the server. Again, maybe she will be exonerated or the FBI will conclude that there was but a minor transgression; nevertheless, common sense dictates that you have to suspect that she found a possible loophole that allowed her to decide on her own which emails to delete (is she hiding anything?) and also there's a security risk issue. I don't know what the investigation's conclusion may or should be, but there seems to me to be good grounds to at least investigate especially considering the sensitivity of the communications.

    I think you have accused the DOJ of living in some kind of ivory tower, unlike the Clintons. Please do correct me if I misunderstood. Yes, there's no doubt that the Clintons are very smart and savvy people. However, I personally cannot make the sweeping conclusion that you have seemed to have made of the many members of the DOJ.

    Finally, I was never an investigator or a prosecutor and I am, of course, not privy to how the investigation is being handled. So, I am not about to tell or even suggest to the FBI when and who they should interview. Perhaps they have very good reasons for their actions that they cannot at this time reveal.

    And again, I can understand being sensitive about a Clinton "scandal." I don't blame you for that. I think some of those critics had gotten out of hand.

    Bernie is nominally a political independent who in his real politics is a Democrat.

    Bernie is moreover the antithesis of a Republican.

    In the Senate Bernie caucuses with the Democratic party, i.e., conferences and votes with it. So in turn, the Senate Democratic leadership with the consent of the D senators assigns Bernie seats on committees. Until the 2014 midterm election when R's took majority control, Bernie had risen to become chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee, where he'd led the Democratic members in steering the committee in all respects.

    If Bernie were elected he'd positively need to load his cabinet with Democrats, throw in a few odd Republicans and another Independent or two from the Great Lakes States or other commie pinko prevert havens.

    Strategically and tactically, Bernie cannot afford to get on the emails bandwagon. It's a rightwing whackjob scheme and operation against Hillary Clinton that Bernie cannot afford to get anywhere near. For Bernie to dabble in It would cost Bernie big time in his campaign. It would soil him among his true supporters.

    Bernie would lose Democratic voter and Institutional acceptance, tolerance, credibility. He'd create a huge distraction from his one theme campaign message (Bernie doesn't even want to talk about foreign policy or anything foreign except trade treaties or agreements). He says virtually nothing pertaining to national security. A few words against ISIS blurp blurp.

    Further, Bernie would attract the disingenuous who laughably claim political neutrality, i.e., rejection of either party while they simultaneously pretend balance by commending Bernie the rational man and Donald Trump the ignoramous. Bernie would become a powerful magnet to the loose nail Clinton haters, mysogonists, racists, anarchists and nihilists that we see each and every day at work in the society and under our own noses.

    Bernie stays out of it because he too could be accused of fueling a rightwing superpatriot silent coup d'etat by the flatfoot spook bureaucracies and their IG's operating in cahoots with Republican senators and their staffs.

    Bernie's been around the block a few times and then some, so since becoming a big hit one man and one theme show he's continuing to run with it and more power to him. Bernie got his campaign off on the right foot and he hasn't looked back since. In January Bernie will be back in the Senate to welcome a bus full of newly elected Democratic US Senators.


    Are you stating that the FBI investigation of the Hillary emails, etc. is "a rightwing superpatriot silent coup d'etat"? They obviously have spent a lot of time, money and resources on the investigation. Your accusation, if that is the case, is thus quite an accusation. Is that what you are stating? If so, what do you base this on? What credible sources do you have that support this?

    Are you stating that the FBI investigation of the Hillary emails, etc. is "a rightwing superpatriot silent coup d'etat"?

    No I am not. The question is welcomed because it invites a successful clearing of any ambiguity that may exist in my posts along this line.

    FBI and DoJ are doing what they were asked to do.

    No doubt some FBI personnel remain who have it in for Hillary (and Bill) but FBI did not initiate this. It began with Republicans in Congress and it quickly moved over to the DepState IG. Then it went to other Intelligence "community" IG officers, then to the super IG himself of the entire intelligence "community" itself.

    So I reiterate, this is a serious matter in many respects, but it is at its most serious because the surveillance-intelligence bureaucracy led by its several IG's and its IG Supreme are trying to conduct and to execute a silent and under the radar coup d'etat.

    I'd noted what many Americans either welcome or fear, i.e., that Hillary Clinton is on a slow but certain train to the Oval Office. That this has been true since before 2007-08. The current concoction is being exploited as the only way try to stop her and the Democratic Party train.

    The "Intelligence Community" has since the start of the Cold War been loaded up with and dominated by super patriot right wingers of the most extreme kind.

    So if the spy bureaucracies and their IG's win in their purposes, then they can move right in to rule the country directly by a silent coup. Because if they might succeed in this, they then will have made a great stride toward saving and reviving the far right in US politics and government, to include the "intelligence community's" continued surveillance of anyone and everyone.

    Or better yet.. The DNC could back Sanders and then Hillary and all the negativity that comes with her disappears...

    Then Sanders in the Whitehouse and a start of a new era begins

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