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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

    Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

    Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

    Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

    Nice work CW. You did your part. I intend to do mine on Saturday.


    Yeah just saw this...

    Bernie win Democrats abroad

    Voter turnout up 50% since 2008

    Bernie gets 69% of the vote !!!


  2. I don't demonize the wealthy or rich

    And to be honest , wish it was not the case that more and more middle class jobs are disappearing

    Happy to hear thoughts on how to bring back middle class jobs

    My only issue is what do we do to protect the most vulnerable in our society ?

    Is there some minimum level that we decide that we must support to those who

    Can not on their own?

  3. America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

    Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

    Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

    Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

    Scratch that... Forgot about the 12th amendment...

    4 way race would likely mean no one wins the electoral college


  4. America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

    Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

    Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

    Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

  5. Seems clear to me that the person who has the most to gain from these protests is Trump himself. "Why not," says some clever bell-end in his campaign staff, "block the roads with some paid volunteers we can rustle up. Get all the people angry....tell the media these awful people are out to stifle free speech...worth a few more votes...let's give it a try."

    Don't let this right-whinger propaganda take hold my friend. What it's doing is showing the country how divisive Trump is. Everyone is dead dog tired of bipartisanship.

    On the Gone Old Party side, chaos headed by the Pompadour Pompous Dufus himself, snide snickering and childish name calling during the debates. On the otherside Hilary, as cool as the underside of a pillow, she and Bernie actually debated policies and the direction of the nation.

    No these protests are making the GOP look bad, real bad, and don't forget the aftertaste of the GW Bush disaster of a presidency is still in people's mouths.

    attachicon.gifSuper Tuesday cartoon.jpg

    So he's a bad guy because he mocks and calls people names ...

    So you and all those who hate him .. mock him and call him names...

    But that's ok cause it's only bad if others do it... Perfectly ok for you and those you agree with to do it

  6. Would just like to add that if you look at the economy 50 years ago...

    Then the Republicans had it right.

    Rich invest in new businesses , creating new opportunities for new middle class jobs in America.. Leading to continued growth and opportunities and wealth for all

    The problem is that the world has changed...

    The above is no longer true

    Some of that investment is into Tech improvements that eliminate some middle class jobs

    True that tech also may create a few middle class jobs, but you loose many times as many than are gained.. So a net loss

    And a large portion of that investment is in factories overseas, which again does not create middle class jobs in the US

    So the Politicians need to update their thinking to the modern world

  7. Bernie is not a Socialist

    Sure he is. He started out as a member of the Socialist Youth Party back in the day which generated no traction nor interest and, as a result, has since attempted to modify his positions to gain more support.

    So now he calls himself a Socialist Democrat.

    Correct Bernie is a Social Democrat not a Socialist. Two VERY different species.


    Also if we are being honest, we are all Socialists .. The only difference is to what degree

    Social security, Medicare, Medicaid , VA disability , SSI disability, unemployment benefits, welfare, WIC, etc ...

    Along with many other services provided by government

    So Socialism really shouldn't be a 'Dirty word'

    Also as the world economy is changing and the increases in technology leads to huge increases in wealth to the top.. We have to decide what type of society we want to be

    One that helps those less well off or those that let them fall to the wayside and die in the ditches

    I don't believe rich people are evil or trying to steal from society (in many cases) but it is the way of the modern economy that wealth will move to the top more and more so

    So just believe at some point, some level of socialist policies are needed just to allow those with less opportunity survive...

    Especially when they get older and can no longer work or if genuinely disabled and can no longer work

    The below is an interesting article .. The middle class will never completely disappear but in modern economy there are far less middle class jobs and more low paying jobs

    Then with outsourcing factories overseas, this also leads to even further decrease in middle class jobs

    So take to its logical end... The trend is for smaller and smaller middle class opportunities and larger and larger working poor class, but at same time a small % of super wealthy getting more and more wealthy

    Is it really wrong to ask these supper wealthy to help give back to society to help ensure all are cared for to minimum survival level?


  8. I passionately detest the American fascist Trumpist movement but I certainly don't support attempts to block his rallies. That just plays into his propaganda. He's a super troll and if you do that you've been successfully baited. Protests yes but not like that.

    Each his own opinion and vote and the freedom to voice that opinion in hopes of convincing the undecided or to change the opinion of the decided

    That is the beauty of the system or at least that is the way it should be...

  9. Trump won't get the delegates he needs to win so this is going to the convention. Who knows what the out come will be.

    Hillary may have taken the last 5 states but keep in mind that there is still just under half of the states left. If the states that already voted did so last and the remaining 24 had voted first Bernie would be in the lead now and not Hillary. Bernie needs 57 percent of the remaining votes to win. Is that possible, for sure !!!

    Sorry. Bernie is finished. He can influence the platform. Deal with it.

    While your comments are a near certainty ... I prefer not to give up hope until HILLARY wins enough delegates without the Super Delegates that while not likely , can theoretically still choose to vote for Bernie

    While chances are near nothing... Does no harm to continue to hope the DNC comes to the senses

  10. My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

    You could call what is happening with the Democrats also a train wreck when the two choices are a non-Democrat Socialist and a well-known liar who should be in jail - and still might be.

    But I don't look at either like a "train wreck". I look at it like a good thing because it is shaking things up.

    Shaking up the establishment is what the USA needs.

    I like to think that is one thing people across the political spectrum can agree on. It's just when there is an election at stake we are forced to take sides and we don't want "the other side" to win.

    But how much of an "other side" is there really? Obama is very different from Bush but he kept a lot of the same policies and is owned by the banks,

    Republican voters are pissed off because they gave Congressional Republicans big wins in 2010 and 2014 only to see them cave to the Obama and the Democrats.

    They all say one thing to get elected, then change when they are safely in office cashing those checks.

    So maybe it is our entire system that is a train wreck?

    No, the trainwreck applies only to what is happening to the Republicans and you know it. It's a disaster for the Republicans. Dragging the Democrats into this is nothing but wishful thinking.

    Agree that certainly the situation on the Democrat side in now way approaching what is happening on the Republican side

    Although is fair to say that Bernie is definitely still shaking things up on the Democratic side as well.

    And although it seems a near impossibility, but not yet a certainty, that he will not win... He is still placing the DNC on notice with the huge support he is getting

    He is also making sure to get Hillary clearly stating 'me too' to many of his policies that we all know she would have preferred not to do

    As now she will either be proven a liar or she will have to keep her promises

    ... Although not really holding my breath on which she will decide to do...

  11. This just in. . . . . I get mailings from the Sanders campaign, and here are the latest numbers. . . . . .

    "down only by single digits (compared to Hillary) in Ohio and Illinois and up by one in Missouri. We're also doing better in polls in Florida and North Carolina than we were before we won in Michigan."

    Boomers adds: If you're a HRC supporter, gird yourself for some upsets manana. Ensuing primaries include all 3 west coast states, which Bernie should win.

    Thanks for the 'insider' news boomer. I hope Bernie does well. Nice of you to give a 'heads up' to HRC supporters. Hopefully they will be well girded should Bernie take a lot of Delegates that they weren't expecting.

    Or perhaps they will begin to realize that Bernie is the Better Candidate and change their support

  12. Not even slightly interesting. An election win by Bernie gives him a clear mandate to introduce legislation in Congress to enact the social changes he proposes. He has the backing of the People and if Republicans think for one second they can deny the will of the electorate then that would be beautiful. Nothing would please me more. The American People have had enough of Republican obstructionist Congress. How many times did Republicans block supply bills and the last time they did it the Electorate made it quite clear they would be relegated to political backwaters. If they aren't already there.

    The usual 'can't win fair and square then game the system' Republican attitude.

    I disagree and can't find any reason that should be dissuading conservatives from voting for Bernie

    Every vote for Bernie is a good thing

    I say share the article to all your friends

  13. No way a Bernie supporter is going to vote Republican. Simply isn't going to happen.

    Speak for yourself..

    It's this opinion by DNC powers that be that make it so they feel they can shaft Bernie and appoint Hillary.. As Bernie supporter have no were to go and at the end of the day must vote for Hillary

    I am a Bernie supporter.. Voted for him in Primary and would vote for him in the fall

    I refuse to vote for Hillary

    If she wins and Trump wins.. I'd vote for Trump

    Okay, up to you. You do realize HRC and Trump are polar opposites? That makes you a very confused and unusual voter. Come on, voters are not going over to Trump if HRC is the nominee. That's wingnut thinking. You hate her so much, you'd vote for a lying racist buffoon. That's pathetic. You wouldn't really vote for Bernie, would you? That's just wishful thinking by the Trumpeteers.

    Politico checked 4 and half hours of Trump stump speeches and press conferences and found 5 dozen statements where he either mischaracterized, exaggerated or just outright lied. Basically Trump lies every five minutes on the average.

    That's your man.

    Where are we this week Publicus? 25% chance of Trump getting elected?

    He's not my man but would find him the lesser of 2 evils if Hillary gets the Democratic ticket

    And yes I absolutely would vote for Bernie if he won the Democratic nomination

    I agree with Bernie's belief in where America should end up

    If he is nominated, great... He will win and we are there

    I just don't believe the Democratic Party would go there in General election unless Hillary is defeated this time and Trump wins

    Trump victory melts down the Republican Party and Hillary's loss to a so called bafoon by many..

    While at the same time polls showing Bernie would have stomped Trump may just push the Democratic Party to rethink

    Hillary can say 'me too' all she wants in the Primaries but don't believe her for a second

    Trump may be a bit crazy but he may shake things up with corporate America , campaign finance and the drug companies

    Of course don't agree with him on immigration or some of his other policies but think even if he does a horrible job, still think it works out better in the long run and a mediocre middle same old politics Hillary presidency

    Of course if Rubio or Cruz gets the Republican nod , would then either vote for Clinton or sit this one out...

    So a vote for Trump in my case would not be as a die hard supporter but rather some one looking at the long game

    Not short term 'safety'

    Think about it.. What does a Hillary presidency bring? Think any real change?

    My guess is just after 4 years of Hillary.. Would just lead to what ever the Republicans put up next election winning

    Then where does that leave Bernie's ideas.. Gone for another 10-20 years at least

  14. Previous posts have already pointed out the obvious contradiction between supporting simultaneously in one way or another Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders when there is not any substantive connection of content whatsoever between the two. Purely partisan form over content. Two angry guys frankly, each originating from a different place however, going to a radically different destination.

    All I see and hear over there is a right wing bandwagon.

    To be honest you come across as more than a little bit condescending and dismissive of anyone that disagree ls with you

    While I truly believe Bernie is the best candidate it does not mean that I can not prefer Trump as a second choice of Bernie doesn't end up with the Democratic nod

    Yes their politics may be very different but on the problems of corporate interference in Politics , the problem of US factory jobs being outsourced to Overseas and the need to take on drug companies to allow for reduction of costs they agree

    I feel the above items to be some of the most important

    In addition, I do think a Trump election would cause the Republican Party to have a bit of a melt down, which is not a bad thing

    Also if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination and looses, I think that would be good for the Democratic Party in the long run as well.

    As in all the polls Bernie beats Trump soundly by far more support than Hillary but Hillary controls the DNC and the corporate donors so it is her turn regardless of what is best for the country

    So if a Hillary loss forces the DNC to review what they are doing that is also a good thing

    Especially if it lets them realize that Bernie or a Bernie like candidate would be better for then Democratic Party in the next election

    As I think if Trump is elected, 4 years from no there is a very good chance for a Democrat to be elected....

    But I hope it would not not not be Hillary again.

    Maybe we need someone like Trump to be elected to make it possible for some one like Bernie to get the Democratic nomination so they can be elected

    So please stop dismissing people or labeling them as 'secret closest racist right wing nutjons' just because you don't agree with them

    That is offensive

    Thank you for your comments and remarks.

    Donald Trump is not only offensive.

    Trump is a uniquely American fascist. Fortunately and predictably however, Trump and his unprecedented and unique brand of fascism is of a pronounced limited appeal in the United States. Americans haven't ever jumped off the political precipice because the vast and centrist political middle absorbs the fringes of society and politics.

    When as in the instance of Trump however, as he is so wild and so radical, the moderate and measured American electorate must instead simply reject the whole of the lunatic fringe outright and decisively.

    Trump is exploitative and cynically so. Consequently, nothing he says or stands for is credible or has any merit.

    It is the case that as the moderate American body politic and the electorate witness the effect of Bernie Sanders on Hillary Clinton, that is what it will accept and she is whom it shall install in the office of President of the United States. That is how American issues, politics, elections have always gone. The Civil War settled the one great exception and the settlement was accomplished by the good guyz in that one too.

    The present irony is that Abe Lincoln was a Republican and Donald Trump who has seized what used to be the Party of Lincoln is not --nor has it been the Party of Lincoln for the past couple of generations of the Lee Atwaters and the Karl Roves et al. The present civil war in the Republican party is being fought with electoral ballots which is how it should be.

    This too will pass. it will nonetheless be painful en route to November. However, after that the uniquely new American fascist and his uniquely new and transitory American fascism will be wholly and foreseeably demolished.

    Thanks again for the post.

    It seems we must agree to disagree

    As I do not think Trump would be the end of the world or is anywhere as bad as you do

    And even though more than a bit extreme on immigration still more trust worthy than Hillary

    Although perhaps Bernie's momentum will continue to grow and the super delegates will come to their senses..

    As if the super delegates voted for Bernie instead of Hillary, he'd now be far in the lead in the delegate count

    If so, guessing we will then be on the same side

    As actual delegates:

    Clinton- 766

    Bernie- 551

    Number of super delegates so

    Far= 490

  15. The swing voter? Yeah, what's wrong with you Publicus not understanding the swing voter? cheesy.gif

    Previous posts have already pointed out the obvious contradiction between supporting simultaneously in one way or another Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders when there is not any substantive connection of content whatsoever between the two. Purely partisan form over content. Two angry guys frankly, each originating from a different place however, going to a radically different destination.

    All I see and hear over there is a right wing bandwagon.

    To be honest you come across as more than a little bit condescending and dismissive of anyone that disagree ls with you

    While I truly believe Bernie is the best candidate it does not mean that I can not prefer Trump as a second choice of Bernie doesn't end up with the Democratic nod

    Yes their politics may be very different but on the problems of corporate interference in Politics , the problem of US factory jobs being outsourced to Overseas and the need to take on drug companies to allow for reduction of costs they agree

    I feel the above items to be some of the most important

    In addition, I do think a Trump election would cause the Republican Party to have a bit of a melt down, which is not a bad thing

    Also if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination and looses, I think that would be good for the Democratic Party in the long run as well.

    As in all the polls Bernie beats Trump soundly by far more support than Hillary but Hillary controls the DNC and the corporate donors so it is her turn regardless of what is best for the country

    So if a Hillary loss forces the DNC to review what they are doing that is also a good thing

    Especially if it lets them realize that Bernie or a Bernie like candidate would be better for then Democratic Party in the next election

    As I think if Trump is elected, 4 years from no there is a very good chance for a Democrat to be elected....

    But I hope it would not not not be Hillary again.

    Maybe we need someone like Trump to be elected to make it possible for some one like Bernie to get the Democratic nomination so they can be elected

    So please stop dismissing people or labeling them as 'secret closest racist right wing nutjons' just because you don't agree with them

    That is offensive
  16. While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

    Perhaps that is bad, but the Democrats' way of fixing it with redistribution is flat out wrong. Instead, if you want more people to "share in the wealth" how about making it easier for people to start a business? In some European countries the citizens can establish a company in 5 minutes online. There are many entrepreneurs who are under 20 years old.


    I certainly would promote being open to many ideas. As to redistribution, well, in the light of full disclosure, I am now under Social Security and Medicare (taking from today's workers and redistributing to those retired). I did not have an issue with paying out of my paycheck in order that my parents generation would have this financial safety net.

    Agree and hope still something there by the time I'm ready to retire

    The only one looking at expanding the SSS revenue by increasing or eliminating the max contribution amounts is Bernie

    That is what is needed to maintain viability long term

    How can max payment of 7254 ever be enough?


  17. An African American perspective?

    For some reason it kept deleting the link to YouTube ...

    You probably would Not have liked it though I thought it was interesting..

    It was a very articulate non Republican African American explaining why he thought African Americans should vote for Trump instead of Democrats.

    I'm in a bit of an odd position this year.. Finding myself likely to vote for Trump if my first choice does not make it through the primary

    I would not vote for Rubio or Cruz and while There are a number of issues that I disagree with Trump , there are enough that I do agree with that would make him my 2nd Choice

    Disagree with deporting millions/ banning Muslims to enter the country/ don't like the aggressive way he attacks people who he does not agree with. Disagree with stance on Drug war (prohibition has never worked). But honestly do not think he could deport millions, just not feasible and think he would need cooperation of Congress, courts and bureaucracy for Many of these things and do not believe he would get this. So

    Don't think they would happen even if he gets elected

    I don't really care one way or the other about building a wall, so long as tax payer money not used.

    And differs from other Republicans he has said that while he does not agree with abortions, he believes planned parenthood is a good organization that has helped many women.

    And while he has said he is against Obama care, he has said that he believes no American should be without care-- which read between lines thinking he is at least open to type of universal healthcare although he can't say it in the primaries

    Primarily it is his positions on trying to bring factory jobs back to US / against TPP/ set on negotiating with Drug companies and other gov supplier to get costs down

    I think the country must move to single payer health insurance but for such a program to be viable .. The drug costs and other cost must come down and would also require some torte controls

    And honestly do not believe Hillary would ever take on Drug companies or other corporate interests

    At the end of the day, it's mainly Social policy that disagree with him strongly but social policies will normally be sorted by the courts in the long term.

    Also trust that Obama will nominate the next Supreme Court justice.. No way he would not.. And do not think Republicans can really block such a nomination without paying a high cost that likely to hurt them in an election year and if they really

    Block hard, it could lead to Republicans loosing seats in Congress. As American hate that kind of blocking business by Congress

    Worst case, if they do block the SCOTUS nomination, trust if Trump wins election, Obama would make a recess appointment before handing over the White House

    Which while not permanent solution would likely last a year or so.. And then would expect a lot of cases to be heard fairly quickly by SCOTUS and conservative judges tend to respect precedent and so less likely to overturn what a previous SCOTUS has decided

    Sorry for the long winded post but see a lot posts by people who really hate Trump and just want to explain how and why someone who would vote for Sanders could ever vote for Trump... At least this is my personal reason

  18. I think it's not quite right.. As the Trump success is as much a condemnation of the Republican Party establishment

    As Trump supporters seem to dislike the Republican Party leaders nearly as much as they dislike Obama

    Some reasons the Republican establishment is so spooked by Trump's ascendancy:

    A. he won't win

    B. he's a loose cannon, often misrepresenting the Rep Party.

    C. He's a flip-flopper (see B )

    D. if he's the Rep candidate, he will inspire millions of Dems to get off their butts and vote. Congress will become more Democratic

    E. Trump already said, "delay, delay, delay" regarding allowing Obama to submit the name for a S.Court nominee. Many Americans may be stupid, but they know that it's the President's duty to do so. He still had 11 months left from the time Scalia died. By skewing their Constitutional duties, Republicans are inadvertently compelling many Americans to vote against the Republican Party, who ordinarily wouldn't.

    F. All the other reasons Trump isn't presidential; cussing, infantile name-calling, inciting violence, ignorance on issues, not knowing how legislation gets passed, quick-to-anger, etc. ad nauseum

    A. Guess that the million dollar question... But if Republicans were really looking for the candidate with best chance to win, they wouldn't be pushing Rubio or Cruz either..

    B. True he is a loose cannon but never heard him make claims about the Republican Party just here his personal opinions ... Seems he doesn't give a Damb about the Republican Party itself

    C.all politicians are flip floppers.. Well except one that I can think of... Sanders is the most consistent politician I have ever seen

    D. Perhaps but will those Dems getting off their butt vote for him ? All the blue collar Union folks I have heard seem to support his ideas about the trade agreements and trying to bring jobs back to US... Of course if Bernie gets the nod, then the will also here this on he Democratic side as well

    E. As far as I know ... Every republican is saying this,, why would they not like Trump for this...

    Although if he's smart Obama won't listen to them an will nominate some one ASAP.. As if Republicans try to block the nomination during the election ... It will surely hurt them with those in the middle who hate this sort of thing

    F.True ... But seems that Rubio, Cruz and Romney have come down to meet him ... So not much difference

    In any case , doesn't change the fact that his supporters aren't fans of Republican leadership

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