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Posts posted by eefoo

  1. Lateness does seem to work in ones favour sometimes. Many years ago (1986 actually) a girl I had arranged to meet at a certain time at a certain place - a bar fortunately, failed to turn up. I got pissed, both in the English and American senses, and then went elsewhere and happened to meet 'her indoors', who has been my wife for 18 years so far. The orginal girl turned up 4 days later with a really lame excuse and wondered why I wasn't interested ...

    Feel sorry for your wife tbh.

    My wife doesn't need your pity, thanks very much. To what do I owe the rather insulting insinuation?

    Should have been edited a 3rd time for grammer and punctuation.

    Errr - grammar. Sorry - I'm just pedantic like that .. :o

    Westerners. (myself included)

    We drive fast. We play hard and work harder. we are efficient. We are easily insulted. We get ulcers. We get angry and complain about our frustrations on forums. We die of cancer after a life of hard work.

    Speak for yourself. I gave up being insulted and getting angry many years ago. Never had an ulcer, and don't intend to. Perhaps that is why I like the laid-back lifestyle of the Thais ....

  2. Anyone not aware of it the clocks changed back at midnight Saturday.

    Just to be particularly pedantic, it was 1am on Sunday not midnight Saturday :o

    Good Luck


    Just to be extra-extra pedantic, I think you'll find it was 2am on Sunday ........ :D

    (it always used to be - I must admit to being out of touch though)

  3. Lateness does seem to work in ones favour sometimes. Many years ago (1986 actually) a girl I had arranged to meet at a certain time at a certain place - a bar fortunately, failed to turn up. I got pissed, both in the English and American senses, and then went elsewhere and happened to meet 'her indoors', who has been my wife for 18 years so far. The orginal girl turned up 4 days later with a really lame excuse and wondered why I wasn't interested ...

  4. Have you actually asked this 'friend' what happened to the money yet? I can't quite see why you are asking people you don't know what to do, when you haven't even apparently done the obvious yet. Ask him - and then come back and whinge about the 28K you seem to have lost.

  5. There's good and bad wherever you go in life it's just a shame that some folk can't recognise that fact and will junk a place on the basis of one bad experience.

    I think Kerryd is right, an awful lot of what you get back out of life mirrors what you put in.

    Edit - some computer problem - I typed a load and nothing appeared on the forum!

    To reiterate - I agree with Kerryd, and I have had more problems with bignoses than Thais in all the years I've been in Pattaya. It's nice to hear that other people have the same good experiences - it's usually the bad ones you hear about rather than the good ones.

  6. in conclusion and to say it again: It is not about the price, I am happy to pay 420 Baht for the bottle if they would have quoted that in the first place or just opted for a different beverage that I would have deemed better value for money. It is the price increase, followed by not taking the responsibilty for a mistake and finally an overreaction from that lady leaving two regulars less for a not-so well running establishment.

    I wish I had ten Baht for every time that has happened to me there!

  7. Perhaps not a word?




    This compound word will be divided to:

    กรุง เทพ มหา นคร อม รัตนโกสินทร์ ยา มหา ดิลก ภพ นพรัตน์ ราช ธานี บุรี รมย์ อุดม สถาน พิมาน อวตาร สัก กะ ติ ยะ วิษณุ กรรม ประ สิทธิ์

    ... and at least one bit into quite a few more than 5 characters ......

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