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Posts posted by eefoo

  1. Does anyone know if the Suriya Music shop on Sukhumvit Road, (Pattaya) is still in business? It's website has been suspended for lack of payment!
    There's a music shop on Sukhumvit Rd., opposite the top of Thepprasit. I was in there the other day and they had a selection of Thai instruments in an upstairs balcony section.

    The shop on Sukhumvit, opposite the top of Thepprasit IS Suriya Music. They've been there for years, and seem to be going strong. If they don't have what you want, I would imagine they can help you find one.

  2. I should do. I have lived here long enough to see Pattaya turned from a pleasant seaside resort into a sex super market.

    That would have to be pre-vietnam war????????

    My thoughts exactly.

    He been here long time.

    I know that in '75 there were 2 hotels, and a couple of bars in Pattaya. Few if any girls were available, that all happened later.

    Get yoiur facts straight. :)

    There we have it - 'gamini' must have been here around 1975

  3. Great thread - thanks for the laugh.

    Stop complaining ,if you dont like it go back to your home land :)

    Maybe you should put some time aside to find a sense of humour :D

    Carmine - That WAS a sense of humour !!

  4. Not forgetting, of course, that they are in a taxi queue. If they are in a large queue, a small fare will put them to the back again and they might not get another fare for ages. The one who is quoting the price is at the front of the queue, and he (or she) might not want to go a Km down the road for a few baht when the next customer 'might' want to go to Maprachan. It's a gamble they take.

  5. So he was arrested for carrying sugar or some other form of white powder, not being drugs.

    I wonder what the charge will be :D:)

    Not sure if it's the same in Thailand but in the UK the charge would be 'going equipped to cheat' after the so-called drugs had been tested at a lab.

    So, it's illegal to carry legally allowed substances in UK? <deleted> - I'm glad I left that place.

    Just as an afterthought - do girls get arrested for 'going equipped to be a prostitute' ??

  6. Dont mind if its an urban myth..its just great. :)

    I don't mind the origin either, eek. As a joke it's funny, and I appreciate it. Unfortunately, there are too many things passing through the interweb these days that have "true story" stamped all over them, that aren't in fact, true stories. A joke doesn't become any funnier with the addition of the false title of 'This actually happened', with made up names and places. Let the joke stand by itself.

    PS - your gran sounds like she was a good one. I had one of those.

  7. Are the cylinders color coded so we can tell what gas they are using? The ones I've seen are tall brown looking cylinders like you see in a wedding shop, but can't recall the color round the top.

    * Acetylene cylinders are maroon.

    * Argon cylinders have a dark green shoulder.

    * Carbon dioxide cylinders have a grey shoulder.

    * Chlorine cylinders have a yellow shoulder.

    * Helium cylinders have a brown shoulder.

    * Hydrogen cylinders have a red shoulder.

    * Nitrous oxide cylinders have a blue shoulder.

    * Nitrogen cylinders have a black shoulder. (Previously grey, in the United Kingdom).

    * Oxygen cylinders have a white shoulder. (Previously black, in the United Kingdom).

    No matter what colour their shoulders are, any tall, brown looking cylinders you may find in a wedding shop just aren't girls

    Not on topic - but I couldn't resist

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