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Posts posted by eefoo

  1. I parked my moto on a yellow/white area just along from TukCom to pop in there and use an ATM (as you can never find a free spot to park your bike anywhere around the store - they are all taken by the workers!). There were lots of other bikes around. Returned 10 minutes later to find it just being hoisted onto the back of a pick-em-up truck. Took me an hour and a half, several motorbike taxis and a 400 baht fine to get it back. I asked the policeman at the fines desk in the police station (in Thai) what exactly the yellow and white stripes meant - he replied that it meant you could park for a short time. He just laughed when I tried to point out just how short 10 minutes was.

  2. My daughter (currently 17 and at matayom 5 in college) did her anuban (kindergarten effectively) 1-3, pratom 1-6 and matayom 1-3 levels at TarnTraRak School. On Sukhumwit between Central and North behind the Pattaya Orphanage. I never had any problems with the school or its fees. There are quite a few 50/50's there. Anuban 1 starts at 3 years old.

  3. Everytime I go to Thailand i buy cigarettes there. Usually LM. Marlboro Lights or Benson & Hedges and have tried other brands. Within a few days I get a terrible cough and hack up loads of flem.

    When I return to Australia and smoke local brands here the cough goes away.

    I reccomend stopping smoking - the hacking cough and the phlegm vanish.

  4. @@@UPDATE@@@

    I am happy to announce that the new Royal Garden Shopping Mall 'Bookazine' will be opening its doors on Monday November 23rd 2009.

    Those with 'Bookazine' loyalty cards dated 2003/2004 or before will have already received the official opening invitations; champagne reception (early morning before Royal Garden Mall opens its doors) and an exclusive book signing session with Paul Pisces.

    See you there!

    dam_n. Don't arrive until two weeks later! :)

  5. All my foreigner friends seem happy here, but we have all been here under 5 years, we are all young and not the type who goes to gogo bars etc.

    Most of us have wives and gf's

    So the recipe for happiness is to be young, have a wife or girlfriend and don't, heven forbid, go to go-go bars (etc).

    If you are old single and visit go-go bars (etc) you are doomed, apparently. No wonder most TV members aren't happy !!!

    Do you automatically get unhappy after 5 years here?

  6. Sure you've said this many times before. :)

    Don't think I have, but you're welcome to try and find a quote from a previous post if you wish.

    Your post and Mr Toads were in quick succession, I believe Toads was in answer to the OP

    Good point - well presented. I may have misunderstood Mr Toad's reply. My apologies

  7. Sure you've said this many times before. :)

    Don't think I have, but you're welcome to try and find a quote from a previous post if you wish.

    However - that's not what this thread is about. I was merely replying to the original question of "how many normal farangs are relatively happy"? 'Relatively' being the operative word. With the odd exception I have to put up with, I am happy. Relatively.

  8. I know of at least one fairly normal farang who is relatively happy. Lived in Pattaya for almost 20 years, married for 18. Puts up with all the crap that Thailand throws at him with only a modicum of complaint. (That means I HATE dual-pricing with a vengeance)

    Not many of us around !! :)

  9. Do you want someone to work on the jeep - or the Mitsu diesel? I know someone who knows quite a bit about the jeeps, and has contacts around the Pattaya area. PM me for contact details if you're still looking.

  10. Couple of classics in the phishing mail;

    "You are strictly advised to match your security details rightly to avoid service denial" and "You have been directed here because of an inquiry requarding the billing portion of your AOL account.

    As crap as AOL is, (and anyone who is still using it deserves all they get), at least they do know grammar and spelling.

  11. Personally, if I saw the name ภริดา I would pronounce it Parida. The inherent vowel sound of 'o' only exists between two consosnants. A consonant (ภ) with nothing after it before the next syllable (ริ) would have an inherent 'a' sound after it.

    Ugly as it may look, I would have to say that ภอริดา would make the sound required.

  12. - The first word spoken on the moon was "okay."

    who cares?

    - The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with

    b*llox - South America doesn't end in S, North America doesn't end with N

    - It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.

    "It is believed" - surest sign of something about to be stated as fact, which is in actual fact a complete load of b*llox...

    One of the earliest members of TV has to dig up a 5 week old 'joke' from AltumAngel to poke fun at? Haven't you noticed her/him/its posting record?

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