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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. Yes, you should run out of the door when you are finished.

    Actually WTK is quite correct. The sex is not usually better than you would get at home, supposing you have someone at home. Yet people still go out for it. I just do not understand why? Perhaps, while the quality of "it" at home may be very high, there tends not to be enough of it or it is unfairly rationed.

    Simple reason: men are promiscuous by nature.

    Evolution always tries to improve the species. For a man to have the optimum child, he must inseminate as many women as possible. That is his natural instinct.

    And here comes the question: where do the emotions come from when it comes to prostitution? Why insult posters here as "emasculated", "need cure" and so on?

    The answer is, it is insecurity and jealousy on those men who do what the poster secretly wants to do as well: inseminate many women.

    We cannot change our nature. And those who try out of political correctness or some ideology end up as bitter, aggressive and unhappy.

  2. Everyone should fear feminism. Everyone. The 'mad mullahs' of Finsbury Park are rounded up on incitement charges - why aren't the 'mad munters'? They propagate hate on an equal basis.

    The only people who's lives are improved by feminists are 1. the feminists themselves and 2. er, that's it. I would have a single shred of respect for them if they went after women genuinely needing help - in some hardline religious societies, for example - but their hatred of all things western and male prevent them doing so. That and cowardice, obviously.

    Real men don't have fear. They fight feminism.

    Feminism is the most destructive hate-ideology in the Western world. Divorce rates well above 50%, broken families, stupid fatherless children, the daily misandry in all mass media, and the greed, the greed....

    But the worst feminists are not the small number of radical, mentally disturbed women behind it. It is the men who support it and who are finally responsible for its success in the West. When men stop supporting feminism, it will disappear as fast as it came.

  3. I was at her place and yes, at the end of the month it did seem plausible that she had rent to pay. Did I hire a private investigator to find out ? no.

    Yes, plausible situation, but not for the zealots here...

    Reminds me of a Japanese girlfriend I once had. She stayed with me and we travelled together for several months. She did not have a job or income then, and I payed not only all our expenses, but also some of her bills and insurance back home.

    Very naive, as I was, I thought it was love and sympathy.

    But listening to the zealots here, she must have been a hardcore prostitute. Silly me.......

  4. I think you need to face facts, not all women will choose the man who has more money,

    Correct. Not all women.

    But recent surveys have shown that more than 90% of women in the West marry upwards (status, wealth of the man). In Thailand, things certainly do not differ very much from these numbers.

    That is, btw, one of the reasons why career women in the West are mostly single: there are not many available potential partners upwards.

    Back to Thailand, there are huge numbers of women who look for a farang BF/husband. How do they do it? Easy, they shag around the internet sites, they hang around Gullivers and places like that.... they have short time BFs or long time BFs.

    They play the number game: some day the knight on a white horse will appear. Just have to continue shagging...

    And contrary to some believes here, women enjoy that game as much as men do.

    Some posters here instantly shout "prostitutes". You guys have some issues, and it is embarrassing that you don't even notice it. Maybe a reason for your lack of success with women?

  5. There's an awful lot of 60 and 70 something Farang men pushing their infant children around Thailand in baby buggies, which might suggest that while Mark45y's comments are entertaining they are not entirely founded in the reality out there.

     I know a 72-year-old westerner who just had a son 5 or 6 months ago with his 36-year-old wife, and he takes that kid everywhere, so yes, that would support your post.

    Certainly. An awful lot, that man.

  6. In most of my exploits with Thai prostitutes, I was thinking, it is the girl that is in control and trying to manipulate me, not the other way round. Perhaps it`s us men that are being used by these women. The do gooders and women's lib always point the finger at the men as being the aggressors, brutes with no feelings, sex beasts and predators.

    But what about the men who have become victims to the seductive lies and cheated into ruin?

    Good comment.

    The PC crowd in the West, and occasionally here in TV, actually has strong prejudices.

    One is, "the woman is always the victim". You can read here for example, that prostitutes are "used" by their customers. It implies the low moral standard of the customer.

    I remember having read a book ghost-written by a US-feminist about a young bar girl who came to Patpong. The funny thing is, when you read the book and all those "victim" drivel, after a while you notice that she is not at all a "victim", but a clever business woman. The book ends with the fact, that this girl, coming from a poor family, no education and so on.... ends with several husbands in Europe, spending big $$$, having a life her sisters in her village would never been able to dream about.

    And of course, she made good use of the weaknesses of man. I don't blame her for that.

    But a victim? Who uses whom?

  7. hehe, you had a rare one there brother..what happened??

    My experiences were a little different..

    If eating street noodles GF would break and arm reaching into handbag to pay the 60baht, but on occasion where the bill should be any greater then 100baht...forget it!..no such help forthcoming


    Maybe she thought I was poorer than her .... :)

    But you are right, this is not the standard here. And actually I don't care. I have more money than most middle class Thais, and paying a bill or not does not have any impact on my wealth.

  8. Because you are the guy you will be expected to pay for meals and sundries and sometimes even their rent and expenses, simply because "taking care"=paying up...and Farang=money, hence Farang=a good life.

    Ask a "nice girl" with a normal job why they want to go out with a farang and they will usually tell you straight.." farang man take good care lady" OR "thai man hab no money, he run away"...ect ect and any guy on here telling you any different is having himself on.

    You are spot on, ozzie!

    Once I had a girlfriend who was a poor shift worker (7000B/month or so). But she always tried to pay our not so small restaurant bills. I had to put force on her to be able to pay the bills. When girls here fall in love, they can do everything without thinking.

  9. To me, the above case would be one of a prostitute and john as I believe she was with you for financial assistance even if she may have been selective on who she was with.

    No. It is just the way it works in Thailand. Thai men also pay their girlfriends - not for the sexual act, but for the bills. This girl has no job and goes on holiday with him. How is she supposed to pay her bills? Most people here don't have a bank account with savings. What you earn is gone soon after.

    If any relationship which includes some kind of financial advantage is called "prostitution", well then probably 90% relationships will fall into this category. Including western countries.

    No, I'd draw the line strictly: when you pay for a shag or a night, then it is prostitution.

    • Like 1
  10. Do you really think that a Thai laborer, for example, suddenly feels horny and wants release, so he grabs the nearest women and rapes her?

    Yes, that's actually the way things worked before our civilization has started. In parts of Africa without a functioning legal system, it is not unknown.

    But 99% of Thai laborers would certainly not consider anything like that. But some do despite the harsh punishments, and as more men are deprived of sex, as higher the rape rate.

    And regarding the "studies" of power and anger.... these are politically motivated and are basically to blame men in general. Not worth the paper they are written on. Ideology of 1970 ff.

  11. As a whole, men don't rape because they are feeling horny, according to the experts.  They rape out of anger or because they get off on the feeling of power and the ability to subject someone to their whims. 

    These so called "experts" still believe in feminist ideology of 1970.

    Now is 2010 and time to stop fantasizing. Rape is mainly caused by depriving men of sex. And it is an illusion that masturbation can be a proper substitute of sex. If things of nature would be so easy...

    Thailand has a high rape rate, because many men are not able to get a woman because of low financial status. And despite the sex industry here, they just cannot fork out 1000-2000 Baht for a shag.

    The same applies for countries like India and China. Huge number of young men never able to marry or have a girlfriend. This has big impact on society, not only about rape.

  12. Oh, pleeeezzzeeeee! There are all kinds of jobs that are soul destroying. I know as I have held a number of them. Why single out prostitution as the only crappy job in the world? I have news for you. The vast majority of working people in the world did not dream of what they ended up doing when they were kids. Cry me a river.

    Correct, Jingthing.

    And the most crappy jobs, often deadly, are done by men.

    Still all whine about the female 'victims' of prostitution. I'm quite sure, the construction workers of my neighbour appartment would love it any time to make big bucks just by sex.

    But they work on 30 Baht per hour.

  13. How about a No To Violence Against Men Parade????

    Or could we just change it to a No To Violence Parade????

    Good response!

    All over the world, most violence is committed against men.

    But our feminist centered societies ignore this completely, as men are regarded as worthless.

    Sad to see that Thailand follows this bad Western attitude.

  14. I realize reading your post that you give off negative vibrations towards old men with young wives. You don’t like it. It bothers you.

    Why would it bother you?

    These sort of comments you read here are based on insecurity, lack of experience with women, and little knowledge on female psychology.

  15. Why worry so much? Just come here an see yourself.

    The only requirement is sufficient money. If the 800K gives you headaches or your pension just fullfills the minimm requirements (65K), you may soon come into trouble. But if this is all pocket money, then go for it.

    Just don't invest here and keep a back door open. If things get worse again, fly to Malaysia which gives you 3 months visa at the border.

    And the girls don't need to be expensive. Just stay out of the bars. There are ten thousands of proper girls available, if you have some behavior and game.

    Stop the worries and act. Life is too short.

  16. Thai wifes in opposite to their Western counterparts have a nasty habbit of grabbing knives when they get angry... this is not so nice.

    These are psycho women, not Thai women.

    The correct anwser is: get rid of them immediately. Call the security guards if necessary.

    Psychos can be quite a fun sometimes, but never ever have a relationship with them. You play with fire.

  17. Over the last 10 years, women have become the most expensive commodity here in Thailand, especially for the middle aged and elderly Farangs. So if you have the money and lots of it, ENJOY.

    I'm middle aged, never pay for my women here except for the occasional meal.

    Am I doing something wrong? ;-)

  18. Compared with the PI, Thailand has a much better infrastructure, much better food.

    Both, Thailand and the Philippines, are tax free for people living on pensions and/or investment, as Naam has pointed out. I wonder why this is rarely mentioned. With the money saved from not paying taxes in my home country, I happily pay 400B farang-fee at national parks here :)

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