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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. like Huey, I was searching for wife material, so again , he is right.

    You both are obviously very inexperienced with women. And I mean real women, not the Nana/Cowboy sort.

    Cognos, I congratulate you for your happy relationship. But you sound like somebody who won the lottery and now tells everybody to stop working and do the same.

    Life is not that simple.

    If you want quality women, you have to go through a huge bunch of less desirable women. As more you date, as higher your chance that you find the right one. If you need 18 months for each woman, most probably you will end up as a miserable, lonely old chap.

    And one more note: quality women do like sex.

  2. Rule No. 1: Don't waste time!

    Never do any extended emailing, chatting etc. It is a total waste of time doing this with a stranger. Instead: meet up as soon as possible. Just 1-2 hours in a coffee shop. This short meeting is much more worth than weeks of chatting and mailing.

    Rule No. 2: Take her to bed at the third meeting.

    If you are a healthy normal man, you don't want to waste time on this too. I normally go for the second meeting, but if she shows promising attitudes, I give her another chance at the third meeting. Don't wait any longer: there are lots of psychos there who just want to abuse you for having some entertainment and free meals. And those who hold back with sex will also do it in a later relationship or use sex to gain something from you. Both is not what you want, so move on quickly after the 3rd meeting.

    Rule No. 3: There are lots of good girls outside the dating sites. Once you follow my rules 1+2, you will have sufficient time to go for these girls too.

  3. No German beers anymore :)

    There were always two or three of the Erdinger / Paulaner / Franziskaner / Weihenstephan Hefeweizen style beers, but now the choice is Chang or Federbrau. :D

    There is no other choice, the Asahi and Heineken have gone as well.

    Rather than having pleasant beer-ladies (and men) bringing their beer menus to the table, I had to walk across to the stall to buy my bottle myself.

    Yes, the beer-mafia won again. Not even a Heineken available, only Yuck-Chang and Yuck-Federbräu. At least the Federbräu-beergirls looked decent....

  4. Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

    Fertility rates

    USA 2.05 children per female

    New Zealand 1.99

    France 1.89

    Thailand 1.85

    United Kingdom 1.82

    Thailand is one of the lowest in the world too, and well below replacement rate. And the absolute lowest are not in the West, they are in Eastern Europe, Japan, and South Korea.

    Fertility rates in certain Western European countries are well below. Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain all around 1.3-1.4

    Then, these numbers do not tell the whole picture. Many of those countries have a high migrant rate who live quite traditionally and don't follow Western feminist doctrines. For those groups, having babies is often another source of income due to the European social system. The fertility numbers would be much more disastrous if you take out those groups from the equation.

  5. White 'career' American chicks are the bottom of the barrel marriage-wise.

    Foreign women from South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are at the top. Only guys who travel (in other words, guys who are successful and ambitious enough to travel a lot) find these. But they never, ever go back.

    Very true.

    But people travel more and more, and that does change the world. More and more Western men will learn, that the world is not limited to what they get taught at home. The internet helps a lot too.

    I sometimes watch those Scandinavian families in the BTS, noisy badly behaving children and presumptuous, dominant women. Then the submissive husband, who finally realizes that he made a huge mistake with his life.

  6. I don't see a need to leave here. Exchange rate does not affect me much and the political troubles are quite localized.

    I could go home any day. I'd probably pay less rent at home than here, no issue again.

    But the weather, food and ladies are of much better quality here, so why should I?

    One alternative to Thailand would be Malaysia which has a reasonable visa system for expats. Vietnam a nice country, but infrastructure still lacks, needs another 10 years or so to be attractive.

  7. The West is still stuck in the old role model taught by feminism and political correctness. This is a relict from the communist movements of the 60s and 70s. Women are supposed to be tough and strong like a man, while men are supposed to be weak like a wet towel.

    There is a general anti-male attitude in the West, and the legal system is totally disastrous. The majority of marriages end after a few years where the woman departs with most of the man's assets.

    Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

    Of course, there are still functioning relationships in the West, despite all the propaganda and reeducation. But the young Western man who believes "my woman is different", is quite similarly naive to the farang who believes "my Nana girl is different". Occasionally, but not often, they are right.

  8. I received a Zyxel router with True's own modified firmware. I believe, originally the redirection was probably used for a first connect so that you can set up your login data.

    Get rid of True's firmware and install the original from Zyxel's website. Once I did this, I never had a problem again.

  9. I need to be at the airport on Saturday, noon time. I come from Ari BTS.

    Do you think it will be a problem finding a taxi or get through? What are my options?

    * Just leave 1-2 hours earlier than usual?

    * BTS to On Nut and taxi from there?

    * Stay at a hotel near airport the previous night (where?)

    What do you think?

  10. Seems to be quite frequent in Thailand. Never had problems in other countries, but recently at Bank of Ayudhya the same thing happened: no money came out, but 20000 Baht drawn from my account.

    I had to send a signed letter to my home bank, 3 weeks later the money was returned. In Thailand, the branch next to the ATM said "no can", the main branch in BKK said "no can", they seem to be not interested to do anything about their failing ATMs.

  11. I think most often, men and women view sex from two different positions. For many man, it is strictly a physical act where there's very litte emotion involved. For most women there is emotion first and then sex.

    True. But then "female emotion" is very much dependent on the status (position, wealth) of the man.

    For example: an ugly old man like Mick Jagger can have hundreds of young girls. Their "emotion" is easily affected by the wealth, fame and status Mick Jagger has.

    Then the same hundred young girls would just yuck if an equally ugly Joe Plumber in Pattaya would approach them. The only difference is that Joe Plumber does not have the same status as Mick Jagger.

    A Thai BG would still see Joe Plumber as much more attractive than Mr. Somchai from their Isaan village.

    So it very much depends on your ability to touch a girl's emotion. Depending on your status, wealth, looks... it will be different girls. But the way it works, is universal.

  12. Port #3 and #4 are reserved for True IP TV and do not work for LAN purposes.

    I suggest getting rid of the True supplied equipment as they do not secure the router and anyone an login and control your Internet connection from anywhere in the world.

    Install original Zyxel firmware and set a password. This router comes very broken when delivered by TRUE. High security risk - TIT.

  13. Love is what men feel when they see a pretty woman.

    Love is what women feel when they see a wealthy man.

    These are the rules since mankind exists. Actually earlier, as even female monkeys use sex to gain some advantage from male monkeys.

    In the modern western world, over 90% of women marry a man of higher status. They call it "love" and a few years later many depart with his assets.

    So in this context, what is wrong with having sex with a Soi Cowboy girl? Modern western ideology interpretes this as "she is forced to do it". Nonsense. Nobody forces her, as nobody forced the female monkey millions of years go. She just does what almost all women do: she goes with a man of higher status.

    So forget the bitter zealots here: treat your girl well, give her a good time and she will give you a good time. Let the bitter people despise you - you won't care.

  14. i have banked in IoM & UK with all the majors, but in my experience DBS is the best bank i have ever dealt with


    Last time when I was in Singapore, I went to several DBS branches and was told "only people with PR status (residents)" can bank with them. First i thought it is the usual crap (similar to Thailand), but it was consistent at different branches. Gave up on DBS.

    Then I went to Standard Chartered and got account, MasterCard/PIN/internet banking in about 20 minutes. Great service, and just needed a pricey deposit of 2 S$. :)

    The problems with SC: ATM withdrawals abroad get charged 2%, and their interest rate in S$ (and EUR, USD) is ridiculous.

  15. Actually Bangsean is ok, a bit like the UK's Cleethorps. We drove there last week but even the road tolls were 110 baht each way. Maybe you could get a bus though, someone on this forum must know. You can hire a deckchair all day for 30 Baht. Go swimming etc etc. Lots of chicks, so go prepared.

    Be warned, even if it's overcast all day you will still 'catch' the sun. It never ceases to amaze me, the beaches and bars littered with these red bodied and peeling 'aliens'!! Factor 50 at least!!

    Bang Saen can be reached by minibus from Victory monument in 90 minutes. 110 Baht straight to the beach.

    It is a pleasant place, good sea food, not many farangs around.

    But the beach is littered with all kinds of junk, I would not want to swim there. Better hang in a deck chair, under an umbrella, with a few beers and good food. Avoid the sun - as all Thais do for good reason.

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