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Posts posted by GreenSnapper

  1. Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

    I'm not talking about "handsome young guys" only.

    You can do very well in Japan if you are middle aged and reasonably looking. Means: Pattaya meatball style may have slightly less chances there :)

    There are lots of women aged 35-45, very proper looking, honest and sexy. They are out of game for most Japanese men, so here comes your chance. No problem to pick them up if you are 45-60 and have some attitude. Even some Pattaya types score occasionally.

    Japan is quite a good place for single men. I have many fond memories of the women there.

  2. As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.

    As for Japan, it's quite easy to get a girlfriend for free. Many Japanese girls are on the hunt for a Caucasian boyfriend and many white guys take advantage of the situation.

    Have never had to pay for companion in the Land of Cherry Blossom where I spent several years.

    If it's that great and that easy everyone would be there and not here with their splay toed farm girls. Think about it.

    I noticed expats exaggerate stuff like this all the time and when you see their significant other you realize they are full of it.

    It is extremely easy in Japan, I can confirm that. Provided you have some game, looks and attitude. And the intellectual level of women there is also much better than here in TH, if that's if of any importance to you :)

    But the country is either too cold or too rainy or too hot. A few months are very pleasant, though.

  3. The study's finding is not a generalization.

    They talk about "the majority of British women born since 1970" and not about "British women" in general or "all British women".

    Actually, did someone ever made a statement here at TV "all british women are...." "all Thai women do...."

    I don't remember that has ever happened.

    Political Correctness is like the emperor with no clothes. Everybody knows, nobody is allowed to say.

    It is indeed a dangerous development in the West. Here at TV you can be banned - a mild punishment. In your Western homeland you can lose your job or end in court.

    Read in George Orwell's books where that ends.

  4. What percentage are you talking about? I haven't seen any number yet.

    I have just heard that there are women are driven off from here. I don't see any reason why such a statement shall be generalised.

    In fact, that is just another opinion. Equally valid as my opinion. I admit, I haven't read all postings in TV so far, and my impression here is that women are not driven away and men (naturally) defend women if they get under attack for whatever reason.

    The percentage is irrelevant as far as your statement goes.  You posted women are not driven away. Boo posted that she has spoken to women who are. 

    For you to be correct, not even one woman has ever been driven away.  

    I never said that. I articulated my impression from reading the forum here. Impressions are not wrong or right.

    But for you, as you are so much against generalization, the percentage is suddenly not important.

    It is. Because a small number of women, who are driven away for some reason, does not justify a statement "women are driven away".

    So back to the facts: if there are 60000 members and 10% are female (6000), how many of them are driven away?

    Give us some facts, otherwise to claim that "women are driven away" is just another opinion, based on very little evidence.

  5. Your comments make good sense..for YOU..EACH to their own in the game of LOVE..or whatever game you are into..perhaps you should reconsider and say.. "you do it your way, and I'll do it my way"..

    .. instead of.. "you are wrong and I am right"..for there is no "right or wrong"..

    Well, your opening posting states "9 Do's and Dont's". You set up some rules and those rules I'm critisizing. Nothing against you personally, cognos, you are certainly a nice guy and found your luck.

    But you didn't do your homework. My position here is not only my own experience, but those of many men who did serious research into dating, seduction and female psychology. The question is: what works and what does not work. Right is, what works, wrong is, what does not.

    But there are always exceptions to the rule. Especially when it comes to human interaction. You can only optimize your chances.

    I'm not going more into detail, because there are dozens of books and website which teach the basics.

    But do your homework and you will have (more) success with women.

  6. Boo has direct evidence, direct statements.  This is positive, actual evidence.

    Greensnapper is stating a fact based on his own opinions.  Because he hasn't heard it, it must not be true (I am assuming that is on what he is basing his statement.)

    What percentage are you talking about? I haven't seen any number yet.

    I have just heard that there are women are driven off from here. I don't see any reason why such a statement shall be generalised.

    In fact, that is just another opinion. Equally valid as my opinion. I admit, I haven't read all postings in TV so far, and my impression here is that women are not driven away and men (naturally) defend women if they get under attack for whatever reason.

  7. However, this thread is about whether misogynistic posts are making our female members uncomfortable or driving them away.  And there is on big difference.  Less than 10% of our members are female.  

    Men and women have different areas of interest. What is a problem with a 10% rate? It just tells you that most women are not interested in the things discussed here.

    You will find that in many other web forums as well. And on the other hand, there are forums which are 90% female.

    We are not the same, and that is good so.

    And I don't see that women are driven away from the discussions here. In contrary: often women's positions are defended by some knight on a white horse.

  8. Can it be for a simple reason: that is what many men experience here or in their home country?

    In know, this is absolutely politically incorrect. It is also not my personal experience, but I know lots of men who have been fleeced back home or here. They should have a right to talk about it, and not censored away.

    I believe you are missing the point here.

    No one is censoring anyone else from relating his or her story.  And if some man got fleeced in his supposed relationship with a Thai scam artist, and he wants to tell that story to the rest of the membership, that is fine.

    The problems comes when that turns into "all Thai women are scam artists."  Or "all English women let themselves go." Or "all women whatever."

    Or: "men in Thailand are old, fat, smelly, sex-craze bastards who abuse innocent farm girls" ....

    I read this kind of description all the time in ThaiVisa or western mass media. it is fully accepted as fact, and nobody opens a thread on that sort of generalizations. You see the double standard?

    People do generalize. It is human, and I agree, it is unfair in some cases. But once you start censoring certain generalizations, because they are not politically correct, you end up in the sea of lies we have in the western world.

  9. Here in Thailand I think many have this idea that the women here care. I believe most Thai women away from the Farang scene do care.

    I'd say, most Thai women away from the bar scene do care. And western men care as well.

    But then, bitching about the bad experiences is much more common than telling the positive experiences many men here have.

    It is human too :)

  10. On a daily basis, I read posts which deride Thai women as being money-hungry scam artists, of being stupid, of being unable to love, and so on. I read posts which deride Western women as being sexless harpies who hate men, take everything in a divorce, are "fat, disgusting slobs," are "bitches," and so on.

    Can it be for a simple reason: that is what many men experience here or in their home country?

    In know, this is absolutely politically incorrect. It is also not my personal experience, but I know lots of men who have been fleeced back home or here. They should have a right to talk about it, and not censored away.

    Back home, and also somewhat in ThaiVisa, women are regarded as wonderful princesses, without any fault, but under permanent alleged discrimination. Women are victims and men are offenders.

    But if free speech is not suppressed, the picture is not as simple. In most western countries, there is an enormous divorce industry, which has only one aim: get as much money out of men as possible.

    Many men end up here in Thailand with exactly that experience. Lost most of their assets they have worked long hours for decades. And getting deprived of seeing their children but are forced to pay for them.

    Then they come here, find their little "paradise" and the water buffalo story begins. Getting fleeced again, even not on such an extreme scale as back home.

    Experiences like that makes people bitter. It is fully understandable. And recent years have shown, that men no longer accept being the butt of the world.

    They stand up and name the facts.

  11. good point.. DO take your profile off once you have met one nice Thai lady on TLL (or wherever) and you feel there is a good chance of good things happening..most Thai ladies on TLL will quickly ask you to be just "for her".. and not mail others..or they will ask you how many others you are in contact with..( lying gets tiring, so just tell them yes, I am in contact with others, or better yet, tell the truth and say..JUST YOU)..

    ..for if it doesn't work with her.. just re- activate your profile and start again from square one.. I found the overwhelming factor on TLL to be quite ..well overwhelming.. here you have just met a nice Thai lady..and suddenly..another..another..another pops up out of the BLUE..mailing YOU..OH..what to DO??

    Wrong advice.

    You deactivate your profile only, when you are no longer searching.

    Not one minute earlier.

    It is not important if you "feel there is a good chance". Don't obey to women's demands.

    In the contrary: let her know that other women are after you. All over the world this is a big turn on for women. Even for the overly jealous Thai chicks.

    Let them (indirectly) know, if they treat you well, they can be the winner. If not, you can move on any day. That will save you from a lot of problems. Keep that attitude always, especially when in a relationship.

    The typical questions "when did you have sex last time?" "how many Thai GF did you have?" and so on.... will never be answered. Be cocky and funny, make jokes on her questions and her attraction to you will raise enormously.

  12. Not to hijack the thread, but second date went well and again, she refused to not pay her share. Clearly not a working girl. Third date coming up and so we will enter end game.

    I told you :)

    You seem to know game in your home country, it is not much different here. Girls are a bit more shy and need some more leadership role from the man. Also come properly dressed, no shorts, no flipflops :D

    There are lots of good girls here, honest and not after your money even they are on meager salaries. There is a life outside the bar.

  13. Bonobo is correct, I let the woman run the sexual show, and don't push the sex agenda early on, especially if I want to MARRY her.. obviously 18 months will be my personal life "best"...btw.. those of who who won't wait past 3 dates unfortunately don't know about the sexual tiger unleashed in the lady when they decide the time is right..

    Asian women are not that aggressive "running the sexual show". They expect you to lead them, and that's what I recommend. The tigers are there, and waiting that you allow them to be one.

    One more reason not to waste time is the question of sexual compatibility. If you are just dating and never get into her pants, you never know if it is worth the time you spend with her. Unless you find sex a very unimportant part of a relationship.

    Therefor the 3-dates-rule. It promises best success in the shortest time.

    And one more comment about the over-30s: I also have not experienced a very conservative attitude in this age range. Certainly some are, but often you can filter them even before having any meeting.

    I'd say, the over-30s are often a better shag than younger ones. But your miles will vary.

  14. We exchanged many emails, maybe 50 before I was convinced that she was not only educated but fluent in English.....this was before everybody had cel phones, so we didn't speak before meeting.

    to make a long story short, I took a plane trip just to meet her [and family] and upon meeting, I saw she was not only fatter than her fotos, but her English skills were barely there and my first question to her was....'Was that you writing the emails?' and her reply was 'No, it was my Katoey friend"

    Good example to prove my point that extensive chatting/mailing is a waste of time. A quick first meeting is what you should go for. And of course not using a plane, unless she pays for it :)

    (I'd never drive longer than 1 hour for a date)

  15. But I think you boys are right: a second date is in order and we'll see where it goes from there. Hopefully not the ATM machine.

    A real ho wouldn't just date you and giggle shyly :)

    You don't risk anything. If she really asks for $$ after the act, give her 100B for the taxi and send her home. But I really doubt that this would happen. The girls are not as often painted here at TV.

    And don't forget: after your second meeting and the following night, you come back here and tell us your success story! :D

  16. I get a text from her a few minutes after we split. Then an email when I get home. Then another couple of emails this morning with an "XO" and time she's out of school today. Now, some of you might be shaking your heads at me, but I'm new here so don't be too harsh guys. Is she in the game? Or is this standard Thai girl behavior?

    More to the point, is there some kind of text I can send that would confirm this, without being too overt. I'm thinking "Want to come over and watch a movie?"

    Or should I just say "How much?" :)

    Oh dear....

    Girls want men, and not wimps. But you still have a chance :D

    I hope you will not start sending her flowers, buy her endless drinks and meals and start with the final approach 18 months later... :D

    Just go for it, what do you risk? 99% she is not a pro and the next meeting will end successfully where it is supposed to end.

    Don't be shy and don't listen to the crap about endless courting.

  17.  Yes I did get the point you were making, that BG's are in a different class and are not "real women."

    No, that's not what i said. We discuss dating here, not chromosomes.

    Bargirls are "unreal", as their dating habits are fundamentally different to those of normal women. A woman is normally very selective about the man who finally goes into her pants, that is universal and genetically programmed.

    Those men, who only date BGs, live in a totally surreal situation. They don't need any game, the only thing necessary is a heap of 1000B notes.

    When dating real women, you need game, charm, wit, behaviour, seduction skills.... otherwise you will not succeed. This is a different world. Men who make their experiences mostly at the BG world, don't count as being "experienced with women".

  18. Again: chatting is a total waste of time. Maybe if you are abroad and she is in TH, it may be a option for a short while, but if you and her live in the same city or nearby, the only practical way is: meet up as soon as possible.

    If you meet her, you are already one step ahead of all the other fools who chat her up for months and months. And if you bed her soon after, you already have the connection the others (probably) don't have.

    Then start from this point and build a relationship if she is worth.

  19. You both are obviously very inexperienced with women. And I mean real women, not the Nana/Cowboy sort.

    You haven't read many of Cognos' posts.  He has had experience dating, and not from the "Nana/Cowboy sort."

    Dating is just dating. Experiences is another thing.

    Besides, how are the "Nana/Cowboy sort" not "real women?"  The majority of them have two X chromosomes,

    You didn't get my point: I have nothing against BGs, but then it is completely different if your seduction game mainly consists of winking with a 1000B note, or if you have to do some more efforts to convince her.

    "good girls" as cognos was dating, don't need 18 months of efforts to get into bed. Only inexperienced men would need that long. They either won't be impressed by a 1000B note. It's all about game, and in the end "good" girls and "bad" girls do like sex - most of the time at least.

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