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Everything posted by mahjongguy

  1. The correct answer is: you may turn left on a red light - IF it is safe to do so, AND - IF there is no sign prohibiting it at this location, AND - ONLY after coming to a full stop.
  2. I cannot convert. Plenty of good reasons in my situation. Not concerned about RMD at this late stage. Just assuming it won't be assessable because it won't come here, and I will already be paying full tax on it.
  3. The mention of US IRA accounts caught my eye. I wonder if this issue is clear: if I take a distribution from my IRA every penny of it will get taxed by the IRS as ordinary income. That is to say "at full rate". If I don't transfer that money to Thailand is it assessable? Cannot be, right?
  4. I was hoping for 73 years old. Unfortunately I'm now 75. I'm falling apart more and more every day but still predict another two or three years. Wish I knew what to do about it. Is anyone on Lazada selling fentanyl?
  5. Very suitable for outdoors but quite hard and thus not easy to work with, more so than teak. My Surin gardener also says it is expensive and even a bit rare. Might want a second opinion unless you trust the sourse.
  6. Simvastatin can be bought as Bestatin at any pharmacy in TH for just a few baht.
  7. It's probably true that extended use of laxatives can have consequences. The better choice, if they work for you, is stool softeners (e.g. Fybogel). Best I can tell from Shopee, Posh Medica sells several flavors of high-fibre powders. Note: Have you tried eating ordinary bran flakes for breakfast? Add some fruit. Note: Whatever you settle on, use no more than is necessary to get the results you need. Too much fibre can actually make things worse. Note: The classic is a glass every morning of prune juice. It is a laxative but at least it's natural. Del Monte brand is at TOPS.
  8. I recommend that you try Hialid 0.1 as it is the easiest to use and works much like artificial tears (i.e. it's pretty thin).
  9. There are probably 1 or 2 backflow prevention valves in your system. Consider a pumproom valve configuration that might prove or disprove proper function. In our village of new homes most pools were built with 100 baht check valves that failed within a month. The builder was eventually compelled to replace all of them with 1,000 baht models that work perfectly.
  10. mahjongguy


    Has anyone been over to Siamburi's today?
  11. mahjongguy


    Business as normal yesterday (Thursday).
  12. That was one hell of a thunderstorm. Hundreds of strikes within a kilometer of our village, some so close you could hear that sharp crackling sound that means you better not be playing golf.
  13. Can I buy a vowel?
  14. Twelve years ago I paid 1.52 mil baht for the top model CRV. Left it parked outside all day, all night, a few dozen meters from the beach. Over the years I bought new tires, and replaced some rubber parts in the undercarriage. In March of this year I sold it to a good friend for a few hundred thousand and bought the current top model, the RS hybrid. It's got classic good looks, feels like a spaceship inside. Gets twice the kilometers per liter. Out the door it was 1.7 mil baht. Is that "over-priced"?
  15. It looked to me like Welsh but it's "I Love You So Much But I Don't Know How To Tell You Because I Know You Love Somebody Else". (thx to Google Search)
  16. Same happened to me a few years back. Pre-addressed envelope got returned as no such address. Truly amazing. I spent US$40 to re-send it via EMS Air Mail.
  17. I'm a Yank and I don't get this one at all.
  18. Mod: Please move to the Worst Jokes thread.
  19. Conducted, they say, by the notorious terrorist group, the Baton Rouge.
  20. If the architecture itself is iffy then that's disappointing to hear. There is a TP-LINK RE505X that has a gigabit port (and is twice the price) but now the whole idea has lost its appeal. Seems like it would be cheaper and better to get a post-pay account for the phone that will be used in that room. Thanks for your input.
  21. True, I should have typed cat 5e. It can carry a gigabit up to 100 meters. I've done it quite a few times. I have 1000/1000 service from 3BB. This looks like what I want. Just 950 baht at BananaIT. https://www.tp-link.com/th/home-networking/range-extender/re205/
  22. Moved to a new 1-story house and the Wi-Fi has pathetic range at 2.4Ghz (much less 5Ghz). Bad news is there's no central place to locate the 3BB Wi-Fi 6 router, nor any reasonable way to raise it more than 4 feet above the floor. I'm happy to pay whatever it takes to rig up an extender. Luckily the opposite corner of the house is a bedroom which has Ethernet pre-wired back to the router and its 8-port gigabit switch. So, I don't need (or particularly want) an extender that is connected to 3BB gear via Wi-Fi 6. Cat 5 wire is ready and waiting. Suggestions (that don't involve a lot of brain nor the involvement of 3BB/AIS) ?
  23. Jomtien told me that since the January update there is no human scanning the applications. In my case, the server software could not cope with the fact that I haven't been out of Thailand for 15 years.
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