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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. You know what's gonna happen now doncha? There is gonna be a rush on for THAT seat every morning as soon as they open the doors to Emporium at 10am. I can just picture the scene now as TV Members make a beeline for that stool! Hilarious! :D .

    Could be the next meeting place for a 'Thai Visa Members' breakfast!!! :o

    If laughter is the food of love :D Then he is going to love me. If that place allows members of the public in at that time then :D

    Sure sounds like an ideal place for a THai visa breakfast :D

  2. Have a work colleague, who enters and leaves on a 30 day tourist visa, works offshore doing 4weeks on/off.

    He wishes to have the same type of visa as myself which is a "O" multiple entry, 90 day.

    Have informed him that I went back to the UK to obtain this.

    He has an Irish passport, could travel back to Ireland for this type of visa. But? Wishes to know if that is a must?

    Can this visa or any other type of multiple entry visa be obtained out here in the Far East. Perth, Australia is where he flies to before going offshore.

    Any advise would be welcomed.


  3. Being in the O&G Biz. Would never return to S A, or Nigeria (Delta). At the moment working in Oz and living Thailand, believe I have the best combination.

    Saudi gin was one of the vilest, worst homemade hooch ever, along with the disdain the Saudis had for you. Handing drawings, documents with their left hand etc, etc.

    Nigerian corruption has to be experienced. If not you have no idea/comprehension on how bad/blatant it is.

    The above places make LOS an oasis of tranquility. :o

  4. Have a multiple entry "O" Visa issued in Cardiff, UK November 2007. Owing to circumstances may not be returning to the UK after September 2008. My question is

    1) Can I go back to Cardiff and renew my Visa 2 months+ early?

    2) Where else can I go for this type of visa renewal?

    3) After this one renewal, intend to go down the "Retirement route"

    Any help/advice welcomed

  5. Everything deteriorates in the eyes of long-term people. Nothing is ever as good as it was back in the good old days.

    Very true, but the good old day memories blank out the bad times. Thailand is not BKK, Phuket or Pattaya. I live in Pattaya with the GF but we also go up to see her parents at Sia Khao. Now that place is nothing like the former 3. Loudest noise I hear is from the chickens in the morning. Pick the place that suits you. Then you won't have a problem.

  6. solent01 - i'm currently a helicopter technician with the republic of singapore airforce.

    so its aviation, with lousy perks and almost no benefits.

    i am just unhappy being in this country (sg)

    tolsti - why am i quitting aviation? i figured that somehow in life, happiness matters more to me than a stable income (although it is kinda low).

    If your sing salary is too low? Why not apply to the helicopter firms serving the offshore oil and gas industry. The Far East is booming at the moment. Wages are usually set at an international level.

  7. I'm half bolivian...poor 'ol thai wifey didn't realise what she was gettin' into... :o

    All is clear now Tutsi :D

    All quite interesting posts????????????

    My na rak mea (mia) is made of this?????

    28% = Sugar

    26% = Spice

    16% = lacy things

    13% = Lots things nice

    6% = Oils, lotions and potions

    5% = Other nice things?

    1% = Me

  8. Soi dogs or dogs in general.

    Where I live are two reasonably large male dogs and when I moved in they would come out of below cars, one would growl so the next would, one would bark so would the next. then one would come after me...yes so would the other. I would be talking to them quietly as I openened the gate and swiftly (but not noisily) behind me. Would go in the house, get some chicken out of the house, go to the gate and give them the food. After a few days they would appear during daylight chasing away any other dogs at the bottom of the Soi. Reckon I was now there buddy.

    First time I went to the GF village (9 houses) there was dog that was the father of "Hound of the Baskervilles". Okay I made that up. But believe me it was the size of a Shetland pony. It had been castrated but that did not stop it savaging the dogs from the other part of town (village 9 houses). When I turned up it did not like me the howls it made when being held back had the hairs on my body sticking out in fear. Took a long time of throwing it food, talking to it when it stared at me............. (The look was one of Right leg, Left leg, naw left shoulder??)

    Now it follows me everywhere when I go up there (Go up every leave for one week, do 4on/off oil industry offshore)

    Yes I like dogs,

    Feed a dog and a starving man...... You can trust the dog, not to do you harm. The man, thats why you need the dog.

    These inanne ramblings have gone on long enough, apologies....sorry...bye, bye

  9. Do not know if I have been lucky but........ Go up Sia Khao every leave to visit GF parents. 9 houses share a well. Water is pumped to each house by an electric pump until the two troughs in the toilet and all their vats are full. This water is used for drinking, cooking and washing. Never had a stomach upset.

    House in Pattaya (Arunotai) has a well that we use. Pump pressurises the internal water system, only cuts in on fall of pressure. GF has said no problem with water. I use it for brushing teeth and cooking but reluctant to use for drinking???? I know rinsing mouth after brushing teeth can do damage, but yet again no stomach upsets and the water is clear and non-smelling.

    Maybe I am just lucky that I have not caught anything, or, it may have been my exposure to all sorts of dodgy water from West/South Africa, Central/South Americas and the far East that has given me some sort of resistance/immunity. Who knows?

  10. However, when it comes to white lies - Thais lie a lot more than Westerners.

    I hope you don't count the Farangs living in Thailand, I have never before heard so much BS and lies as when I came to Thailand and met some of the honourable Farangs that resided here.

    The ammount of eccentric millionaires, Special Services, Navy Seals, SAS, Green Berets, Karate Black Belts etc etc propping up the bars in Pattaya is quite staggering. I can even remember an supposed Astronaut...lol, No Kidding, the Old Pattaya hands may remember Astronaut Dave. :o

    Best post yet on this thread,

    I have came across some right characters, as Andy McNab said "I once met myself in a bar, jeez I look different in the mirror"

    I was in the Navy, now work offshore. Never knew the Navy was so overmanned down the Falklands by the amount of guys with a sigh "You have no idea" or the amount of guys searching for oil inland in West africa while carrying M16, SLR or ???AK47. Pattaya is full of special forces...........................................

  11. With clean air in the various establishments, we customers will now be able to smell what perfume the girls are wearing.

    That's the best reason I have heard yet. Just hope the girls still smoke

    yes, and the sweat and beery breath too :bah: big enclosed bars just are unhealthy places. There's no excuse for smoking but don't think you'll stop getting sore throats and coughs.

    Sorry Moldy, My reply was a bit tongue in cheek. :D I hope the girls continue smoking :o

    Guessed it was a bit of a jest :bah: Now when you say smoking, you do mean the noxious weed ?, or do you mean ................... :D

    Ehhh, Yea :D ? Not the obnoxious weed, mean the mean :D

    Whats that noise behind me???? Oh its you dear, harmless fun, smoking? just a farang joke. now put that dow...........

  12. With clean air in the various establishments, we customers will now be able to smell what perfume the girls are wearing.

    That's the best reason I have heard yet. Just hope the girls still smoke

    yes, and the sweat and beery breath too :D big enclosed bars just are unhealthy places. There's no excuse for smoking but don't think you'll stop getting sore throats and coughs.

    Sorry Moldy, My reply was a bit tongue in cheek. :D I hope the girls continue smoking :o

  13. The most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!

    How is it Ignorant? I've been to Thailand many times and have even come close to marrying a Thai. They're one of the most xenophobic races on planet earth!

    They are not, but you won't understand it anyway :o

    Moderators: I think this thread now really goes out of bounds with many stupid and racist postings! CLOSE!

    Have to agree.

    Instead of keeping the thread on the subject, its degenerated into a slanging contest between many posters and their own views on Thailand, Thai men, Thai women, bargirls and folk from Issan.

    Not saying what happened to these men was right or wrong. But, when I have friends visiting Pattaya from overseas tell them some rules. They say "Thats all mate, its simple then". I leave the GF in the house and go to these 'bars' and 'go-go bars' have a few beers in every bar, my mates do their thing, I go home.

    Never had a problem, seen many?

    Usually traced to an excess of drink, spilling same etc.

    Obnoxious behaviour that drives away other customers.

    Inappropiate fondling (in public) of the girls without barfining them.

    I and a lot of others that live in Pattaya may, be turning a blind eye. But with the other eye I can see things quite plainly and how they will pan out/develop?

    As an earlier post put "Pimps have been beating up sailors since the day of sail"

    If they come by jet, go to P4P areas, cause or be involved in trouble then they are either.

    1) So immature so should not be allowed out

    2) So arrogant so should not be allowed out.

    3) So full of themselves, so should not be allowed out.

    I am not an apologist for Thai men, being ex navy drinking in waterfront bars around the world, the golden rule is if you cannot speak the lingo, keep quiet?

  14. One afternoon in Bangkok, a few years ago. Was approached by a slightly dishevelled, though well spoken guy saying he worked for nothing in an orphanage/school and did I speak English? "Yes". "Would I like to make a donation"?????? He showed me some postcards depicting said.

    "100 Baht". So handed over 300 baht keeping three cards thinking that was the deal? He wanted the postcards back grabbing them, the money was in his pocket, spun around like a top and took off.

    Now I am more of a cynic when approached by fellow ex-pats asking questions/selling/begging. If there story is one I have never heard its 100baht or a beer.

    There but for the grace of God goes I (or you)

  15. Two years ago I witnessed a falang (English thug) beating up a random Thai girl outside the Q bar in Bangkok, for absolutely no reason. Everyone including the staff just stood back and watched. I intervened and got punched to the floor then the guy fled. I managed to get the Taxi drivers to locate him over the radio and hand him over to the Police. Hopefully he's still in Jail!

    thats strange, I have seen numerous farang start fights with thais and every time about ten thais leap in and leave him in a mess, I would say he was very lucky

    Agree completely he was lucky. March 2005, Patong, Phuket. Inside the 'Moon Bar' and just across the road 30yards up from the 'Aussie Bar' a Brit (union flag shorts) knocked a tiny thai girl out with one punch. Within seconds Thais doing Tsunami repairs, T-shirt vendors from next door etc, etc were all over him like hounds on a fox. After approx 30 seconds the Thais walked away leaving him bruised, he got up and staggered away.

    Me, he got what he deserved, not one farang went to his aid since he had crossed the "line in the sand". Been living Far East a long time, started visiting 1979-1991 (Navy)

    Most old farts like me can see if a place is "dodgy" a six sense keeps you clear or it should if your aware and sensible. Would not go into certain bars and areas in Glasgow, so cerainly will not do it in a foreign land.

    Sense of adventure.......a time and place for all things

  16. As a follow up, the shipping company in the UK will have an agent in Bangkok. It is highly likely they will be the ones who ask for the import tax(tea money) demanded by Thai customs.

    Thanks again to you all, much appreciatted that you have taken the time and effort. Offshore at the moment so will do the checking later.

    Thanks again


  17. Good afternoon. :D

    By the middle of this year will be shipping over from the UK, around 8 - 10 tea chest size boxes, filled with various items to Pattaya. Tools, books, PC, clothes, ornaments. Would have been three times the amount but keeping only family and sentimental items.

    Does anyone any firm that can pick up at the door (UK) and deliver to my door in Thailand. This to include the 'tea money' I have heard about.

    At one point arranging to ship my old BM over until advised "NO", "NO" and "NO" in the strongest terms. Can anyone advise or should I leave everything behind???

    Best festive wishes to you all

    TMD :o

    We brought the same things as you want to do, sold the car though far too much hassle. We used a company from the UK called seven seas international, no problems, no backhanders etc. Took abouk eight eight weeks to get here going through Melbourne.

    Phone number is 0800 21 66 98

    Your fun will start if you want to bring your dog with you, that is a different story!


    That is one to call.


  18. Good afternoon. :D

    By the middle of this year will be shipping over from the UK, around 8 - 10 tea chest size boxes, filled with various items to Pattaya. Tools, books, PC, clothes, ornaments. Would have been three times the amount but keeping only family and sentimental items.

    Does anyone any firm that can pick up at the door (UK) and deliver to my door in Thailand. This to include the 'tea money' I have heard about.

    At one point arranging to ship my old BM over until advised "NO", "NO" and "NO" in the strongest terms. Can anyone advise or should I leave everything behind???

    Best festive wishes to you all

    TMD :o

  19. What immigration says will not help you if the airline says you don't fly.

    As for the cost - I expect most people would consider the 5,000 baht or so required for a year non immigrant O visa to be well worth the cost if only for the faster processing at immigration even it is never required for a stay longer than 30 days.

    Hi Lopburi3.

    Thanks again for all the advise over the past few months on various visa queries?

    On the subject of having an onward/departure ticket, one OP saying he never had a problem with Thai immigration. He has just been lucky, very lucky.

    I fly back to the UK every leave for 5 nights to see my children, but mostly to keep my foreign flight entitlements. On more than one occasion the KLM desk at T4 Heathrow wanted to see evidence of onward travel out of Thailand since it was only TV stamps in the passport. (as i said in aan earlier posting having a visa makes everything easier)

    One occasion without any proof of onward flights. Had to wait until the company faxed KLM details of onward travel out of Thailand to the rig (I am platinum with KLM which meant zilch at check-in) Since the visa, no probs. To the other comment

    (why pay for something, (with time and money), that maybe you will never use?)

    I would never drive a car without insurance, but I would never, not have it, thinking I may never need it, so will do without it? When that person said he went on holiday. Great but say you cannot leave owing to illness, that's when you will wish you had the 90 day visa.

    But he is right you may never need it.......................Peace of mind.?.?.?.?. I want that more than saving 5,000 which the majority of offshore ex-pats spend in a matter of hours or less.

    Well; Enough, of yet again more inane dribbles, so apologies. Getting a visa is a smarter move, than not getting one.

  20. The problem with a tourist visa is that sometimes I do not always report to the same location. For this reason they do not buy my airline ticket to return to work until a few days before. This means that entering Thailand I have no outbound airline.

    Another problem with using the visa exempt entry too..

    Hi, I been doing it since this new law came in.

    If your working 28 and 28 then in any 6 months period you will be out of the country for 90 days, as you will be traveling 2 days so your out for 32 or 33 days and in Thailand for 25 days, so in 6 months you will be well within the 90 days. I am 3 x 25 days every 6 months in the country 75 days - out 105 days.

    Other alternative is and only if you want because you dont need to, is to get a non immigrant o as i have , but dont need it, i just get pulled up at the airport so much while they are counting days in days out, it was pissing me off. you need 800,000 in a Thailand bank - baht, get a note from your emplyer to say you work 28 days in Dubai and live 28 in Thailand, if he can also get your employers accountant to explain that you earn shit loads of dosh ( monthy salary blown in piss and other hehe) and no doubt you do (earn alot), take that, your bank book your passport and that should be enough, but if you got another note from your laywer in Thailand to say you are nice guy and pay your bills , or if you have a house or own land with THai people or have a bar with this paper work youll get this visa easy.

    it will take 3 days at the Thai embassy Dubai, drop it off with them, go out on the rig and get your office staff in town to collect it for you and send it out to the rig.

    Bobs your uncle.

    and you dont need return ticket to enter Thailand, i had never needed one ever, month in month out 5 years now, just got my non immigrant last hitch for above season.

    PM me if you need more clarification, pr want see what my company wrote so yours can copy, but if your constant 28 and 28 your cool, if you do and extra week in 6 months your still cool

    Like the previous post, work in the offshore industry, live in thailand. Do 4 weeks on/off, previously came and went on the 30day TV for near enough three years.

    Knowing you are okay for the 90 day in any 180 period does not make you feel any better at immigration when they are adding up your days from all the stamps in your passport?

    (Have to add, I go to and fro Singapore going offshore so it may look to them I am doing the proverbial runs??)

    All my airline tickets are electronic so could only show them my planned departure flight details on an A4 sheet?? Though have to say never had any problems, except.......

    Company suddenly told me I needed to have one offshore trip off owing to the local tax exposure/rules were the rig was drilling, suddenly I was facing 12 weeks off and falling foul of the 90 day rule.

    Decided it was easier (peace of mind) to return to the UK for a visa after getting advise on these boards (Crossy and Lopburi3 were very helpful) arrived UK on a Monday went to the Thai Consul in Cardiff on the Tuesday.

    Lady there was also helpful, (Cardiff is an alternative to Hull) she virtually filled in my form for me, handed over £100 and left with a 'O' multi-entry, 90day visa within 20minutes.

    Reason for visa was "visiting friends", also took my lease agreement which I did not need, but if you intend to live Thailand you will end up with one of them.

    Reason I put down the above is...................what will you do if for any reason you stay more than 30days???Illness/accident/work etc, for peace of mind get a visa, makes everything easier and I mean everything?

  21. Gradually moving all my bits and pieces to thailand. Wondering what to do with my old 1991 BMW 7. It is in immaculate condition, been maintained by myself and keeping it up to the mark. Find that top price I could get in the UK is 600GPB???

    Its got all the toys etc. My real query is,,,,,,,,,, would the cost of shipping it out from the UK + import tax/duty be greater than buying a car of similar spec and condition?

    If anyone knows or can advise, would be very grateful

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