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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Manners maketh the man?

    Whether it is reciprocated should not be the desired result. Knowing you will open or keep a door open for the gentler sex or the aged. Give your seat up to your elders or an expectant female and always walk on the outside with your partner. Those are fine traits and a good habit to have.

    Living here now for 6+years and I have not come across any deliberate rudeness.

    Have held the door open for elderly ladies back in the UK who breeze past as if I am the invisble man?

    Given my seat up to ladies on the underground when there were young guys around.

    Spoke with one of the teenagers later on manners, his reply "Never knew that mate, the old man never said I had too" So it's a parenting or schooling failure.

    My GF and her mother beams at times when I show them manners respect by simple things, standing when they leave the table and rejoin, sitting in the back of the pick-up so they can sit inside.

    At the end of the day it is a personal thing and makes me feel good to maintain the standards I learnt at sea from 1977 to 1995.



    #3 drug = Cannabis. = NOT

    This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

    Agree that the first two are or can be just as bad as No.3 and if alcohol and tobacco were discovered now they would be proscibed. But they are not proscibed.

    An unfortunate amount of cannabis users go onto harder drugs, which end up ruining or taking their lives, in so doing destroy others and their relationship.

    We know the penalties before we start, if we cannot control our urges, then your not in control?

  3. Leaving with GF from 2nd road and cutting through alongside Big C shopping centre.

    GF was ahead of me and turned right at the junction. M/Bike taxi I was on stopped owing to traffic.

    A bike coming up the hill slowed down to turn left when a pick-up rammed it in the back throwing both people off and sending aforementioned bike into the one I were sat on??

    Bike missed my leg by inches but I was still thrown off by the impact onto the main road. M/Bike rider had his leg broken and was on the road moaning quietly.

    Security? from Big C came running over to help telling me to stay were I was, I got up since it had been raining and the water was running down the road where I was lying and I were by now absolutely soaked.

    Ambulance came with the BIB and did I want to go to hospital, refused. Another M/Bike from the same rank came and took me home where the GF was outside squating in the road phoning all and sundry. First time I had seen concern in a big way from her. That's why we are still together

    Had a shower and went to bed. In morning thought I had taken up rugby again so sore was my back, neck and lefthand side.

    My bike is being parked up during Songkran. As usual will look three ways when crossing a one way street

  4. "The question I have is, do you look at all those Thai girls out there who work long hard hours for low wages and are not willing to sell their bodies as being morally superior to those who do?"

    Yes I do. I look down on poor girls (who may have the looks advantage) to sell their bodies and/or go for older men who buy them gifts. I look down on financially comfortable girls who do the same even more.

    I respect immensely the poor girls who make a choice to study and work at the same time whilst maintaining good Thai morals. Plenty of them who wouldn't dream of taking up offers of materialsm in exchange for a fake relationship.

    I have total admiration for any young girl, anywhere in the world, who when faced with the impossible choices to earn a living, put aside their own preferences, to provide for their families and children. They accept scorn and ridicule from people like youself. Yet they are prepared to suffer for the greater good, sometimes in loveless marriages far from the families they support. They are heroes.

    There's a saying in Thailand that people do not starve in this country. Quite true I'm sure. Choices are still available...do you want to enough or do you want more? The girls selling themselves are quite able to be like the student in MK or 7-11 making a pittance, sharing their room and possibly sending a small amount home if it's needed. If you think the girl selling herself is doing a fine job of bettering her life financially, and helping out her family then we have very different views.

    Another slant at things.

    My TGF who has been living with me these past few years worked a bar for 11 days before I met her. She was checked out and all was kosher. For the past few years a fixed amount of Sterling has been transferred to her account, from that the rent and all domestic bills are paid. With the £ bombing downards against the Baht, awaited her plea for more money?? Instead on arriving home on leave she suprised me, said she was now working at the 7/11 shop.

    That money went to her family. She said she has no accomodation cost's so the reduced baht that is left for her is more than enough she says.

    There are honest Thais whose priority is the family and if earn enough in a shop will work in a shop.

    There but for the grace of God goes I (you)

  5. Since I work offshore spend 80% of my leave in Thailand. Go back to the UK for a few nights to see my son's, 22 & 24.

    Going back so regularykeeps me aware of the pros and cons for both countries. At the moment, cannot imagine ever leaving Thailand and my Thai GF for life back in the UK.

    Okay the UK has order, and higher standards of competency (Banks, Politicians, maybe I err) but the taxes, weather, peoples manners and etiquitte put me off.

    Already have a stage by stage plan for retirement and it's here in Thailand.

  6. id wonder how that idiot w/ ponytail on the show about bangkok that plays on true makes a living

    Guy is much much more tooly than any of the tools with no air and tattoos.

    The guy on the rig is the exception in my book, hes probably decently strong, someone strong can sport the no air/tattoo look. a fat weak ass lazy bum CANNOT.

    I say Carruthers.... Don't beat about the bush old boy, sitting on that fence.....Spit it out man is he a fairy arse

  7. I spend a week of my 4 weeks leave (Work offshore 4wks on/off) up at the village. Pay for food for the week about 800bt, when leaving the GF asks for 3000bt for mama/papa. She already sends 5000bt a month to them from her job at 7/11 and what she saves from her monthly allowance (pays bills and food)

    For the past few years not bought anyone in the village beer/food or dispensed money. Up to you what you do with your money, but its not mandatory to give outside the family Mom/Pop

  8. I have tattoos on my back, hidden not because I am ashamed of them, it's because I followed my Thai GF instructions. After an accident where I was a little bit hurt/damaged. The GF said I needed buddha to protect me. So Buddha was tattooed on my back....Buddha was now watching my back.

    Used to have long hair, the Afghan coat with cheesecloth shirts, after college discovered motorbikes so itwas long hair and an earing. Got a responsible job so it was short hair.

    Majority of people conform to he who pays the piper. But individuals always are seperate from the masses. That is a good thing for evolution and the human race.

    Being a clone is boring

  9. the Thai company in the condo complex I’m staying quoted me 800b a day , looked at the car , brand new vios, I’m happy ,full insurance ( pay first 5000b excess)

    I would like to spend my money ,give my business to the falang runs establishments.....but i don’t want to feel like I’m being ripped off and that’s what most off you guys are doing ....with over priced, poor service .

    i see hard times ahead for a lot falang business , and in some sick way..... i hope most of your business fail .

    anyway its late

    rant over

    Hello Bedbandit.

    800bt a day for a vios. The Thai company in your condo establishment? Do the rent to people outside the complex.

    Lived in Pattaya past 6years+

    If reluctant to post on open forum understand, possible you could PM me please.


  10. come to think of it.

    the monks who do my tatts have more tattoos then me,they have no hair also.

    they must be bad to.

    You make a good point.

    Take the safforn robes away, put them in jeans stripped to the waist with flip flops

    Have them walk past some farng inhabited premises, observe the scorn and sneers as these Holy men are now deemed unworthy.

    Good thought provoking post

  11. Well do not suppose I will get any invites to your Pimm's evening when you hold a BBQ beside your pool down at the little old villa.

    Been reading with interest the two sides of the tattoos argument. Your okay with them or you don't like to look at them.

    I am a extremely short haired adult male, why....find in warm climates it suits me by being cooler.

    Have lots of Thai tattoos on my back, which were done at my TGF insistence after I had an accident.

    No drink was involved in the accident, it was for the tattoos though.

    No one knows about the tattoos unless I take my shirt off which is only done before retiring.

    Live here at the behest of my company only working 6 months of the year in the oil exploration business with all the Ex-Pat benefits (BUPA, Pension, International flights)

    I detect a touch of envy in your post with a hint of anger/resentment......can only sum it up thus.

    "Who are those tattooed THUGS drinking BEER all day in MY country, in My town. I have WORKED all my days and CANNOT do what they do MUST be CROOKS the whole lot of them. Well just LOOK at them, lowlifes.

    "Come along Carruthers nothing here too see old boy"

    Now I may be wrong and you are full of the milk of human kindness, a lonely Samaritan looking out for the fallen :o

  12. educate me: is this good for people being paid in USD, changing to GBP and then to THB? Or impossible to tell?

    Owing to the amount of employees they have who live and work abroad. Company was told about the £ dropping, so have offered to pay us in Euros or $US. Offered it at a fixed 1.27euro = £ or $1.71 = £1.

    Since I live in thailand electing to be paid in US$.

    $ and baht have only moved by 4.5baht over the year, compared to the £ which has moved 20+baht to the £.

    Just lucky with my job.

    Know of guys out here that are feeling the pinch.

  13. [ :o

    I don't agree. People who have lived here for YEARS are MORE than guests. Not legally, usually. But PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I see nothing wrong with caring about where you live, enough to bitch about things when you want to as well.

    Then they are year long guests. Just accept it as it is.

    The stupidest quote of the year. Accept it as it is. ??? Don't you have a brain? Aren't you able to think independently? Are you afraid to stand by your own principles. You don't have to accept anything in this life. Did the Brits, the French, the Yanks accept naziism? Not all Iraqis accepted Sadam.

    You are entitled to your views and principles of course but let others have their opinions too

    By calling his quote "stupid" your not accepting his but want people to have opinions??

    Does the irony of your comment escape you.

    Regarding the Americans, Brits and French not accepting Nazism. Beg to differ.

    French goverment accepted/negotiated with Nazism (Unlike the Dutch) by setting up an allied/friendly goverment "Vichy" under Petain. Then started deporting French citizens of a jewish parentage to the camps.

    Always be careful when you speak (write) on principles.

    No slur on the French people, it was their politicians that signed/accepted agreements with Nazi Germany.

    The free French fought back honourably.

  14. tmd5855>> You seem confused. Just because people don't like Thaksin doesn't mean the are in favor of or against your list. It's a straw man attack. You aren't playing devils advocate, you are playing Sunrise07 etc. And your opinion that many of us are 'only guests/long stay (holidaymakers) on a visa' [sic] and therefor shouldn't have an opinion on matters is just sad.

    If I was confused would have had similar spelling/grammar mistakes as above :D

    In all seriousiness cannot quite get my head around your second sentence. No need to clarify please, let me stay confused as you state

    Playing Sunrise07. Hope you do not mean in the Biblical sense :D . Do not even know the person you refer to, methinks he/she wil be just as knowledgeable of me. Yet you seem to know better :o

    We are all guests, live here under the whim of the Thai goverment unless your an elite (Which can be revoked).

    Nowhere in my post do I infer that Guests should not have an opinion on Thai matters.

    More, why they get so heated, that when someone, not of the same hue as them asks "why" they are called sad.

    You demonstrate the ability to reinforce same reasons, why I asked about the subject in the first place.

    For that I thank you, you have helped free me from confusion, so as to see and understand 'intolerance' a little more.

  15. From the ever helpful wiki:

    In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly. Dictatorships are often characterized by some of the following traits: suspension of elections and of civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents without abiding by rule of law procedures; these include single-party state, and cult of personality.

    Thaksin didn't go as far as to suspend elections and declare state of emergency, it wasn't necessary to go on with all his other dictator things.

    Wikipedia has modern usage. Check Oxford dictionary.

    It is agreed that Hitler and Stalin were dictators.

    We have the old former Eastern bloc countries, Romania springs to mind whose leaders make Thaskin out to be a bleeding heart liberal.

    I am not for or against Thaskin. Just cannot understand why non-Thais have such strong views on a "Democratically" elected former PM of this country, when they themselves are only guests/long stay (holidaymakers) on a visa.

    Do they not:

    1) Believe in Democracy, one man one vote?

    2) Believe that governing a country should be left to 'elected' individuals.

    3) Believe that all sections of Thai society are entitled to a voice.

    Maybe I am coming across as "Devils Advocate". If so apologies, not intended. Only ever become agitated with politicians in my own country or those of other countries doing harm to MY country?

    Rant over, orange box smashed and lighting the BBQ

  16. This is a prove how desperate Thaksin is. He is a lost case and he know it, his era is over and hes out of the game for good. In short bye bye billions of Baht, no decent country to run to, coming back no option. Poor man you should have know that once the Thai juridical system comes in action its crushes people completely. Nobody will miss you Khun Thaksin, you are forgotten already, but you not seems to realise it yet. So keep quit and join the ranks of the other forgotten dictators in exile.

    Also its a prove that Phuea Thai MP's are cronies of Thaksin, without him they are nothing, just a bunch of losers.

    Cannot understand what you have put down?!?!

    Thaskin a dictator :o

    Unless I am mistaken, was he not democratically elected twice.

    First Thai PM to serve a full term.

    Deposed by a military Coup-de-tat.

    Dictator/s usually seize power with help from the military?

    When I am up at the GF parents farm north of Korat, Thaskin is spoken of highly.

    Me, no opinion since back in the UK we have ex PM's and cabinet ministers who are millionaires, yet were on the public payroll all their lifes. i.e. Late Ted Heath, John Major, Jim Callaghan.

    Pot calling the kettle black springs to mind? If your another Nationality? Let me know, sure I can find public servants just as bad.

  17. This is the quietest I have seen Pattaya.

    Guys that sell the watches, dvd's, belts and others etc tell me they are hurting, no buyers. Friend who has a bar in the Simon Complex, Walking street. Mentions that takings have dropped right off?

    Pretty much sums it up. High season has the flying characteristic's of a brick?

    Read the local papers, greater incidences of Thai on Thai violence. Money is getting tight?

  18. I worked with and for the Israelis in West Africa between 1979-85.  Found them to be very defensive and suspicious, but once we got to know each other their defences dropped and were a good team to work with.  When they open up and start looking at the world through their eyes, you can become the same.  Remember, ant-semitism brought about the near eradication of European Jewry.  Everyone of those I talked with lost between 50-100% of their parents/grandparents, uncles and aunts in the Holocuast.  They don't trust outsiders, believe that when it suits us (Americans/Europeans the West) they will be abandoned to their fate once again.  Then the final solution will take place again.My view is they pick up a lot of negative vibes from us, which put's up their shutters and they go into defence/pack mode.  Not nice, but understandable.One said "We feel at times like a lonely black man down Alabama, just before a KKK rally"? 

  19. After only being a member of this website for a very short space of time i have realised that possibly over 90% of members here have married into wealthy thai (like myself) good thai girl or thai/chinese ladies.

    However the stigma in the UK last time i was there is very much thai ladies marry old men or desperate men for money??

    Surely this is nonense as if any ignorant narrowed fool would read this website and find out the real facts that this is not the case anymore in this day and age.

    Its ridiculous!

    96 posts in 11days. Lot to say have we :o

  20. I can only speak from my own experience.

    GF of many many years has Mama, Papa, 3 brothers, 1 sister and 5 nieces/nephews.

    Since I live Thailand (work offshore 4wks on/off) it has become the norm that the GF and I spend 1 week of my leave at her parents.

    GF has a great time going around all the family, chatting, gossiping etc, while I chill out. Maybe do some DIY on her parents house or help were I can on the farm. Been doing so for a number of years now, would miss meeting the family on a regular basis. All gathered around for meals, days out together etc.

    I am one of the lucky guys to have met a Thai woman with a good family, Papa got a good price for his harvest so out went the squat toilet and in came an European one? Arrived another time to find a bed for the mattress we slept on in our room.

    Two examples of reciprocal treatment that you rarely hear about, usually its one way traffic, farang pay, farang do.

    My rant has gone on long enough.

    Point I wish to make is if you are involved with a Thai lady from a good and close family, do the correct things. You are made welcome and feel at home. Sadly that is a situation you cannot enjoy. Your task I think will be harder. You maybe be expected or looked upon to be all things she will miss by not having a family around.

    Best of luck.

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