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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Hope some one on here can advise?

    Working out here in the Far East and spend my leave in Thailand.

    Company at present deposits my salary into the HSBC Bank (UK) in Sterling. They have now offered to pay those who live outside the UK in either USD or Euros at a fixed exchange rate. But this (Foreign) currency has to be paid into an account outwith the UK.

    Query is?

    Anyone had an a/c with HSBC in the UK. Then came out to Thailand transferring said HSBC a/c to Thailand (Bangkok).

    When the money arrives, a fixed % will then be transferred to the UK still as Euros?

    If possible can anyone advise on cost's/difficulties please??

    If the above is a no go?

    I then open an a/c with a Thai bank, have said USD/Euros paid into this a/c and then transfer same fixed amount to the UK. That possible, to transfer money out of Thailand when it arrives?? This allowed???

    Any advise of any sort would be very welcomed.


  2. the consensus is if u not going to play with girls family best advice is to tell girl to take a hike. u run a successful co. do u have time to placate a sorry thai family?

    some of you just as bad as the family u marring in to.

    Above writings would be viewed more seriously, if capitalisations, grammatical context and the misuse of vowels as words had not taken place.

    555 555 555

    Som nam na

  3. Find someone your in-laws respect to talk on your behalf. A lot of Thai conservative families are afraid by falangs, we have very bad reputation, meet the girl, get her pregnant and move back home.

    An advise given to me, at the beginning don't meet the family alone, always with a group of friends that are appreciated by the family. They will get used to have you around, so you will be less a stranger when they learn the "good" news.

    And never go again the family. Even if you win it will make your wife life miserable and then yours too. If you don't get along, allow your wife to have quality time with her family from time to time, they will be thankful of that and it will help a lot making you an "acceptable" choice.

    Cannot say a word to improve on that well thought out and excelent advise.

    Will not go against you if you do same.

  4. You only get one chance to make a first impression (so they say)

    You are fighting smoke and mirrors here owing to (Thai) face.

    Trying your best to be accomodating actually loses you face since being accomodating can appear weak.

    (Some Farangs say "Farangs have no face to lose" they are wrong we start off with none/zero)

    You have got to appear indifferent (not too sure if that's the right word) in public to them whilst showing you have the ability to do what they believe you cannot do. (Make sense?)

    You need to display all the subtle attributes a well to do/well off/rich guy. If you can do, they get face.

    Any son of a well to do family, will expect any prospective bride to raise their son's and families face when they marry. In return the bride and family gain face also.

    You have already admitted, mama is concerned she and family will lose the face they gained by your GF first marriage.

    You have to be better than the ex.

    All the best to you, hope it all works out in the end for both of you.

    It will take time if your going to succeed without a mama daughter conflict

  5. Garro,

    You seem to be the only one showing any compassion or understanding for a human being down on their luck.

    As a parent who has seen the slipperly slope that drugs (Alcohol & substance) can do to a human. When people "looking on" observe and comment, it does not get through. The person does not realise, nor are they aware, where they are heading or ending up.

    A dose of charity is in order.

    "There but for the grace of god go I"

  6. I think one problem for tourists will be getting travel insurance, most companies will not cover Thailand whilst government travel warnings are in place. Whilst that may not deter the single traveller so much ,families will be unlikely to take the risk. So, there goes ToT's "quality" tourist.

    Pattaya is full of quality tourists at the moment! If you walk along beach road you will see many old, perverted, shirtless, blotchy skinned, bald, red faced, smelly, ugly men (you know who you are) - decorating the beach front.

    Fallen out with your family then :o

  7. (Transubstantiation has a lot to answer for),


    How very true. Did you know that 8 years after the split with Rome, Henry VIII instituted the death penalty for anybody who denied the doctrine of transubstantiation. And nowadays it is "common knowledge" that Henry VIII was a protestant. Try explaining the truth that he had a dispute with the pope, but not with popery, and that he examined protestant theology but never acepted it and you get the same response as the Monty Python yorkshireman "they won't believe you".

    It was the Pope in return for Henry's earlier support, bestowed on him "Defender of the Faith". A title the present Queen of England has in her title.

    Try telling someone the Head of the Church of England uses a Roman Catholic Title/Honour...............They won't believe you

  8. To summarize then, the

    PROPOSITION: The House believes that "Outing" individuals in certain circumstances is not only acceptable, but desirable

    is supported by

    (1) the utilitarian concept of Greater Good, which has precedence in both law and society

    (2) the legal principle that private actions can become of public interest based on ancillary actions of the individual.

    Indeed, in order to disagree with the House, Negative must argue the following appositive:

    There are no situations in which it is acceptable or desirable to Out someone.

    A daunting task for Negative, indeed.

    No, no, no. You are the one who wanted a debate. Not only are you being the devils advocate, your also acting as judge and jury (Were going to say Judge Judy. But, you would think me an American...I am not).

    You picked a group of people that the general public would, should or could look up to for guidance. Using that outlook frame a defination that encompasses everyone?

    How about a homosexual individual, not in the public eye, nor paid from the public purse. Neither does he/she, propose or push an anti agenda. Must that person be outed??

    Going by your debating rules he /she must be. Goes against natural justice. That being the case??

    Then arguing "natural justice" (to start off with) is a reasonable not daunting task to start with.

  9. If you want to keep clear of walking street?? Try sexy girl agogo top of Soi 8. Owner (Thai) very helpful and friendly, staff always courteous. Least of all the dancers are exceptionaly attractive, combine that with below W/S prices (for drinks I hasten to add)............why go anywhere else.

  10. You either believe/agree in democracy that the majority wins, or you do not.

    If the majority of the people vote for the "Little green men from timbuctoo"? Then the will of the people should be carried out.

    Not decided by a previous power group that no longer can gain the majority vote.

    In that event, they rule as an unelected body, who can do what they wish.(Tyrants)

    Churchill had it right when he commented on the failings of democracy, but when you looked at all the alternatives, it was the only good option.

  11. There is no god, stop blaming everything on him. Most people on here have seen or know my DOGS.

    They are HARMLESS. I was KIDDING!

    I didn't buy them for there ferociousness. They are really a kind and gentle breed. It is the way you raise them.

    They have been here for 2 years, and played with many neighborhood children. And not one growl, not one.

    Get over yourself, and go pick on the people who raise the Soi Dogs. They are the real problem.

    Before you post Nung Pan baht, you should learn how TO SPELL. Speaking of down syndrome.

    This is why this forum is unenjoyable. Humor is out the window, and there are so many tough guys.

    people need to relax. I seriously doubt you would ever find me and my DOGS on the beach we go to.

    !!!a!!! :D

    Pan baht = 1000 baht

    Neung pan baht = 1, 1000 baht.???

    Maybe you should understand Thai before posting Thai.


    Sanook 555 555 555

  12. I used to drink with some motorcycle guys in different parts of Bangkok many years ago when I was a drunk.

    They see these rich farang travelling all round the world with high-paying jobs and taking back girls to their apartments many nights yet try to get off with 10 baht with them for a ride. These are hard-working good guys generally, who work 7 days a week to get 5,000 of which half is often sent to their family up country.

    They are poor but very proud and will beat someone up without an hesitation if they deserve it.

    Often it's the expats lack of communication skills that is the problem.

    Imagine if you were tax driver in London and some Oil Shiek flagged you down and tried to get it 1 quid cheaper than the meter , babbling away in Arabic - you'd think he were a real <deleted>, wouldn't you?


  13. All the years been here never had a problem with these guys, except their speed and direction of travel :D .

    Always ask how much.

    Helps if you can say where you want to go and how much in Thai. These guys have helped me out more times than you can shake a stick at.

    Taxi's at short notice when the booked one fails to turn up. Getting things repaired from the house.

    After an accident, when a drunken Thai motorist demolished a row of bikes waiting to turn right at traffic lights. Thai motorcycle taxis were first on the scene helping out before BIB turned up.

    Anyway 10bt or 20pence...........................times must be hard :D .

    People bemoan how cheap it is to get people hurt, then try to cheap themselves by arguing and shouting with a local over 10baht, 2faced springs to mind. :o

  14. Im just waiting for all the thai defenders coming over the hill shouting " oh this can happen in the USA UK etc blah blah blah ! :o:D

    Wheee, that was some climb up, now i am back down the hill.................I say..........to all those that knock Thailand, do you not realise worse things happen in the US, UK, etc, blah, blah, blah.

    at least they still had the clothes they were standing in.

    555 5555 55555555555

  15. Keep your eye on the Nationalism thing.. if there is going to be tribalism it will be wrapped in a flag.

    Tribalism wrapped in a flag, hhmmm, good expression.

    Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. As the old saying goes?

    At the end of the day its like any other conflict. The other side has "GOD", the "People", or doing it "for the people" on their side. Never do they say it's because they want power, money or influence..........................

    One thing is for sure, two trains on the same track, on collison course.

    None can veer off owing to the track, cannot slow down owing to mometum. Lets hope they run out of "Steam" :o

  16. Hi,

    I am new to this forum after having lived for four years in Japan and China. I just visited thailand for the first time last month.

    First, let me start by requesting that you don't pin the stereotype of "Bitter Western woman" on me. I understand why the stereotype exists, but don't lump me in with the girls who come to Asia and refuse to date anyone but other whites. I have never understood those girls, and for me, dating the local men is something I can't comprehend why any woman would close herself off to. I've got no time for people who villify farang men for dating Asian women, and even less time for men who express disbelief that I could ever be attracted to an Asian man.

    Anyway, recently I had a conversation with an expat man in Bangkok who really opened my eyes. Anyway, we talked a lot more than I have the time to write down here, but basically, I came to realize that Western men are suckers for love. And speaking for myself alone, i tend to have forgotten that. Hollywood portrays a "manly man" as someone who never shows his emotions or vulnerability, and I must confess I have internalized that a little bit, and don't often consider that a man may be more sensitive or easily hurt than he appears.

    So anyway, I was reading this blog:

    http:// :o:D www.deanbarrettthailand.com/ten_golden_rules_of_thai_bargirl.htm (smilies put there to prevent hotlinking) and I came across this gem:

    8) Learn to prey on the emotional weaknesses of Western men. You must learn how to make customers feel lust, guilt, responsibility, jealousy, and a myriad of other emotions. This isn’t that easy as no Thai man would ever fall for the silly little games that come from this but many (certainly not all) Western men are unequipped to handle these games. One of my best mates likes to say (when referring to Western customers dealing with Thai bar gals) that “the gals have the home field advantage and many of us don’t even know the rules to this game.”

    Okay, now as a western woman, i have a handle on the idea that I have to make a man feel lust in order to get him to like me. And be umm, sweet and not mind sports and such.

    But emotional weaknesses/ That does not make any sense to me. I was brought up to believe that a woman should pretend that a man has NO emotional weaknesses even when it is blindingly obvois that he does. (Like, for example, noticing that your man seems afraid of heights and saying "gee honey, I am afraid of heights, can we get down from here" rather than comforting him.

    So in short, I am realizing that perhaps I have never seen Western men accurately at all, that the ridiculous stereotypes of Hollywood have blinded me to the reality of men. And obviously, Thai women don't have this handicap. C'mon, guys, give me a hand in human understanding over here, I promise i'll use it only for good.

    You know it's like this, the more i understand men, the better I am able to treat them. Seeing men innaccurately leads to hurting them inadvertantly, I believe.

    So please, give me some insight! I wanted to travel to understand my world better, and i am more confused than ever. Help me get towards the light, please?



    p.s I am on a tiny keyboard, please excuse my typos/

    Hi V.

    Always been told to that woman want the following.

    1) Feel wanted, loved and admired.

    2) Their partner thinks kindly of them.

    3) Whether right or wrong they take your side.

    4) Good mannered enough not to belittle you in public, not rven in jest.

    5) Give emotional support.

    6) Partner is always appreciative.

    Guess what men want the same................................We have feelings, Thai women know how to push buttons 1 to 5.

  17. Sit her down and say "We have big problem, my (insert mama/papa, sister/brother, mama/papa brother/wife, need money ".

    Tell her its only for one month.....maybe two months, her money plus your 10,000 a month will now go to your family. She will do one of three things.

    1) Blow up saying "No way" "DUMP HER"

    2) We can only send your family a little if we stop paying for your car/house/pension etc. "DUMP HER"

    3) "Okay, we need help your family". You have a chance.

    Thai's have a strong sense of helping family members, so she should/will understand where your coming from?

    I have been living with a Thai lady, here in Pattaya for the past 3+years. Sends her parents between 3 - 4,000bt a month. We go visit them every 2nd month where I will pick up the food bill for the week 300bt max for 5 people.

    Sin sod, why you pay?? My GF parents say we pay for wedding and reception, how big up to me?? But for face, I give Papa the money. He then pays and gets face.

    You are in a high cost relationship, think carefully would you stay with a white/farang woman behaving this way.

    Guest house made a good few points as well.

    Please read and take in BM experiences, unlike your wife. The BM's have no hidden agenda??

  18. i Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .

    though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

    Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis.

    Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

    Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

    You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

    No offence or sarcasm meant.......................But, reading and noting your use of capitalisation after punctuation marks/spaces, use of lower case in error, grammatical context in general and your spelling???

    Suggest you leave the herbs/ cannabis alone for a while. Might be better to sink a Tiger or two :D

    what about you..? you are a 54 year old male, but look like a 30 something thailady. What are you on? I ahve nothing any trannys though, and if thats the case, you look fine

    why not stop all this sillyness and think of a way forward...

    you have proven that theres some very vital things you have not a clue about about( heroin) what else is there ? put aside the ego,amit whe wrong

    do not go off on side issues, this is not an english school

    this man happens to be far more enlightend than you

    I apologise, made a big mistake, should not of teased or corrected you, reading my replies show I am a bully :D

    Reading your post, thought there were a wiff of high altitude ozone in there, which to excuse the silliness or, poorly thought out statements.

    Realise now you should be at school. So, hurry along there sonny, mummy has your sandwiches and clean panties in case of............. :D

    My attempt at sarcasm, no offense 55555 55555

    But I would suggest you type out any future post's in word.

    Do a spell/grammar check, cut, then paste on the reply board.

    It would read a lot better and you would then appear enlightened, if not grammatically correct :D

    PS Never called anyone a scumbag in my post's?? You must be mistaking me for someone else...5555555555 555555555

    Will pass on your nice compliment to the wife, (thanks) she is 36 not 30 something :o

  19. Noted a few posters talking about drugs when they were younger and experimenting with all manner of things.

    Realise that curiousity is what took man out of caves to where we are now (good or bad mai roo). Except taking drugs is not out of curiousity, more like an ego trip. "I want to be a rebel"/cool". "Bet people are impressed with me".

    Seeing and experiencing the heartache and loss that drugs and it's effects can have on the individual and their family. Believe you need to have something missing in your head or life to take drugs.

    So called soft drugs like cannabis has had devastating effects on young people I knew. From energetic, go getters who were assured a place at the good fortune table, lost it all. Became lethargic and could not care less about their world/future......

    I drink, sometimes to excess and feel ill in the morning. That is me out of action for two days. Makes me angry with myself for being so stupid.

    Drugs are for losers, you may not think so but they take thier toll over the years, out of your body, relationships and mind.

    another one of those grossly over general statements with more holes than a swiss cheese that help us stay way behind.. where shall i start?

    I can start as a general statement being a father who spent three years with a son, who went from soft drugs and petty theft to hard drugs with identity theft for stealing, finally losing his own life

    I enjoy this, but also it makes me sad because you have a voice, a say, and yet it is so very wrong it makes me cringe ( hope that right word)

    Yes and a pair of eyes that have seen the deterioration, suffering of a young human being

    " drugs are for losers' legal ones too? so you are loser because you drink? So, in your completely flawed logic, everyone who takes drugs will ruin there life and is loser.

    In a nutshell if taken to excess any kind of drug will ruin your life, if you do it, knowing what you could lose?? Then you are a loser

    My god...and people who do not take are successful are they?

    No, abstinence is no garantee of success. I never said it did. Read the post again

    and by the way, what is the benchmark of success?

    A sense of fufillment. Ability to take care of oneself with no help/support. Attainment of goals, etc.

    Is it " follow all those laws, deny yourself the possibilty of enjoying certain things that have been deemed to dangerous( but we know many will anyway because its need) to try pay all those tax, do not do this/ that, be a good little robot, retire at 60, enjoy your pension..

    to me that is far far from success.

    Your comments, not applicable to my post?

    care to make a bet?

    Do not gamble, above your comments, not applicable to my post

    can you not see how backwards this is? There can be no absolutes- please try and grasp this

    wether you like or no- I tell you this, many people take many sorts of drugs, even heroin( which actually even may lengthen life) and are very happy, successful, heathy.

    Never knew heroin extended life, rather the reverse> Please quote the GMC paper and when published. Oh? If possibe the year, Victorian and Edwardian era's do not count??

    That is a fact. I know many like this.Many may not, and the way perhaps to help stop this is new policys.

    mass/wrong generalisation will impeed this

    By your response, makes me think you take drugs??? That being the case it has not helped your grammar, spelling or punctuation

  20. i Take offence at being called a scumbag ,as i smoke cannabis does that make me a bad person nope far from it .The law on Cannabis around the world is unjust and stupid .The Dutch have it right ,I have used e in the past many many years of taking acid and whizz .

    Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .Though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

    Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis. Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

    Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

    You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

    No offence or sarcasm meant.......................But, reading and noting your use of capitalisation after punctuation marks/spaces, use of lower case in error, grammatical context in general and your spelling???

    Suggest you leave the herbs/ cannabis alone for a while. Might be better to sink a Tiger or two :o

  21. Noted a few posters talking about drugs when they were younger and experimenting with all manner of things.

    Realise that curiousity is what took man out of caves to where we are now (good or bad mai roo). Except taking drugs is not out of curiousity, more like an ego trip. "I want to be a rebel"/cool". "Bet people are impressed with me".

    Seeing and experiencing the heartache and loss that drugs and it's effects can have on the individual and their family. Believe you need to have something missing in your head or life to take drugs.

    So called soft drugs like cannabis has had devastating effects on young people I knew. From energetic, go getters who were assured a place at the good fortune table, lost it all. Became lethargic and could not care less about their world/future......

    I drink, sometimes to excess and feel ill in the morning. That is me out of action for two days. Makes me angry with myself for being so stupid.

    Drugs are for losers, you may not think so but they take thier toll over the years, out of your body, relationships and mind.

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