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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. :)

    My relationship with my Thai (ex-bar girl) wife has been going on for over 30 years...started in 1977.

    Is it happy...yes, it is.

    Has it seen arguements and disagreements...yes, of course.

    Have there been rough times.....yes, of course. We worked them out.

    Have there been good times....yes there have. I remember them happily

    And after those 30+ years I can honestly say I still love and respect her...and I know she does the same for me.

    All in all, it's called REAL LIFE, and it's as good as you ever get.

    By the way...this was the 3rd relationship I had in Thailand. The first two fell apart, but I got lucky with number 3.


    Do you need to pay her family each month?


    Just a quick response. No, she left her family long ago,before I met her. She never asked for money to support her parents or the "sick buffalo". She was quite independent in that regard.

    She had 3 children by her first marriage. Her first husband left her with no money. I have raised the kids and put them through school. They are all now grown and working, There is a granddaughter that lives with the wife/kids. I have bought a house for them where I will live when I retire soon.

    I think my marriage is as good and as lasting as the average marriage in the U.S. (my original home). Just look at the divorce rates. I could have done far worse.

    Some "bar girls" are good, some are bad. I found a good one. Her whole life was devoted to her children...and ,by extesnsion, me as their surrogate father.


    Good for you, well done.

  2. Not one person here has a girl from a bar so far, so why worry, it is rare.

    I'm surprised. :)

    Probably because they believe others will think unkindly of them. And, they don't want any possible shame brought on their wives by posting on the internet.

    I COULD have easily married two different Thai women who worked in bars at one point in their lives and we'd probably live quite happily, but I'm just not into getting married any more. I've done that twice with western women. And, not getting married to some woman 30 or 40 years junior to me is for the woman's sake, not my own. I wouldn't want them to be tied down to some old fart 15 years from now when they are still in the prime of their life.

    I know two farang men in Thailand that are happily married to ex-bar girls after 10 years of marriage. They go through the usual problems that ALL couples go through when living together, but other than that they've never had a bad word to say about their wives who they obviously adore.

    Women who work in bars can be no different than women anywhere. There are the great ones and the nasty ones, and everything in between. The only real difference between women who work in bars and women who work elsewhere, is the bar girls have built a necessary shell around their hearts. They've been hurt too many times to trust anyone completely. And trust is necessary to make a marriage work. The bar girls ALL have feelings and it takes a little time to get to know them before you begin to understand what they are going through.

    By the way, Nurse made some very good posts that I agree with. So did cpofc and toybits.

    I also agree. You have put down some valid, pertinent points for thought.

    If those do not want to look through other eyes, then they are the loser.(my opinion only)

  3. Quite a few years back, I lived in an apartment building not far from Patpong. The building was inhabited by girls (and guys) who worked in the bars--most were nice, some less so. The expat population was made up primarily of people who enjoyed the night life. I can't give you an exact statistic, but around 90% of them had at least one overseas boyfriend sending them money, some had two or three. Of the ones I knew, eventually well over 25% married foreigners. And there were a lot of them.

    These marriages included several male co-workers that I knew. Of course, the first item of business was to 'rehabilitate' the Mrs. Invariably, they worked 'in an office on Silom.' A few of the wives who were a bit more jaded and less mentally endowed, could only be passed off as having worked in a restaurant. There were more lies, stories and spin than a government office going around. But most everyone new.

    As you can see from this thread, there's a fair amount of interest, but not a lot of revealing information.

    Sorry folks, but you can't make a silk purse out a sows ear. Cinderella was a fairy tale and "Pretty Woman" was just a movie. Real life is different.

    My ex-bar wife now runs a 7/11. Accountancy, stock levels and man management skills are the minimum needed. She does quite well.

    Pom sang satang

  4. Mia and I are now 2 years, 4 months together. She appeared in a bar I used to pop into and noticed her straight away as a stranger.

    (Yes I am a bar frequenter, so maybe or are a low life)

    Could speak very poor English but my Thai was the same.

    With living in Pattaya and working offshore have seen many well paid and well educated guys lose all common sense and sense of proportions to thai females. I was terrified and amazed when I let her move into my home when I went back to work. Do 4wks on/off.

    Came back all was good so took it slowly.

    Cannot wish for better, go up North to her parents every 2 months for a week, always made me welcome. 19 years difference I am 53, maybe an old fool.

    But happy as a sandboy. Yes you can have a success............................but, I were living here for 3+ years enjoying life as a child would in a sweetie shop. Seen many a strong man cry over these girls, whom they had met on a three week holiday. Feel sorry for them.

    My view, you want success you need to learn Thai, live here, spend time at her parents farm with Thai facilities. You can do that your on the right track.

  5. You are correct but missing one point/thing?

    No longer resident for tax purposes in the UK. I have a Thai address that all goverment agencies know about and mail too.

    I may not pay income tax but I do pay Nat Ins at class 1. That still entitles me to all benefits from our wonderful goverment (Whether Tory or Labour).

    And here is where you are wrong......NHS care is based on RESIDENCY and NOT contributions:

    What about British Nationals? I have paid taxes in the past.

    Nationality or past or present payments of UK taxes and National Insurance contributions are not taken into consideration when establishing residence. The only thing relevant is whether you ordinarily live in the UK.

    That was taken from the NHS site itself at:




    Will put it another way.

    Have a NT coding which means.

    "Not normally resident for the purposes of taxation" Quote.

    I am not normally resident for paying of tax since I work abroad and live 50% of my leave abroad other 50% (90 days a year) in the UK.

    So still resident for all benefits.

    Every person circumstances can be different, you may be right on never going back to the UK but I return for one week every 2 months. So entitled to all NHS benefits even after 6 years

    You must be careful when applying one outcome to all scenarios.

    If my original post when read could mislead, apologies

  6. One thing i DO know is with regard to your #4

    Its a case of just being out of the country for only ONE year that make you lose your entitlement to free non emergency NHS treatment

    I had the actual act saved to my hard drive, but cant find it now, but there are plenty of references to it elsewhere:


    "All patients, regardless of their status or nationality are subject to the same basic screening process and should be asked the following question about their residential status as part of the hospital registration procedure:

    • Where have you lived for the last 12 months?

    • Can you show that you have the right to live here?

    A person who has not been living in the UK for the last 12 months is subject to the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations and can therefore expect to be asked further questions such as,

    • On what date did you arrive in the UK?

    • What is the basis for your stay in the UK?

    Patients who are unable to provide answers to these questions, or whose answers indicate that they may not be eligible for free hospital treatment should be referred to the NHS trust's Overseas Visitors Manager, who will conduct a full interview with the patient to establish whether he/she is chargeable. However, immediately necessary treatment should never be delayed or withheld because of doubts about the patient's chargeable status or his/her ability to pay."

    Taken from:



    You are correct but missing one point/thing?

    No longer resident for tax purposes in the UK. I have a Thai address that all goverment agencies know about and mail too.

    I may not pay income tax but I do pay Nat Ins at class 1. That still entitles me to all benefits from our wonderful goverment (Whether Tory or Labour).

    1) You pay Nat ins for 30 years you get a full old age pension.

    2) You can elect to pay Class 2, around £100.00 PA. You still get full oap pension and access to NHS. Except no job seekers allowance (Honest been there).

    3) When you start to draw your old age pension can be fraught? Why.

    A) If you live outside the EU and a few designated other countries. Amount you draw is frozen. You will not receive any increases after that date. There are some test cases being fought, one is with people living in Australia.

    Best advice is to contact said people direct.

    Been trying to get those Charity and residence people in Newcastle to allow me Class 2 status. But since I am classed as a Merchant Navy officer not allowed.

    On another angle, I am unable to claim Merchant Navy tax benefits because HMRC class me as an offshore worker.

    Charity and residence people will not allow me to pay class2 Nat Ins since they class me as Merchant Navy??


  7. I am ex Merchant Navy now living in Thailand and working offshore in the oil industry. Do not listen to the 6 months out of the UK that does not apply now to offshore. (No more than 182 days in the UK>)

    It was changed back in 1997 when the F.E.D. (Foreign Earnings Deduction) was removed from "Persons/vessels engaged in mineral extraction of the seabed" This method of claiming tax back was originally meant for the UK Merchant Navy personnel.

    Anyone now who wants to avoid tax has to do the 90 day rule. For two years I satisfied HMRC with my days out of the UK. For my 3rd year recieved a NT coding. Which means "Not resident for the purposes of tax".

    If you only go back the UK for 60 days each over two years you can roll that over and stay more than 90 the next. But, I would not do that since the HMRC are looking at closing that loophole.

    You will get a lot of advise most of itr can be <deleted>. Tax avoidance is legal. Tax evasion is illegal.

    Been living Thailand tax free for 6+ years and have no hassle from the HMRC anymore since I am still on the Radar but legit.

    Phone the HMRC tell them (Honestly) what you want to do ....... they will tell you if its okay.

    If you work outside the UK, do not return to the UK for more than 90 days in a year or 365 day period and you can prove that with airline stub, credit card receipts, passport entry/departing stamps you will be okay.

    PM me if you want some more advise or accountants/tax firms names/phone numbers.

  8. Nampeung, my thoughts are with you at this time.

    You are quite amazing, no display of bitterness, anger or hurt at what has befallen you. You worry about your son?

    My father fell ill and died within 5 weeks. Age at the time was 11, still to this day, wish I could remember him saying he loved me?

    Your son is you, you will live on in him and his children, you gave him life, warm and love.

    Point I am trying to make is to make him feel loved and that he is in your heart and soul forever.

    We can all buy and give gifts but receiving a mothers love is the greatest gift you can give your child.

    Take care


  9. I wonder what would would happen if a Thai guy turned up at a licensing office in Europe demanding a European license with a Thai License, without any proper transaltion. !!

    Another example of Farangs thinking that it's their god given right to demand and be given in Asian countries....lol.

    Colonionism is long gone, deal with it !

    Very good Maigo6.

    Hit a nail on the head with that one.

    I agree, it is their country, so their rules.

  10. Someone young, wealthy, handsome, popular,..., who has to prove that to himself by condescending provocations on a well known public forum daily for hours has a schizophrenic anankastic personality.

    Great word!  I had to look it up in the dictionary, I am embarrassed to say, but I am glad to have it in my vocabulary now!

    Cannot understand why this thread continues, can only be ????

  11. After all the negative postings lately about Thailand I thought I would post some good things. Since first coming here several years ago I have never been arrested, ripped off, been a victim of crime or shown any great disrespect :D Paid the odd MIB 200 baht but done so with a smile :D

    I have though been made very welcome in all areas of Thailand during my ride around the Kingdom. When I have broken down or run out of fuel I have never had to wait more than 5 mins for some very helpful Thai to stop and assist me. I have been fed, watered and given a room all for nothing. I hardly ever take the key out of my motorbike and when I return it is always there. A girl that I didn't know that well sat by my bed day and night for 4 days in hospital after an accident till I was better. My other half cost me nothing, has asked for nothing and her family neither ask nor expect anything other than I take care of their daughter. I live in a beautiful country and thank Buddha every day for allowing me to do so.

    My quality of life here is far better than back in the UK and I will leave only when they drag me screaming and kicking onto the plane.

    The next time you feel the need to post that life here in Thailand is so bad just try to remember what things were like back wherever you came from :D Chock dee :)

    You have just earned my respect. I echo everything you wrote


    Pom song satang

  12. I always thought, without any evidence to support this, that Pol Pot policy's were heavily influenced by the cultural revolution in China.

    It amazes me what human beings are capable of.........both great things and horrible things and everything in between.

    I am struck by how important it is to elect good and decent people.

    And how important it is for the general public to be educated so that they have the ability to make informed decisions.

    I am also struck by how important it is for development to reach both urban and rural peoples. It is dangerous to leave one segment out.

    Finally, I am struck by how important it is for adults to teach children the dangers of xenophobia, ethnocentrism, and extreme nationalism.

    There are lessons to be learned from what happened in Cambodia.

    Very good points.

    Unfortunately you have Darfur, Rhawanda, Somalia to name a few. Putting the blame for your ills on another group of humans usually means you cannot see they are victims also when you have tortured and killed them?.

    If the poorly eduacated rural masses were as educated as those in PP, then understanding may have kicked in. Realising you are all the same underneath comes with understanding

  13. Whenever a non-native of a country starts preaching on a country/culture not of his origin.....

    I see the waving of flags, hear the blowing of trumpets and protestations of love and loyalty,,,,,,, my thoughts drift too?

    Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?

    A fence can be a good place to sit?

  14. At the end of the day you treally have to make a yes or no answer?

    Do you believe in Democracy where the majority of the voters vote for the peron/s-party to run the country.

    Do you believe that groups can use resources (Military or finance) to gain power for personal reasons.

    The above leaves out all the grey areas on the subject. But it shows what way you lean??

    No. I did not agree with the coup.

    Terms of office and the vote should mean the people get rid of elected officials who are no longer doing what they said or should.

    Coups make them martyrs?

  15. As an ardent Star Trek fan and believer, I will share some "Top Secret" information with you guys.

    I know the type of person who belongs to Thai Visa forum can keep a secret, even under torture it would be "No comment" from you guys.....and ....girls?

    Here you are.

    All the log book details of the Galaxy Class Starships were found on an alien craft that had escaped from an genocidal campaign that occurred on the Planet Natura Nebula. This craft was found in a shattered condition behind McDonalds restuarant in Upper Hamstead, London.

    At first the police took away 15 Polish, 2 Albanians, 3 Kurds and 17 Iraqis for questioning who were found in the area. They were all later released without charge except for bruises and multiple lacerations after falling down the stairs and windows of the police staion.

    McDonalds management thanked Scotland Yard, that they could now re-open the Hampstead branch of McDonalds, now their employees were back....I digress.

    On deciephered messages they discovered some disturbing news on the destruction of the Federation??

    Very few survivors escaped from the Space Dock planet when all 8 ships of the Galaxy Class were being converted and/or upgraded.

    Two of those were Captain Tiberius Kirk and Chief Engineer "Scott".

    Chief Engineer Scott was piloting the rescue craft acbove the planet searching for survivors when he picked up a message on the 22.75 PicoHertz wave band.

    It went like this.

    Kirk: Hello......Anyone there.......we are trapped

    Scott: Identify yourself, you are on a restricted channel

    Kirk: We are ### STATIC~~~

    Scott: You are breaking up repeat.

    Kirk: This is the survivors from Enterprise. No. 2HDJXSB35945VSHSX. Federation Codice x-ray, 9R

    Scott: ID confirmed, State the nature of the emergency and assistance required.

    Kirk: We need all the tissue paper you have onboard, beamed down to us now.

    Scott: Can you confirm "tissue paper" and why?

    Kirk: Having problems with Klingons.

    Sadly shortly after that all communications were lost.

    C/Engineer Scott, commented later "They must be in the S#it"

  16. Having problems in our family with a sister-in-law whose values in life leave a lot to be desired, {from my point of view} for example, meeting an american who it appears was captivated by her charms of one discription or another sent her 2,500 U.S. dollars to move near her sister {my wife} and set up a home, decided, on receiving the money that she didn't really love him and kept the money which caused endless troubles between me and the ex boyfriend, he apparently thought we were in a con trick together, she promptly met a Dutch guy and went to Holland and married him leaving her two off spring in our care, she has now been kicked into touch by the husband but met another mug who has taken her in, my problem is when she is mentioned I get angry as my wife and her friends seem to think that it's ok and upto her. Iwould like to point out that my wife worked in a bank when I met her 19yrs ago which would lead me to believe she would have a different attitude to a less educated female or possibly bar girl.

    Well the pile of stones are to your right, make sure who can cast the first stone, before the illeducated masses and BG "Get it"

    Always believed that morals, principles and intergrity came from within. Could not be taught from a book??

    Anyone using banking to describe morals, intergrity, principles and honesty in a human being, has obviously not kept up with financial news around the world??

  17. Look at particular rules on particular web forums on how you're not allowed to talk about particular professions of a particularly significant large demographic of foreigner's significant others. Preservation of face at its purest. Hint, I'm not talking about pantip, sanook, or hunsa.


    there s a thread on thai girl panties that hasnt been closed!

    There is another one about Thai lady blouses, it keeps on being opened up then closed,

    Wonder why.......................................will be having a look myself later :)

  18. For me, the manners issue is very personal. I look at it as a mix of karma, education and self satisfaction.

    I generally return shopping carts to a collection area. Oft times I'll grab another stray along the way. Many Thais tend to leave them blocking parking spaces. Some Thais look at me oddly when I do that. Okay by me ..

    .. on the other hand .. recently at Tesco I offered to return a cart for 3 young women .. pretty smiles and nice wais from all 3.

    I hold doors open a lot .. especially for ladies whether they be young or old. As they pass through they virtually always say "ka". I smile a little smile somewhere between "you're welcome" and "dam_n, I wish I was 25 again!" Lots of double takes and nice smiles.

    Courtesy may not be contagious, but I doubt if it breeds contempt .. and it seems enough that its a personal reward.

    It's also quite inexpensive. :)

    Agree, its not the moral high ground you seek but maintaining your own standards. Good manners are a good habit to have

  19. Am I the only one on this forum that is depressed by the fact that most farang just seem obsessed by money and the fear that everyone in the world is trying to scam them from their money??

    No, I am depressed also.

    Missus works in a 7/11 that money goes straight into her parents account.

    When we visit them every two months, money no longer changes hands, i.e. me giving to them via her.

    In the Thai way the daughter is taking care of mama and papa. I take care of their daughter.

    Never been asked these past few yaers except for BBQ when all the relatives and nieghbours come around.

    To the original OP. I would make an offer of 50 or 66% on seeing the bills, that way you are doing more than half, your wife keeps face up to the others on keeping theirs in front of her?

    Pom song satang

    you should be depressed. can you say ATM! you make it hard for me to find a upcountry girl to love and cherish. they all think i atm like you. :):D:D

    You are correct they think you ATM lol. After 6 years of observation, 3+ plus with daddies girl. She is an ATM for them. Me an ATM for her. If you can speak the language, not need a translator you can get a better understanding of their physce?

    I apologise "Kaw Tot, Pom Sia jai" On making your life hard, not finding the up country girl to love and cherish must be torturous for you. Please do not be bitter, twisted or cynical. You should be happy, you are in the land of smiles :D 555 555 555 :D

  20. Am I the only one on this forum that is depressed by the fact that most farang just seem obsessed by money and the fear that everyone in the world is trying to scam them from their money??

    No, I am depressed also.

    Missus works in a 7/11 that money goes straight into her parents account.

    When we visit them every two months, money no longer changes hands, i.e. me giving to them via her.

    In the Thai way the daughter is taking care of mama and papa. I take care of their daughter.

    Never been asked these past few yaers except for BBQ when all the relatives and nieghbours come around.

    To the original OP. I would make an offer of 50 or 66% on seeing the bills, that way you are doing more than half, your wife keeps face up to the others on keeping theirs in front of her?

    Pom song satang

  21. The world has gone crazy with all these black rights movements and gay rights movements and muslim rights movements.Lets have a hetro movement and vote for our rights not to listen to minority protesting.Yes it would be wrong to do this,but nobody cares for us hetros, boohoo boohoo boohoo.

    Yes it's kinda hard being part of a minority.. Being a straight, white, bloke with a good job and no debts I know how they feel.... :)

    How would you know? Being a straight white bloke in a Caucasian dominated country would put you in the top ~47% of the male population yet you feel hard done by enough to come and whine in a sub-forum set up specifically for gay folks. How sad is that?

    What is it with straight white men that they have to bleat like sheep when a small minority ask for the same rights that they (the straight white men) have enjoyed throughout history? We're not depriving you of anything. We're not taking away any of your rights or privileges. We'd just like to have those same rights and privileges that you enjoy. What are you scared of? Do you think you'll be somehow diminished if you're expected to take your place alongside the rest of humanity?

    No intention of flaming but your comment highlighted above.

    The only bleating I have ever noticed (maybe I am blind) is from the minorities that want to join the club (Majority) and once in re-write the rule book.

    i.e. Women wanting to join all male clubs for one.

    An example. At my rugby club wifes and GF's were always guest's since it was a male sporting club. Some women pushed to be members, won and became full members, some women were voted onto the committee and in the blink of an eye, Rugby tours changed along with the social events.

    Club went downhill and the women complained that the club was no longer the same (Since they joined)

    I do not want to belong to a minority club, will not want them to close or change their rules to suit me. Believe in "Quid Pro Quo".

    Have a number of Lesbian friends in solid relationships but they believe in seperate equality. Wish some gay men would do/believe the same and leave me to bleat (555 555) in my own club?

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