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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Live Thailand, work offshore.

    In a long term relationship (3 Years) with a TGF . Spend 25-33% of my leave at her parents house/farm up Sia Khao.

    We had talked about getting married and I asked about Sin Sod before it was mentioned, expressed my opposition to it, since I was not buying a bride and it was my custom that the brides parents should pay for the wedding?

    But understanding their financial position, would pay for any wedding?

    For "FACE", Mama and Papa (+GF) could organise the wedding, food, music and drink etc. I give money in public so Papa gets "FACE" and he appears to pay for everything, what is left is given back to GF.

    Nothing was ever spoken about the subject again?

    A year+ after the above conversation and a year+ of physical work at the house and farm, there was a family gathering.

    Told they were happy to see their daughter and I still together, learning Thai, living and eating Thai, that they could not take any money from me for wedding. Sin Sod had been paid 11 years earlier when she had mariied a Thai????

    You do not pay "TWICE".

    They would have and pay for, a simple wedding in the village, up to me & GF what else we wanted at the wedding and how many people from outside, we would pay for that. No problem I said.

    You must live with the family, if they are a good sort and you sleep under their roof with no A/C, squat toilet, bowl to shower with, you gain "face". (Realise that farang have no face to lose......But it does not stop you earning "Face" with the family).

    That is my satangs worth...............do not be rushed, or held to ransom. You meet a good lady from a good family, you'll be okay. Bad family........................... You'll know sooner

  2. Been flying back and forward Far East, UK for approx 4 years now owing to working out here.

    Started with BA until I found they were only giving me a % of air miles from LHR to Jakarta, inflight poor, stewardesses dire. Binned?

    Malaysian airways next, completely disorganised and would not credit me with clocked up miles. Binned?

    Air France. Nuff said.

    KLM. Never a problem, within 1 year had gold, then Platinum. Regular upgrades to biz or use 40kmiles. If you have a complaint and write to them giving the reason/s. they write back apologising and give you some free miles between 5k - 10k.

    Singapore Air is used for the last leg Bangkok - Singapore - Perth. No complaints. After 4 weeks, do the return, check-in and smile? Find your upgraded to Biz Sing - Bangkok, why, dunno.

    Qantas, Singapore to Perth or Singapore to Darwin............Dire.

    Could mention the local carriers Tiger, Air Asia, Bangkok Airways etc. Better not??

  3. Hi Hyena.

    Sorry to say but her behaviour is not typical Thai. It is typical of someone juggling appointments/guys. You are being treated with disdain and contempt. If this is what 5 months into the start of a relationship is like, when men and woman overlook/are blind to their partner's faults.

    What will it be like in 5 years :o

    I think deep down you know what you need to do (but do not want to do). It is your choice.

    Thai ladies are just like farang ladies, some exceptionaly good, some bad, the majority are somewhere in between. Think of ladies in your own country and what you would be doing if you were treated similar. Dislike her, feel sorry for her, dislike white women (Not do. Remember mum and sis)

    Please do not wear the rose tinted spectacles when it comes to Thai ladies.

    Myself, lived here for a few years before I met my partner, could not be happier. But you need to look for the gems.

    Best of luck

  4. Looking for some advise on Chelsea memorabilia?

    Bought at a charity auction a 2004 Chelsea football signed by all the first team. It came with a team photo at the ground, same players had signed this also.

    Is it worth anything? As usual at any charity auction when the beer and wine flows, bidding frenzy takes off and gets out of hand (Not even a football fan).

    Live in Thailand (Payttaya) these days now, ball and photo are in a box up in the loft, back in the UK. Going back on 15th october for a few days. Anybody interested, can bring it back with me.



    Chelsea won something in 2004? :o


    As I put, not a football fan, more rugby, so "Pom mai Roo".

    The charity was for a sick children hospital.

    This football did not attract many bids so muggins here started to put his arm up, again and again and again..................thinking someone else will bid.

    When I was told it was mine......jeezz "How much"??

    Bit of a shock, got it home and filed it away.

    Any genuine fans want to PM me, can take picture of the ball and team photo, then e-mail them to you.

    Arriving back in the UK Thursday 16th Oct, leaving Sunday 19th October when it can be done.

  5. Looking for some advise on Chelsea memorabilia?

    Bought at a charity auction a 2004 Chelsea football signed by all the first team. It came with a team photo at the ground, same players had signed this also.

    Is it worth anything? As usual at any charity auction when the beer and wine flows, bidding frenzy takes off and gets out of hand (Not even a football fan).

    Live in Thailand (Payttaya) these days now, ball and photo are in a box up in the loft, back in the UK. Going back on 15th october for a few days. Anybody interested, can bring it back with me.



  6. As said in a previous post "Muddy the waters"?

    Anyone who has lived outside the UK, earning a salary while paying class 1 National Insurance, also applies to those still working?

    Can apply for a refund of Class 1 contributions and elect if a refund is granted to have deducted from the rebate class 2 (approx £10.00 a month).

    This will protect your old age pension.

    But you will lose benefits such as "Job seekers allowance" plus some others. But, if you live/work abroad you unlikely to need those.

    Most of the guys on the rig from age 30 upwards have done so.

    People to contact are:

    Charity, Assests & Residence, Residency.


    Benton Park View.

    Newcastle upon Tyne,

    NE98 1ZZ


    Tel. 00 44 (0)191 2259138

    Fax. 00 44 (0)191 2253232


    Anyone who lives in Pattaya and benefits (will be a few thousand since you can go back 5 years) owes me one bottle of tiger :o

  7. Honestly,I can't see Israel having the united political power to make it happen.

    Probably ,because their forces would be unable to contain the economic and military backlash.

    The one thing Israel does not need is to become a pariah

    Israel does not care about world opinion, if you have ever worked with them you will soon pick it up. The Israelies I worked with will tell you how lucky they are compared to their fathers brother or sisters family that perished in the camps. (Showing my age)

    They will tell you how the holocaust will never happen again, they just won't allow it, or if it does along with the extinction of the land called Israel, then "All the Muslim places of worship will be vaporised" Their comment?

    When working with some of them in West Africa, asked them about the unannounced bombing of the Iraqi reactor at Osirak. They laughed. "We flattened that reactor being built by the French, yet not one Frenchie got killed, you know why" I asked "Why" he smiled???

    Not so long ago the Israelies took out the Syrian reactor being built by the North Koreans. If there is one thing the World knows, that is apart from Yom Kippur the Israelies have always struck first. With Nukes being the reason, that won't change.

    Makes the world unsafe having an itchy finger gunslinger in a bar, but when you are watching another gunslinger about to load his weapon? Well you know what will happen.

  8. Just to muddy the water a little.

    If you are paying class 1 NI. Work abroad/live abroad you can apply for a refund of NI contributions.

    When you apply in writing (They will send you a form) offer to have deducted from the refund, class 2 contributions.

    This will protect your old age pension, but, you will no longer be entitled to other benefits like jobseekers allowance. But if you live abroad, you won't need it.

  9. A former, very good, friend of mine was told by his lady (Thai) that mama and papa were going to lose their house since they could not afford to pay off the loan they had taken out on the property.

    Ex-mate handed the money over to pay for the house, GF showed him the deeds to a house with only her name on it, he protested why his name not on it?!?!?!

    He was often told about a scam such as?...

    "Daughter buys Mama and Papa house, they get a load of money, parents stay in the house, house stay in family, family now have a big wedge of money"??

    Has handed over a small fortune........................cannot see past her smile, very sad we were very good friends once :o

  10. Worked offshore in Asia and had to choice on where to relocate for UK tax reasons? KL, Singapore, Bangkok etc. Having visited most Far East ports during my Merchant Navy days, Thailand got the nod 4+years ago.

    Tried Phuket first (too small)

    Bangkok second (Too smoggy and packed)

    Pattaya last and now live here.

    Met a lovely Thai lady after a couple of years of candy store/sweet shop living?????

    Here for good until they put the zippo to my feet. Feel at home and at ease here during my leave.

  11. Thanks guys.

    With the way my 'off' time is limited this leave, will go for the 90 day renewal and then change it at Jomtiem at my leisure.

    Another query??

    Since my lease names a property in Pattaya. Am I unable to go for the retirement visa in Korat??

    Reason being the GF comes from Sia Khao, she and I spend most of my leave up there with her parents, can their address be used??

    Sorry for the constant questions?



  12. Hi.

    Realise this will have been asked umpteen times already?

    So please accept all apologies for rehashing a basic? Question again

    Have a 90 day multiple entry, type 'O' visa, first issued in Cardiff last year. Query is ??

    Q. Do I have to return to the UK or can it be renewed at say Jomtiem??

    I am 53, have all my wage slips showing an amount in excess of 65,000bt, have a lease showing I am living here.

    Q, Can I change my visa to extension of stay (retirement) instead, can that be done at Jomtiem??

    On another tack?

    Want to bring/import personal effects, books PC, ornaments two very small items of furniture. Read if a Thai imports the goods then free of import duty? My Thai GF has her name on the lease also

    Or do we need to be married, or does she need to be returning home to Thailand from abroad.

    Again please accept my apologies for rehashing old questions, but, on reading all the posts and answers there always seems to be a difference with peoples circumstances?



  13. Following seperation, likely before end of this year I will need to ship out to Thailand a number of personal effects. This will mainly be books, but also include items of personal nature "model sailing ships", "antique table (small) and chair x 1.

    Want it door to door? Do not want to collect myself at dockside owing to "tea money"

    Are there any reputable firms that will do from Newbury, Berkshire to my address in Pattaya.


  14. In other words....Not one female has the moral high ground. They are what their husband earns, or is worth when he dies, whether natural or not.

    And the reverse is not true :o ?


    "Yes", totally agree the reverse is true on the moral stand, apologies if I was infering women do not have morals or cannot attain any high ground. My grammar not quite apt, so apologies again to you ladies.

    On the earning angle, unfortunately "No" owing to respective earning power of either gender. A few cases maybe "Yes" but if you are looking at a mirror image then I think you know the answer...... "No"

  15. The pattern is there and always has been there, for these guys

    Short romance/courtship,

    Read and seen too many times……just about same same pattern

    Hed been married nearly a decade !!!

    errrr.....why did you just cut and paste only the partial?

    and.....Am I suppose to say something back? :D


    I can see what the others are trying to make/have you see. :D Is that after 9 years his behaviour in some way gives her the mitigating circumstances for your percieved stance that she may not be completely to blame and in some way he was at fault.

    Not taking a pop at you, :o but, reprint your posts only this time swap genders. Then you might see from a female side what others are seeing from a male perspective??

  16. Comments (6)Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below?

    I'm sorry for the man and the awful way he met his end, but when these naive men ever learn ?

    - Jean, Blackburn, Lancs, 11/8/2008 19:45

    Don't these types of men realise that the Thia women only want them for their money? I doubt if a much younger women would want an old, foreign man if they didn't have money!

    - Elaine, Bournemouth, UK, 11/8/2008 19:22

    Comments from UK women show teir indifference and dare I say "scathing contempt" for the savage (And it was savage) murder of a human being.

    Quote: JEAN. above.

    I must be naive also since I live with a Thai also? Reason??? learned after 22years of marriage I could never keep my UK wife happy.

    Quote: Elaine. Above

    My Quote: I doubt if a much younger man would want an old, foreign WOMAN if they didn't have money?

    For Gawds sake a man has lost his life, his children a father?? Yet, in your, (UK female) eyes he is to blame

    Split with my wife a few years ago, defining moment was when she took a piece of 4 x 2 timber to my face and head when I was sleeping in bed. Eldest son saved me and called the ambulance. (She could not remember in the morning when she woke up in the cells). If roles were reversed methinks I would still be eating porridge.

    Since I worked abroad, she kept the house, cars shares etc..............................sounds familar???? I arrrived in Thailand with my job and pension. Now she wants me back since she is assest rich, cash poor. Me, cash rich but assests poor. If I go back she gets a % of my cash.......I get no assests....sounds familar.

    What I am trying to say (badly). Thai women may/do kill you. My wife tried to kill me (she still cannot remember??) failed. But she tried then to break me financially and mentally.

    In other words....Not one female has the moral high ground. They are what their husband earns, or is worth when he dies, whether natural or not.

    R.I.P. Ian Beeston, not your time to go. May god take care

  17. Anyone take their lady back to the village for a Mothers blessing party ,give money /gold .Is

    this considered to be a marriage in thailand and if it is,

    is it a legal wedding in the eyes of the law??????

    You do not say how old you are? how old she is, is this your first time going to the village, in Thailand. If your answer to all is yes.

    Your in trouble. Before you do anything here and that is anything, brush up on Thai etiquette.

    As other posters have put, this could play out to a big loss of face for the Thai's and that should be a No No.

    Get out

  18. Good advice above.

    BAD advice from the doctor. It is now recognized that BPs in the "pre hypertensive" or "mild hypertensive" range do need attention, but this seems not to have made its way into Thai medical practice yet.

    Definitely get a BP machine and monitor your readings at hoem, at rest.

    If still high then do as suggested above (lose weight, reduce caffeine greatly, stop or reduce drinking) and in addition, cut back on salt. (I don't mention exercise a sit sounds like you laready have that covered).

    Of all of these, from what you say, the caffeine is the most important as your intake is very excessive. My BP would be through the roof if I consumed even half the coffee you do. Cut your 20 cups down to 10 immediately and then continue cutting gradually each day until you are down to no more than 2 cups, or switch to tea.

    If these measures (or as much of them as you are able to implement) don't work, then you may need to go on medication, but try these first. Good luck.

    BP is slowly creeping up year by year, cut out salt completely. Drink only tea lightly sweetened. My concern is with working offshore can be periodicaly tested for drugs. With the ease of getting prescription drugs here in Thailand would prefer to go down the natural way, i.e. Garlic.

    Can anyone suggest anything else I can take and be allowed to take it with me offshore.


  19. Off subject slightly,but does anyone remember them dunlop denovo run flats that came with the datsun 280zx in 1980 ? i had one, the tyres were awful and were over a 100 pounds a pop back then, and they would never balance !

    Long, long time ago had an 1989 XJ40 soveriegn. These cars had Metric wheels so normal tyres would not fit?? These tyres had then run flat properties. When I changed these tyres the machine took a long time to break the seal??

  20. Hi folks, I find it hard to believe that some people post abusive responses to something which is nothing more than chit chat!

    But then I was brought up in a house were you kept your mouth shut when you didn't have anything nice and/or informative to say. I guess some people are just strangely different.....or they are complete tools!

    Yep, your quite right.

    Guy just wanted to post an experience, came across (to me??) a bit tongue in cheek with a wry sense of humour. Did not deserve the ridicule.

    However, cost of tyres sold my old 730 early this year in the UK, cost of two front tyres (non RFT) for a MOT was just under 30,000Bt. I know there is cheaper but better to keep same make all around.

  21. My one satang worth??

    Work in the offshore industry doing 4weeks on/off, working off Western Australia. Fly from Perth to Singapore, then Bangkok (live in Pattaya) say hello to the GF for two nights then its the KLM flight Bangkok to Amsterdam then London.

    See my children 20 and 22 for 5 nights then its London to Bangkok via Amsterdam.

    So within one week I have flown from OZ to the UK and back to Thailand. I am lucky with lounge access so have a slight coma inducing amount of gin inside me. Before boarding the plane take two Nytol (non presciption, strong ant- histamine) Sit in my seat two wines and next thing I know is being asked to put my seat up for breakfast.

    This routine has evolved other the years so may not be suitable for everyone. Works for me.

  22. I have read a lot about Farangs with bad attitudes in chiang mai and thailand in general. Well I hope most of the bad stuff I read is not true

    It is true, almost everyday i experience, in one way or another some farangs having a bad attitude problem, not seldom are they brits...

    <deleted> has British got to do with attitude?

    I know plenty of people world wide with attitude.

    Ah, yes, pick on the Brits!!!! (unprintable words here) :D

    Yeah, i apologize to brits who are good people, yeah, i know there are plenty of them, however, whenever i bump into a loud argument/fight about something, usually a thai vs a farang, i would have to say, it is probably 65-70% of the time a brit, the rest is divided among all other farang countries. I have witnessed quit a few times an angry brit cursing at some thai employee in restaurants, café, foodland, tops market, telling them they are stupid etc, too many times to not recognize it, embaressing to say the least

    I have to agree, it's mostly Brits................. They were born in Britain, though when you talk to them, their Mama and Papa are American, French, Dutch etc, who emigrated there. :o

    Might as well spread the sarcasm :D

  23. To sum it up. On a modern day Pressurised airliner (With pressurisation system running normally). YOU CANNOT open the door - end of story no matter how strong you are. Assuming a Cabin Differential of 7-8PSI.

    So how did DB Cooper jump out of a commercial airliner at 10,000 ft?

    The infamous D B. Cooper forced the plane to land under the threat of detonating a bomb that he had in the cabin alongside him. All passanger were sent forward and he had the rear of the aircraft to himself. On landing, to let the passengers go he demanded a cash ransom, which was delivered onboard along with two/three parachutes??.

    Plane took off again, Mr. Cooper gave instructions to the pilot on the maximum ceiling to fly at. Aircraft had a rear stair entry under the tail (DC9??) which at the low ceiling he opened the door and exited. Only some marked bills were ever found? Mr. Cooper has never been seen since.

    Following this incident, changes were made to these doors

  24. Tried all the beers and they all made me feel a bit grotty. Try and sip a beer next day made me feel nauseous. Found the only beer that does not give me HO is Tiger. Not see it mentioned anywhere in previous posts?? :o

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