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Everything posted by tmd5855

  1. It's life Jim, but, not as we know it??
  2. You want see that gap again, get her sat in a saddle, the bow legs are an unfortunate side effect (Unforeseen consequence)
  3. My money is on the "Dosed up" Toblerone guy/woman
  4. The Oslo Accords gave Arafat a two-state solution, he agreed to it, once back amongst his "Folk" decide to start the infidata. Google Oslo Accords. "One thing about Yasser, he never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity"
  5. Giving a list of countries that have been caught out for lying, state sponsored murder, interference in other countries and their affairs does not help or support your argument, it hinders and makes your stance as strong as if you are standing in cow <deleted> on top of quicksand.
  6. Where taking you seriously until you put down that list of countries that are brilliant examples of Democracy and unfettered freedom of press and human rights. Iran....... Saudi Arabia......... Lebanon....... Syria........ Turkey and I seen you left "Yemen" at the last addition.... Not one of those countries have UN recommended human rights for females let alone a free press
  7. Jaywalking you say........ Here in Thailand that is attempted suicide, tell him to use a crossing next time, they rarely miss
  8. If that is organised I shudder to think what would happen if "Dis-organised" All said in jest with tongue pressed firmly into cheek.......
  9. Disagreed with all you had written until your last sentence....... So true..... We Adonis lookalikes
  10. Good idea, keep saying her sister/best friend/her Mum&Dad/Neighbour are all beautiful with shapely waist and legs. Hide all knifes and swap all metal for cardboard before you start.
  11. Believed same as you for may years until entering my mid 50's. Now near 70 yrs old, worked overseas since 1977 retiring 2015 have seen many of life's wheels turn full circle. Some crooked guys/girls surfing the waves and always getting away with wrongs create their own downfall and demise, then cannot understand why no person will help them and they are alone. Seen good hearted people suffering and after many years good fortune comes to them. Call it Karma, call it balance, Ying/Yang it does occur. The old saying you can make your own luck I also believe is true, do good or bad, one day it comes back.
  12. It is standing back and watching a woman being beaten that abhors me, what has happened to the mantra of protect the weak.
  13. Bad guys you say...... Young girls you mention...... Perves you say and you have "Kid" in your name........ I hear the tinkle of glass from a glass house. How old are you, just asking for a friend...
  14. Thought Norway owned that country at one time.................... Joking........ I know it were the other way around.
  15. Not wanting to derail the thread. BUT!!! Should Toblerone chocolate bars have a health/mental warning affixed. Same as cigarettes?? Asking for an Austrian friend
  16. Working in the Oil industry and spending your leave between women's limbs create a bubble and bust routine. The Merchant Navy had me visiting bars all around the World were I would fall deeply and seriously in love, shore leave ending and ship sailing got my head straight until the next port. By the time I came to be a tax exile in Thailand (50yrs) the magic extremely attractive women could conjure up no longer worked on me as it would a newbie........ That is not to say I did not have my head turned, I did and twice they left with Honda Clicks.
  17. What I find remarkable is the large number of success stories out there?? All you really hear about is the train crashes and wrecks, when I lived Pattaya listened to guys who had a brainwave that only they ever had and how easy it were going to be, they were smart, they knew.... Joined Merchant Navy in 1977 aged 22, first time Thailand (Bangkok) 1983 aged 28 left the ship and the agent agreed to have my UK flight ticket as open, had a great time even though a bit blurry. 2004 working for Stena Drilling asked if interested in a position out of Matak Island, Indonesia, said 'Yes' and using the UK 90 day tax rule, spent half my leave Asia 90 days, the other 90 in UK 2008 October, legally separated from Medusas sister who kept the house, shares everything in the UK while lots of my gear went missing. Started again aged 53 with only suitcases 2012 while working for Seadrill in China/Korea bought land via a Thai company and built a house. 2014 December 28th, decided to retire when stepping out a chopper in Dammam KSA 2015 June started taking my private pension. 2017 November 11th married my long term girlfriend of 2 years. 2021 August started receiving my frozen and reduced UK, OAP 2024 aged 69 have 11 dogs (6 GSD's), fruit trees, koi pond and more bikes than my wife agrees with and I am very happy with how my life is so different from the UK Could I have had this future starting aged 22.............................................. No F#@&$% way. You want to have success in a foreign field you need to put the time and effort in beforehand. Honestly, I wish him well he has a 'dream', but, what will he do when he cannot work anymore or becomes ill, then his dream will become a nightmare. Hoping for the best is not a good plan. Apologies for the rambling and inane rant
  18. Is there something I should know about eating Toblerone?? Habitual munchers of that nougaty chocolate seem to be a bit flaky on the outside. So my Austrian mate told me
  19. If my extremely limited maritime law is correct any claim to land ends at the high water/tide mark. Now politicians/countries and the UN have agreed on economic zones as well as territorial zones/areas etc, that only in the South China Sea seems to be ignored, cannot defame chines you know??
  20. That little event did start of a chain reaction, went on for a few years I believe before the tea thieves who carried off what they could throwing the rest in the water became politicians. Whatever were the outcome??
  21. A 'Bastard' is the offspring of an unmarried couple, he/she is blameless on entry into life. On the other hand........ The lowlife that did this has been spawned from a cesspit in a dark-place has no morals, ethics or empathy. I hope he has discomforts forever and ever.
  22. Met an old American in Korat, drunk or extremely tired and emotional. Said he were an ex-mercenary started off in Rhodesia ending up a door gunner on the shuttle Atlantis during the 'Moon Wars'.
  23. Riding my bike from Korat to Chaiyaphum on a dual carriageway around 10am, see the van in front of me suddenly swerve to the left, did same, 2 seconds later a zonked out guy riding bike and sidecar passed me. If that van driver had never seen the sidecar combo the rider were toast. Police should monitor roads more.
  24. Apologies for derailing the thread from football, but?? Have a picture of the 1998/1999 first team squad with their signatures around the picture, plus a deflated 'Chelsea' football signed again by the players. Bought at a charity dinner/auction same year when everybody were bidding thinking/hoping someone would bid more than you had just shouted out. Unfortunately my bid were the last, being told I were a good sport and generous prevented me from Wailing and crying. Is it worth anything to a Chelsea fan........ Take care.
  25. I thought all the Brits who stayed for the match were speared and disemboweled somewhat
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