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Everything posted by tomster

  1. Sadly San Mig Zero is only 3.5% - not enough for me.
  2. Singha Light was borderline not even beer, it was that bad...
  3. OK, so I've been eating carnivore for the last 3 months and loving it, down 15 kilos and feeling great. But, I still like to drink beer most days, so it's a constant battle to stay in ketosis. The lower carb the beer, the easier it is to stay in ketosis, and of course San Mig Light is super cheap and easy to get. But it tastes like dishwater. So any tips on things you can add to it to make it tatste better? A slice of lime doesn't seem to do much, 7 Up or Sprite top helps but isn't really that good and it's adding sugar so not really what I'm looking for, although thinking about I guess they have zero suagr options so should probably try that... Anyway - any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks, seeing her on Saturday.
  5. Hi Sheryle, I've had a couple of siezures, one about 3 years ago and one 2 days ago. About time I found out what's going on. I will try the Pattaya Memorial hospital but thinking that if there was a specialist hospital in Bangkok I might go there, as it's obviously quite a serious issue. So, do you know of any decent neurologists in Pattaya or if not, is there anywhere worth trying in Bangkok? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, Has anybody had an EEG in Pattaya recently (if possible not at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital) - if so how much did it cost and were you happy with the service? Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks - that seems like a good option. https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/แผ่นยิปซัม-ชนิดทนไฟ-13-มม-GYPROC-ขนาด-120-x-240-ซม-60253095 How about using this stuff with some fibreglass insulation above it?
  8. Sadly not possible, we need a solution that uses the existing roof panels.
  9. Hi, I need to insulate a roof on a bar as cheaply as possible. I'm not sure what the roof type is called, but it's very common here, this is what it looks like underneath: When the sun is on it it's literally too hot to touch the underside and this heat is radiating down into the area below, making it crazy hot in the space. I would rather deal with this with something from underneath as it would save the headache of working on it from above, weight issues etc. Is there something I can stick or paint on the underside that would block a decent amount of the heat out, it doesn't need to be 100% effective, 80--90% would be good enough. Thanks in advance.
  10. Nothing good happens after midnight.
  11. Looking for a local (Thai) painter/decorator that can repair a water damaged ceiling - any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
  12. The Cannabis forum here on Asean Now used to be quite helpful and informative, what happened?
  13. tomster


    Yeah exactly, some things you need to actually see before you buy, toppers are one them!
  14. tomster


    Thanks, I will head there tomorrow.
  15. tomster


    Which was better or much of a muchness?
  16. tomster


    Why is it when you post in a forum asking where to buy something in a physical location, there is always someone that says look on Lazada? Who needs to be told that lazada or shopee sells things in 2023? This is one product that I have bought on lazada before and it was not good at all. I want to check out the product before I buy it, however difficult a concept that might be. Helpful suggestions most welcome. Many thanks.
  17. tomster


    Any recommendations for good value for money mattress toppers in Pattaya, save me driving around 20 shops.... ???? Looking for something that softens up a hard mattress. Thanks in advance.
  18. I'm not sure they fully understood the whole double glazing concept, just easier to say no. Plus don't really want to drop that kind of money on them.
  19. Also cost would be quite high, we are only there for a year or two max
  20. Landlord said no.
  21. Yeah that's a good idea, I will see what I can find plastic wise. Thanks.
  22. Moving is not an option.
  23. There is definitely ground noise going on as well. Can't believe nobody here sells self install secondary double glazing, there must be a market for it for windows at least.
  24. Traffic noise, sorry I should have put that in my original post.
  25. Yeah, tried that before, did nothing.
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