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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. I've got no beef with mods posting as long as they exhibit some sense of balance rather than putting up inflammatory crap to get others of a different political idiology thrown off. :D

    Maybe you should post this thread in the bearpit also.

    And I would most probably agree with you.

    In a political forum, issues are more, well, politically charged and hence the moderators should be neutral and refrain from posting,...

    posted by Georgie-Porgie

    There is no sense in putting something like this on The Bear-Pit right now. The two mods would just call it a "personal attack" on the moderator, and delete the whole statement.

    How can someone discuss important problems with a forum when it is instantly wiped off the screen, over and over,  by the powers that be??

    I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, but I would guess that mandl is referring to posts like the above. These posts would not be allowed in The Bear-Pit with two of the current moderators. The posts would be completely wiped out, called "personal attacks" and if the writer persisted in submitting them, he would be suspended.
    mandl Posted on Mon 2004-05-10, 00:28:58

    I'm not talking about abridging anyone's freedom of speech here. Only about our right as individuals to not have to listen to (or in this case, read) comments from people that we feel are insulting. Life is too short to waste on reading comments that have no bearing on the subject at hand or are deliberately meant to degrade, insult, or provoke an angry response. That is not the reason for this forum, as I understand the rules.

  2. george Posted on Fri 2004-06-18, 18:24:37

    Do we have a photo interested member who want to be the Gallery Manager?

    First, I have two questions:

    Does the Gallery Manager get his own personal Banning Button?

    Does it work on other moderators?

    If both answers are yes, sign me up.

    I am going to America in a few days, so time is of the essence. :o

  3. as an ex soldier myself (british )could somebody please explain to me me what constitutes  a terrorist ??? i spent 3 years in belfast being targetted by the IRA .  (a terrorist organisation )an organisation largely funded by NORAID ,an american organisation whose idea of the IRA was  "FREEDOM FIGHTERS " i would love to know the difference ???

    A terrorist is someone who targets civilians to be killed for political gain.

    Some Irish Americans did help fund the IRA, but most Americans wanted nothing to do with them. I bet even those sources have dried up now.

    Apologies. Live and learn. :o

  4. Bluecat is always trying to come up with new, interesting posts of all types. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not, but he/she keeps on trying.

    Personally, I usually whine about what-ever is on my mind at the moment, so I respect Bluecat for trying to make the forum a better place. :o

  5. The Bearpit is a joke these days with mods who want to turn it into some kind of Disneyland for little kids. 

    George/Leith, it's a dreadful situation you've got over there... :o

    I'm not sure what they are trying to turn it into.

    John L. is one of the best things that could have happened over there. He is a great poster, nothing less than a brilliant thinker, demands that the "players" be courteous to each other, teaches us rules on other forums that we don't know about, and actually lives by his own rules.

    He has gotten all of us to be more accepting of each other's opinions and to actually listen to each other.

    However, one mod seems to be going out of his way to force him off of the forum, and I've noticed that he has stopped posting.

    It's a disgrace, and a real shame for us and The Bear-Pit.

  6. Boon Mee is one of the most positive and well-liked posters on both web-sites, however, he has a bee in his bonnet concerning The Bear-Pit. He feels that the two newbie mods are allowing their political biases to affect their administrating decisions.

    Most of the other posters agree.

    In fact, when Boon Mee mentioned not returning to the web-site until things were more fair, he was called a sore "loser", and was told that he "wouldn't be missed" by one of the mods.

    Because he is so courteous and fair himself, I think it it difficult for Boon Mee to accept slaps in the face, like this, from moderators who aren't capable of being even-handed, or of doing their job properly.

  7. I've got no beef with mods posting as long as they exhibit some sense of balance rather than putting up inflammatory crap to get others of a different political idiology thrown off. :o

    Maybe you should post this thread in the bearpit also.

    And I would most probably agree with you.

    In a political forum, issues are more, well, politically charged and hence the moderators should be neutral and refrain from posting,...

    There is no sense in putting something like this on The Bear-Pit right now. The two mods would just call it a "personal attack" on the moderator, and delete the whole statement.

    How can someone discuss important problems with a forum when it is instantly wiped off the screen, over and over, by the powers that be??

  8. The Mexican food at Woodstock is pretty good if you just have it once in a while; Just keep thinking of the Key Lime pie afterwards, even though that is probably not authentic either!

  9. George can you point to some specific threads?  I look in there sometimes, but really haven't noticed anything like that going on.

    I do admit to having some fun in the Conspiracy forum.  What a bunch of nuts.


    Just off the top of my head, do a search on me.

    I think that my last 10, or so posts, were completely deleted for being "obscene" or "personal attacks".

    If one calls "kiss my posterior" obscene, than I will cop to that on one or two posts, but the rest were "personal attacks" and were basically what I have written here, complains about how the mods were handling their jobs.

    They were completely deleted and that isn't right.

    Search John L.'s posts. The guy has made The Bear-Pit a much better, saner, more courteous place, but he was also accused of obscenity, and he simply doesn't do that.

    He is gone, and I suspect that he was suspended for nothing other than his political beliefs.

    Boon Mee refuses to post there. :o

    And so on...

  10. Dr. Patpong gets special mention as the only moderator who hasn't thrown me off ( yet ).  :D

    Hope springs eternal!........There's always time for the Dr. to change his mind. He got my vote too, as I loved his one liners just prior to the mass exodus :o

    Jeez Georgie Porgie ... are you still around ? Hmmmm where's that bloody button ? :D

    I don't blame you for pandering to the banned bullies' vote, Doctor. With all of their fake nicks, the competition won't stand a chance! :D

  11. We Chiang Mai residents always like to have a good chuckle, and we also happen to be blessed with really good-hearted, open-minded admin people on our forum, which can be important if one has something unpopular to say, and one wants to stick around ( gulp ). :D

    I just wanted to mention, if you have some time, check out what used to be the "Bear-Pit" for a quick laugh - before you fall into a coma from sheer boredom.

    Most of the conservatives have been either been thrown off of the Pit, or have quit in disgust.

    They feel that two new mods are letting their political positions dictate how posts and posters are dealt with. Left is right. :D

    They also feel that if the mods are criticized on the forum for this type of behavior, the thread is labeled a "personal attack" and simply erased from the board.

    Catch 22. :D

    The rumor is that these two want to ban even more members, however, only one or two conservatives are left, and they are probably too frightened to post their opinions. In the last few days most of the posts on the forum are from the mods, with little feedback. To say the least, it looks a little bizarre.

    Well, I always wondered why anyone would volunteer to join admin.

    At least in the Bear-Pit, at this particular time, it does seem to be one one way to promote your point of view. :o

  12. why don't you get a permission to stay stamp over here as you have a work permit?

    I asked my accountant about this a few weeks ago, but she adamantly advised against it.

    When we first set up the business, a multiple entry was easy to get, so she did all the paperwork according to that. She says that we would have to change everything in order to get the one year visa, and it would lead to further problems down the road.

    She's always been right up till now. :o

  13. I'm about to go to America for a month to do some visiting and get a new Thai visa. I know that the honorary consulates are the most "helpful", but is one better than another? I'll mostly be in California, but, can I send my passport to whatever consulate I choose in the country?

    I have a work permit and all the proper paperwork, but that doesn't guarantee anything in Penang. I just want to make sure that I get the visa that I need.

    Does anyone have a consulate that they particularly recommend for the multiple entry Non-Immigrant B.?

  14. I tried putting that line in my signature but still it's difficult to disagree with someone about something without that person thinking he's being reprimanded in some way.   

    chanchao, that line in your signature is what got me thinking about what a good job you do, and that you really mean it, that your opinion is just an opinion.

    We could use you over at the Bear-Pit.

    Today, there was a big revolution over at The Bear-Pit because none of the more conservative posters trust our two main mods, although we love the old timers, tukyleith and Jeepz.

    I think that all of the conservatives quit, and plan to avoid it till these guys quit or learn to suppress their political bias.

    Maybe you could teach a course about your motto for newbie mods? :o

  15. I hate to say this, but I have to admit that I've been totally shocked, over the last 8 months, or so, that anyone with the correct licenses and paperwork could go to Penang and get the correct visa that they needed for the correct price, conveniently.

    This flies against everything that I have learned about Thailand over the years, and I am glad that they have put a stop to it.

    With thinking like this, Thailand could be a developed country in no time. I wouldn't be able to afford it, and I would have to move somewhere else.

    I am glad that things have returned to normal.

    Also, what a great excuse to do my visa run to America for almost the same price that I would pay-off someone for the visa that I need here. :o

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