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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. This thread and the ones involving comment on David are rife with posts by individuals who don't even know what pedophilia is by definition.  I provide the first definition provided by Google at the top of their search results, a 10 second exercise in being informed.

    Pedophilia involves reoccurring sexual arousal and desires or fantasies

    involving sexual impulses toward a pre-adolescent child or children

    IssanAlex is NOT talking about pedophilia. He is talking about sex with teenagers, post-pubescent individuals. The age of consent is arbitrary and varies from country to courntry and generation to generation. Two hundred years ago, marriage at 14 was common, it was the onset of puberty that was the sign used to determine the age at which one could engage in sex, whether married or not.

    Sex with pre-pubescent children is pedophilia by definition and is definitely a sickness, since sexual desire for individuals who have not themselves reached puberty is unnatural. Among all species on earth, there are teltale signs when a given animal is ready to mate.

    Among humans, that age has advanced with time, from the onset of puberty, as women's rights have advanced. Giving a girl enough maturity to make a reasoned decision on her own regarding her body and her "choice" may well have been the driving force that raised the age of consent to what it is today. My bet is that in every country in the world, the age of consent by law today is set at a older age than it was in the past.

    Universally condeming pedophila is a safe call, but using the same brush to paint older people who have sex with younger people based on varying arbitrary ages of consent is plain unintelligent.

    In the U.S., one can be convicted of rape for consensual sex in one state, while if the same act involving the same persons occured a hundred feet away in another state it would not be criminal. We have all grown up with these laws so our posts would be far more productive if we discussed our various views on what the proper age of consent should be and whether that age of consent should apply to Thailand.

    It is nice to see that some people with common sense have started replying to this thread, not just utter fools calling people with younger sex partners "pedophiles".

    A pedophile has sex with pre-pubescent children, not young adults of marriageable age.

  2. I heard it second-hand, but usually when one is denied futher visa extentions, Immigration gives you an extra 3 days to clear up your affairs and get out of the country. I would guess that that is how they made it over to Nong Kai, but I didn't ask.

    I also didn't ask whether the 30 day walkers had applied for visas in Laos, or not, but the way the story was told made it sound like they didn't.

    If I see the long-term resident who told me, I'll ask some questions. He was on his way to Penang to try to get a new visa, and concerned because of all the problems that some people are having.

  3. Take the Taxi's number and report him. He HAS to use the meter.

    Not when it is Songkran, and we are on Sukumvit Road, already two blocks from my hotel and the taxi is full of easily destroyed items packed in paper boxes.

    I just paid! :o

  4. I thought G.P. had been banned or suspended, or just made to change his avatar?

    You were incorrect on all counts.

    In fact, during the last few weeks most of my enemies ( and their many nicks ) have followed the gentleman into the sea like lemmings -they've demanded to be banned unless the "brains" of the gang is allowed back, but no can do! :o

    I have been most amused.

    With so many less racists, low-lives and ignoramuses on the forum, I'm in a splendid mood and tend to write positive upbeat posts without a curse-word or insult to be found, so I expect to be around for quite a while soaking up the positive atmosphere.

    Thank you for asking, and have a wonderful day! :D

  5. I am relatively  new to Thai visa, in  other  words  ..not  an old timer . And  I  think the  admin does a  good  job and  seem like  decent  guys (helps  most  of them are  Aussies) What  I  say may cause me some  grief , oh well.

       I  have been reading  the  posts  by Georgie Porgie and the Gent and can't , for the  life  of me, work out  why the Gent  is  taking  so much flack. I am pretty  sure all of  this  came  about  because  of  one thread  about  terroism..which became a  debate  about  the Palestinian/Israel problem. I  found  some of the  remarks  made by  Georgie  racist and  ignorant  towards  Muslims and  anyone  who argued against  him was  labelled  a  Naz or  anti-semetic !! I  saw in  one  thread  in  forum  support he  called the Gentleman a  Nazi progandist !!!! Surely  this is a  personal attack .

       Is American right-wing political correctness an influence in this  forum is there some  kind of  agenda  or  pressure  from  outside  sources ? Just  because  someone  argues  against the  actions  of Israel does it  make  them a nazi ????

      Ok,i have  studied  this  debate  very  closely and  just  had to have my  say .

        Admin , sorry  if  i have  offended  you .

    Poll: Should The Gentleman Be Allowed On Non-political (Pages 1 2 3 ...5 )

    sickbuffalo Posted on: Fri 2004-03-26, 18:35:12

    On reading this thread, I am amused and amazed at the so called intellectuals, saying the gent was anti semetic, racist and he should play nice.

    IMHO, he was the only one posting ideas, that werent straight from the main media sources. To say he is anti semetic or racist is a serious judgement, it means you believe the worlds mainstream media would be correct with factual uncensored journalism. 

    I wonder if the gent posted anything in the early times of the pit, that was looked on as stupid/ill informed, regarding the USA invading Iraq because they possessed WMD, if so, he would have turned out to be the one, with the actual facts, wouldnt he?

    I wish the American side of the argument wouldnt be so quick to jump on points raised as nothing is certain in life, except death and that might be uncertain in years to come also 

    I feel sorry for the gent, even with a few posts myself, I have been ridiculed and pidgeon holed, who would want to debate politics with a few narrow minded individuals?

    To quote a very wise man: 90% of the people of this world are here to take up space and 10% of the people of the world are here to change the world's thoughts and actions.

    I think I will leave it up to you guys to work out who is who 



    I find it simply amazing that the gent continues to gather so much support, even if almost every new post is by some Australian man that we've hardly heard from before with the same unique writing style and the same spelling and grammar errors as the gentleman himself. :o

    I am starting to wonder if I was completely wrong about him, even though he has been thrown off thaivisa.com, for life, on about 4 different occasions now.

    I have to admit that, I wish that I could have so many adamant supporters! :D

    PS. I'll be over at The Bear-Pit avoiding the Flames. :D

  6. I don't usually watch BBC as a main news source if I have access to CNN or Fox TV, however, I don't hate it, I just think that it is boring and Politically Correct, and CNN is really just about the same; Kind of like watching someone on TV taping the BBC radio program. :o

    I do like BBC documentaries though. :D

    CNN has just as much focus on all the nutty stories that you refer to as Fox, but BBC has its own reports about Michael Jackson and other wackiness, plus has tons and tons of stuff that only someone from England, or perhaps "the colonies", would be interested in.

    Who Prince Charle's butler is giving it to, and all.

    I think that is the stuff that you guys convince yourselves is "better" than American news, when in reality it is just more interesting to you anglophiles.

    Remember that Fox is on 24 hours, and, so, for all the intelligentsia hiding out here in Thailand :D there is plenty of coverage of the Sudan, and all that crap, thrown in amongst the good stuff.

    All you budding Einsteins, don't get too discouraged! :D

  7. WE TV has Fox News. Fair and Balanced and easy to watch 24 hours straight. It really gives you a lot to think about when whipping up a post for The Bear-Pit.

    They also have their own English movie channel which is much like HBO, but more recent movies. The Adventure channel, some English music channels. A really good Thai music channel ( I usually don't appreciate Thai pop, but this one mostly plays good songs), and a bunch of other stuff.

    Pretty good for 300 baht.

    Fox TV news Fair and Balanced? That's the first time I've ever heard that said about Fox News, except as a joke :o

    Admittedly, I haven't ever seen it... :D

    If you watch one show, you will notice that "Fair and Balanced" is their slogan, and they repeat it about every 3 minutes.

    It is my personal opinion that most people who you hear raving about how terrible it is have never even seen it, but for middle-of the-road Americans of average intelligence it is a very entertaining way to keep up on news about the US, both domestic and international.

    There is no doubt about a pro-American slant, but in most ways, it is the kind of news that you watched at 6 pm as a child. Interesting, attractive newscasters with American accents speaking American English to Americans about America.

    No plain-Jane, PC, boring, Beeb-style newscasters with stories about places that you could care less about, putting one to sleep within a minute of tuning in.

    If you think that you are some real whiz-kid, enjoy being phony and pretentious, and like to talk a lot about being better than the "herd", go for CNN or BBC, Bill O'Reilly won't be your cup of tea, but if you want to actually enjoy watching American news with some pretty girls and folksy anchors, Fox News can't be beat! :D

  8. I have just gotten bored of causing Flame Wars, no matter where I post.

    A few days ago. I tried to post my dear old departed mum's recipe for American Apple Pie on a food thread, and about 10 supposedly "newbie" posters starting calling the poor old dear unimaginable names, saying my pie sucks and questioning the legitimacy of my heritage. :o

    I actually think it's kind of fun putting these yobs in their place and tearing each and every one of them a new orifice, but I do like the folks at Thaivisa.com, and I think that I'm causing them a lot of problems.

    Therefore, I've been using a different nick for the last few weeks, just on this forum, to lessen all the flaming and all the conflicts. :D

    Most of the more clever posters have figured out who I am and PMed me that they are in on the joke, but the less gifted amongst us, haven't a clue.

    Now, about my Grandmother's brownies... :D

  9. WE TV has Fox News. Fair and Balanced and easy to watch 24 hours straight. It really gives you a lot to think about when whipping up a post for The Bear-Pit.

    They also have their own English movie channel which is much like HBO, but more recent movies. The Adventure channel, some English music channels. A really good Thai music channel ( I usually don't appreciate Thai pop, but this one mostly plays good songs), and a bunch of other stuff.

    Pretty good for 300 baht.

  10. Don't morons like you realize that I enjoy all this?

    Positive, negative, it doesn't really matter, from such absolutely worthless bully-boys as yourselves. The more you buffaloes chase me around "bothering" me, the more I enjoy myself.

    Why do you think that I do this every day?

    I love having a bunch of losers like you boys trying to prove, over and over again, that you are as intelligent as me. I mean compared to you I look like a raving genius in every encounter.

    Sure, the normal, intelligent people that are reading this, think I'm nutty, but fairly clever too, at least when they compare me to you seven utter white-trash stupidos who have nothing better to do than follow me around every day trying to harass me.

    As far as you being "funny", maybe you can make mbkudu the eighth sardine, he ain't real bright, has a thug's sense of humor, and he fits right in with you other 7 losers. :o

  11. Excellent post Flummoxed.  :D

    Please disregard the losers and pretentious phonies amongst us who will shortly be hounding you.    :o

    It seems that you need to marry a prostitute to be called a 'winner' on this thread... :D

    Then I guess I'd rather not be a winner.. :D


    You can now officially consider yourself to be a disregarded loser. :D

  12. While I'm on the subject of food, I was at the last meeting at the Mango Tree, but incognito, in the corner, in the ski mask and the shades. Too many bad boys looking for me. :o

    I always liked the place but p1p is making it better and better.

    Maybe, the best apple pie in Chiang Mai. :D

    The tuna melts are the best in town. :D

    The burgers are up there with Mike's Original, The Saloon and Fillmore East, but The Mango Tree has air-con and is comfortable as hel...heck, so you can actually enjoy them. The other three places are all good, but like eating in a sauna at this time of year.

    Actually, everything that I've tried recently at The Mango Tree has been comparable to any of the best farang restaurants in town, and last but foremost, the view is out of this world. :D

    There are also great seats on the front porch where you can see all the action. If you see a fat old fart with a shit eating grin out front, stuffing a burger down his throat, that is probably me. :D

  13. Ok, this is it:

    Best authentic Mexican food in Chiang Mai is probably the Upper Crust, in the Night Bazaar.

    Best in-authentic Mexican is Salsa Kitchen

    Art Cafe is hit and miss Mexican , but she tries hard and has a pretty big menu. Always has Avacodo. Shouldn't be dismissed.

    El Toro, blecch

    Fish and Chips, blecch

    all the rest, blecch

  14.   As I now find myself being 'super moderator' with God-like powers, I feel the heavy load of responsibility pressing down on my shoulders to always say something that's reasonable and responsible.

    I must say that you are doing an excellent job of it. :o

  15. I freuented this area when I was a teacher, and so, dead broke.  :o

    The Gent was a bit of a bore but Basher had a certain wit and I'm sure he would have called you an ex- Rentboy. I myself wouldn't do that. :D

    The problem with that is, that I would take it as a great compliment that one would imply that I ever could have sold any "favors", to anybody! :D

    As for john b good, I agree; Just follow the Golden Rule! :D

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