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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Ken,

    I think I'm pretty clear on the pitfalls of living in Thailand. I have spent a lot of time traveling and much of it in SEA.

    Do I understand that you don't think Thailand is a wonderful place to live?

    What do you mean by things are becoming a fine balance?

    Sorry, but if you were to ask anyone who has lived here for any length of time, I think you will find that you really CAN NOT know what it is like living here until you actually do it! No matter how much travelling you do, there are many things that do not become apparent until you start to put down roots...finding a house, dealing on a business level with the Thais, in respect of landlords, building contractors, utilities, etc getting official documents...ie. driving licence etc....and much much more.

    No, I do not think Thailand is a "wonderful place to live" For me it has advantages yes, and at the moment, the "balance" is on Thailands side, but....not as much as it used to be, and if the present administration continues as it is, and the attitude of the Thais continues to increase in its anti farang sentiment, then the time will come when it may be time to move on.

    In a way, I'm not sure what the point of Pepe's post is, other than to B.S. about Thailand.

    In the beginning, he seemed to be boasting about Thailand being "better" than the US, but it quickly grew obvious that it was only better because Pepe' has been working in America and saving an American salary, and also because his wife is from a rich Thai family.

    That is all great for him, but doesn't say much about the situation in Thailand for the rest of us.

    I love living in Thailand, but it certainly has it's negative side, as well.

    Personally, I think that Ken's post will come back to haunt Pepe' some day. :D

    Rotten little Georgie Porgie, I usually cant't stand read'n yer sh*t but this time you really hit the nail on the head; this is just another one of those, "Look how lucky, privledged and great I will be in Thailand," posts. That's just great mate!

    Yeah, you don't like my posts because you disagree with me politically.

    Amazing how I get along with all the Pro-American, supposedly "right-wing" guys (though I've never voted for other than a Democrat), but all the lefties hate me.

    That's life I guess. :o

  2. Think about this, there is one guy around town in his 60s who hangs around The Gate all the time with fairly young boys, when he's in town.

    He is -supposedly- the biggest pedophile around these parts, however, I have never seen him with any actual children at all.

    I do remember that a few years ago he had a business altercation with a real nutcase, who spread the rumor that he was a child molester everywhere, for several years after the business problem.

    No proof, but lots of accusations.

    Now, everyone in Chiang Mai thinks that the first guy is a pedophile, but he lives in the same apartments as I do, and I have always seen him with boys in their late teens and early twenties.

    Everyone believes it, but how does anyone know that he is a nonce?

    Be careful about believing liars, because their pointy fingers might be pointed next at you! :o

    [One paragraph removed, as well as follow up posts that were a continuation of an argument on another topic in the General-section. /Chanchao]

  3. I went to Thailand to loose my virginity. And that spoilt any other relation with any other nationality for ever. And I tried. Yes, I am addicted to Thailand. The slogan for Thailand should be "Live and let live". That is the answer from me when I am asked why I never go to any other destination. I came from a society where race was a big deal and to live in Thailand where what or who you are doesn't matter, is like paradise. Thailand is my paradise and I am hooked for life.

    That is some recommendation! :o

  4. Thanks sbk, but I think that you will find that Basher didn't "object to the post".

    For some reason only known to him, he has decided to follow me all over the board and call me a child molester or fatty, or whatever sticks in his brain, because he knows that he not intelligent enough to debate my posts with me.

    Everyone knows that if he was, that is what he would be doing, but he knows that unless it was about the merits of Marmite, he would simply lose the discussion, every time.

    It's boring to stoop to childish behavior, but, that is the only way to deal with childish people.

    He calls me fatty, I call him weenie basher, and so on, and so on, and so on.

    Of course, calling someone a child molester is a whole different kettle of fish, but as I said, he's not exactly the best or the brightest. :o

  5. One poster continually brings up the subject of racism and accuses other members of harboring such feelings, although usually there have been no racist remarks at all, on any posts, leading up to his accusations.

    The racist terms that he uses are ugly things that I am not in the habit of employing, and I am sure that they hurt the feelings of readers of these ethnic groups who happen upon one of his posts.

    I, for one, am tired of such insinuations and such hurtful language, especially because they seem to totally stem from his own imagination.

    Does he just want to strike out with these terms himself, and therefore, lashes out at innocents for an excuse to use them? If you examine his posts carefully, it certainly seems possible.

    tutsiwarrior Posted on: Sat 2004-05-01, 00:20:39

    Replies: 256

    Views: 3,450  the 'self educated...and...common sense' approach to most issues is another way of describing anti-intellectualism...you only read what you want to read and believe what you want to believe and fukc any attempt at rational analysis. Now we have idiots on the forum posting right wing propaganda as political humor. Gonna give us the word about 'jigaboos' and 'taco benders' next?

    tutsiwarrior Posted on: Fri 2004-04-30, 23:54:17

    Replies: 57

    Views: 651  'I hope they invade LA first'??? Sure...wax all the burrheads, beaners and slants and make the world a safer place for the likes of the lunatic bigots that have unfortunately have become comfortable on this forum...

    tutsiwarrior Posted on: Tue 2004-04-27, 00:31:37

    when next at the bus station about ready to dig in to yer bowl of kway teeow look to see how many diners seated at tables have their feet tucked underneath them...

    tutsi with a bull whip in a previous life...'up there you scum, sit upright and eat like a white man...(CRRRAAACK)'

    Muslims (Pages 1 2 3 ...18 )tutsiwarrior Posted on: Mon 2004-04-26, 19:28:56

    Replies: 256

    Views: 3,450  sigh...yeah, I agree...this discussion should be moved to the bear pit where hysterical zionist twaddle belongs.

    curious that someone that admires buddhism would use the analogy of black folks threatening white folks and massive murderous retaliation to describe any conflict...

  6. The gent and weenie basher; like two poops in a puddle. :o

    Oh I forgot...



    For your information, weanie bashing is what we - in some parts of the U.S. - call wanking. Therefore, ###### = weanie basher :D

  7. Ken,

    I think I'm pretty clear on the pitfalls of living in Thailand. I have spent a lot of time traveling and much of it in SEA.

    Do I understand that you don't think Thailand is a wonderful place to live?

    What do you mean by things are becoming a fine balance?

    Sorry, but if you were to ask anyone who has lived here for any length of time, I think you will find that you really CAN NOT know what it is like living here until you actually do it! No matter how much travelling you do, there are many things that do not become apparent until you start to put down roots...finding a house, dealing on a business level with the Thais, in respect of landlords, building contractors, utilities, etc getting official documents...ie. driving licence etc....and much much more.

    No, I do not think Thailand is a "wonderful place to live" For me it has advantages yes, and at the moment, the "balance" is on Thailands side, but....not as much as it used to be, and if the present administration continues as it is, and the attitude of the Thais continues to increase in its anti farang sentiment, then the time will come when it may be time to move on.

    In a way, I'm not sure what the point of Pepe's post is, other than to B.S. about Thailand.

    In the beginning, he seemed to be boasting about Thailand being "better" than the US, but it quickly grew obvious that it was only better because Pepe' has been working in America and saving an American salary, and also because his wife is from a rich Thai family.

    That is all great for him, but doesn't say much about the situation in Thailand for the rest of us.

    I love living in Thailand, but it certainly has it's negative side, as well.

    Personally, I think that Ken's post will come back to haunt Pepe' some day. :o

  8. Again, back to you: What is wrong with my opinion?


    (we have to hurry, because we are off subject, and George is closing all and everything which is not related to Thailand.....maybe Thaivisa Forum will be soon tatally shut down.....)

    Johann, I've got to admit, with that last post, you are starting to grow on me! :o

    I've got to close down.

    Tomorrow (if there are any posts left)! :D

  9. They didn't leave to live in camps. They left because they thought that all their buddies would slaughter the Jews, but, instead, they ALL ran for the hills like little girls!

    What a ######! :o:D

  10. Mr. Zen Designer

    I've always enjoyed looking at Adjan's web sites over the years, and never remember seeing any condesending articles on prostitution, but just in case, I will set the record straight.

    Larry Lek used to be the manager at Cozy Corner/ John's Place when they were the best Go-Go Bars in Chiang Mai with lots of filthy, dirty shows, etc, but during the daytime he was one of Chiang Mai University's finest Adjans.

    He was getting all the free stuff he could handle at night AND a salary, sometimes even those sweet little "good girls" that John hires from Chiang Mai U that don't go with the common folk. :o

    Maybe the Adjan has retired now, but he was a WILD MAN back when it really counted, in the good old days! :D

    Sorry, Zen Designer

    I think that I have the wrong guy.

    I am talking about Larry Lek who, I believe, spells his nick as Adjan.


  11. You might want to examine the part in the history books where it mentions that both Russia and China were supporting the Vietnamese.

    There is no major power helping the Muslims, and they are fighting against the world's only Super-Power with the best Military on the Planet and unlimited funds.

    It will take some time, but these ignorant monkeys will be crushed. :o

  12. As long as we are ridding the place of junk unrelated to Thailand, maybe the gent and weenie basher could save the boring old soldier's stories and butt slapping for when they see each other in person; They do both live in Phuket. :o

  13. Mr. Zen Designer

    I've always enjoyed looking at Adjan's web sites over the years, and never remember seeing any condesending articles on prostitution, but just in case, I will set the record straight.

    Larry Lek used to be the manager at Cozy Corner/ John's Place when they were the best Go-Go Bars in Chiang Mai with lots of filthy, dirty shows, etc, but during the daytime he was one of Chiang Mai University's finest Adjans.

    He was getting all the free stuff he could handle at night AND a salary, sometimes even those sweet little "good girls" that John hires from Chiang Mai U that don't go with the common folk. :o

    Maybe the Adjan has retired now, but he was a WILD MAN back when it really counted, in the good old days! :D

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