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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Has anyone noticed that the want-to-be, dumb, bully-boys like Stupid-boy, or Sick-boy or whatever his nick is, can't write a real post to save their life?

    They pop on with one sentence insults or really long, silly, rambling diatribes, but they really have nothing at all to say.

    Just dumb, big mouth, want-to-be bully boys.

    Ignore them, or rip them to pieces. Really. They are way too stupid to write anything worthwhile back. :o

  2. As I mentioned to one of your buddies the other day, also congratulating me for my "first intelligent post". Look at some of my posts that aren't about politics.

    I bet you'll find other "intelligent " ones.

    My politics is what you disagree with. :o

  3. Anyone who believes there are not radical scentiments  in Bangkok need only remember the large amounts of OSAMA t-shirts and stickers after the 911 attack in the U.S. ...

    Wrong. I saw the cutest little girl wearing a Waffen SS helmet yesterday.

    There wasn't a thought in her head about the Nazis. Thais just find that kind of thing interesting or amusing, and don't even think about what some paranoid Westerner might deduce from their wardrobe. :o

  4. By the way, Bluecat, my wife's niece and I are still getting along great as well.

    This part sounds particularly interesting! :D:D

    Right, Georgie, I missed it.

    Since he wants some comments from us.

    What do you mean by getting along great: the sex part, the thresome relation, the happiness of her and you wife,...?

    Maybe we should start a poll:

    Is a threesome the way of making a man happy?

    And to make the girls happy, of course,...?:o


  5. Wil someone put an end to this thread.

    The men in Thailand can better stop wondering why they are looked at with prejudice by western visitors and maybe even by thai people. You do it yourselves with this kind of threads.



    I really like bad girls.

    Thank you very much for all the good wishes! :o

  6. So you are a skint english teacher, or a poor journalist who just can't pay the rent, what do you do??

    The missus may had had a good trade back a while, do you send her back out?


    The question implies that the relationship was based on money in the first place.

    So if you have no more money, the answer is easy, she will go back without you asking her.

    And you can forget about her because you will not be the one seeing the money,...

    Even you should get that one Bash! :o

  7. 'articulate Americans'

    An oxymoron I believe


    John Steinbeck, Hemingway, F. Scott Fitgerald, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Gore Vidal, Toni Morrison, Condaleeza Rice...

    I can go on for hours, you know.

    Now that you've displayed your utter ignorance once again, what kind of full grown man calls himself Basher? :o:D:D (The kind of full grown man that would admit to being best friends with the gentleman, I guess :D ).

  8. If you enjoy winding-up us "Septics" so much, step on over to the Bear Pit and we'll have a go, mate!

    They are scared to go over there. Too many articulate Americans in one place. :D

    Over here, they have the gent, Basher and all the demented Euro-Trash to fart and drool and laugh at their jokes. :D

    Paranoid ######


    Marmalite Moron :o

  9. bigwetpatch, Since you made your British bias so obvious, you can go unmolested.

    You people do realize that even American's consider the chains to mostly be the kind of place that one eats when in a hurry, wants something that tastes OK and are somewhat broke, don't you?

    When I'm living in San Francisco and want some good pizza, I would never think of Pizza Hut.

    I eat there when I have a 15 minute lunch break.

    The same goes for Subway.

    However, we are not in San Francisco and many of us don't have the time and can't afford to go to gourmet restaurants for every meal.

    If you don't enjoy Thai food, Chain restaurants will do in a pinch, and the truth is that for Thailand, on top of that, they usually taste better then most of the privately run farang style restaurants that are available.

    Now shut your yaps. :o

  10. If you enjoy winding-up us "Septics" so much, step on over to the Bear Pit and we'll have a go, mate!

    They are scared to go over there. Too many articulate Americans in one place. :o

    Over here, they have the gent, Basher and all the demented Euro-Trash to fart and drool and laugh at their jokes. :D

  11. the gentleman,Tue 2004-05-04, 06:40:35]Americans are the fattest race fatty - not anti American -fact fatty!
    taxexile Posted on Tue 2004-05-04, 10:19:37

    you are right axel, but have you had a look there [ The Bear Pit]lately, its full of nazis, i've been a couple of times but i like it here and i dont think i want to go back there. its a haven for the deranged.   :D 

    They are not ALL down there! :o

  12. gp,i'm not going to get into a long drawn out posting fight with you. i've made my point and defended my position as best as i can.

    see you again on another topic i'm sure. :D

    but imho the sandwich chain with the french name???,(actually they are a british company), do a much better sandwich.

    There are a lot of people who do a better sandwich, but Subway is still pretty good. Personally I like the chicken salad ones in the little deli in front of the Marriott Hotel; That's not the point.

    I just get bored of the snide little anti-anything-American comments that some people feel compelled to stick in almost every one of their posts.

    It's not clever when done over and over, it's boring.

    English food, Australian food and German food are just as unhealthy as American grub and don't taste any better.

    The English, Australians and Germans have lots and lots of very obese people, even if America is the record holder.

    All that I'm saying is, remember the old cliche, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

    In other words, your people are fat slobs and your food is sh1t too! :o

  13. only the americans could take something as nourishing and simple as a sandwich and make it into the complicated production line farce that is..... the "subway".

    completely true,making a big deal,an"experience",an event, out of a simple sandwich.

    more kiddie food from the usa.

    uncle sam,stick to levis and rock and roll, and leave our food and drink alone.please
    american fast food is killing the world with diabetes,obesity and heart disease.

    it should not be exported. leave it to the fat arsed floridians,the overweight oregonians,the assheavy arizonians and the massive mississipians. :D

    patronizing nonsense.......you just know it makes sense. :D

    Give us a break. Same old, tired, politically correct stereotypes; You brought up patronizing nonsense, and you were right the first time. :o

  14. In time, even Thais will learn how to order and have prepared a Subway sandwich.

    Something we don't even think about when we have that experience. I must admit some responsibility for not realizing, in advance, a Thai in a Subway for th first is bound to not get it right.

    and in time lets hope that even westerners will learn how not to post patronising nonsense such as the above.

    only the americans could take something as nourishing and simple as a sandwich and make it into the complicated production line farce that is..... the "subway".

    dessicated tomatoes and cucumber,plastic cheese,reconstituted "meat" products and sauces out of neon coloured plastic squeezy bottles do not a sandwich make.

    4 staff to make a sandwich, definately a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth.

    uncle sam,stick to levis and rock and roll, and leave our food and drink alone.please.

    In time, lets hope that even ######s will learn how not to post patronizing nonsense such as the above. :o

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