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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. It's quite interesting what well-intentioned people have posted here, but I am American, and we pretty much believe that everyone was created equally.

    I have been an Adjan and all that, but I wai absolutely anyone who wais me, just like I would return a polite gesture in the West.

    I consider it a blow against any type of class system, and for equality and democracy!

    It probably has no effect on anything, what-so-ever, but that is how I like to think of it. :o

  2. Yeah mandl, its a great idea. Trolls would simply vanish once noone was reading their threads.

    This is something that I really don't understand. Mostly, I have no interest in any topic that mentions polo=ducktwit=erco=son of erco, so I don't bother with them, however, from where I am sitting, they seem to be the most popular threads for many other members.

    Maybe Thaivisa should be giving these guys a share of the profits! :o

  3. The Gent, or nameltnegeht posted on The Bear Pit May 15 2004

    now ban me Leith! Ive read all I want to read.......

    [obscenities edited by admin]OK Gent.


    This post has been edited by tukyleith on May 15 2004, 11:38 AM

    The Gent, or nameltnegeht!!!


    Has been suspended for 9999 days, for obvious reasons.

    G-P if you start a poll to get him re-instated again you will go too! :o

    Forum moderator

    Last night sick boy wrote an abusive note to admin, similar to the one the gent posted on The Bear Pit. Both of them mentioned me specifically, and insinuated that I have "ruined" both web-sites, and demanded to be banned from the board.

    Basher has been chasing my posts all over the board the last few weeks calling me fatty and a child molester, without ever replying to what I have to say.

    The gent and Basher, who claim to be trained killers, both have made posts insinuating that they are going to come "visit" me in Chiang Mai.

    All of their buddies, "the lads", have jumped on the band wagon, calling me childish names and warning me of the impending visit, but never, ever, trying to debate what I have posted.

    Hey, all these people hate my guts!

    Most of the "right-wing" Americans like me. I think a certain number of lefties have noticed that they agree with many of my posts that aren't about politics.

    I do write about other things, and though I play Devil's advocate a lot, I think that, at least sometimes, they make the board more interesting.

    I know that I am often rude and I post too often, but I consider that part of my act, and when I wasn't insulting people complained, really!

    I really do try not to be too nasty, unless people follow me around constantly, asking for it.

    As far as what I think of as, "The Yobs", the gent, Basher, sick boy, geezer, all the nasty little men who stick the word "septic" into almost every post, IMHO Thaivisa is much much better off without them (since they all seem to be quitting anyway). They seem like the kind of guys that were on the dole or football hooligans before they ran off to Thailand, one step ahead of somebody on the right side.

    Anyway, what I'm wondering is, do the nice, decent members of the forum get upset about what I am posting?

    p1p, Adjan (Larry lek), Bluecat, sbk, Jeepz, George, Doctor Patpong, tukyleith, chanchou and lots of others whose names aren't springing to mind at the moment?

    If I am bothering those people, I will have to really re-consider what I am doing.

  4. I have a friend who came to Thailand as a broke middle age back-packer. Now, he's a good looking guy in his early 50s. He started doing import export maybe 10 years ago and now is very, very wealthy.

    He is one of the nicest, most normal people that I know here, but he always says, "Everybody that is living in Thailand (farangs) has something wrong with them; Never forget, we are all a bunch of losers".

    When I read here everyday that it is "the fat sex-tourist slobs" or "the dirty cheap back-packers" that ruin Thailand, his wisdom becomes very apparent to me.

    I'll tell you what, I'm nothing special, and lucky as he11 to be here.

    Maybe, some of you people should look in the mirror a lot more honestly.  :o

    One more thing about this post, I actually intended to use this example concerning one of the "My wife is a good girl and yours is a whore" threads. My point is, that you still had to go Thailand to get her, didn't you.

  5. I have a friend who came to Thailand as a broke middle age back-packer. Now, he's a good looking guy in his early 50s. He started doing import export maybe 10 years ago and now is very, very wealthy.

    He is one of the nicest, most normal people that I know here, but he always says, "Everybody that is living in Thailand (farangs) has something wrong with them; Never forget, we are all a bunch of losers".

    When I read here everyday that it is "the fat sex-tourist slobs" or "the dirty cheap back-packers" that ruin Thailand, his wisdom becomes very apparent to me.

    I'll tell you what, I'm nothing special, and lucky as he11 to be here.

    Maybe, some of you people should look in the mirror a lot more honestly. :o

  6. In the bottom corner of the ad, it says: Ads by Google. So they're serving the popunders, and they're linked to your site. Mostly they're ads for Thai travel/resort destinations. But the frequency is picking up.

    I think you should check into it.

    Again, I'm having the same problem. I forgot about the google connection until ubergnome mentioned it. By the way, I have spybot installed, and I use it.

  7. Snark, I really think that you have it backwards concerning the local sex-trade. The farang-oriented business is a tiny percentage of the whole, and the huge trade for local men is what propels the industry.

    If you haven't read it already, read "Sex Slaves" by Louise Brown. She was one of the first experts to lay the blame on local trade, rather than "sex-tourists".

    She pretty much lets foreign men off the hook, because the freedom, earnings and conditions of the girls are not even in the same stratosphere.

    The book is considered to be among the best concerning the sex industry in Asia.

    Another interesting one is "Patpong Sisters" by Cleo Odzer.

  8. When it comes to the Mango Tree, remember that we are in agreement. I am trying to be as clear as possible that I like the owner and that I like the place. I was moaning about the people trying to close down my playground out in front of it.

    As far as giving you insights into looking at the bright side of Thailand, I don't know how to do that. It just comes naturally to me. What scares me is having to live somewhere else.

    I've heard all the same stories from the girls that you have, and maybe more. There are a lot of sad stories for sure, but also, many, many happy ones.

    Of course, I purposely choose girls who enjoy what they are doing.

    For me, in the farang-oriented sex businesses, the good outweighs the bad.

    However, have you been to the cheap brothels for Thai men?

    The girls are truly slaves in many of them, and if a customer won't use a condom, they can't stop him.

    Many are underage.

    They are sometimes beaten.

    They make very little money.

    Those places make me sick.

    I wish that the NGOs would put them out of business, but they don't seem much concerned with them, even though they are a much, much larger part of the sex industry then anything to do with farangs.

    Hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

  9. I have looked through your old posts, and I don't think that the labeling you as puritanical would be remiss.

    Here's just a few examples of the World according to Snark, and by the way, the theory about Thai woment preferring farangs is completely silly, although it is what they tell us. :o

    Snark Posted:

    I'm talking about stray pussy looking for sleeze farangs to dive in to. A several million dollar a night gig. Along with that crap we got drugs and disease. Degradation, appeal to the most base and sordid side of human nature.

    Snark Posted on: Tue 2004-05-11, 08:24:14

    Loi Kroh is strictly use are your own risk. Sorry.

    Now, if we can just get the gals to wear warning labels...

    Snark Posted : Welcome to the LOS. Land of slime, that is. Where it is culturally accepted men have second wives or visit the 'girls'. Where butterfly has an entirely different meaning centuries old.

    In turn, the average Thai woman thinks Thai men are, as a general rule, scumballs. Thus the reason they jump at the chance for a REAL relationship with a farang.

  10. tutsiwarrior, that is probably the best post that I have ever read - bar none.

    Thank you.

    This guy is willing to tell the truth about himself and lay it on the line for us to think about, not make up a bunch of phony bullshit like everyone else, and these "people" are so small, that they are going to attack him for it?

    tutsiwarrior is acting like a man. What a bunch of pathetic losers you ######s are giving him sh1t. You have never proved it like this before.

  11. Thanks tutsi,

    I just went to look and see if I still have it. It wasn't on the shelf, but could be around somewhere. I bought it in Asia books, but Kinokuniya in the Emporium would probably have it, if Asia Books is out.

    If I locate it, I'll keep it somewhere for next time you hit Chiang Mai.

    It's all his twisted fantasies about sex with his mother, dead or alive, plus tons of stuff about his drug use and criminal behavior as a teenager.

    He was strung out on using Vicks inhalers as a very cheap speed high. You broke them open and cut up the horrible smelling cotton inside, and swallowed it. You would speed for 12 hours, but it was a raunchy high, and you kept burping up the inhaler smell.

    I have never met anyone else who had heard of doing that before.

    He would take them and then go rob a house.

    Anyway, because you are interested in him, I think that you would like it, but it shocks you that he would admit what a sick puppy he is, more than anything else.

  12. Right now I'm reading The Six Day War. I kept looking at it, and thinking about that 650 baht price tag, but I really enjoy discussing Israel and being the only one in the room who knows what I'm talking about, so I sprung for it, and am quite happy that I did. Informative and interesting.

    Someone at the beginning of the thread was talking about Jews going to their deaths "like lemmings". Read the Six Day War, no more my friend!

    I just finished Fast Food Nation which is kind of a history and critique of the fast food industry. Real PC and highly over-rated.

    Yeah, I know that burgers are fattening and that they hire young kids to save money on salaries. Old news.

    About Elmore Leonard and James Elroy. Buy an Elmore Leonard title and you almost have a sure thing. Elroy is 50/50.

    However, if you want to read something unbelievable, try Elroy's autobiography, My Dark Places. He is one sick mother F. , and I can't believe the things that he admits in print. It's not exactly literature though.

  13. In many cities around the world, the best restaurants are traditionally found in the red light areas and "quality" clientelle flock to them enjoying the somewhat rakish, naughty atmosphere outside on the street. I find the "Can't go there because of their neighbours" attitude to be both laughable and sad in equal measure.

    chanchoa, this isn't really meant to refute your unwaranted attack on me ( just kidding :D ).

    I've actually been in a hurry to get home and edit my last post, because I certainly didn't mean to attack Mr p1p, he's a nice guy, and didn't start the stuff about "saving the neighborhood".

    Other people say it and he just sort of goes along with it, but I have seen his big ole' eyes twirling like saucers, when some hot young thing is prancing around in front of his door. He doesn't pretend to be other than human. :D

    Also, I have nothing against Christians who can mind their own business. I just kind of threw that in for the fun of it; I've noticed that Christian bashing is a good way to get people on your side on this site. :o

    Puritans are who I want to rave about today; Bullsh1t artists who came over here for the same reason that the rest of us did, the girls, then they got married, and now they act like when you grow up your d1ck falls off.

    I still have mine, and it likes to go to Loi Kroa Road sometimes. Please leave Loi Kroa alone.

  14. I am a Mango Tree customer. I enjoy the food, the staff and the atmosphere, however, let's face it, the real fun is afterwords, out on the street.

    All these ######s going on about Loi Kroh being "sleazy", should be forced to go live in the American suburbs for the rest of their lives and leave the fun-loving :D , open-minded expats who've retired here alone.

    You puritanical, fascist, phonies can pretend to be as "wholesome" as you want out there in Alabama, and you will have lots of red-neck, born again, Christian hypocrites for company.

    Die missionaries and puritanical scum! :o

  15. Are we ment to feel sorry for him now?

    I am not interested in his physical attributes, his disabilities it is his degenerated efforts in comunication that offends me.

    Get back to the shit pit where you can fight yourself

    Old tosser


    I'm not asking anyone to feel sorry for me. I am much better off than many people.

    I am just saying that none of you guys were sending me any PMs asking me "to meet in Bangkok", until I revealed my health problems, and that is worth bringing up, and that is why I complained about it before.

    You want to fight with me on here, bring it on. You haven't scored a point so far, but, I am just saying that the physical threats, especially under the circumstances, show what you boys are really about.

    You are about five of you on one little guy, not going toe-to-toe with someone who might actually beat you.

  16. I bet the kiddies think you're a real tough guy!

    meet up and see :D

    its sad watching a man disgrace himself day after day! :o

    You know, these tough guys are a funny thing.

    When I first joined this forum, I mentioned in some of my posts that I had been a Marine when I was younger and used to do martial arts as a hobby.

    The gentleman fought with me non-stop, insulted, the whole works, but never a physical threat.

    Then one day I wrote a post about something in my real life.

    I happened to mention that I have been in ill health for many years; that I am almost crippled with arthritis.

    Within days, the gentleman was challenging him to "meet him", sending me challenging PMs,and subtly threatening me.

    Despite everything that I don't like about the gentleman, I always thought that his military service was real, and that he had done something honorable in his life, however, I've been around a lot of elite military units, and those guys aren't out threatening semi-cripples, no matter how many arguments they win.

    When they are off duty, they aren't usually looking to threaten anyone.

    They are really tough.

    This is supposed to be a place where we battle with our minds, and it is not my fault if you don't have any ammo.

    If you don't like it, leave, don't start threatening.

    I wish that I was in good health; You are not tough, you are just chicken-sh1t bullies.

  17. You're just pissed because I outted your photos Basher; Your Nazi squeeze don't know me!

    You never answered my question, what kind of a full-grown man would call himself Basher off-line? Must be useful, I bet the kiddies think you're a real tough guy!

  18. My Buddy Basher; BEFORE!

    I received a few photos of Weenie Basher today  :o



    the gentleman's dream  :D

    Those are pictures of Weenie-Basher, before the sex-change.

    The gentleman keeps them under his pillow for when the wife is out earning the rent, and Geezer likes to lick up the squeezings. :D

  19. Actually I have low blood pressure. The Doctor told me that I was too passive, and that I should " rip some bully-boy, assho1e's head off every day on the Internet", to keep from keeling over. Good ole' Doctor Butterfly.

    Thanks for all the help with my health <deleted>!

  20. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to start what you can't finish? You dumb, want-to-be bully boys both attacked me first, and now that you keep getting your on-line butts kicked, you are whining.

    Typical chicken-sh1t bullies. :o

  21. This Basher (Ha ha haaaa!) guy has been having a field day accusing people of being a child molester, in fact, yesterday, he pretty much accused everyone in Chiang Mai of being one. Look at the Chiang Mai threads.

    The guy sure thinks about those kiddies a lot. Guess he just wants to help out. :o

  22. Hey, it's Basher, the King of the dumb, want-to-be bully boys. This guy is such a moron that he not only calls himself Basher on-line, but in real life. What a fool!

    Try writing a real post dummy.

    NO can do!

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