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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Actually g-dummy, there is oil in Africa. Maybe you should check out CNN for real facts instead of wasting time on those wacko Commie sites (of course, some basic reading lessons should come first).

    your in education? watch CNN for real facts.. You do make me laugh fat bloke as in your last 30 posts I dont think you have actually came up with anything to offer other than crap, not one statistic or fact, just general insults.. your probably not online now as I am sure Nana Plaza is calling. You used to be a teacher, says a lot, doesnt it - great wages and a great life...

    Us dummys are living on the beach in nice houses and have all of our toys... go clock in fatty, your one bedroom condos rent has to be paid. Its great to be dumb.

    Hi Georgie,

    I will be in Bangkok next week on business, I would love to meet with you and have a beer and discuss our political views.

    It would be great to see the guy I am jostling with and it would be great to have direct contact rather than this forum. What do you think?


    The Gentleman.

    It is rather difficult for me to understand why someone would post the top post, and then PM me the second one, but I'm sure the "gentleman" has his reasons.

  2. We still don't know who you are, except that you are Australian and you call yourself "the gentleman", but most of the time, you don't act like one.

    You say:,

    "you wouldnt feel comfortable expressing your views publically, where as I think the rest of us would."
    , however, almost everyone on this forum is using an alias, including you. I am using my real nick-name.

    You say:,

    "I never said I was highly educated, but one thing I am not is a coward that wouldnt express my views for fear of reprisal".
    No one is stopping you from posting your real name and job, so, with that attitude, it seems very strange that you haven't done it already.

    You say:,

    "Initially you flamed me for not agreeing with you, even after in many previous posts I agreed to disagree as I do know what patriotism is"

    I didn't flame you for disagreeing with me. I responded to your vicious anti-American insults. You, Butterfly and kwiz117 were all going on about how stupid Americans are, but it was hard not to notice that you didn't seem to have a grade school education between you.

    When you said that you were going to stop making anti-American posts, I respected you for starting to consider other people's feelings, but I also saw how you still lashed out at other posters for perceived slights that just weren't warranted, so when you started making new, anti-American posts, I, of course responded.

    You say:,

    I would suggest to you sir, to drop all the comments and come up with something interesting to post instead of flaming people who have made valid points. Well to be educated one has to listen first!

    I have seen very few posts on this web-site, coming from the left, that made valid points, and none-what-so-ever from you. I have read most of the these wild left-wing rumors, lies and superstitions elsewhere, and have already dimissed most of it. I am an avid reader and if anyone posts anything new, I read it.

    If you want to educate yourself, I would suggest that you pay more attention to Membrane's posts. He is one clever, well-informed lad, and pretty much the only real debator on this Forum.

    P.S. Your spelling is getting better (thanks to spell-check), but your grammar and punctuation need some real work!

  3. ######, I do agree with what you've posted above, and as usual, it's your web-site. You can do what you want.

    However, some of us (Americans) have said many times that we don't want to read all this Anti-American crap, over and over, every day.

    Just think about, if for some reason, all of the posts suddenly tore down Australia. I don't think it would take long for you to tire of it, no matter what your politics are.

    As far as us understanding the other point of view, do Membrane, SoCal, Jeepz or Boon Mee seem stupid to you? These are all obviously educated people who have heard the other side, many time, before. We are not convinced. We are not even tempted to be convinced. We have already made up our own minds.

    So have the other side.

    If you want a Bear-pit where we rip each other apart for your amusement, every single day, you have it already.

    If you don't, don't lecture us about "playing nice", get rid of it, and turn this into what it is supposed to be: A Web-site about Thailand!

  4. Actually, I don't bother with your posts unless they are about something that I am concerned with. If I did, I would be following you all over the board ridiculing your posts about other subjects.

    You have to understand that I was quite relieved during our truce. I actually feel sorry for you, because of your lack of education, until you were foolish enough to come down on me about something.

    I watched the posts that you made during that time, and I noticed that although you try to be a gentleman every once in a while, you would often attack people, who hadn't said anything bad about you, but it seemed like you thought that they had -as if you misread their posts.

    That's why I know that you are uneducated (or have a screw loose), and get so offended when you accuse other people of it.

    That is a fact.

  5. Never mind, the other pro-terrorist voter should be gentle-dummy. I keep forgetting that after whining and crying about how he was going to quit this forum :o , (because everyone else was so much more clever than him) he came back after a few days. He's quite easy to forget actually! :D

    Oh no...is that gentle-dummy whining in the background again? Is that even English that he is speaking? Well close...

  6. I think it is rather obvious who is scratching at thin air plachon (really scratching at thin air). You have been told numerous times, by numerous people, that America is a Republic and that George W. Bush is the legitimate President.

    As far as New York Times columnists questioning George Bush, what planet are you from? Number one, The New York Times is a liberal paper that doesn't like George Bush. Number two, ALL newspapers in America present columnists with opposing points of view.

    Are you sure that you are British? Are you sure that you aren't just some reject from the Polish Communist Party?. :o

  7. If you are too stupid to even check what you write and post somewhere, that is stupid indeed, but you and I know that you are lying. You are not educated and you are putting down other people's countries and education systems. You are both dense and a hypocrite.

    Of course most Australians are much smarter than you, but they are not posting letters on the Internet -that look like they were written by 3 year olds- calling the citizens of another country stupid. You are a disgrace to all the good Aussies out there that mind their own business and don't talk sh1t about other people's countries!

    Whatever you reckon Georgie>

    I think you might be the Hypocrite as you are the man (please re read your posts on all things to do with Iraq), that puts down countries that arent with you gun ho Yankees in Iraq, you also have a go at all Muslim people. You are a typical Bush supporter and have used his same quote "if your not with us - your against us".

    You kid yourselves that you live the American dream, you are clones, the majority of Americans take themselves far to serious and your thoughts and actions are THE WAY to live life.

    The American Dream - highest rate of obesity, highest rate of cancer, highest rate of diabetes, highest rate of personal and International debt, highest rate of lawyers per capita, highest rate of violent crimes, highest rate of bankruptcy, highest rate of idiots on this forum.

    Dont be a follower georgie, read a few stats on other websites, read other views and opinions - that is how education starts - turn off CNN!

    The American dream - no thanks and Baghdad doesnt need a McDonalds!

    Whoever had the post - "America are keeping the oil for the Iraqi people" - then why didnt the contact go to an Iraqi company and what benefit to the Iraqis is Halliburton - he must be one of yours Georgie!

    gentle-dummy, thank you for re-printing my post about what a moron you are, and then you just start the same old stupid accusations about America again. I don't even have to answer your half-witted posts. You defeat yourself, by your childish posts and obvious lack of any education.

    You bring shame to Australia by claiming to have gone to school there! :o

  8. plachon. have you ever heard the one about beating a dead horse? I'll answer your question for about the fifth time:

    It is funny, that you keep on harping on  this point if it is so unimportant. You know how foolish it made you look to say something so obviously stupid, so you can't drop it. :D 

    Anyway, I have answered your original question (over and over), before you started twisting, dodging, changing: Yes, the reason that there is such a LARGE number of complaints is because of technology. There are actually many FEWER activists now than during the Vietnam era, but the Internet, 24 hour cable news, etc. gives these few wackos, such as yourself, many more places to air their views.

    Does that answer your question satisfactorily dim one?


    I never said that a lot of you wackos weren't out "protesting". I said that the reason that it seems like more than before is because of tons of forums on the Internet, and elsewhere, that didn't exist in the past: technology. I can guarantee you that there were lots more people protesting against America during the Vietnam era then there are now (those protests were daily, not once evey blue moon). :o

    Have you finished with this particular dead horse sir? :D

  9. If you are too stupid to even check what you write and post somewhere, that is stupid indeed, but you and I know that you are lying. You are not educated and you are putting down other people's countries and education systems. You are both dense and a hypocrite.

    Of course most Australians are much smarter than you, but they are not posting letters on the Internet -that look like they were written by 3 year olds- calling the citizens of another country stupid. You are a disgrace to all the good Aussies out there that mind their own business and don't talk sh1t about other people's countries!

  10. In the 80's, France (Paris) was bombed and you know why ?

    Because we deserved it.

    Do you know why you were targetted on 9-11 ?

    Because you also deserved it

    So did the Pentagon deserved to be targetted ? Obviously yes

    According to you. If someone lets off a dirty bomb in Paris, London or Paris tonight, all the innocent people who die and suffer will "deserve it". That seems pretty black and white to me.

  11. Why don't you answer the question? You called Americans stupid in your post, but it is obvious that you are uneducated yourself. Are you claiming to have the education of a typical adult Australian? Do you claim to have finished high school in Australia? Sorry, but you could not write like you do and have made it through high school in the U.S.!

  12. The same might be said by your terrorist friends after they drop a dirty bomb on a city?:o

    Why do you call them "my friends" ?

    It 's not because I'm agaisnt Bush that I' m with the terrorists.

    Can you explain your childish comment, please ?

    In the 80's, France (Paris) was bombed and you know why ?

    Because we deserved it.

    Do you know why you were targetted on 9-11 ?

    Because you also deserved it

    So did the Pentagon deserved to be targetted ? Obviously yes
  13. Oh come on plachon, your type never comes out and admit what you really feel, but it doesn't take much to read between the lines and figure out which side you are in in the War against Terrorism. However, your good friend pepe, did slip yesterday:

    Do you know why you were targetted on 9-11 ?

    Because you also deserved it.  ...You will never understand.

    and again today:
    So did the Pentagon deserved to be targetted ? Obviously yes

    As far as lies, here's just one, but I don't feel like cutting and pasting ALL day!

    The US has an illegitimate President running the country

    Start spinning dim-wit!

  14. It is funny, that you keep on harping on this point if it is so unimportant. You know how foolish it made you look to say something so obviously stupid, so you can't drop it. :o

    Anyway, I have answered your original question (over and over), before you started twisting, dodging, changing: Yes, the reason that there is such a LARGE number of complaints is because of technology. There are actually many FEWER activists now than during the Vietnam era, but the Internet, 24 hour cable news, etc. gives these few wackos, such as yourself, many more places to air their views.

    Does that answer your question satisfactorily dim one? :D

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