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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Pepe~

    You think we deserved it? You think France deserved it in the '80s as well? Sounds like a sociopath to me. Victims deserve it for whatever wrong or unpopular thing they have done. Following that thread of logic, Iraq deserved it, so did Afghanistan. Heck, everbody deserves it, just a matter of when "it" arrives. And who gets to deliver "it".

    Canada will deserve it at some point, so will Sweden, and of course, Portugal will have to get theirs too. Somebody needs to smack Lichtenstein around as well. New Zealand probably ranks right up there for deserving it, but they do seem to get theirs regularly from the Aussies, so we'll let that one slide for a bit.

    I think Madagascar is due for the short list, and how about scheduling a well deserved comeuppance for Easter Island. Oops, I guess they got theirs already, didn't they?

    Actually how about you go pay pennance for whatever wrongs you have done, are doing, or might do in the future and let the rest of us get on with our lives, pepe.

    I've got too many family members that got buried over in France and Belgium keeping your butt free the way it is. Of course, those guys didn't realize at the time that you probably deserved it, and they really shouldn't have interfered.


    Thank you Jeepz. A little plain truth for a change! :o

  2. Spin, Spin, Spin, lie, lie, lie, but you are still a Dim Bulb. You said forums like this, mentioned millions of people using them, but there weren't any forums that millions of people could use back then. There were very small forums, sure, but that has nothing to do with your question. Too much Angel Dust back when you were protesting against intervening against Nazi Germany perhaps? :o

    But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this...
    About plachin's moronic statement above. For your information, there weren't "forums like this" in the past. The Internet is relatively new.  :D Duh! 
  3. We also need to know what you get for your scum card.

    Best entitlement I can think of: someone to do all those annoying border runs for you every 90 days.

    Does this mean that if I give the Scum Card and my passport to my old visa agent, everything is legit?

  4. According to me the first step is to re-think our relations with Israel.

    OK, lets start from the beginning. Now, do you admit that the Palestinians and other Arabs want nothing other than to destroy Israel? To "push it into the sea"? If you are not realistic enough, or honest enough to admit this, then you are not even worth wasting time on.

    So what do you suggest that we do? Drop a Nuclear Bomb on Israel or release chemical weapons and toxins? Get together a big coalition with the UN and attack them? That's what your Arab friends want to do.

    But there is only one problem. You think that your Terrorist Palestinian buddies don't give up easily? What do you think will happen when the best Air Force in the world is cornered? When the tiny country that kicked the shit out of all those Arabs, over and over again, is coming after you?

    What are you going to do about all those Nuclear Bombs in their Armory?

    You know that they are not going to lie down and wait to die like they did for your friends in World War II, don't you?

    So what's your plan? What do you want to "re-think"?

  5. In the 80's, France (Paris) was bombed and you know why ?

    Because we deserved it.

    Do you know why you were targetted on 9-11 ?

    Because you also deserved it.  ...You will never understand.

    You are right. I will never understand.

    What you say here tells us everything that we need to know about you two. Innocent people "deserve" to be killed because you don't agree with their Government's policies. Underneath all your lefty excuses, rhetoric and bullshit lies the truth. You support terrorism against men, women, children and babies. You should be ashamed.

  6. What has your country done to curb terrorism?

    France has been known to allow terrorists to cross freely over it's borders in order to be spared atrocities on its territory. France co-operated with Saddam Hussien and provided blank French passports for his main torturers and henchmen to flee the country. Many in the French Government are cowards and surrender monkeys!

  7. pepe, my little burrito, across the Rio Grande, when we type, we use the small letters also. It makes all your left-wing lies and blatant propaganda easier to read.

    Hablo un poco espanol porque mi abuela era del Sur de Espagna pero no soy espanol, soy frances, cabeza de burro.

    Enchelada, Dorritos. Rio dey janero hablas yanqui amigo! Carnitas, loco Guacemole!

  8. Sir, you are no Gentleman. They should strip you of the nick. I don't like to pick on the mentally deficient, but, from now on, in your case I will be happy to make an exception.


    I have you also seen your current figures on eductation, you basically are the dumbest people in a first world country - that says a lot for all of you gun ho yankees here.

    Why don't you explain to us, why you say that you are an Aussie, but don't have the education to write like a native speaker of English? Just look at the mistakes that you made in the quote above, and all of your posts are this way. Have you ever heard the saying that "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? It certainly applies to you, my ignorant friend! :o

  9. Mr. Gentleman, you are about to get back on my sh1t-list!

    I don't care how young the terrorists are; They are training to kill women and children, and don't worry too much about anything that the BBC says; They are just looking for any way to boost ratings against Fox News.

    Why would we arrest "anyone who looks Islamic" and undergo the tremendous costs of holding them for all this time? It makes no sense, my friend, and therefore it is bullshit, be assured.

    But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this.

    About plachin's moronic statement above. For your information, there weren't "forums like this" in the past. The Internet is relatively new. Duh! :o

  10. You guys, with your feigned love of democracy and freedom, just crack me right up with your self-defeating arguments. You ruin your case, every time you open your mouths or tap on your keyboards, because every time you claim to speak for the "world", you know in your heart of hearts you're talking about that little fraction of humanity called the people of USA, and even then, you know it's mostly the white, European stock with right-wing, "libertarian" views who you're really concerned about.
    Sorry, once again, but to me, your arguments make you look like a pretentious imbecile (who thinks that he is psychic), but, on the other hand, I've already made up my mind about your pinko rhetoric. I think you will agree that it is up to the public what they think about what is said here.
    "Prison cells", eh? As used by all prisons in the US right?

    You sure are worried about how those child-killing Terrorists sleep at night. Strange sense of values..., anyway, many prisoners in America sleep on the floor, or in filthy isolation cells, or in holding cells crammed with other prisoners and no beds, so I would say that the cells in Cuba are more comfortable than many in the US, and, if they are not? Frankly, who gives a sh1t?

  11. I am all for shagging and getting blow jobs, especially from young, nubile interns, but Clinton gave it to a bunch of old slappers and young bow wows; In that regard, he is an embarasment to the nation!

    Now Kennedy, he did it right.

    Bush will go down in history as the first American President to stop simply ignoring Terrorism, and hope it would go away. He will go down in history as an unlikely hero. :o

  12. We are not white knights. We are not black knights. We are common people. While you were "protesting against democracies", we were working for a living; Common people protest at the voting booth.

    I can tell you that he was already protesting in the 80's against the western "democracies" (USA, England, France, Germany, ...)

    However, on the other hand, we don't pretend to be saviors of the world. We don't think that we are superior because we spit at the civilization that has spawned us. We don't pretend to understand the motives of serial killers of women and children, and we certainly don't pretend to have any sympathy for their causes. We don't think that we are clever because we ignore murderous dictator's crimes in order to rail against the failings of Democracy.

    We are not so pretentious. We are not so silly. :o

  13. I am sure that adjan jb was protesting against Democracies. You types always do. What I can't figure out is why you light-weight lefties never seem to protest against dictators and regimes that are torturing and gassing their own citizens, invading other countries, etc., etc. That is something us brainless rednecks just never could figure out.

    Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't see that the world is much better off without Saddam Hussein deserves to be classified as a friend. :o

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