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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. irrefutable proof that there's always more room in the Axis of Stupidity for Plachon.

    Got an idea - why don't y'all hold an Anti-War Rally???  You could go around wearing those little Berets and calling yourselves "Comrad"!  :D

    Have a nice day...

    If the other Stupidos don't mind trite, long-winded, really boring speeches, plachon could be the Comrad Leader! :o

  2. Georgie - your an idiot! Clock in and pay your rent.

    Yes, but even I know that "your", in the sense that you are using it, is a contraction, needs an apostrophe, needs an "e" and looks like this: "you're", so what does that make you?

    A big, stupid, complete and utter fool! :o

  3. A lot of muscles flexing here.

    As far as I am concerned I am small and I am only 60 kilos.

    I am also a coward, a weasel and a cheese-eating surrender monkey. I am so easily scared that even reading your posts leaves me shaking.


    adjan jb, that was a most excellent post, however, for those that don't know already, could you also admit that you are French? It helps readers understand why we stereo-type you guys this way. Do you think that you could get pepe' le' pew to whine and beg a little, as well? :o

  4. Dear davidm,

    My advice to you, is be very careful how you answer how you answer this question.  :o A few weeks ago, I, myself, was totally shocked to find that I had been banned from this web-site for 3 1/3 years when I tried to log in.

    I was brought back after huge protests and a lot of begging, but I wouldn't count on that happening in your situation. :D

    Just a note.

    G-P was not banned, ever. His account was suspended accidentally, by me. It was corrected the next morning. The problem was his post was directly after the one I was after. I apologised to him, as did the forum owner. We also re-instated the account. He made one e-mail to the owner, who contacted me. There was no begging and there were no tears. I made a simple error. The total time he was unable to post, was less than 10 hours.

    Also, in complying with 3 PM's from him, I carefully watched one thread to ensure his real name was not divulged in forum, as per his request. I have no idea why that was such a big deal, but it seemed to be to him. Should there be any doubt as to my veracity, I will be more than happy to post those PM's and the e-mail here for others to verify my facts.

    To now read this seems at least a bit unfair, and in fact seems to me to be deserving of an apology to myself at least and to the membership, for misleading them so grossly in an effort to garner some sort of vote of "poor me".

    I was joking when I warned DavidM about being suspended, and IT Managers account of what happened with my suspension and afterwards is entirely accurate. I was not, however, trying to say anything about "poor me". I saw that DavidM had called ###### something like "mentally unbalanced" and just wanted to chide him a little about watching his tongue (although I agreed with his statement about the protest entirely).

    My opinion is that normally ###### does an amazing job on here. I also think that he slipped on both the protest issue and his message to me about "the worth of my life", but, as far as I'm concerned, no biggy, we all make mistakes.

    I did read the thread about the novice who was killed later, and understood that ######'s message wasn't meant as harshly as I took it without knowing what he was referring to, however, I must say that I still find it totally bizarre that he would make a statement about the worth of a member's life in his role as administrator.

    I have no problem at all apologizing to ######, the whole forum and DavidM if my joshing statement is what caused the whole problem, however, from what I can see, that joke was not really the problem, the problem was IT Managers initial advice about Farangs all running up North and protesting.

  5. No, it means that after September 11, we were through letting dangerous madmen threaten our country. Because every intelligence service in the world thought that Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, a belief that he fostered himself while officially denying it, we decided to go in and remove him as a threat, which we did. Saddam, R.I.P., you piece of garbage!

  6. Number one, I could care less how we got Saddam, we got him, but when I do search on "the gentleman"'s latest find, the only web-sites that are carrying his story are junk-sites like "worldwideconspiracy.com and the nutty Arab sites. Why is this, oh clever one? :o

  7. [snip]

    I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.


    Now, now Gentlemen. You wouldn't condone violence as a way to settle disputes now would you?

    Someone needs to get through to "the gentleman" that we fight with our brains on here. He is continually threatening people with violence and trying to impress them with his knowledge of fisticuffs, all to no avail.

    This is the Internet dummy. You don't know where I am, and I don't know where you are, and if you are silly enough to come looking for me, just remember that great scene in an Indiana Jones movie, where the great martial artist starts whipping two swords at one time around doing, all kinds of fancy tricks trying to impress and scare Indiana Jones. Indiana quickly pulls out a pistol and shoots the moron right between the eyes.

    That's exactly what they taught me in my Marine Corps, so F___ off, quit threatening people, and go get yourself an education you ignorant goon!. :o

  8. I got pickpocketed in Bangkok several years ago. I deal with a lot of Thai businesses there, and am pretty friendly with the owners. They all told me to quickly cancel the card as the thieves usually have contacts inside the bank who will tell them the PIN number. I canceled mine right away.

  9. As my friend, just remarked, "When people start getting all macho on the internet I usually suspect they are Gay". :o  :D  :D  :D

    the gentleman Posted on Wed 2004-02-04, 04:37:01

    I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.

    I am not a Gentleman as such, in those terms - I was given that name in Africa, for what, is my business. I might be older now, but still only 36 and love combat in any form, business and toe to toe - I am not a fat bar bloke!

    Am I a guy behind a PC, spouting off, or am I the real deal - you figure it out!

  10. adjan jb Posted on Wed 2004-02-04, 02:55:12

    It justifies the Patriot Act (sic), the Homeland Security Act and all the excessive powers given to Ashcroft,the FBI and all the security agencies.

    Finally, something that we agree on. I hate all the new laws that have been passed in the US giving the police broader powers, however, the truth is that, unfortunately, they are totally justified by the threat of Terrorism. :o

  11. What is it with you guys? Thaiquila, gentleman and plachon, all you liberal p-----s. All whining and crying and making big deals about announcing your departures. "We're never coming back. Wa, Wa. Wa."

    About how mean ol' Georgie-Porgie won't have you to kick around any more, and there you are, back the very next day, sniveling and begging for more .

    Boon Mee Posted: Tue 2004-02-03, 16:12:34

    Proof of the pudding, pie and 'mee is in their postings............I'm afraid I've had my fill of your fare. ######'s right - some people are beyond the pale and it ceases to have much point, arguing with morons to the nth degree. Bye-bye G-P and Boonmee, may the pox be incurable.

    Bye Bye Plachon - don't let the door and your posterior have a collision. 


    Crapulam terribilem habeo.

  12. strawberry and the gentleman, I'm really happy that you guys are on the other side. With your spelling, grammar and punctuation on pro-American posts, it would be proof positive that all Americans are complete morons. I guess there isn't much call for all that stuff Outback?:o

  13. At the end of this day, as you kids whinge about being PC and who has the legs to do the most damage, I can't help thinking of a 13 year old child,cut down with a sword or a machete, as he walked barefoot along the road, likely following an older man in similar orange robes, and I suspect his life is worth somewhere between 3 and 5 times as much as yours George et al.

    Life is full of intrigues. That boys' life was full of what? Prayer, meditation, poverty.

    Sad thing is neither of you has even thought about him, his life or more importantly, his death and its' uselessness. A pox on you both. Keep this up and I will slap you for your trouble.

    Mr. ######, I know that I really should just ignore this, but that is not my way.

    I admire you for the identity that you have adopted to play your role as administrator. You mostly stick to what a great administrator should be - sort of an intelligent narrator with no firm opinion of his own. However, you are human, and it is difficult to always stay firmly in your role. You want to get your thoughts in there; You feel certain that your beliefs are right. Sometimes you just don't care about staying in the back-ground.

    However, ###### is just a role. You put it on everyday, while I'm donning my Georgie-Porgie suit.

    We both know that in real life, you are a completely different guy. You have some good qualities, you have some bad. In fact, there are a lot of people out there who despise you as much as many people on here hate Georgie-Porgie.

    What I'm trying to say is, for one thing, I have no idea who the boy in your little allegory is. If he is supposed to be real, or not. Whatever you were trying to say there is lost on me, and, I suspect, most other readers. However, I do understand that you put down in print that his life is "worth more" than mine.

    That is completely out of line, and that is not for you to judge. You were not the great ###### looking down on the board with omniscient eyes, when you wrote that, you were the other guy, the real life guy; the guy with a good number of his own detractors.

    Yesterday, someone said that you were "mentally ill" for trying to gather up Farangs and telling them to take chance on destroying their futures by mounting a protest in someone else's country: Thailand.

    You need to be more careful with what you say here. He was right that your advice was totally off-the-wall and irresponsible, and I'm right that, from now on, you should stick to your ######, good-guy role, on-line.

    If you have a problem with me. If you think that you can out-think me, if you want to be your real self, no problem, call yourself anything else you like and come looking for Georgie on-line. I'm always ready for a showdown, with anybody, except on-duty administration guys.

  14. Don't pay too much attention to if I'm signed on here, or not. For one thing, I'm working, so I ignore this board for long periods of time while doing other things, also, we keep losing the server for hours at a time, but I'm still logged in, so it looks like I'm on-line, but I'm not, or I am waiting to connect with the server again.

    Other than, that, I've already said everything that needs to be said about one more trite post that says just about nothing.

    No creativity is an understatement. Membrane do you think it ever occurred to any of the geniuses that these popularity polls change on almost a daily basis. Tomorrow, everyone will be in love with Bush again, the next day they won't, or they will. He'll still win the election.

    Stick this post in the trivia bin; Who cares really?


  15. But I do get tired of you guys--who don't live here--always grumbling about American politics like you live here and that it affects you personally.  Like you can vote here in the U.S. or like what you have to say matters to us over here.  It gets boring and tiresome.  There's very little creativity here.  Nothing else going on except the usual grumbling about the U.S., how stupid GWB is, blah blah blah...  Boring....

    You live in Thailand?  And you have nothing else to do but to discuss this crap all day long?  Jesus--get a freakin' life!

    Like I said... y-a-w-n....

    No creativity is an understatement. Membrane do you think it ever occurred to any of the geniuses that these popularity polls change on almost a daily basis. Tomorrow, everyone will be in love with Bush again, the next day they won't, or they will. He'll still win the election.

    Stick this post in the trivia bin; Who cares really?

    ....y-a-w-n.... :o

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