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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. I don't suffer fools gladly and am often too lazy to look for and post documentation to refute what I feel are obvious lies. Membrane is usually polite and has the facts to back up what he is saying. He and SoCal are about the only players who make any attempt to properly debate on this forum, as well as listen and understand the other side.

    Falsely comparing us just shows how desperate the lefties are to do anything to stop getting so severely trounced on a daily basis. :o

  2. [i'm afraid I've had my fill of your fare. ######'s right - some people are beyond the pale and it ceases to have much point, arguing with morons to the nth degree.

    plachon, I feel exactly the same way, but what could I do? I would turn on the computer and there you were every day.

  3. the gentleman posted: Thu 2004-01-29, 09:08:28  

    re-world trade center.

    When 911 happened, it was reported in a Thai newspaper that no Israelies were killed and no one turned up for work at the "Israel Embassy" - I am not sure which Israel "department" - did anyone else hear this?

    It is a major point, I think - anyone shed more light? 

    By the way, plachon, you keep avoiding comment on this smelly little piece of politically correct "news". Who are the real racists, Droopy Ass? :o

  4. plachon, I would suggest to you, that anyone reading along with our little feud, would get the sense that I'm kicking your ass rather badly; That you are the one who keeps grasping desperately for some kind of magic answer that makes you look a little more learned and a little less pompous, but it keeps eluding you. :o

    plachon, I was looking fondly over our past correspondence. Please don't forget about this one. I haven't! :D

  5. Arafat - the biggest pustule on the butt of humanity... :D

    the cynic, posted on Mon 2004-02-02, 05:50:33

      He hasn't got the Oscar yet.

    Actually, Saddam Hussein won the Oscar for his deranged performance as the surrendering Cowardly Lion. Best supporting actor went to Arafat for his continuing role as the World's biggest living, two-faced postule. :o

  6. Those 2 guys were granted the American citizenship. Isn't it a little bit racist to refer to them now as "Iraqi-American" ?

    Whatever their background is, they are now plainly American.

    In America, we are usually proud of our ethnic backgrounds, and so, therefore refer to ourselves this way. It is not a slur. Get an education and get your head out of your butt, cynic.

  7. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in time of war, laws have often had to be temporarily changed to adapt to unusual circumstances, and even during peacetime, Military law is very different than civilian law.

    The scumbags at Gitmo, will eventually be released or get their day in court, but the US Government will have to decide on the proper time for that to happen, not some dull-witted, constipated, old fart, raving away on Thaivisa.com. :o

  8. Dear davidm,

    My advice to you, is be very careful how you answer how you answer this question. :o A few weeks ago, I, myself, was totally shocked to find that I had been banned from this web-site for 3 1/3 years when I tried to log in.

    I was brought back after huge protests and a lot of begging, but I wouldn't count on that happening in your situation. :D

  9. The big problem Blair has was his enthusiasm for war in Iraq. I got to be suspicious of any one that is that enthusiastic about war.

    When the spokesman for the department of defence was asked where they were getting their information about WMD from, The answer given was that we can't tell you because we would endanger the lives of spies placed in Iraq.

    So my question is (now that they are no longer in danger) where are these so called spies. Or was that another lie ?

    Come on now Georgie Porgy answer me this.


    Love Joe Strawberry

    Watch plachon.

    This is how we do away with politically correct lies:

    Yes there were spys.

    Saddam lied to his own people, so they thought he had WMDs, and reported such.

    Quite simple really. :o

  10. plachon,Sun 2004-02-01, 11:00:26]It's funny how it always seems to be "politically correct lies" or "leftist propaganda"  with anything you happen to disagree on G-P. Convenient way of disposing of uncomfortable home truths, eh?

    Well, plachon, I work for a living and only have so much time to waste on such crap, and let's face it, there are tons of lefty web-sites full of wacky lies for you to throw at us. It takes an awful lot of time to disprove every one. As SoCal had to say about you boy's tactics:

    SoCal Posted on: Fri 2004-01-30, 23:55:28

    That's the left's tactic, throw out something/anything, then when it is logically explained, don't respond/admit, but throw out something equally infantile and off subject.

    Not one of you wackos has bothered to mention this post, but here is just one example of the type of garbage posted here that we are talking about. Why don't you make few phone calls to some of your pinko buddies, pepe' le' pew, adjan jp, etc., and explain this malarkey for us? Seems pretty typical politically correct lies/leftist propaganda to me:
    the gentleman posted: Thu 2004-01-29, 09:08:28  

    re-world trade center.

    When 911 happened, it was reported in a Thai newspaper that no Israelies were killed and no one turned up for work at the "Israel Embassy" - I am not sure which Israel "department" - did anyone else hear this?

    It is a major point, I think - anyone shed more light? 

    Here are some more of your concerns:

    Here, I'll seek to rejuvenate this thread and bring in  a recent tribute to Tolkien I read, which is maybe appropriate given the popularity of the film versions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (come in Eye of Sauron!). It's from a book called "Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of JRR Tolkein" by Stratford Caldecott and in fact, could relate to several bear pit threads, not just this one.

    "Tolkein was always conscious of the temptation that besets the righteous: to employ an evil means in a good cause. This was how the great had fallen, how Denethor and his son Boromir were deceived, how Gandalf and Galadriel might easily have fallen, and how we ourselves can still fall. Aragorn triumphs over this temptation. Evil must not be done for the sake of the good. This has many implications, in Middle England and the Middle East, as much as the middle Earth. Even the orcs, who appear utterly evil and "must be fought with the utmost severity", Tolkein writes in one of his notebooks, "must not be dealt with in their own terms of cruelty and treachery. Captives must not be tormented, not even to discover information for the defense of the homes of the Elves and men. If any Orcs surrendered and asked for mercy, they must be granted it, even at a cost".

    Are you serious? Who gives a sh1t what JRR Tolkein thought about good and evil? For your information, he was a writer of, very long-winded children's stories, however, it seems to me that his theory about doing evil to advance good causes, would apply much more to Terrorists killing thousands, upon thousands, of innocent people than to a few terrorist suspects, most of who are probably guilty, in Gunatanamo Bay.

    You people seem ultra concerned about those prisoners, but also seem to spend a lot of time making excuses for terrorists (I think that you would say, trying to understand them). If you are so worried about righteousness, in the Tolkienish sense, how can you excuse vicious Terrorists on any level?

  11. Hey georgy Porgy

    I don't believe you got your facts right. you been reading zionist propaganda.

    In 1952 I was serving with the British Navy in the Mediteranean. I was picked to train for a military police force to serve in Palestine. The training took place in a camp on the Island of Malta. You can check the records and you will find out that this is true. We didn't go because the situation changed. But, I've watched the situation there over the years so I do have an idea of whahas been happening there over the years

    By the way I didn't go school in Oz I went to school in Scotland.

    If you can get it together with your facts I'm happy to hear them and if I'm wrong I'll thank you.

    Love Joe Strawberry


    Strawberry, first of all, you were picked to serve as a Military Policeman in Israel, but never went there, and you think that, somehow, this makes you an authority on the Middle East conflict? Why, exactly, would I want to check into records about that? "Yep, he didn't go all right"!

    Secondly, I've read what are considered to be some of the best histories about the Israel and the Middle East. I'm sure that the Palestinians would consider them to be Zionist propaganda, but they probably would say the same about Mein Kamph if it didn't agree with their spin on something. These zealots have fought and caused destruction the whole world over for decades. They have just made their situation worse and worse, so I must admit I, and certainly most other Arabs, don't hold them in high regard.

    They are self-destructive pawns, who would delight in taking the whole world with them to kingdom come, but who can really blame them? Let's face facts, before the Israelis came along and made something productive of the barren land, they had lived in a desert hellhole for centuries.

    The truth is that, for all of their complaints, in every way that can be measured, life expectancy, education, income, etc., the Palestinians lives have vastly improved since the Israelis returned to the neighborhood.

    By the way, was there another Australian guy in your class in Scotland who looked and talked just like you, who is now living in Phuket? Like a twin brother or imaginary friend or something? :o

  12. Strawberry, I suggest you go back and read my angry rantings about how the Palestinians lost there land before any further lectures on that situation. They don't seem to have taught that at the Wizard of Oz School for Special Simpletons, where both you and the gentlemen learned everything that you know. :o

  13. When I first came to Thailand, a "friend" of mine spent a lot of time in the Thai brothels, which had one of the highest percentages of AIDS in the world. He always wore two condoms (for 3-4 years) :D and never had one break, where-as when he visited farang venues, he only wore one, and had a number of mis-haps. :D

    I've read it before, but am not sure I believe in the two condoms, rub together and break myth.

    Remember that scientists have proven, over and over again that non-oxydol 9 prevents/causes AIDS, depending on the study. :o

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