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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. I was able to immediately dismiss 9 out of 14 of Benny A's "14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism" and though there were traces of some of the other characteristics apparent in the US right now, they are due to an imminent danger to our country: TERRORISM. Countries have always resorted to desperate laws and measures in time of war or calamity.

    As to adjan jb's tale:

    School won't teach me what fascism is and, anyway, the killings of my grand-father and half his village has already done so. My father and two of my uncles were lucky enough to escape such a fate (They were in the Resistance and during their last battle in 1944, they were among the 4 survivors. 9 were killed on the spot - aged between 16 and 22 - another 4 or 5 died in the torture chambers).

    You have just mentioned that some of your family were killed in torture chambers. Well that is a defining characteristic of Fascist regimes that probably should have been included above.

    Well guess what? America doesn't have torture chambers and your good friend Saddam did. Who are the fascists now?

  2. Georgie probably has a hang up on eveything that is not american.

    Actually, My best friend in Thailand is a snotty upper class Brit whose politics are not unlike yours. However, even he admits that, " something needed to be done (about The Arab Problem), and Bush is the only one who would do anything".

  3. [Whats that suppose to mean Georgie, do you have a hang up on Aussies?

    Actually. Mr. Gentleman, I like Aussies a lot. I go to Australia every year on holiday from Thailand. Mostly Perth, but I've been all over Sydney, Brisbane and the East Coast as well.

    I am just saying that for all the Anti-American stereotypes and negative things about our polititians that are all over this web-site, there are plenty about every nationality, including adjan jb's.

  4. Give me a break! Membrane is supposed to know every single figure in Iraq?

    We are over there, trying to make heads out of tales, trying to tell friend from foe in this great big country that we are trying to straighten out, and it's supposed to be a big surprise that there might be some bad guys on our side, or pretending to be on our side?

    Maybe you are dreaming. You certainly are living in a pinko dream-world from what I have seen posted here. :o

  5. You say that you are not a native English speaker, yet you write like one -minus an s here or there (almost as if intentionally). There are only two nationalities that fall into that category that I can think of, and you deny that you are either. We'll have to have the CIA check you out! :o

  6. I won't bother replying to your crude remarks about Americans right now. I'm not quite sure if you are Australian, pretending to be Canadian or a Canadian trying to keep it secret, but when I figure it out, I'm sure that there are plenty of insults that apply to you. EEEH, Mate?

    As to the Thais being afraid of foreigners, it is my theory that it is the Chinese Thais who are worried about us. They emigrated here and took over the whole economy. They don't want the White Devils doing the same to them!

  7. Thaiquila, let us be frank, both sides are "spinning" as Bill O'Reilly would put it. That is the nature of debate. Membrane has pointed out vast inconsistencies in your "logic", and I'm sure that you feel that you've poked holes in ours.

    As far as you staying out of the argument, I don't blame you. To be honest, this stuff bores the hel...-ck out of me, but I'm not going to sit by while people, that I feel, are ill-intentioned or just plain wrong, make mince-meat of my country, or of a president that I actually think is doing a damm good job -under the unusual circumstances.

    About all the points being repeated, YES, I KNOW! Newcomers to the venue are always asking the same questions, over and over, and if we don't answer them, they think it's because we can't. Again, the nature of (this type of) debate.

    Remember that almost every single Pro-American debater voted against the Bear Pit. We don't want to have to read tons of posts by people trashing Bush or the USA. We aren't doing this for fun. It is a burden, but we feel that we are defending the reputation of our country.

    Also, sorry if I got too personally abusive. I had decided to cut back on both you and adjan jb, as a sign of respect for your debating skills, if not what you have to say, but several days ago you complained that the Bear Pit was getting too tame, so I stepped up my rhetoric to keep you happy!

    Anyway, enjoy your retirement! Peace! :o

  8. Does this mean that SquareThoughts is one of the bad guys too? Send him to me in the Bear Pit. I'll rip his head off ! (Notice how everybody avoids us down there?).

  9. No one said that Iraq attacked the US, although they certainly would have if they had the capability. They did, however launch an unprovoked attack on Kuwait, launched missles at Israel, and then tried to put a contract out on our President, any of which could be considered an attack on our country and it's interests.

    However, World War III isn't only about Iraq and it isn't only about Afghanistan. It is about stopping low-life Arab Terrorists, of all types, from using any and all means necessary to destroy the Civilized World. Terrorists have attacked Americans repeatedly. 9/11 is only the most drastic example.

    As Membrane says:

    In fact, what Bush is trying to do is create a little stability in the middle east.

    We are trying to protect ourselves. We are not trying to conquer the World. What kind of an "American"would equate us with Nazi Germany?

  10. I married a Bar Girl , I have no shame in that. 7 years later , 2 kids , no diseases, no bankruptcy,. One of the reasons I didn't marry a middle class Thai  was because I wasn't in a position to do so,  I was not looking for a wife, I was 30 , my wife was 24. No big age gap, I was on a 2 year break from life , 10 years of working 12 hour shifts as an IT mainframe Op. The question asked does not bother me , nor does it make me want to punch the chaps lights out. Good luck to all of you who despise  Bar Girls , I have little hatred for anyone, I have a great life.

    We are responsible for ourselves and our families , no-one else.

    There may be plenty of stereotypical bargirl/farang couples who are not suited , at the end of the day what choices do these couples have?

    My wife had little English when we met , I spoke Thai reasonably, she now speaks near perfect English, goes to night school, learning to design websites. I have 18 years experience in IT , she is ahead of me already.

    Smug people do annoy me , but only as much as a TV advert , if you don't enjoy it , turn the TV off.



    I have lived in Thailand for 13 years and I have seen many cases like this. Usually it is the philandering Farang husband that ruins the relationship, not the "whore" wife.

    I have also seen many young, professional handsome men (Hotel Manager types), who come here and marry "good girls", have a baby with them, wait a few years until they start looking a little older, and then dump them right away. On to the next one. Like clockwork.

    Right now, I know of a Thai girl (who worked in a Go-Go bar for a short time) who has returned from Australia after 3 years of trying to make a relationship work. Her nutty husband has followed her back here and is proceeding to make things as miserable for her family as he has for her. He's already wrecked their car and borrowed a large sum of money, which he now refuses to give back.

    All she wants is to get away from him. She doesn't care about his money and she doesn't care about Australian citizenship.

    She comes from a poor family and they just want her to return home, even though it will stretch their resources even more.

    She really studied English hard when she was abroad and she talks in detail about what has happened to her and does her best to be positive about her situation, but she just doesn't understand why he treats her like a slave and is just never satisfied, but he won't leave her alone.

    She rips my heart out.

    I was a teacher for many years and now I run a successful business with all wonderful women employees.

    I've been around plenty of "good" Thai girls, and plenty of supposedly "bad".

    When it comes to the best of both, I can barely tell them apart.

  11. All very clever, until one realizes that Nazi Germany was not actually under attack when trying to initially convince their countrymen to fight the Second World War. Germany was the aggressor.

    America is under attack, almost every day. That puts pacifism and spreading anti-American propoganda in a much different category. More like a lack of patriotism or even being a traitor, wouldn't you say? :o

  12. Thaiquila, have me and my boys finally knocked your marbles loose? We are talking about George number 1's distinct lack of racist tendencies and, all of a sudden, you are suddenly going on about number 2 pandering to the masses.

    Rather than attack your claims (about George #2) one by one, it is much simpler to point out that all the candidates on both sides are all out pandering their asses off.

    Nuff said? (Although going after the voters who are science-fiction fanatics is rather innovative :o ).

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