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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Mr. Strawberry, are you perhaps Australian? Did you perhaps used to call yourself "the gentleman"?

    Georgie-Porgie, what is this?

    I think you can do better.

    Axel, are you playing God again? I'm not sure what you mean by, I "can do better". I am not 100 positive about what I've suggested here, but I am very much leaning that way. The writing style and ideas are very similar, and the gentleman has suddenly mostly disappeared.

    The gentleman felt that he "wasn't anti-Semetic" also, but he went on to post one of the nuttiest, most anti-Semetic posts that I have ever seen:

    QUOTE (the gentleman @ Thu 2004-01-29, 09:08:28)

    about 9/11

    no Israelies were killed and no one turned up for work at the "Israel Embassy" - I am not sure which Israel "department" - did anyone else hear this?

    It is a major point, I think - anyone shed more light? 

  2. Axel, accept my apologies. Anyone who would admit not knowing who Pee Wee Herman is, can't imagine themselves as the aloof, God-like figure that I had imagined.

    By the way, being compared to Pee-Wee is a really big complement. He spends a lot of time in movie theatres expanding his.... mind. :o

  3. Mr. Strawberry, are you perhaps Australian? Did you perhaps used to call yourself "the gentleman"?

    If you are not the same bloke, then you definitely went to the same school and are just as informed about the rest of the Planet.

    Please keep sharing all of your thoughts and "special inside knowledge" about the Israelis with us! :o

    QUOTE (the gentleman @ Thu 2004-01-29, 09:08:28)

    about 9/11

    no Israelies were killed and no one turned up for work at the "Israel Embassy" - I am not sure which Israel "department" - did anyone else hear this?

    It is a major point, I think - anyone shed more light? 

  4. Axel, it must be nice to observe everything from up there, but I hope that you don't think that your posts add too much to the discussion. I get the idea that you think of yourself as an amused observer who drops us a few pearls of wisdom, when you are feeling magnanimous.

    I think of you more as someone whose posts are of little interest to either side (oh, him again), but not greatly offensive either: Kind of like Pee Wee Herman with no sense of humour.

    Have a nice day. :o

  5. Membrane, I think some of our local left-wing liars need reminding of this point:

    Thanks p_brownstone, for posting the article.  Here is the rest of the article (not posted above) and the complete list of names and countries involved in accepting bribes from Saddam--(pretty shocking, how far up the chain some of them are).

    Hmm.... The only two "Americans" listed (Samir Vincent and Shakir Alkhalaji) are two IRAQI-AMERICANS!

  6. SoCal, remember something, I've never claimed to be any big fan of Bush either. The reason that I post on here is to protest all the wacko garbage about America and friends that is posted as if it were real, that the left never bother to say a word about, for example, the nutty "Israelis bombed the World Trade Center" post that was on here a day or so ago. How many of the left-wing regulars even mentioned it?

    I disagree with Bush on just about everything except the War on Terrorism, but he's the only one who ever took it seriously, and I give him a lot of credit for that. Despite other deficiencies I really wouldn't be surprised if someday he is considered to be a "Great President" because of the War on Terror alone. :o

  7. There are other things happening in Thaivisa than this, but I am pleased you guys are finally getting the point. Make your arguments, defend your positions rationally, then respond to the points made against your position.

    Yeah, well just wait until you let that mental defective, Butterfly, back in the ring! :o

  8. ..and I also heard that NO JEWS were killed in Nazi Germany.  It was all faked by the U.S.--and JEWS!! Have you ever seen the old movie reels showing piles of dead bodies being bulldozed into huge open graves?  Well, that's all just special effects, created by Hollywood and paid for by the CIA and a bunch of Jews!!

    ..and on top of that, the U.S. never went to the moon!  It's actually made of green cheese, made by--more Christians and JEWS!  It's a special secret recipe created by Noah--and Jesus actually wrote all about it in the Torah.

    Yep.. it's all on the Internet, yep

    Membrane, the "true" story on the piles of dead Jews was, they were actually the first people to successfully try the Atkins diet. After the photos were taken, they all got up from the piles, laughing, and ate some big juicy steaks with the Hollywood film crew!

  9. How about reparation for the Palestinians who have been evicted from their homes and their land. Homes that have been in families for generations. If anyone moved on to my land in Australia and tried to take it over they would either have to kill me or I'd give them problems. How would this go in the USA ?

    I remember news photo's of Palestinian men women and children being evicted from their country under the point of a gun and that was in the 1950's.

    I don't want to get too black and white about the situation in Israel, because it certainly isn't, but many people don't understand how Palestinians came to lose their land. The Jews didn't just throw them off of it.

    The Israeli's had legally bought land for themselves, many times from landlords who then called for their destruction, to get the land back (after the Jews had turned "worthless" desert land into lush farmland). Eviction usually wasn't as strawberry described it (although is some cases, for severe punishments for example, it probably was).

    During Israel's first war, the outside Arabs that had attacked the Jews and were trying to "push the Jews into the sea", asked the Palestinians to leave their homes and property and flee, to make it easy to "slaughter the Yids". The Jews had told the Palestinians that if they stayed on their land and didn't fight, they could keep it. The ones that heeded their Arab brothers calls to leave, lost their land, the ones that stayed put still own it. That is why there are so many Arabs that still have land in Israel.

    The situation in Israel isn't nearly so simplistic as the Palestinians and their supporters would have the public believe. (There is also the argument that there never was an entity called "Palestine", because the whole area was mostly useless desert before the Jews worked their magic on the land).

  10. I wish the social order campaign had something to do with actually improving the quality of life for most people, but it seems much more about reducing the amount of "sanuk" available.  Standard moral majority, Republican right-wing stuff.

    Some people have accused me of being right-wing, a racist, etc. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth, but anyway, please don't mix me up with anyone who wants less "sanuk" in Thailand. I am very pro-sanuk! :o

  11. John Hawkins strikes again in this explanation as to why he's supporting Bush in the upcoming election, and his comments are right on the money.

    Why Support Bush?


    "But, the most important reason to reelect Bush is the war on terrorism. We absolutely cannot afford to ease up on terrorists or terrorist supporting states. Yes, Bush has gotten rid of Taliban and Saddam, Afghanistan & Iraq are slowly but surely moving towards Democracy, we have decimated -- but not destroyed -- Al-Qaeda's leadership, & Quadaffi has given up his WMD."

    Bush had the cojones to do something that neither waffling Dean or plain weasely Clark could ever do....he drew a line in the sand. He took a stand, and stayed with it.

    Bush said, simply: "In the war against terrorism, you're either with us, or you are with the terrorists."

    And then he proceeded to show them that he meant it.

    Good job, Mr. President. :o

  12. re-world trade center.

    When 911 happened, it was reported in a Thai newspaper that no Israelies were killed and no one turned up for work at the "Israel Embassy" - I am not sure which Israel "department" - did anyone else hear this?

    It is a major point, I think - anyone shed more light?

    gentleman, I am trying to be as gentle as possible, but this is definitely what is known as a nutty conspiracy theory. This is the kind of thing that I object to so much on this forum, and by the way, I think that, that was what dutch was trying to hint to you as well.

  13. plachon,Thu 2004-01-29, 09:07:45]Since when has this been your party / forum you bitter & sore loser?

    nice to know you're still doing your duty to emperor  bush and country, G-P, but it's getting you nowhere old fellow - just look at the polls against your rhetorical questions!. Just quit before you embarrass yourself any further flame-face.  :o

    I have looked at the polls. Take my poll. 1/3 of the people who took it think the US went in to Iraq for good reasons and more than half of the people looking didn't express any opinion at all. Considering the large number of goofballs that are just fooling around and want to write or do something negative, that is pretty good :D , and on Membranes poll about 2/3 of the voters cast the US in a good light. :D

    When I started posting here, not long ago, it was mostly a bunch of left-wing nuts like Butterfly ripping apart Membrane or SoCal every day with lame posts, but sheer numbers.

    Now, the pro-American side is represented fairly and is mostly kicking lefty/anarchist ass every single day :D .

    Membrane and SoCal always had better posts than the wackos, they just needed a little back-up to boost their morale and now they have it. I think that Jeepz and Boon Mee were around before too, but now they are writing consistently and their posts are great. Also, there are some other guys who are starting to write in for us that look formidable.

    All that to say, I'm not going anywhere plachon, you, pretentious, silly old fart. We are kicking your droopy ass already, and we just got started.

    Don't tread on me (us)! :D

  14. So this is basicallya fair reply. Except in your following posts you sound so bitter, again.

    The French part, I believe was a completely different era. And don't forget, the French people living there under the colonial system felt that it was their country. They as well did work hard to earn their money and tried to give something back. Actually, I feel after Dien Bien Phu there was a chance to hand over the country to their own people.

    Anyway, that's the past.

    As for the wine, well I left Europe too long ago to remember all the good and bad vintages. So California here I come, the choice is so much easier:

    Red wine, white or rosee  :D

    I am bitter. I've said many times that I am not in the Bear-Pit to have fun. I am here to defend my country. This is a pain in the butt to me, but I am sick of seeing the USA torn apart by a bunch of creeps, losers and weirdoes with out anything constructive to do, spouting a bunch of PC lies.

    I don't need to be nice. I didn't invite these <deleted> to come here. :o

    Concerning the French. Sure I would have felt sorry for the settlers, but I still think that we should have helped Ho Chi Minh throw them out of "Indochine" in return for the guarantee of a democratic government in Vietnam, but alas , that is all hindsight. :D

  15. You've been tying yourself up in more knots than a nest of vipers and spouting more filth and rubbish than the Chao Phraya mouth for months

    So you say plachon. Keep on grasping! :o

    plachon, I would suggest to you, that anyone reading along with our little feud, would get the sense that I'm kicking your ass rather badly; That you are the one who keeps grasping desperately for some kind of magic answer that makes you look a little more learned and a little less pompous, but it keeps eluding you. :D
  16. Apology, resignation from BBC

    UPI - Wednesday, January 28, 2004

    Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:05:13 PM EST

    LONDON, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- Errors in a provocative report on Iraqi weapons by Britain's dominant broadcaster has prompted an apology and a resignation from the global network.

    BBC Chairman Gavyn Davies announced Wednesday he would resign in the wake of an independent panel's evaluation of certain BBC stories. Those stories, by reporter Andrew Gilligan, claimed Tony Blair's government had hyped Saddam Hussein's weapons threat, the BBC reported Wednesday.

    The panel was created last year after the suicide of a respected weapons expert caught between the BBC's defense of Gilligan's work and Blair's government.

    The panel, headed by Lord Hutton, released its report Wednesday, and it was highly critical of the BBC.

    The Hutton report found Gilligan's claim Downing Street had "sexed up" its dossier on Iraq's weapons was "unfounded."

    Gilligan had cited an unnamed government source in making that claim. David Kelly was later named as that source and publicly admitted being Gilligan's source. But -- crucially -- Kelly also said Gilligan had twisted his views to make the Blair government look cynical, manipulative and war-mongering. Kelly killed himself after his name was leaked.

    Besides Davies' resignation, the BBC's director general publicly apologized for Gilligan's work.


    Copyright 2004 by United Press International.

    All rights reserved.

  17. Sounding more like your alter ego "Bitterfly" everyday, eh?

    plachon, I would suggest to you, that anyone reading along with our little feud, would get the sense that I'm kicking your ass rather badly; That you are the one who keeps grasping desperately for some kind of magic answer that makes you look a little more learned and a little less pompous, but it keeps eluding you. :D

    As far as Butterfly goes, I have reprinted several posts by you lauding his virtues, so I suppose that I should take it as a complement that you are comparing us. However, I consider myself to be the much more logical of the two.

    As far as the French "drowning in bitter wine" bit, I bet you that you are the only one in the room that took that seriously. :o duh!

  18. Well, if it means anything. I think that we made a big mistake in Vietnam. We should have fukced the French and got Ho Chi Minh on our side when he asked for our support. Another chance to export Democracy, and I suspect that he would have been quite happy with a free, democratic Republic of Vietnam.

    In fact, everybody would have been happy except for the back-stabbing, phoney-ass French. May they drown in bitter wine. :o

  19. [Hey G-P, thought you said "scholars" (plural) and you should always reference your quotes to validate them.

    plachon, is that all you've got?

    I did say "scholars" (plural), and I was correct, but, anyway, in the future, when I feel petty, I'll point out your minor spelling and grammar mistakes.

    I was in a hurry, and just trying to answer cynic's post in time to make lunch, but, thanks for the patronizing lesson in Net "educashun". They didn't teach that back in my day.

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