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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. Problem is that the young bucks cannot afford to move here......even though its cheap an all !!!

    Im planning on moving in my late 20's

    The father inlaw already got us a house as he is a property developer in Chon Buri or however you spell it, He usually does the 200 too 300 home projects and it wasnt hard for him to give me 1

    You sure about this :o !!!

  2. Man even when I get old, i cant see how i can complain about everything in Thailand? To me its the best place in the world.

    Only time will tell though. I love how the food stalls are everywhere, the crazy traffic, the beautiful females, the for olf bald guys who actually believe there handsome after awhile, the guys trying to rip me off 50 baht, sensational weather, beautiful beaches, crazy sexy woman, Pad Thai, crazy old farangs who tell BS stories over and over, cheap piss, cheap food, cheap water. I could go on and on.

    When I move to Thailand permanently, you can all buy me a beer you slappers

    Sounds like you can't wait to move here. Just don't leave your brains at Suvarnabhumi though! :o

  3. During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

    I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

    Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

    I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

    I was expecting this, and I agree to an extent, however are you suggesting that at school children should not be tought respect? we all entrust our children to teachers for the major part of their waking hours during the first 15-20 years of their life so I believe there is a responsibility to do more than just educate them in the required subjects. (respect is a required subject as far as I am conserned)

    Yes, I agree teachers should also teach respect. But, don't forget, teachers have approximately 25 students under their care, whilst parents have 2/3. Makes it a lot easier for parents, in my humble opinion. And if respect is taught at home, then it makes it easier for teachers to carry on that respect at school :o .

  4. It is going to be very hard for the OP to ascertain the situation and assist unless he has some assistance on the ground in Thailand.

    If it is not possible for the OP to go to Thailand maybe he could find someone on the ground in Pattaya (farang) who could help out.

    I feel very sorry for anyone who has to spend a long time in any gaol anywhere. I don't feel sorry for any of them pal - if a member of my family was caught smuggling drugs then I'd want them severely punished.

    I honestly can't understand the lack of compassion of many posters. I don't understand do gooders who feel sorry for people who heap misery on others.

    Regardless of what the individual may have done and that they may well deserve a prison term it is still a very harsh existance in a Thai prison. So it should be.


  5. Regardless of what the individual may have done and that they may well deserve a prison term it is still a very harsh existance in a Thai prison.

    thats the whole point of prison , its a punishment.

    Exactly. You do the crime you serve the time :o .

  6. I am a parent who moved my children after almost 6 years, my opinion is that it has gone downhill and I saw nothing being done to rectify the problems they have, and hence my 2 are now at the Satit English Program.

    I am not a Best basher and I think all the threads here would be better served if the purpose was to help this school fix the problems they have, it is a middle ground school as far as fee's are concerned and it has a distinct place in the market for this reason.

    Maybe rather than us all just recommending moving kids we could have a civilized discussion on the problems we faced so that the people who wish to have their children remain and still have faith in the school can take these up with the PTA, I am sure if they do so in enough force they will get results.

    It was a good school at one point and I have no doubt it can be again if the problems are addressed.

    Kindergarten was a wonderful start to my mobs school life, with great teachers and a good curriculum.

    For older children I personally think they have not yet got everything they need in place as far as discipline and administration is concerned, these are all problems that can be fixed however.

    During the 6 years my two were there we never had a problem with any of the teachers, it simply got very run down and I started to notice the older kids had very little respect for the teachers or other students and this worried me along with the distinct lack of facilities.

    I really believe this is all the result of a very fast expansion, and therefore is something that time can fix if there is the will.

    Let's be positive for the people who do not have the means to pay double and move, remember we are talking about the future of 1000+ kids.

    I consider this to be the responsibility of the parents!

  7. When I was looking around Sathit behind Greenways Driving Range looked good.

    Aksorn on Thepprasit was recommended to me by some friends whose kids went there.

    Phoenix Kindergarden on Sukhumvit also looked good but was only newly established in that location.

    Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

  8. M&M

    I wouldn't be put off BEST by another poster. There are hundreds of parents who are very happy with BEST school, so I suggest you go along and have a look for yourself. Also, have a look at REPS too, if it's not too far for your child to travel each day.


  9. I am reading about Burapa for long time. I think I would like say that I think school is good for my children. I have son and daughter go Burapa. My children are learning Thai and English and I must teach them Korean also. They are happy with school and have many friends. They never complain with food and I have never seen any bad things. I have children there 2 year now. I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

    I would like if you list all name people complain as I only see same people all time complain. If school so bad then take children away. I see same post all time from same farang..........man who take children away to reps school. I think you must cut/paste same from document because you say same thing all time. I think maybe you have personal problem with school.

    I see school have new science room and I see teacher with microscopes and many experiments. I think it is good but you complain school not have science. Libary is small but it have many computor and books. Sport maybe could be bigger but my son still play football ok and exercise. For poster who say he have HIGHER STANDARD than others. I happy you leave. You SUPERIOR farang who think only you is above all everyone. Next time you complain just cut /paste from post 3 month ago. Is same all time and when I read I want fall asleep is so boring.

    Approximately 1000. It's a very successful school.

  10. I am glad you are happy with BEST school but some of us have higher standards than others and for us the standards of the education by non-native English speaking teachers (which were supposed to be Native English speaking), the lack of facilities (not only sports facilities but also other things i.e. science equipment, art room, library etc) the general lack of cleanliness and the unhealthy and awful food that is served to the children for lunch all of which were appalling at BEST school and totally unacceptable to us. We did complain on a number of occasions all of which fell on deaf ears so obviously we moved our children from this school where I have to say both children were very unhappy and not learning very much at all.

    The difference at REPS is unbelievable and we now have two happy children who love going to school and are both achieving good results. The classes are much smaller, the facilities and new purpose built building are excellent and the native English speaking teachers great.

    You may say that we are all just making it up about BEST school but considering the number of different posters complaining about this school I don't think we can all be wrong and I can tell you I am writing from personal first hand experience at this school whether you choose to believe it or not.

    I consider myself to be a very tolerant person but BEST school is a very poor excuse for a school and where my children's education is concerned I feel it is important enough to make a fuss about and try and get the best possible education for them after all we only have one chance at it!

    Exactly! So why educate them in a third world country? :o

  11. I don't understand what is for these old man to complain about here? They got cheap food, clothes, nice warm weather, good medical care, lots and lots of bargirls and freelances, who would go with them wherever they want to and do to them whatever they want for very little or no money at all..A mean, think about it? Have they got it all back in the UK?

    Which planet are you on?

  12. The OP is so insecure in his life he has to state............" Thai/ American stunner "

    Me? I just love my wife. :D

    But.......... does she love you? :D

    Thats a very good question. Never heard that one before. You are certainly original.

    I,ll ask her on our 10th. :D

    If she hasn't thrown you out............again! :o

  13. In addition to Chang fuelled hubris and aggressive language the OP adds denigration of western women his own age, a theme repeated by other respondents.

    And these are people who believe it their duty in life to dictate to others the boundaries of acceptable opinion.

    Well there's a reason a guy married to a stunner half his age is up ranting on the internet at half past one in the morning, and its probably the same reason why a 56 year old woman back in the UK is glad rid of him.


  14. There seems to be a lot of what we in the UK call sad old gits on this foum. They moan and groan about pensions,food,girlfriends, life up country or for some of the even sadder ones (here in Khon Kaen where I live) dogs bikes and bus's.

    I'll put my hat on the table. Middle aged ,56 year old expat with a 36 year old luk krung wife(50/50 Thai american stunner).

    Been married 9 years and life is like I won the lottery. Been here for a decade. In the old days I'd be hard pushed to see a Farang...now they are wall to wall downtown. The pension goes a long way in Issan!.

    I have spent most of my life as a journalist but I am now retired. However I get at least two or three calls a week from UK and US newspapers asking for a feature on the 'Sad old guys with the young wives or girlfriends' story

    One old geezer here in KK (american) seems to wallow in his misery. If he ain't complaining about buying a lock for his bike it is the bus to another local city that ripped him off for 80 baht. The latest moan from Rex is that he paid 1200baht for a series of shots and treatment down the local private hospital after a "rabid dog" bit him. In the USA he'd be talking thousands of dollars :D

    The Khon Kaen Ram hospital has to be one of the best deals on the planet.

    Can I just suggest if you don't like the country then p**s of back home.

    Or just shut the F**** up.

    Most of us are happy here and those who don't like it can take a trip back to reality.

    What winds me up the most is that this was a nice place before the moaners and groaners got here.

    And for you visa whingers, get a wife or get a life :D


    I don't think you are happy at all. :o Anybody who is so angry can't be happy. :D

  15. I have been quite satisfied with TT&T in the past, but recently I am getting so p....d off with it! :o It has taken 3 hours for me to get on this forum today. Does anyone know of a 'phone number for making complaints to TT&T as I don't think going into Carrefour and speaking to the girls there will do any good.

  16. I note from an earlier post that you had to wait 3 days for the endoscopy at Pattaya International and now 2 weeks for a report and recommendations from the CT scan! Your mother-in-law could have been dead in this time. At BPH you get things done immediately. I know it's expensive but can you put a price on a life? :o

    You are right Westerner, but I feel kind of trapped now. Will they release the data to another hospital do you think? I don't think she would do it again, it took alot of persuading to do one time.

    I would request the data be given to you personally - they can't refuse as you have paid for it. You can then take it to any hospital of your choice. I have dealt with BPH on many occasions and found the doctors to be first-class and the hospital, in general, extremely professional with all up-to-date equipment.

    Good luck and I hope you get this lady fit and well.

  17. Coming from the UK, I often find it depressing how old people, those who are supposed to be wise and experienced, still seem to become bitter, sinicle and even angry about some incredibly trivial matters. Surely by now, old man, you should have learned that whingeing and moaning will get you nowhere.

    sinicling comes with old age. there's no way to circumvent it. i sinicle when i get up in the morning, sinicle over my coffee, then i sinicle very long over my breakfast eggs and the maid tells her husband "the old man is sinicling again... perhaps not enough chillies in the eggs". later i sinicle at lunch and especially watching TV before my afternoon nap makes me sinicling like anything. the truth is that i'm driving my wife raving mad with my sinicling and she threatened already that she might start sinicling too :o


  18. I am sure this is of little interest, but I did promise an update.

    Went to Pattaya International yesterday, did the endoscopy which showed nothing. We then went for a CT scan, the doctor there was amazing and spent about 1 hour with me personally going through the results on the computer. Initial findings were again nothing, although he has to go through it in a lot more detail, and then come up with a report and recommendations, which will now take 2 weeks?? <deleted>?

    UPSIDE: I now have more brownie points than I know what to do with. The outlaws inlaws have been thanking my g/f for meeting such a 'wonderful' man, without whom Mama would be dead!

    DOWNSIDE: 2 more weeks with the inlaws sleeping in my spare room/ garden/ floor until we get this sorted. The missus is now teaching them Thai so we can communicate (a little bit) as they still speak some weird hilltribe language that sounds like Captain Caveman.

    Keeping the inlaws feed and clothed: 5,000 baht

    Hospital bills to date: 25, 000 baht

    Doing something good for once in my life: PRICELESS

    ...............Swing Low

    I note from an earlier post that you had to wait 3 days for the endoscopy at Pattaya International and now 2 weeks for a report and recommendations from the CT scan! Your mother-in-law could have been dead in this time. At BPH you get things done immediately. I know it's expensive but can you put a price on a life? :o

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