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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. The whole story sounds funny to me.... There is a police man in the family and no one called him before the 17 hours sentence? She called the family they came down to the station and then raised 20K only to find out it would now be 60K at no time during this money collection did they think...mmm I wonder if our own BIB could help out a little?

    The story of how she got arrested sounds funny, the story of her sentencing sounds funny, the story of the bail money sounds fishy.... could this thread just be some trolling? :o

    Definitely a troll. When do you ever see Thais shopping by themselves - especially 60 year old females!

  2. A better way is to legalise it and for the government of each country to supply it on prescription. This gives you the oportunity to provide medical support to the user, guarantee the quality of the drug and provide education for harm minimisation. Remember panadol has killed and is killing more people than heroin ever has or will. The cost of Government supplied Morphine is 38 cents an ampule

    :o:D:D Source???

  3. Sorry Jingthing. I am surprised you did not get any tartar sauce. You should have had it. Along with your bread and butter and the Pacific Dory fillet that comes cooked in beer batter.(Cod is also available) Not forgetting the chunky chips..

    From Bert's, I presume?

    I did ASK for tartar sauce and was given simple mayo instead, and asked again, and got a no have. You are saying you normally do have tartar sauce? Is it made in house? Yes, your chips were good as well.

    Coming from a Brit....regarding traditional Fish & chips.....never heard of it being served with Tartare sauce.....with scampi or Dover sole maybe.

    No...battered and fried to a nice crisp,,,,chips chunky cut,,,,mushy peas.....salt and vinegar. bread & butter and a mug of hot tea.

    Makes my mouth water just reading it. :o

  4. Nothing is for free in LOS :D

    Are you suggesting things are free in other places. Any chance of guiding me to one of these free meccas? :D

    Certainly Sir, it's called the UK.

    Free Money. every week.

    Free Food

    Free House.

    Free Car.

    Free Health care.

    Free legal advice.

    Free schooling for the whole family.

    Free help to find work. Not many use this service.

    This offer is only open to Asylum Seekers

    Come to the uk, you know it makes sense. :o:D:D

    How right you are, Plasticpig.

  5. With the pound sterling nearly on parity with the Euro, I reckon that many British retirees may soon be in the same predicament - fixed income diminishing and living costs rising.

    What happens to retirement visas when the 'guaranteed' income does not meet the Thai Immigration requirements? Are people thrown out of the country when they gave nowhere else to go? Sold house in UK to buy a villa in MooBaan Nakhon 3, presented their pension book to show guaranteed income, living happily in the sun - now brown soft stuff collides with big rotating thingy and their whole life falls apart at eighty. No reidence in UK, no relatives to take them in, Thais say 'Get out, you don't bring enough money into this country any more'.


    Good post HB. It's a bit scary, isn't it?

  6. I have a confession. I've never eaten a proper English pie. May have to venture

    onto the premises to solve this soap-opera. The suspense is unbearable. :o

    I used to go there on a weekly basis but no more, not many people go there now and the pies spend a lot of time in the fridge and the last two times they have been awful, shame really, as Pat is a very warm lady and shes just trying to make a living

    How long is it since you were there? I'm only asking because I heard that Pat died quite a while ago - hope it's not true.

  7. mmmmmm i was down near utapo on the weekend on some bikes and we noticed about 6 bus loads with a police car escort of just thai's going to the airport - students and what not. they looked like a school trip to australia.

    and as for the newspaper calling pattaya seedy and you people replying in anger. i mean really, get a f-king clue, pattaya IS seedy. sex capitals of the world hardly represent un-seedyness.

    Well said!

  8. i have a tgf. she wants double d's if you know what i mean. she says all the office girls are getting them, she doesnt want to feel left out.

    can someone help with doctor recommendations and cost, etc.

    funny thing is she wont tell me where her office is, i want to check out the other workers.


  9. Sadly in today's society, especially in the UK, bankrupcy no longer has any/much stigma attached to it. I suspect the OP - troll or not - can walk away from the debt legally, as long as he 'proves' he has no income nor assets in the UK. Citizen's Advice' will give him free legal advice to do this. I suspect he can even claim some benefits from the UK social system if he shows he is suffering 'hardship'.

    What the OP must not do though is just 'walk away'. He will almost certainly get County Court Judgments' (CCJ) against him in the local courts and that could cause all sorts of problems in the future.

    The way the system in the UK 'rewards' this sort of activity and lets the tax payer pick up the burden, is one of the many reasons I left the 'nanny state' the UK has now become.

    Hey don't blame the OP for 'abusing' the system, its rife in the UK and is almost a 'badge of honour' in some social circles to screw money out of the Government :o

    I even know one guy some years ago during the housing crisis in the 90's who did this. He had everything in his wifes name so just her credit rating was screwed. Handed in the keys of their negative equity flat and walked away. Then moved into the house he owned and carried on as normal. I kept hoping there would be some comeback on him. However apart from his wife not being able to get credit for some years - nothing seemed to happen at all. What a stupid system, I am glad to no longer be a part of it!

    So to the OP I say again, no need to run anywhere, just play the system and you will be home and dry! :D

    There's no badge of honor associated with what the OP wants to do and it can't be condoned, even if some think that lots of other people do it - there's absolutely no difference between what he intends and outright theft. And the reason, the bank wouldn't give me a credit card for zero interest transfers, ye Gods, spare us all.

    There is a world of difference between this and theft - failure to repay debt is NOT a crime - unless pre-planned, and this guy's said he's been trying to repay it for years.

    A badge of honour maybe not, but all he's doing is taking a legally available option of not continuing to pay - an option that the vast majority of people would take.

    If you were in the same position and chose to spend years just standing still paying off the 27% interest and not getting anywhere then well done Saint Chiang Mai, but If there's a legally available option to not pay, then why shouldn't he take it, life's too short.

    If you can't afford it in the first place, don't buy it, nothing saintly about any of that, just common sense.

    Here, here!

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