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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. How about some dimensions and a photo, your description leaves something to the imagination. :D

    all the different sizes you can get in the post office and up to 25kg DHL size box. is that enough 4 ur imagination do u want the weight of the cardboard box as well as what thickness , do u want to know what colours i require then will u know where i can buy in bulk. do you also want to know how many i will buy and im almost certain u still wont know :o einstein revisited

    I suggest you get a better attitude! :D

  2. Well, there are a lot of threads like this about guys losing out to their Thai girlfriends or wives. But lets take a step back a minute. I have friends back in the U.K. who have seperated from their English wives and also got a raw deal. At best, you have to split everything 50 / 50 even if you have been the only one working and paying for everything. If children are involved things can be a lot worse. For example, a friend of mines wife was having an affair so their marriage broke down. He was very upset and hurt. But then his wife was awarded custody of the children so he had to move out of their home and could not sell it as it would have made his wife and children homeless. On top of this, he has to pay maintenance to his wife as she has the children. As for the new boyfriend, the only thing he has contributed has been a few million sperm !

    My mother and Aunt asked me one day what on earth was wrong with Englishmen that they would stupidly buy their thai wives houses ?? I had to ask my mother who paid for our house and everthing in it ? Well...my father of course. I love my mother and did not want to hurt her but she got the point. It sounds corny but love is often blind and where there is no trust there is usually not much love. If you are the sort of guy who is likely to fall in love then you should take measures to protect yourself from yourself. As someone else put it in one of these threads, never invest more money here than you can afford to walk away from. Hope for the best but have a back up plan in case the worst happens.

    But whose name was it in?

    She should have kicked you to Kingdom come for even suggesting there was a comparison here!

  3. I was led to believe that if you are named on the birth certificate, you are entitled to a yearly visa. I was told this by someone in this position who is the father of a child but not married to the child's mother. Check it out.

  4. I'll be moving to Thailand to live within the next six months and was wondering about health insurance. I got an online quote from BUPA that came out at over $8000 a year (I'm 65) and thought that seemed pretty excessive. Anyone recommend something cheaper than that?

    Hi Dennis

    I'm with BUPA here in Thailand and don't pay anywhere near that amount. Did you get your quote from www.bupathailand.com?


  5. well i guess if you see a 50 + guy with a - 25 year old woman of any race/color they look mismatched...

    I quite agree, and I think this is where McGinty is coming from, as here in Thailand it's in your face all the time.

  6. Prostitutes are for having fun with......not marrying :D

    Well, well, well, not all of "them" are really "Bar-Girlz" or Pros', neither easily identifiable as such.... next time I will consult you and the others, "who know it all", first to give "the chosen one" a thorough check up! :D

    They're easily identifiable as such when they ask for money for sex :o

    Well, different people, different experiences, different opinions... not all are "flat out" and so simple to detect like this, some come in pretty well arranged camouflage!


    Is a difference between beginner, advanced and top-pro!

    Mai kowjai :D

  7. Prostitutes are for having fun with......not marrying :D

    Well, well, well, not all of "them" are really "Bar-Girlz" or Pros', neither easily identifiable as such.... next time I will consult you and the others, "who know it all", first to give "the chosen one" a thorough check up! :D

    They're easily identifiable as such when they ask for money for sex :o

  8. My wife (She's Thai) and I are planning to have kids sometime soon. My kids will be born in Thailand. Does anyone know if Thailand allows people to have middle names? I would really like my kids to have a middle name but have heard many mixed stories about this, some say they do, some say they don't. Does anyone know the correct answer??? Thanks.

    Why don't you ask your wife? :o

  9. i do not know why i feel "compelled" to contribute... :D i am certainly not in this kind of situation, and cannot even relate...

    but just for purposes of discussion, and some pure and sincere intention to help, how's this perspective?

    1. if i were a YOUNG FARANG guy and in LOS, working and looking for a relationship and love, etc, i would probably be more choosy with whom i would want to hook up. there should be a lot of wonderful and intelligent thai women in your work places or social circles who would want to meet up and have a relationship with an equally young and intelligent and hardworking farang to spend the rest of their life with. not that i look down on bar girls but unless they are your preference, i dont see why one should have a serious relationship with women who most probably have a different family background and upbringing from yours. and worse, have developed and been exposed to poor values in the course of their work.... (money and short term fun).

    2. if i were an older, RETIRED FARANG and looking for a good retirement nest (where their dollars, euros and pounds will go a long way) and some young partner to spend their last few years on this planet (without having to hire your own nurse or caregiver plus plus -- come on, admit it :D ), i would not mind getting a village girl or even someone not necessarily young (who will still bear children... what's the idea of raising a young family when you are old enough to be a grandfather? - doesnt really make sense, does it? as instead of relaxing and enjoying your retirement, you are running after toddlers, imagine this scene).. i am sure middle aged, even single professionals looking for good partners must also be in good supply. widows, unattached, separated should be considered first....before...

    bargirls...but if you have to have a bargirl, at least find one who still has a good heart, good values. a lot of these girls have been pushed to these jobs out of poverty or forced into it with some unpleasant stories to boot. some are still good inside and dreaming of a a nice, clean relationship even with someone older than them.

    ok, i think i have said enough..... :o am not even sure if i really offered a good suggestion on how to minimize native-woman/farang relationship problems mentioned in this thread..

    anyway, the idea is, know what you really want before jumping into any relationship -- which is not synonymous with jumping on the bed when the feeling is right... :D better do the thinking before than regretting later. its a guarantee you will do a lot of thinking later when the relationship gets messy, and its a guarantee too that this kind of thinking will be way too much painful and expensive. :D and pop the fantasy bubble..get down to reality as quickly as that lovestruck feeling goes away. and make sure the partner is also not living in fantasy...

    i guess i am old fashioned when i view marriage, something sacred and should last forever, and something that should make you and your partner a better person, rather than the opposite. otherwise, dont do it..

    whew, beats posting plant and dog tips and even 3 word or 5 word story continuation.... heavy stuff this one... :D

    Wise words :D

  10. Good post taxexile. I always advocate building up a comprehensive information pack on the family members of prospective girlfriends/wives. Use a private detective if you feel comfortable with that. Speak and meet as many people as you can and note everything down. Then you are more informed and able to make better decisions.

    :oNow THAT's romance! :D

    But very wise! :D

  11. It seems that some of you are missing the point that he is 72 years old. At 72 you don't stop thinking about sex but it is not something you are going to be active in like a 30 year old. Even viagra only works to a point.

    So I doubt if he spends much on the girls.

    True, and those drugs only work on performance, not desire or appetite. This area is as good as any beachy place to relax and there is no law saying you must be a full time sexpat to live here. Regarding the visa, I have already explained, easy for anyone who can show such a 28K pension and rather modest savings, no visa runs needed.

    Wouldn't he need to show 80K pension to qualify for a retirement visa?

  12. I have cause to visit a bilingual school a couple of times per week. This school has over 1,000 students of which, approx. 75% are of mixed-race. There are many, many such bilingual schools throughout Thailand.

    As I said before, it's not rocket science - just simple mathematics :o

    And I know more than a handful of men in this situation - they live on my estate.

    So all the mixed-race kids at this school have a prostitute for a mother?

    Don't you think it's more likely that most mixed-race kids at the school do not have a prostitute for a mother.

    The point is you have no idea how many have a prostitute for a mother, and thus should not be throwing out claims like:

    Most of the mixed kids out here have to live with the fact that their mother is/was a prostitute

    Unless you have some kind of valid source, (other than "there's a bunch of blokes on my estate married to prozzies" and "I've visited a school that has a bunch of mixed kids")

    In fact I fail to see how:

    "I have cause to visit a bilingual school a couple of times per week. This school has over 1,000 students of which, approx. 75% are of mixed-race."

    Bolsters your original claim at all?

    The school is known locally as "The Prostitute's school"!! Maybe you see now.

    Just out of curiosity, are you new to Thailand - or are you even here? :D

    Just curious, but is The Prostitute's School any good. It sounds as if it's a private school, or is it just that all the working girls who have babies with old farangs who die on them live in that neighborhood.

    The school is on a par with any other private school in Thailand (make what you want out of that comment!).

    Don't you know, working girls who have babies with old farangs do not all live in one neighborhood :D

  13. I have cause to visit a bilingual school a couple of times per week. This school has over 1,000 students of which, approx. 75% are of mixed-race. There are many, many such bilingual schools throughout Thailand.

    As I said before, it's not rocket science - just simple mathematics :o

    And I know more than a handful of men in this situation - they live on my estate.

    So all the mixed-race kids at this school have a prostitute for a mother?

    Don't you think it's more likely that most mixed-race kids at the school do not have a prostitute for a mother.

    The point is you have no idea how many have a prostitute for a mother, and thus should not be throwing out claims like:

    Most of the mixed kids out here have to live with the fact that their mother is/was a prostitute

    Unless you have some kind of valid source, (other than "there's a bunch of blokes on my estate married to prozzies" and "I've visited a school that has a bunch of mixed kids")

    In fact I fail to see how:

    "I have cause to visit a bilingual school a couple of times per week. This school has over 1,000 students of which, approx. 75% are of mixed-race."

    Bolsters your original claim at all?

    The school is known locally as "The Prostitute's school"!! Maybe you see now.

    Just out of curiosity, are you new to Thailand - or are you even here? :D

  14. Most of the mixed kids out here have to live with the fact that their mother is/was a prostitute. Very sad. :D

    Surely you have some statistics to back up this wild statement?

    Thousands of foreign guys come to Thailand and fall in lust with a bargirl (prostitute). They marry or live with the girl and have a kid. The kid is the product of a prostitute and has to live with the stigma. It's not rocket science. :o

    I repeat again, i assume you have some statistics to back this up? Where are you getting this "Thousands of foreign guys..." or are we supposed to believe you actually know over 1,000 foreign men who are married/living with a bargirl?

    In reality, i'd be surprised if you knew more than a handful of men in this situation.

    I have cause to visit a bilingual school a couple of times per week. This school has over 1,000 students of which, approx. 75% are of mixed-race. There are many, many such bilingual schools throughout Thailand.

    As I said before, it's not rocket science - just simple mathematics :D

    And I know more than a handful of men in this situation - they live on my estate.

  15. Most of the mixed kids out here have to live with the fact that their mother is/was a prostitute. Very sad. :D

    Surely you have some statistics to back up this wild statement?

    Thousands of foreign guys come to Thailand and fall in lust with a bargirl (prostitute). They marry or live with the girl and have a kid. The kid is the product of a prostitute and has to live with the stigma. It's not rocket science. :o

  16. Oh yeh, she only works me when I'm here.

    Do you understand what you said above you still view her as a prostitute, this has to be a troll seriously this all sounds wrong to me.

    Dude stand back have a beer and look at the situation from an outside point of view, think about the type of lifestyle this child will have as the offspring of a prostitute.

    Most of the mixed kids out here have to live with the fact that their mother is/was a prostitute. Very sad. :o

  17. I have a question regarding having a baby here in Thailand with a Thai lady I've known for a few years now. I am an American, over 60 years old, with two grown children back in the States. Haven't been married for many years. I am retired with zero assets, but a nice monthly pension check coming in every month. I'm not a rich man (in the money sense, anyway). She stays with me whenever I come to Bangkok for 5 months at a time, so we've gotten to know each other some. Our relationship has had it's share of ups and downs, believe me. However, at this point, we totally enjoy being together.

    She has recently started asking me to have a baby with her. Never brings up marriage, and says she will move back with her Mom when she gets pregnant. Her family wants me to come live with them, also. She is 36 now, and has been a working girl for some time. That's how we met.

    Yes, there are many other considerations, but I'm just asking what are the legal issues, if any, with this. I am a responsible person, and she knows this. Anyone have any experience with something like this?

    You are not a responsible person if you have a child in this relationship!! :o

    I appreciate the response, but I wasn't asking for your opinion. I'm also not exactly sure why you say that. You know me?

    Don't need to know you, I've read your post. I happen to think the reason for conceiving a child is because the parents love each other and genuinely want to raise a child together in a loving environment where the child feels wanted and secure. Perhaps I am just old-fashioned.

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