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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. ....... squirted them with napalm now and again , but disrespect .... never.

    Well, I thought that was funny, only for it to be followed by:

    As I was about to lift the lid, I saw that it was soaked in yellow urine. I walked out, bumped into Mr. Grumpy and said, "somebody pissed all over the toilet seat!" He said with some pride, "yeah that was me." I said "why in the hel_l did you do that?" He said smugly, "to keep the f**cking c*nts out of there. That's the men's toilet!"


    What a very strange sense of humour!!!

  2. I like the lynch mob assumption. In actual fact, 10am this morning there was precisely 0 people there apart from myself so no need to feel so much worry for the GOM. He's not being shouted at every morning by 10 strangers or followed into the toilet.

    The GOM was again playing golf today so another no-show. At the weekend his secretary (re:wife) called the cafe to reserve his spot. She was told that they cannot, so she got angry. He came in and told the staff that he doesn't want to reserve the spot but please can they put out his breakfast when he calls them at 9.30am from ground floor, and that if anyone tries to sit at that spot with his breakfast there, lie and tell them that Khun Adam has gone to the toilet. Obviously assuming the staff are thick and don't realise that this is reserving the spot. They informed me that they will not lie to customers and that they will prepare his breakfast but if anyone wants to sit there they will move it.

    They informed the GOM that Head Office decided it was first come first served, to which he replied "don't worry, I will be the first". They informed me that they have no idea how he arrived before opening time at the weekend mornings (can only assume through the 6th floor then down) but he's making a special effort out of principle now.

    The most important part in this morning's conversation was that the GOM was EXTRA NICE to the staff at the weekend and they were surprised. They think it is because a) he knows he's running a risk of being banned and :D that he knows people are collectively showing disapproval at his behaviour. In any case, this is something positive although I'm not sure if this will be the case IF someone gets his place before him again on any given morning.

    Oh dear! So we've got to wait another day. :o

  3. westerner
    well, today 2 june.........WHO will win the race to the golden stool ?


    25 mn to go....I wonder who will show up there ! And who will win....

    i can hardly contain my indifference. :o

    Taxexile. They are not my posts!!!

  4. He is still on facebook. Sign in, click on groups on the left. Above, type in we love thailand. When the first page opens the first picture on the lhs in a pink shirt is gom. He is still there at 17.26pm thai time

    No results for we love thailand...

    No problems for me. Follow the instructions precisely.

    Problem for me,too. I clicked on "groups", typed in "we love thailand" but got "there are no results for we love thailand - are you looking for hoe love thailand?".

    Doesn't matter though, as another member sent me the link by PM.

  5. Go to facebook, groups, we love thailand and it is the first picture on the front page.

    I would just ask him politely to move his bags and sit next to him. Or sit on the bags!!!! His choice

    Just made myself a member of facebook - clicked on groups, but can't find it :o Do I have to do anything else?

  6. Distortedlink. Why don't you get a mate to go into the shop and see if he gets the same reaction. If he does, then you will know it's because the guy hates foreigners. If not, then you will know it's something about you. :o

  7. I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

    Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

    We find a weirdo.

    He's got a bit of a personality issue.

    We find it amusing.

    We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

    You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

    OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

    If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

    But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

    small child falls of bicycle.

    man falls over

    ladies dress falls off

    dog jumps on kid

    etc etc etc

    Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

    Is what you're doing any different.

    I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

    You sound to be describing yourself here :o Get a sense of humour, man!!!

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