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Everything posted by steven100

  1. is he trying to get fame from the number of clicks on the story ? is he trying to garner sympathy ? is he trying to make money from his story in someway ? tosser overstayed and went to jail.... simple as that !
  2. doesn't really matter, they will still come regardless of the visa free days. They own most of Thailand anyway so they don't care if the visa free is 7 days or 70 days.
  3. he could be one of our AN members.
  4. agree .... and they don't throw you in prison for a few days overstay.... it was probably months is my guess. There's alot missing in the story ....
  5. Did he expect the prison to be different, maybe a nice resort room over looking the ocean, did he think he'd get the same treatment as Thaksin .... he's in prison for a reason, and Thailand being as poor as it is certainly won't waste to much on a comfortable prison for criminals. The story doesn't mean anything, it is what it is and as it should be.
  6. It's well known that elephants like to go to their local fair. But they don't like the Ferris wheel or the dodgem cars, they find it difficult to fit in the seat.
  7. Firstly, I don't believe a safe of that size can be opened with a sledgehammer & crowbar . Large safes cannot be opened with a hammer and crowbar. secondly, I'm smelling either an insurance job organized by the owner who conveniently is in China, or it's an inside job, someone close to the owner. I'll take ' an insurance job ' for 500 thank's Tony.
  8. another quality tourist in Phuket .... he was probably high as a kite or drunk. send him back to south America.
  9. The guy looks like a bogan from Ipswich or somewhere. When he gets back to work, his mates will say ... how was Thailand Marli... Marli : oh don't ask !!
  10. rule #1 ...... give drunken Thais a wide berth.
  11. I've heard Pattaya called many things but never ' stunning '
  12. please don't tarnish Pattaya's world famous family resort golden pristine #1 the best cleanest safest friendly honest reputation. very sad to tarnish honest Thailand.
  13. This looks good value if it's only 99 baht
  14. sounds like some folks here want to pay pittance but get a grand restaurant meal. they are the real cheap charlies
  15. oh what a tangled web we weave .... she should just pay a 'punisher' to go around to Kittichai's house and give him a good flogging, even put him in hospital. He will divorce her immediately, and she won't hear from him ever again. problem solved.
  16. yes, he should have slapped harder
  17. agree .... this is all Thailand show theatre performance. They are knuckleheads.
  18. I think it's all exaggerated. cops need to pull him aside and work something out. end of pantomime
  19. while I agree with what you say ... isn't it best for the cops to pull him aside and sort it out ? sorry .... cops .. Thailand =$$$ no common sense here that's for god damn sure !!!
  20. so he will be charged with what law ? touching another person without consent ? Thai cops see $$ he is a lowlife .... and thai cops are scum. make of it what you will...
  21. Thai police are scum ... so you have to decipher what is correct
  22. they play games .... is there a law that he has broken ? but he's an idiot just the same.
  23. well , his attitude is pathetic and he's a <deleted> ..... to arrest him for that is pathetic , Thailand is such a stupid place with absolutely ridiculous rules, they make them up as they go along, a bit like AN. If speak the truth and you say anything bad about Thailand they cancel you. How is that fair ? He was an idiot for doing that and he should be fined ... and jail 3 days
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