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Everything posted by steven100

  1. or died from old age
  2. sorry, your knowledge and experience hasn't helped me one bit in 20 years
  3. no ..... it's because I've been bored for the past 20 years
  4. basically ..... what your saying is it's all covered if Thailand's RTP want to hide something because no one else is allowed in unless they say so. It's a joke .... TIT = no justice.
  5. my first thought when I read it ..... is the machine gun at mama's house under the mattress ?
  6. I seriously doubt anything will come out off it. With any murder investigation, you need to act quickly to get evidence before it is destroyed. They should have offered the 100,000 the next day ......... not 12 years later. Everyone at the scene and the police station have died or moved on.
  7. yes .... Connda, I should have known better, been here a long time.
  8. no .... it's sorted ... I leave it up to my friend if he wants to hire her. I'll never get involved ever again, I should have known better na ....
  9. that doesn't sound like a real British name to me .... unless he's a taxi driver
  10. I stand by what I mentioned and this definitive statement... ' this guy is dangerous and a threat to his family and the local folks. ' Nothing wrong with gun owners who enjoy hunting or target shooters as long as they are responsible, in that the guns and ammo are secured separately and locked away, and all firearms are registered. I use to enjoy fox hunting at night with my uncle on the farm when I was a teen.
  11. oh dear Georgealbert, good job by the police, this guy is dangerous and a threat to his family and the local folks. Why the heck would he want all that ammo and the pistols. another nut case evolving ....
  12. this has to be a wind up ..... if she's in Pattaya... you don't need a private investigator, you need a taxi to Bangkok.
  13. I'm bemused by this ranting lunatics comments and suggestion that Ukraine should have not fought against Russia's invasion ..... The guy is a loose cannon imo ... Can someone please explain how that is acceptable .... and what if some other county invaded the US , would he still apply that silly comment ? https://us.yahoo.com/news/trump-trashes-zelensky-fighting-back-124909244.html
  14. well, possibly .... but she shouldn't have even mentioned the 2 months notice period to me at the end as that's standard contract req ... anyway, it's sorted now and she can discuss with the new .... I've done my bit !!
  15. well, it seems there's a fox in the hen house ... I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. He'll likely go missing very soon.
  16. oh dear ..... fancy the RTP being cast with this sort of activity, and here we all are thinking they were such an honest & diligent police force
  17. I agree PJ, they are similar to Thai motorbike taxis in that they all have a bad attitude problem. They tarnish Pattaya's pristine family resort golden #1 honest people in the world reputation.
  18. to be honest ... I should have known better .... never have ANY dealings with a thai....
  19. yes, very strange that there would be any lunatic idiot knuckleheads in Thailand after smoking your weed or cannabis ..... it don't make sense does it.
  20. The ' cannabis brigade ' will come out and say it's fine.
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