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Everything posted by steven100

  1. I think your onto something .... I have the same problem, difficult to highlight a sentence to copy and paste.
  2. The logic outcome here is that the owner of the fence and the person responsible for the electrical connection to the fence should face prosecution. They should be jailed for a long time. RIP Wichanan very sad and tragic accident indeed.
  3. I hope Australia doesn't trust them one bit. I certainly don't. Crocodile smiles all round. ????
  4. I have the same problem, to try to copy and paste a word or sentence the highlighting jumps from one word to the next and all over the shop ... it does work properly after 5-6 attempts but it's damn annoying. I will try your solution scorecard. thanks
  5. oh you're such a sweet talker .... delicious.
  6. Great news ! well done Cambodia & Japan for providing de-mining support to Ukraine.
  7. Just another Thai yaba addict, hundreds of them around villages in Thailand. Do a hunt and destroy through every village, problem solved.
  8. you shouldn't talk to the missus like that !! now what about Bob?
  9. stick to your beer Bob ... forget the Lao Kao, it's buffalo urine ... just go the beer and eat some food everyday and drink lots of water before bed. I drink alot but I try to not start before 12.00 everyday, and sometimes Gin after 4.00pm. usually drunk by 7-8pm ready for bed.
  10. those are just off the top of my head possum, but there's many more. you would have been better to ask who is the most honest in Thailand ... ???? although you might not have got an answer unfortunately. haha
  11. taxi drivers, hotel landlords, food stalls, tuk tuk drivers, motorbike taxis, jetski operators, parasailing owners, small restaurant owners, car saleman, bank staff, factory workers, builders, national park keepers, Phuket tourist shop owners ... etc
  12. No way man ...... I'd be booking my next holiday in Vietnam courtesy of money found + shopping.
  13. where's Bob ? are you sleeping Bob ? too many beers today ?
  14. ah ' i'm so proud of you Bob, you've really come through today.
  15. yes I agree .... it's more fun drinking with someone else
  16. there's a few of them getting around my 7-11
  17. have you knocked one off yet Bob or are you washing your pink panties out ... Are you sure your names not Lilly Smith or something. You gotta learn to hit the p_ss around 12.00 because that's the best time to relax and start. If you on it now Bob then that's ok, and a good start .... and don't forget to get a few for tomorrow because it's bloody hot outside now. Well just go in moderation and all those old gf memories will come rushing back. I'm seriously thinking about cracking a bottle of gin open after these beers ....
  18. Your not a real boozer .. your a girl .. 3 coldies in the pen and your playing miss cupcake ... go on, be a man ... hit that ice box as fast as you can and show those suckers who's boss !! I've almost polished 4 off already ..... soon I'll have that 5th little rascal in my claws.
  19. I suspect the novice was a teenager .... very bad situation for him to be in because his devotion was totally toward Buddhism and preaching. The teacher was suppose to be a trusted monk but he was evil and abused his position. It sounds like others were subjected also. He shall go to jail for a long time. So sad indeed for the young one's.
  20. yes ..... I don't think you can thaw and re-freeze anything from memory, not meat or vegetable or anything.
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