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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Poor kid ..... we don't know what transpired or why he was shot. Very very sad indeed ..... he had his whole life ahead of him. RIP Suriya boy. savages .... uneducated savages.
  2. Vietnamese citizens should leave immediately prior to the developing onslaught ...... Western Allies need to send more military hardware to Ukraine and faster if the Ukrainians are to win this war. NATO needs to act with more support and military equipment .... Ukraine is removing 50% of NATO's European risk for conflict ... so essentially Ukraine is doing the job that NATO is suppose to do. This whole war is a disgrace to the west and NATO ...... it's Ukraine's blood being spilt everywhere just to save your ass_s from doing the hard work ..... which you wouldn't do.
  3. you obviously didn't look closely enough
  4. Would have to be the worst president the US has ever had ..... Messed up Saudi relations ... Afghanistan withdrawal an absolute bungled nightmare .... US energy policy is an absolute joke ... Preventing the Russia invasion of Ukraine was a total US stuff up from the start ... I suggest sleepy Joe finish his disastrous term real soon and the voters put someone in who has real leadership skills. I don't know who, but anyone would have to be better than the current clown. imo
  5. Brake failure my ar_e ..... he was likely going too fast and applied the brakes too late.
  6. it's usually the farang who get scammed so it's pleasing to see the opposite.
  7. like I said before .. every kid on a bike, in a motorcar, taxi driver, tuk tuk driver ... has a gun under their seat. absolutely ridiculous and dangerous.
  8. I would put up with it for as long as I could ... eg; another month or two, as it might subside but I doubt it. You don't really have 7 months left on the lease .... you can give a months notice to the owner and tell him/her why your moving. Think yourself lucky in that your only renting and didn't buy.
  9. seems like the gf is just another butterfly ...... Gop didn't go to the wrong room at all. If I was Alongkorn i'd <deleted> the gf off.
  10. I'm moving to Nong Bua Lamphu ......
  11. and a picture of your id card .... he's really asking to be scammed ????
  12. not a daily concern at all .... more like a habit I guess .... it's very safe where I live, it's like a 5* condo.
  13. well your very lucky then.
  14. because if I used their chart which says to measure your foot from tip to ankle then look at the chart to order that size I would have received a pair of sandals that were either too small or too big if I remember correctly, I prefer to know the exact sandal length for the size 40 & 39 .... then I can determine the exact size pair for me. No mistakes, just confirmed measurements. It's risky buying clothes or shoes of the internet.
  15. now he's got 1000 aunties and uncles he never new existed
  16. Nothing problematic about it at all ....... Just start a house to house door knock and search for illegal firearm in parallel run a gun amnesty for a month. Also, run a TV ad campaign explaining what required. Each household can either hand them in or face consequences if anything is found. 10 minutes each house .... village by village. They might be amazed at the results .... and find alot of drugs also. The door to door will give the RTP something to do other than sitting on their fat backsides all day. oh sorry ' that's too logical for Thailand.
  17. well they deserve what's coming to them .... we don't know the full story but on the face of it it appears to be a couple of french thugs out to cause trouble, but we don't know why they came to that couple on the bike.
  18. Apparently he's on the run .... away from his relatives
  19. you are right .... but they do .... and it's not such a big deal is it.
  20. nonsense .... I've had dozens of folded papers removed that were stapled in my passports, as long as you keep what's relevant to your situation it's not a problem. Of course you cannot touch or alter visa stamps or stickers as that's illegal.
  21. geeeze ...... What the heck is a drug addict rehab doing with a handgun in the house. No wonder thai shootings are a daily occurrence .... most of them drugged or alcohol fueled addicts. What a screwed up place ....
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