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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. Do the isaan banks have secure deposit boxes i have land chanotes and important documents that i just dont feel safe leaving in the house in case of burglary .

    Any feedback thankyou .


  2. Does anyone have any contacts that sell legal teak wood in Buriram to build a Thai style house ? Does anyone have any photos of Teak - wood Thai style houses and know of any good buliders or companys that build these houses ?



  3. Thats realy great Loy thank you for the photos , do you dig out the ponds yourself or do you have someone come do them for you ? .

    Anymore future plans for your land or new ponds ? how much land do you have and what is average rai size of the ponds ?

    Sorry for so many questions i just love to see land with ponds .


  4. <br />Haven't seen too many town houses. The ones I have seen tend to be out in 'burbs a bit. There is some new ones finishing up on Narathiwas Road by Chan Road that are for rent. Think I read they started at 200k a month.<br />TH<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I lived in Narathiwas road for a while traffic was a REAL pain , if you are not right on the bts i hope anyone that lives there enjoys walking . Nice area but i could not live in Narathiwas road again .


  5. <br />
    Is it possible to trade the set long and short , how much margin do you need to put with a broker to trade ? what is a tick worth on the set ? is the market liquid and is trading done via internet or through a thai broker on telephone ?<br /><br />Any info guys .<br /><br />JB
    <br /><br />You may want to try this company*:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.settrade.com/login.jsp?txtBrokerId=IPO" target="_blank">http://www.settrade.com/login.jsp?txtBrokerId=IPO</a><br /><br />* I have no personal ties with them.<br /><br /><font color="#0000FF">LaoPo</font><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Thank you for the link its exactly what i was looking for .


  6. Land -property imho dont come into play of any decision you NEED make , you have done all that was possible for her you were a saint , NOW you wipe your mouth with the past . Go back to Australia throw yourself into a good job keep yourself busy and DONT look back . She will die you have no reason to ask or contact anyone in cambodia ITS TIME to move on . Forget about whos in the land and house you paid for if you get back to work it wont take long to get back on your feet at 44 you have your whole life ahead of you .

    I am realy sorry that this has happened to you ,if you go get a job try to stay busy things will get better beleive me .


  7. I stopped...
    Beside drink-driving, there's your biggest mistake.

    Let this be a Thai object lesson to everyone......God how I hate to say it, but you should have done what THEY do, KEPT ON DRIVING!

    And as for the lack of sympathy here 'cos you had had a few. After 10pm at night half the gits on the Bluddy roads over here are pissed! You were just unlucky mate.

    (I know two wrongs don't make a right......okokokok.)

    If you can do a runner, do it now Kish!

    Why? 'Cos you will not be treated fairly......whatever you do.

    Terrible post .

    HTF can you advise someone to do a hit and run , they had broken legs it was early hours of the morning and they needed medical treatment . I have a feeling that our OP hit these kids nearly wiped them out and now is trying to walk away from it scot free . hey it was 3 am in the morning he had been to a birthday party he had been on the piss .


  8. The Thai boy hit the FRONT of your car ? was it the front side ? or the Front ? you have posted that the Thai guy hit you well how about they turn this around and its proved that you hit them ? weather it being true or not you would be in big big big trouble . The thai guy 19 years old has broken leg and arm and the girl has broken leg , they cant work or if they are students cant go study , you were over the limit drink driving i feel you are playing with fire not paying the 60k that they want .

    Hey your in Thailand they know where you live , maybe you would be better to pay the 60k for peace of mind .

    JB .

  9. Thanks GARY

    You are spot on in your observations.

    I got a copy of the Nor Sor 3 and everything checks out. I go to Phetchabun next week to look and if I like, make a contract with realtor. (My wife has already planted mango and coconut trees so I think I already bought it! Never changes, does it!)

    On a different but related note:

    Does anyone know of detailed road maps (in English) of Phetchabun Province?



    You can get the maps in the big gasoline stations , plenty of road maps that you will understand .


  10. <br />There are two going up on Narathiwas, one right at the BTS station, the other just below Sathorn, next to Empire tower. Also the Met on Sathorn is going strong. Another place worth looking at is Narathiwas Soi 7 which connects with Suan Plu. A number of new places have recntly finished, some are apts, but others appear to be condos. <br />Suan Plu-Narathiwas is indeed a very good area. <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Much better then the Sukhumvit farang gehtto.<br />TH<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    The building thats right on the BTS station with the big banner hanging 100% sold out the condos they are building there are stunning , i viewed the show home .


  11. <br />Several under construction. The one nearest a BTS station would be <a href="http://www.tcccapitalland.co.th/projects/residential/empirePlace/empire.html" target="_blank">Empire Place </a>on Narathiwas Rachanakharin Road at the Chong Nonsi station. It would seem to be about 25% complete at this point, but going slowly<br />TH<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Empire Place has that realy dirty ugly 3 story building standing in front of it , the owners wont sell it so it can be pulled down , lots of better options in that area then Empire place .


  12. At the present time I trust my wife's allegiance to me and her wisdom more than I do that of my 2 year old son. I hope it stays that way! Things must be pretty bleak on the home front for someone to consider their infant as more trustworthy than their spouse.

    Nothing has to be bleak on the homefront , if someones in a position to buy property - land and give that for there children for future then i say go for it . What you can buy today you know will cost a lot more in 18 years time :o


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