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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. Traders have there own way of doing things , i have traded for 25 years have been retired twice came back trading because i could not leave it alone . In 25 years i have had one losing year and 1 break even the others all winners . I have my own system which is running a base position with a long term view and sometimes using a jobbing position for short term trades . The one thing i was taught early was discipline i have stops in the markets i trade and if i am wrong there is no emotion i execute stop profits as i do stop losses the same .


  2. Hi

    Does anyone have details of tel no, fax no & e-mail address for Toyota main dealers in Surin?

    It would be appreciated........try as I might I can't find any details on internet :o


    TBWG :D

    I have bought from the main Toyota dealer in Buriram they had a large selection of motors they must have had 50/60 new pick ups for sale . They were VERY helpfull if you have no luck with Surin maybe take a trip to Buriram :D .


  3. I am sitting in my office in Uk my partner is off till 10 sept so i have to be here taking care of the office , i would love to be at the beach in Hua Hin or getting ready for a night out in Bkk or in the country in Buriram .

    Any of the above but not here .


  4. for those interested

    all asian markets are showing gains this morning

    sentiment has certainly turned around for the nikkei, whose futures on friday were showing 750 point decrease

    this morning the nikkei futures are showing a positive increase of 440 points

    spi futures are still in positive showing an increase of 208 points

    these are spot checks at the time of 7.10 am bkk

    Just checked on my markets they are hanging in there , we had a fall of 7 percent on Thurs and and gain of 3 1/2 percent on Friday . The cannon fodder weak longs are out the positions are in stronger hands now and i hope we have a good last qtr .The bears have been misreading the markets for a looooooooong time they love a drama lets hope they all get themselves short the beartraps are out .


  5. I'll go in October to get my 2nd renewal of retirement visa, based on pension income. I've lived here since June 2003, and have no plans or intention of ever leaving. It is annoying to only get one year at a time. Three years would be quite reasonable; five years would not be unreasonable, either. Retirement usually means a certain certainty. Not so in Thailand.

    I think it is fair for Thailand to make sure the non-Thai retirees willnot become a burden and are able to take care of themselves.

    The way they do it can be discussed but I think it is legitimate and the conditions although changing somewhat are pretty simple and easy to comply with.

    Exactly right .

    All that Thailand is doing is getting rid of the dead wood and the new rules for those in a position to be retired are easy to comply with .


  6. Hello to everyone in Buriram. I have been looking to buy 12 Rai of land not far outside of Buriram city.

    In small village consists of one large rice field and another large field with a small lake.

    The wifes father currently works the land for the current owner but can purchase for

    approx £10.000.

    Is this a fair price?? I am planning on building a small house in Buriram as i have

    two children with my thai wife, so its really something for them.

    I will be back in Buriram in about 6 month. Cheers.


    Just seen this post if its in a location that you and your wife like and will be happy and it has electric and you will get water then imho at 60k a rai its a good price .


  7. quiet here :o


    There are no set rules to land prices its all about finding a seller that wants to sell at a fair price and the land being suitable for what you want . When you are next in Buriram if you make it known that you want a piece of land you will get dragged around all day looking at different plots of land that is for sale .

    If it were me i would find a few plots of land that suited me and ask the owner if they would like to put a price on it .


  8. You should not realy give bones to pups under 6 months old it will ruin there teeth , once they are 6 months and more its good to give a dog a big bone they enjoy them and it will keep the teeth clean .

    My dogs always get a bone once a week .


  9. I was one of those banging the drum for 800 dollar gold , the mkt settled at 650 last nite the next move will be order driven will the big fund managers take money out of the falling equities market and put it into gold ? or will they sell profit making gold positions to finance losing equities and commodity positions .

    That is the million dollar question .


    Right now inflation is under control in most of the world, as a matter of fact there are many areas (including the U.S.) that deflation is a real possibility should there be an economic downturn. If gold is going anywhere in this type of environment over the next year it is going down not up!

    The fundamentals will win out the day on the medium to longterm on the precious and base metal markets , in the short term its too had too call with any conviction even by you :o the markets will be order driven and the next big moves will be made when the big fund managers decide what they want to do . If the fund managers take money out of stocks and put it into gold then the market will only go one way and thats up :D . Am i still bullish at 650 i am sitting on the fence getting splinters in my bum its too hard to call .


    There are not any big fund managers that are even considering taking money out of equities and putting it into gold, such insanity is just wishfull thinking by someone who is invested in gold. I hope you enjoy those splinters because the best you can hope for is that gold will hold in this area ($625-$675), while worldwide markets work through this liquidity situation and move further upwards!

    So if there is a meltdown in the stock markets where will they invest the money .

    You seem a bitter man re hedge funds just read your post in another thread were you a back office clerk that worked at a failed hedge fund and put out of work ?


  10. I would not call a company that was founded with 12 people 10 years ago that was built up to employing 6000 people greedy , hedge funds are good for the markets they give liquidity they have given a lot of people a good living for many years . The markets are heavy regulated hedge funds are not the root of the problems .


    You couldn't possibily be more inaccurate. The hedge fund industry has gone (and still is) virtually unregulated and has seen to it that every single bill that has been put forward to give even the slightest regulation or transparancy in hedge funds, does not make it out of committee. They have poured in more money to buy Congress than any other lobbing group with the exception of big pharma and the tobacco lobby. They own politicians in both parties but there ace in the hole is the chairman of the senate banking committee Chris Dodd, who has single handedly seen to it that no meaningful legislation on hedge funds gets out of his committee, and has killed any bill reaching the senate floor (as shown by 60 minutes in there expose). Mr. Dodd of Conneticuit (the hedge funds home turf) recieved 6 million dollars from the hedge fund indusry in his last political campaign. While I hate to see this liquidity crisis, it may be a good thing if it leads to legislation regulating the hedge fund industry, and to many hedge funds going under. The hedge fund industry and their limitless greed is indeed the primary reason for this current liquidity crisis, so the next time that you attempt to defend the indefenseable why don't you try and figure out how many lives are ruined every time a hedge fund manager worth $2 billion decides that he wants to be worth $3 billion.

    How would a hedge fund manager taking his fund from two billion to three billion ruin lives ................

    As for funds being unregulated thats nonsense .


  11. The bears have had there <deleted> handed to them for a long long time , the same sad traders that were bearish of the dow back in 1989/90 at 3000 points , the same sad traders that were bearish of gold at 400 dollars not too long ago .

    If gold comes off 50 bucks they will feel they have the market right only thing is these same bears have had it wrong for the last 20 years .Bloody amateurs have been calling property prices down in the uk for the last 20 years and the price has gone up 4fold in the last 15 years .


  12. I'm thinking about selling my condo in Pattaya. I wasn't going to use an agent as my Thai wife can handle the documentation. How and what are the costs and how are they split between buyer and seller?

    You have to agree this early , as a buyer if i get a good deal on the land or property seller takes my offer then i will split 50/50 , if the seller sticks to the asking price and i agree to buy then he picks up all the fees or he does not get his sale .

    Simple realy seller pays :o


  13. I would not call a company that was founded with 12 people 10 years ago that was built up to employing 6000 people greedy , hedge funds are good for the markets they give liquidity they have given a lot of people a good living for many years . The markets are heavy regulated hedge funds are not the root of the problems .


    They are the necessary evils in the modern world!!!

    Please explaine this post .


  14. I was one of those banging the drum for 800 dollar gold , the mkt settled at 650 last nite the next move will be order driven will the big fund managers take money out of the falling equities market and put it into gold ? or will they sell profit making gold positions to finance losing equities and commodity positions .

    That is the million dollar question .


    Right now inflation is under control in most of the world, as a matter of fact there are many areas (including the U.S.) that deflation is a real possibility should there be an economic downturn. If gold is going anywhere in this type of environment over the next year it is going down not up!

    The fundamentals will win out the day on the medium to longterm on the precious and base metal markets , in the short term its too had too call with any conviction even by you :o the markets will be order driven and the next big moves will be made when the big fund managers decide what they want to do . If the fund managers take money out of stocks and put it into gold then the market will only go one way and thats up :D . Am i still bullish at 650 i am sitting on the fence getting splinters in my bum its too hard to call .


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