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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. I fly back out late sept have only been back since 1st july and am climbing the walls and wishing my life away waiting for the day i can fly back to Thailand .These trips i have to make back to the uk make me enjoy my stay in Thailand even more .


  2. Very hard to put a price on building Thai style house all depends on what and how big you build . We are buying old Thai style wood houses and then will take them down and use the wood to build our house . I will post thread for the build Nov time for when work starts .

    It will be an experience :D


    I imagine I won't be the only one to follow your build thread. Curious about the design you chose after such rich research.

    The dig out of the land will start November we will dig out a seven rai 2.5 metre deep lake and two one rai 2 metre deep ponds , starting at the far left of the land going right around both sides and back the property we will dig out another 5 metre wide 2 metre deep water feature . All the soil we take out will be used for a road into the property and landfill for the house . The house plans have been drawn up i have not seen them yet i designed the outlay myself i have a guy drawing up all the details . The design of the house is 4 bedrooms sitting room kitchen laundry room 20 metres wide 15 metres deep we will need a mountain of wood :o . A good friend on this forum just helped me source 30 big sows that this house will stand on it will be an experience building it .

    If you look at the website www.baansammi.blogspot.com you will see in the section old rice barns people have used old rice barns and old Thai houses to build a new house .We have been buying old Thai houses for cheap money i got the idea from the above website all the wood from the old houses will be used for the building of the house and my kennels etc etc .

    I will post up a thread when it all begins maybe people that build the same type of house will learn something from my mistakes :D .

    Photos are of the land we bought and will be building the house in .




  3. Thursday was a day of panic when the closing bell went at 5pm i felt like i had been dragged through a hedge backwards then ran over by a 10 wheel truck it was that painfull . Friday was better in the markets i trade the weak longs and those that had to got out Thurs all the my markets rallied off the lows Friday throughout the day and had strong closes .

    We will have a busy last qtr i still cant help myself being a RAGING BULL :o


  4. I was one of those banging the drum for 800 dollar gold , the mkt settled at 650 last nite the next move will be order driven will the big fund managers take money out of the falling equities market and put it into gold ? or will they sell profit making gold positions to finance losing equities and commodity positions .

    That is the million dollar question .


  5. I'd love to know how much it would cost to build one of these...

    Any websites? I only know of this one.


    Which doesn't seem to be working, so here's a catalogue.


    Very hard to put a price on building Thai style house all depends on what and how big you build . We are buying old Thai style wood houses and then will take them down and use the wood to build our house . I will post thread for the build Nov time for when work starts .

    It will be an experience :o


  6. sbk is evidently of a literalist turn of mind. This thread was about beauty, whimsy and humour. Well, it matters not where it moved to, just glad I saw it.

    The most delightful thread I have seen on tv since I joined. Bravo, joeuk1

    sbk is a moderator tasked to keep the forum tidy :D

    Nice to see a woman knows her place ...............

    Cleaning up after us men :o


  7. great post, but i would have ignored londonthais advice.

    putting multiple houses in one post makes it difficult to comment on one specific house.

    it is a crying shame so many of the old ones dont get the respect form thais as a cultural legacy they deserve.

    well done

    We can go back to houses later :o

    How about some funy photos well i think they are funny anyway .




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