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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. my thai girlfriend lives in bangkok. can she apply for a thai passport for our baby? we are not married to each other but I am married to another woman who is not Thai (I did not get marry in Thailand).

    I think She can put the baby in her passport and add to your passport or you can apply for babys own passport , i brought my baby over for trip to uk he had his own passport at 13 mths old .


  2. I think some of you guys including stickman need to go back to your countrys and see what the cost of living is in the real world :D this stuff thats exspensive in Thailand what stuff :D .Oh the stuff that farang like that has to be imported i suppose the Thais they should make a loss on that and give it away :o .


    It would be nice if you made sure u knew what you were talking about before posting....

    And so what does that mean ?

    Would you like to compare some prices of cost of living in Thailand to Uk , i do know what i am talking about i live in BOTH .

    Where would you like to start ? shall we start with a packet of cigarettes marlboro red 5.50 pence in uk to 60 baht in Thailand , which direction would you like to go ? i had mini cab yesterday short journey 6 pounds you cant get a mini cab now for less than a fiver how much in Bkk ? mmmm i get 25 minute train journey everyday when in uk 5.30 how much for the same on the BTS .

    You name it .............

    As to your post of knowing what i am talking about ..........

    You go back stick your head in the sand :D .


  3. My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

    Some guys make hard work of living in Thailand :o , whoever wants the chicks get the feed merchants number there must be a pickup truck/ lorry / someone going to Chaing mai soon from Buriram if asked and given some baht will throw a box of chicks on the back for you .


  4. Bangkok is getting like London, Sticks right about the pricing thing, but thats why I usually stay the hel_l away Bangkok :D

    I cant think of anything that i pay for when in Thailand that compares with the prices i pay in London , the only and nearest thing i can think of is a cup of starbucks coffee and i think its 30/50 percent cheaper in Thailand to uk .


    Ps i think some people just like to complaine about everything like my next door neigbour that complained about the birds singing in the trees :o:D

  5. Hi everyone,

    Was wondering what my chances are of getting a teachers job as i have a minor shoplifting offence which happened over 20 years ago, got a small fine etc. I thought that it would of been wiped clean after 10 years but it showed up on my criminal record certificate, i know that this new requirement is for protecting children etc & eliminating sex-offenders but does anyone know if thai imigrations would turn me down on such a minor offence that had happened when i was young & stupid......

    Would appreciate if anyone could give some advice on this subject......

    Many Thanks


    P.s i did contact the thai embassy here in the u.k & was told probably not but they couldnt guarantee it.....

    I cant beleive that it is showing up after 20 years , i would guess that its a mistake that its still on your record , i always thought that after 5 years these things were lifted . Check it out at the local cop shop and ask that it be lifted from your records .


  6. Ok sorry about that ..............

    I took the lazy mans route , i downloaded the affirmation filled it out , took it to the embassy , paid the fee then collected the document to marry . I then dropped it into siam legal they must have done the translation i then met them at there office few days later went off with the new Mrs and two people from Siam legal that signed and witnessed my marriage .

    Siam Legal then took my paperwork / marriage cert all in Thai translated everything from Thai to English for me i now have all these in a nice folder .

    The Bkk marriage was all done and dusted very quickly but the Issan wedding well thats another story :o .


  7. There is 6 part series of Bkk Hilton jail on youtube , BBC each 10 mins , watching all 6 it realy spoilt all the books i have read , i thought going to Bkk Hilton was being sentanced to hel_l its a bloody holiday camp :o .

    Anyone remember the film midnite express now that was a real jail :D


  8. For anyone to pay 85/88k for sathorn gardens a 10 year old building with all the new projects coming on board does not make sense to me . If they have 300 units for sale if they were on at 65k i feel they still would not sell .

    Only my opinion .


    To the poster that says this soi is near Bts you are having a laugh , how long does it take to walk it must be a luvly walk when its pissing with rain :o .

  9. ...Ps if coming to this soi from the oposite /side of the road you have to overshoot the soi by 2 km and then u turn back .

    More like 200 meters. I make that u-turn almost every day.

    Don't beat around the bush, just come right out and say you don't the area. :D


    Ok i dont know the area .

    I rented condo in Oakwood stayed there 3 months and my thoughts are the area sucks .

    Oakwood condo 60 sq mt 35/45k a month and the Gardens cant rent 100 plus for 28/30 k a month .

    Says it all realy ...................................

    Oakwood take out good size add on Bkk post to try to fill the place , other than a minimart in the same road and a load of dirty stalls outside selling food what does this soi or area have to offer .

    Over to you smartarse :D


    Oh maybe its called CBD posh huh :o

  10. Not walking distance to the BTS the traffic is heavy all day , go down this soi early in the morning and count the rats hanging around the place . CBD lmao i have lived in this soi and they cant find renters .

    Have seen 100 + sq mt condos offered there for 28-35k baht a mth i wonder why they cant rent them ?


    Ps if coming to this soi from the oposite /side of the road you have to overshoot the soi by 2 km and then u turn back .

    Pps If you dont drive the taxis dont like going there good luck i stayed 3 months and moved out :o .

  11. Coffee has been discussed here at length before.....try searching this forum for "coffee" and I think you'll find what you're looking for.

    I just searched and found this one:


    There are others.

    Has there ever been any discussions regarding growing lemons in Issan, the only reference I could find was concerning a single tree which has leaf curl/

    Right, now this is one I can certainly answer. Yes,lemons can be grown well in Isaan. I have one from which I get all the lemons I need for gin and I now have four or five new ones from self started leaders.

    Where are you in Isaan? Try the Ag College in Buri Ram, where I got mine from, take the Mrs 'cos they speak no English there. You can plant it same as Thais would a lime, as I did, or you can plant it, as citrus seem to like, in very stony soil and see how it does - I just pulled a nice citrus self-seeded seedling [!!!] from the stones of the soakaway this morning. Guess it was a pip that got washed down the kitchen plug hole. Gonna give it a new [stony] home and wish it luck. Seen the price of lemons in the supermarkets? Good luck.

    Any chance of a phone number for the Ag centre in buriram .

    Thank you


  12. If the question was put to my wife is she proud of her husband i know the answer would be a big YES . I treat her with the love and respect that she deserves and she is a fantastic wife .

    My relationship before or after we married had nothing to do with money she has never asked me for one baht in saying that i dont leave her short :o .


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