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Posts posted by offset

  1. I had a estimate for my G/F for a C-Section and to have a cyst removed of 82000B thought it was a bit expensive but was not going to change doctors 6 days before baby due so I accepted it. After 4 days when we were leaving I when to pay it took them forever to sort out the bill I thought many extras but no the bill was the same as estimate plus a test that I asked for. About ten minutes after we got home the hospital ring and asked if I could go back because they had overcharged me by nearly 26000B and I needed to get my money It was a bit of a surprise but I was going to query the amount when I saw the doctor on Saturday but pleased that they where honest and I do not need to

  2. Fear not – Thai Visa Insurance does not 'promote' Liberty Insurance motor (general insurance) products. We shall look into this and let you know of any findings.

    Toyota/LMG : as we have explained on several occasions, the vehicle dealers do 'deals' with their preferred insurance suppliers in return for commissions when they sell the 'free' insurance to new owners. The coverage on these so called 'free' insurances are in many cases quite low in order to enhance the returns to the dealer. With the risk of banging the drum again, buy your insurance from a licensed broker !

    Is this part of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Group

  3. I have been taking advantage of these "discounted" checkups for the last 5 years. I think that they are a good value and the service has always been good. I am also not a big fan of BPH but for this it is fine. My only complaint would be the Dr. you see after all the results have come back. He just seems disinterested and going thru the motions. I have rectified this by choosing an internist to go over all my test results. They gladly accomodated me on this request.

    I agree about the doctor I had a checkup for insurance purposes the doctor forgot to mention that I was Hep C positive (it seems that I do not have Hep C after further tests) which he admitted when I went back to ask him about it and still did not tell me about the spondylolisthesis that I found out about when I read the X-ray report He seemed more concerned about my cholesterol and blood pressure being to high (which I do not have I check myself at home)

  4. Does anybody know what's happened to Banglamung Cable TV? All the English programmes have gone! I've been trying since yesterday to contact them by 'phone, but it's constantly engaged.

    Back on now BBC ch44 BTV English 58 + others

  5. I'm miserable with mozzie bites.

    Some of things I've tried and have had some successes with:

    Fan outside the door to blast the ones that tries to sneak in with a human.

    White-painted door and white mesh screen. Easy to see the buggers.

    Check every screen, window, and door for leakages/openings. Even the ceiling light fixtures.

    Spray the screen with citronella oil or anti mozzie liquids (don't use DEET, it'll melt the plastic screen :D )

    Cover drains (many homes here don't have U type turns in the plumbings).

    Have a light colored walls and floor, easier to see the bastards.

    Tennis zappers in every room.

    Listerine spray for outdoor sitting areas.

    Keep the bedroom door closed all the time, day and night. Also paint door white.

    Mosquitoes net for bed (don't like this one, but will use if a mozzie somehow infiltrate the room defenses and I can't find him)

    Keep those ideas coming. I'm always looking out for more.

    Now, can someone give some thoughts about the ants?


    Moved into rented house last October every month the Landlady has a pest control man visit sprays all round the floor of all the inside and outside walls and in the floor there are metal inserts which he fills up I have not seen an ant since I have been here

  6. To some considerable degree, I'm willing to cough up because the odds of finding a woman some 40 years younger than myself back home are not even worth thinking about. I think all you can really do is to set a limit on how much you're prepared to put into the pot as it were and make sure you don't exceed that figure. If she's not happy with it, then she's probably a gold digger and better that the two of you split up now and go your separate ways before you get hurt.

    That can be difficult sometimes especially if you're older. Time is not on our side unfortunately and there will come a time when travelling across several continents will become impossible due to ill health. So make the most of it while you can even if it does cost you a small fortune. After all, when the time comes for you to depart these shores, you won't be able to take your remaining assets with you now will you? :o

    I am in the same boat as you time is not on my side and loneliness is always round the corner. I always tell any new lady that I will not marry her, I will not buy a house in Thailand and all my money stays in the UK and then I try to treat the financial side like a business the more that I get out of the relationship the more that I am liable to invest it (upto what I can afford) seems to work in my case

  7. Thanks I.O. This is probably the most concise and to the point answer I've seen in a while. Can anyone tell me that they have done this procedure recently as I.O. relates and at what immigration office did this take place. Thanks again.

    I managed to get it all done in one day at Pattaya but I had to return 3 days later for my passport (should have been next day but it was over the weekend) just took all the paperwork for changing to "O" Visa and for the extension to the "O" Visa did not ask for it to be done just give the Immigration officer all the paperwork in a folder and let him decide what to give me That was on 4th Dec 2008 extension good to 4 March 2010

  8. Have you received medical advice on this issue from multiple doctors? If not, then I suggest you do so; doing so will give you a better idea of your choices, which would, in turn, allow you to decide more assuredly. I, however, would decide on the C-section. Actually, even in the states, it is becoming a more popular choice with women, and more are opting for it now than in the past.

    Good advice but in my case I do not think it will make any difference seeing another doctor her first C-section was an emergency I think she also likes and trust the doctor see has now the other thing is I think that she wants to have a C-section because she knows what to expect and sometimes it is better the devil you know that the devil you don't

  9. Hi Digitalman

    Thank for your time I was not thinking about the legal side I will get that all covered by me registering the birth myself and also getting him registered at the UK embassy and a British Passport I will also get a DNA test done (I have no doubt that he is my son this is for other problem that may arise in the UK) so he will have a good legal basis what I was more interested in was my boy living and going to school in thailand I do not want him to feel that much different at school I also intend to be around for a long time but age may not allow it to be to long, but I am grateful for your import

  10. My girl is due in April. The last name isn't an option, its my surname.. Right now I think that the first will be Kennedy, and her middle name will be Sayree (Thai)

    There is some thought about the Thai name being her first..

    I want to reflect both cultures...

    Can I ask why you say that it has to be your surname is this for your benefit or is there a reason I am just considering a Thai surname because my son will live in Thailand and I think it will be better for him to have my GF's name

    I should imagine it is easier travelling with your child, if both your surnames are the same in the passports. There are probably other benefits but really it is up to you.

    Yes but that means if I use my name it is OK for me but not for the GF who is Thai I am really trying to work out in my head what is best for my child and not for us parents

  11. Sorry, but I can't and will never believe any of this mumbo jumbo. I couldn't give a toss about lucky this and auspicious that as I am more educated than a (please insert your own noun). I did go along with my ex wife's request to have a ceremony on such and such a day (she was Japanese) but you have to draw the line when it is medical.

    I do not believe in this mumbo jumbo either but even in the UK it is still a 50-50 call for the second baby after a c-section for the first also it is her body and I do think that she should have a little say in the matter even if I pay the bill.

  12. As for the claim that the rate of infections would be lower in Thailand after the procedure, That's crap.

    And you know that for fact the British Government states that they are only just beginning to get infections under some control (if you believe that it is up to you) and I do not seem to hear about the same amount of infections in Thailand that I hear about in England

  13. My girl is due in April. The last name isn't an option, its my surname.. Right now I think that the first will be Kennedy, and her middle name will be Sayree (Thai)

    There is some thought about the Thai name being her first..

    I want to reflect both cultures...

    Can I ask why you say that it has to be your surname is this for your benefit or is there a reason I am just considering a Thai surname because my son will live in Thailand and I think it will be better for him to have my GF's name

  14. Thank for your comments so far but I was thinking that when he went to school in Thailand whether it would be better for him to have a Thai name to make his school life easier when he gets older he can look after himself regarding names

  15. Baby due in February not married to mother and most probably never will be I cannot make up my mind whether the baby should have mother's surname and Thai first name my surname and English first name or a mixture of both the child will stay in Thailand to live and school any suggestions

  16. My GF is due in Feb this is her 2nd birth 1st one was by C Section so the doctor said that it was best to have another C Section well after checking on the Internet and according to the latest it seems 50-50 weather an C Section is best when I asked the doctor she told me that due to the higher infection rates in England that is the case for the UK but not in Thailand because they have much lower infection rates so we compromised and if it was small baby we would go for a normal delivery the next thing I find out that the GF as been to see her Buddha and found out what is a lucky time and date so we are back to a C Section not totally the doctor decision but I do not really have a say in it because can you imagine that I insisted on normal delivery and something went wrong so I keep quite and I must admit knowing the date is not all bad

  17. Surely the credit card company can refund the balance you paid using that card?

    If the credit card is a UK one I believe that they will be liable for the whole amount of the ticket and I think that I read about a case when in the UK that they are also responsible for use in foreign countries so I would inform the Credit card people ASAP by phone and the in writing

  18. I'm confused here.

    You are referring to 90 days extension.

    Are you meaning 90 day reporting? :o

    Sorry for the confusion. I am referring to the 90 day reporting after getting a 1 year extension.

    I got an extension on 4th Dec. at Pattaya it was explained to me in simple terms that even I could understand about reporting getting exit permit and the fine for reporting late when I collected my passport there was 2 notices stapled in it 1 reminding me about re-entry permit and the other explaining about the last date that I have ie 4th March to report and what I need when reporting and also states the fine if I report late is Pattaya the only immigration office doing this

  19. Does anybody know of a good shop selling nursery equipment in Pattaya

    Carrefour or BigC - depends on what you're looking for - if you need cribs, beds, that sort of thing, check out Robinsons department store in Sri Racha

    Yes it is cribs and things I need tried Big C and Carrefour they do not have a very big selection

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