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Posts posted by offset

  1. You are asking all the right questions! While the robotic technique does offer advantages over open prostatectomy this is true only in experienced hands. One does want to guard against being part of the "learning curve"of someone eager to become, but not yet, proficient in its use.

    It is a very new technique and I would be surprised if any of our members have experience with it, certainly have not heard of anyone.

    Dr. Sittiporn Srinualnad is an Assoc. Professor at Mahidol/Siriraj, probably the country's best medical school, and board certified in urology in the UK, so all together very well qualified. He has published on results of use of robotic prostaectomy in Thailand, see this link


    From his article one gathers that it has been done in Thailand since March 2007, with 34 cases in Siriraj between March and November that year. Presumably more in 2008 and first half of 2009. I suggest you ask him specifically how many total cases he personally has done. From what I have read (see http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/489212_6) about 20 cases would usually be sufficient to achieve a good level of skill in this particular technique.

    Thanks Sheryl I was hoping that you would comment I did ask the questions and he did quote me about 100 operations with 2 minor problems with the Robotic he also does Laparoscopic prostectomies which I would think would give him a good grounding in the robotics but the thing that worried me was that I see another doctor after seeing Dr Srinualnad and when I was talking numbers to him he suggested that anybody could quote numbers but how are you to be sure they are correct which left me back to square one

    I was told the only machine was in the Siriraj hospital which I was a bit concerned about the quality of care there because I have not heard about it before, I see Dr. Sittiporn Srinualnad at the Bumrungrad and he told me that they did not have a Robotic machine there only a Laparoscopic machine so my mind is still a mess. the last thing is the cost the Robotic is much more expensive that the other two which I do not mind paying but only if I an not used as a practice patient

  2. I have seen a few doctors and have decided to have my prostate removed the problem is the best procedure I am quite happy if I have open surgery to use Dr Dr Viroj Chodchoy but it seems the best treatment is via using a Robotic machine which is does not do and I have seen a Dr Srinualnad about him carrying out this type of surgery he talks a good operation but I am a bit worried about the level of experience in Thailand using this machine has anybody used this doctor and is there anywhere on the Internet that I can check the results of his prostatectomies

    Thanks to all so far for your comment I take note of them all any more will be most welcome

  3. Hi Jay

    Thanks for taking the time and effort telling me your story sorry thing are not going good at the moment things are moving quite quickly in prostate care (not quick enough for you and me) a good site that I find very useful is http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35 it is American but there are a few foreigners on there and they do give good advice and they have all had good and bad results with there treatment

    I have been for all the scans and it looks like it is confined to the prostate but you never know until much later I will have to wait and see

    On a side not I left my wife 3 years ago because of no sex available it looks like I have got my just rewards but on the good side I have a 3 month old baby boy so what ever happens on ED side I think that I am ahead of the game so to speak

  4. Thanks for your advice guys sorry I have not replied sooner but I have had a lot on my mind

    I am going to see Dr. Viroj Chodchoy at Bumrungrad on Wednesday if he does not agree with the first doctor that I have been seeing I might then make an appointment with Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej the problem that I am worried about if 2 doctors give conflicting advice who do you believe that is why I am thinking of a third opinion if this happens hoping 2 out of the 3 agree

    Just come back from Bumrungrad hospital quite impressed with the doctor on first impressions, stuck his finger where the sun does not shine confirmed that there is a growth there (doctor in Pattaya checked on two different occasions one only last week and said he could not feel nothing there) sent me for a bone scan this afternoon and I go back tomorrow morning to discuss the options open to me but they are generally the same as in Pattaya if the bone scan come back clear (bone scan was not suggested in Pattaya) the treatment would change if there was cancer in the bones

  5. I have just been told by my Doctor i have prostate cancer. Its a common thing in guys over 50 , if you live in the Uk you can get a blood test from your GP , but you have to ask for it.

    Sorry to hear your news did it come as a bit of a shock

    I was expecting it in my case they have been chasing it since January I was told on Thursday and a least it has settled my mind that I have to look forward and find the best solution for a cure I feel that we must be positive on these occasions

  6. About 10 years ago I had PSA levels high enough for my doctor to send me off for all the tests. Ultra sound, xrays, nail-gun up the pooper, Dr Longfinger, the whole ordeal and they found nothing. I asked about PSA levels and was told it's not all that accurate. Why bloody well do it then? :)

    Did you ever do a follow up check

  7. Dr Thanoo and Dr Viroj are both very well qualified specialists with a great deal of experience in treating prostate cancer so you are in good hands.

    One point you need to understand though is that there are often several possible treatment choices, each with its own rate of success and risks in terms of undesirable consequences, and only the patient can make the ultimate decision. Different people react differently. Some men are almost more afraid of loss of potency than of death and will accept a lower chance of cure in exchange for less risk of loss of sexual function. Other people want to get the best possible chance of complete cure, period. These are gut feelings that can neither be predicted in advance (what someone thinks they would want often changes when they are faced with the reality) nor argued with.

    All the docs can do is tell you the odds for each type of procedure in your particular case. Based on that, you have to decide.

    Thank Sheryl for your comments I understand fully what you are saying and I know I have a difficult decision to make in the end but I do not feel that I was given all the options or more important the risk and cure ratio for each treatment by the doctor that I was seeing so I just need to make sure that I get all my options before I have to decide

  8. Thanks for your advice guys sorry I have not replied sooner but I have had a lot on my mind

    I am going to see Dr. Viroj Chodchoy at Bumrungrad on Wednesday if he does not agree with the first doctor that I have been seeing I might then make an appointment with Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej the problem that I am worried about if 2 doctors give conflicting advice who do you believe that is why I am thinking of a third opinion if this happens hoping 2 out of the 3 agree

  9. As UJ said you should only need passport and TM47. Jontiem for some reason want proof of address.

    Last month I did my 90 days reporting in Pattaya. They didn't ask for any proof of address.


    Done my 90 day reporting at Pattaya today took about ten minutes to get out of immigration which was 2 minutes to do the visa and 8 minutes to get my baby back not busy at all did not have to take a number

    They still asked for the proof of address

  10. I have been told that I have Prostate Cancer and I am looking for a good doctor for a second opinion for the best treatment, I see Dr Viroj Chodchoy from Bumrundrad has been recommended for general Urology but I am hoping to find a specialist in Prostate problems

    I think Dr Viroj is a specialist in prostate problems. His profile states:

    Special Clinical Interests:

    - Reconstruction, Cancer, BPH, Stones, Pediatric Urology

    He was the doctor who correctly diagnosed my problem after I had incorrectly been diagnosed as having BPH (enlarged prostate). In my experience, he is someone you can trust.

    Did he deal with your problem

  11. Hi Offset Sheril is a mod and has a very good medical background.

    Maybe you could look her up and PM her I am sure she will help you with your choices

    Did you have Biopsies done ?

    I have had 2 lots of biopsies Both Neg Thankfully.

    I understand that Cancer contained in the Prostrate will not Kill, The worry is IF it gets out

    as far as treatments go there are options.

    No doubt if you need treatment your doctor will tell you all about the treatments available.

    Yes first one was in Jan a 12 core which was all clear but PSA was still high this month so I had MRSI and CAT scan done both clear but my doctor convinced me to have a 24 core biopsy done last week which today seems to show a small tumour

    I do not want to scare you but biopsies do not show that you do not have cancer they have to be considered in-conjunction with your PSA and Free PSA readings

  12. I have been told that I have Prostate Cancer and I am looking for a good doctor for a second opinion for the best treatment, I see Dr Viroj Chodchoy from Bumrundrad has been recommended for general Urology but I am hoping to find a specialist in Prostate problems

  13. The insanity of some of these posts kills me, just a thought wouldnt it be cheaper for some of you to just spend 1k baht a nite on a hot bg ? she comes home with you says you handsome, me love you, wears nice clothes, smells good, treats you like a king, spends the nite, then leaves in the morning after bringing you food and coffee. Now Im not that good with math but 30k a month is a he_ll of alot cheaper dont you think for the same thing you are buying now ? and you get a new flavor everyday. Thats what all you big spenders are doing now anyway whether you want to admit it or not.

    I get all what you say about using a BG but my lady does all the housework, cleaning, shopping, driving,and cooking for a lot less that you quote and she even looks after our baby in her spare time

  14. Yes you are most properly correct but if your GF has to give up a job (which helps keeps her family) because you want her to look after you can you tell me why you should not give her any money for her own use how, much depends on what you can afford and what you want to pay but some people still have old values and treat there GF fairly and not worry about what other people might think

    "Give up their job" lololol :D

    I'll wager 99% of the them wouldn't work in an iron lung, never mind giving up their job to be with their teerak full time.

    Unless you call working in a bar a "job" :)

    I was not talking about girls working in a bar but now you mention it I suppose to them it is a job and one that I would not like to do if I was female watching how some men treat them like dirt until they need their services but then I guess they will still treat them like dirt later as well

  15. Wifey works, saves her own money and spends it when she wants too.

    Has never asked for an allowance from me.

    That is good if that is what you want but some men want to have company 24/7 so is it a problem if they give their other half some spending money every month so they do not have to work

  16. How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

    I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

    To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

    What's your experience and opinion ?

    It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

    To some ladies it is their first job to look after the parents if they cannot do it with you they will go somewhere else where they can, whether they love you or not.

  17. "Allowance For Wife ?"

    You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

    "Salary for Wife?"

    Much closer to the truth. :)

    Yes you are most properly correct but if your GF has to give up a job (which helps keeps her family) because you want her to look after you can you tell me why you should not give her any money for her own use how, much depends on what you can afford and what you want to pay but some people still have old values and treat there GF fairly and not worry about what other people might think

  18. Can somebody confirm that these are the only requirements for 90 day reporting in Jomtien

    90 Day Reporting

    The documents that need to be sent are as follows: -

    • Copy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp in the Kingdom or latest visa stamp)
    • Copy of arrival/departure card TM. 6 (front and back)
    • Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any)
    • Completely filled in and signed notification form TM. 47
    • Utility bill


  19. Hepatitis kills more on a global scale than HIV, yet nobody talks about it. Hep B and Hep C are spread sexually.

    Hep C is only spread by blood contact. It is recommended that you should of had a vaccination for Hep B before coming to Thailand

    A tip that I have told friends is if you are paying for sex ask how much for no condom and if they give you a price go somewhere else quick

    When I had my vaccinations in the UK before coming here they only advised for Hep A :)

    It is not recommended for short trips but it is recommended for longer stays including children there is now a joint vaccine for Hep C+Hep B and it is recommended to have a blood test after vaccination

  20. Hepatitis kills more on a global scale than HIV, yet nobody talks about it. Hep B and Hep C are spread sexually.

    Hep C is only spread by blood contact. It is recommended that you should of had a vaccination for Hep B before coming to Thailand

    A tip that I have told friends is if you are paying for sex ask how much for no condom and if they give you a price go somewhere else quick

  21. Please someone explain to me as to why farangs pay ridiculous amounts to private hospitals for their babies to be born ? If their wives were married to 'Joe Bloggs' of Isaan, then they'd use the government hospital, full stop. I asked my wife why farangs wives do this, and her reply was "prestige", on the wifes part. Vaccinations free in government hospitals.

    Because they believe it's better even when it's not (you can pay extra in public hospitals for better service).

    But they could regret if anything goes wrong: it seems that public hospitals won't accept you in case of surgery or other trouble if you have decided to give birth in private hospital, so you will have to pay the 500000 thb or more as it happened to a Thaivisa member, so when you check in be sure that you have more than the 50000 they ask for the package, even though everybody hopes that everything will be fine.

    Not always true lady next door had baby under C-section baby 29 weeks 0.700kg with many problems expected to be in ICU for upto 16 weeks stayed in Private hospital till baby was stabilized 4 weeks 700000B German man running short of money baby got transferred to government hospital under the 30B scheme and has since had operation in the government hospital

  22. Travelex is probably worst way to change money, never change your money in the UK the rates are a joke daylight robbery, you do not need Thai Bahts until you get through customs on arrival, there are many places to change money and ATMs before and after you exit customs on arrival 24/7, for a guide to rates I use Siam Commercial Banks Exchange rates which can be found on-line at http://www.scb.co.th/exchange/bk-txtexchange.htm todays posted rates are as at "close of business" on Thursday as yesterday was a holiday.


    • For GBP (£) if you go down to any SCB bank or exchange booth and hand over "bank of England" bank notes you should get 53.38 per £1, No Commission Charge.
    • If you have travellers cheques you should get £51.96, but there is a small tax (stamp duty) to be paid (13THB each cheque).
    • A note on exchange booths, these are attached to banks, in tourist locations and shopping malls and normally open late at night, also open weekends and holidays.

    I think you might have got your sterling cash rate mixed up with the buying rate instead of the selling rate which is 51.38bt for £1

    53.54bt is what you pay to buy a £1.

    Travellers cheques always offer a better rate than cash.

    I normally find SCB to be one of the worst exchange rates

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