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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 9 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:
    14 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    Perhaps the logic is if you eat smelly food then others will be less likely to come close to you, creating your own exclusion zone?

    You think they are intelligent enough to figure that out ?

    Perhaps it's imparted knowledge from the minister of 'elf? He doesn't appear to like ferangs, so this could be the next step to keep 'em at bay.

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  2. 17 hours ago, voulez vous said:

    rangsters - Vous here.

    Monsieur Owl would like me to do a posting for him.

    He has been moaning about the lack of rain. Plenty of wind and claps of thunder though

    'Plenty of wind'    Say no more. Or as we say in the UK, 'Dit non plus'.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


    Is  นายFFF MMMM   SSSS    all on one line on ID card ?

    or is it 

    1st line :    นายFFF MMMM 

    2nd line:  SSSS 


    If its all on one line it would be entered as that in one field in the app


    Are you doing all the vowel characters correctly ?

    My number on back of card is B12345678, 8 digits not 7

    It's thIs:

    1st line :    นายFFF MMMM 

    2nd line:  SSSS 


    You're correct it is eight digits. I counted incorrectly - but only to write this post, I can assure you.

    Yes, I spelt my name correctly on the form.

    My wife did it as well, but got fed up after two failed attempts.


  4. I'm still failing on the first page and wondering if it's the way my name has been entered into the system?


    To try and explain, in case others have overcome the same problem:

    I see it tells you to enter your name without the title - that must mean without Mr/Mrs/etc?


    On my pink card it has exactly:

    นายFFFF   MMMM   SSSS    

    My first name is in the title field, with no space between นาย and FFFF


    FFFF - my first name   MMMM - middle name  SSSS - surname (all these in Thai script obviously)


    When filling the form in, I've tried options of:

    First name: 1) FFFF MMMM    2)  FFFF     3) FFFFMMMM     4) MMMM

    Surname: SSSS


    I entered the number on the back, without spaces as requested  e.g.  B1234567


    Every time it fails, telling me to enter the details correctly.

  5. 17 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    If you haven't seen it---Sometimes, something like unforgotten was "Silent Witness".... Sometimes , because-- sometimes it dealt with historical murders. Body remains found in the concrete pillar when they pulled a multi-storied car park down etc.

    But its done from the view of the forensic team. & they often ran foul of the police as their results didn't always point where the police wanted. 

    Strong acting.

    Its one of the BBC longest running (fiction) crime series...will be about 25 years. I think IMDB give it an 8 or 9 series 24 Due out soon........ 



    I agree entirely with that.

    It's excellent, started back in 1996, with Amanda Burton in the lead role for the first few series.

    I've seen every episode of the 23 series produced.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I would try again today as the system was very overloaded yesterday, you need to put any pink card details exactly as they appear on the card, name in Thai as per the card (usually 1st and second name is listed as 1st name etc, there is no field for 2nd name), ID number from front of card, card number from rear of card etc.

    I've give it another go in a while.


    On the subject of first and second name:

    My first name is listed in the "นาย" feld (Mr) with no space after นาย. Then my second name is listed as name.

    At the time I didn't see that as odd, as my Thai father-in-law has the same  - นาย, no space, first name (with nothing in the first name field).


  7. 38 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Has anyone mentioned that the number on your pink card will be accepted by the Mor Prom app to register for a covid jab?

    It didn't recognise mine yesterday when I got my wife to try to register me with the above. It said it couldn't find my details in the system.

  8. 14 minutes ago, djayz said:

    Why bother? More times than not, as soon as the winds pick up here in rural Isan, we have a power cut (usually branches or falling trees breaking power cables). 

    If I had a Baht for every blackout, I'd be a millionaire by now! 

    Keep meaning to get a generator for the house, but it always slips my mind... 

    If I had a Baht for every blackout since I started keep track in October 2013, I'd have 90 Baht (seriously).


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