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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. To the OP,

    There have been many suggestions so far. It would be great if you can let us know what you think of them.

    You can see from all the posts you have a lot of support encouraging you to start cycling.


    Samui Bodoh offered a pretty comprehensive check-list in his post.

    Also, can you give us an idea of your age and physical fitness, that could be a good indicator too.

  2. 12 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Sounds like dehydration drink more water before you ride.

    That could be a good point. Not wishing to appear rude, but are you reasonably fit, or have you had a fairly sedentary life so far?

    I started cycling again just over four years ago at 58. Initially I cycled around our village a few times, then 10km to a friend's house, had a rest and a chat before cycling back home.

    I hope you manage to find out what's causing the problem, and get to enjoy cycling.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Yes! I hear you.


    I was a bit late as my friend came to see me and the time just flew by. Left at 15-30, and by the time I'd gone to the farm to do the regular chores; feed the carp, water the plants etc., it was late. Tomorrow!


    I've got the strangest feeling that I could get a yak-yak with this. Should I stop now or test the water?

    'I could get a yak-yak with this'    Just get on with it and buy two of those long-haired Mongolian cows.

    • Haha 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Could be right there bluesofa. I don't know if the Ford Cortina was fully made in Dagenham. They might have made the engine. Then again; maybe that was made in Spain. But where the Cortina actually rolled out of the factory I'm not sure.


    No! It wasn't whether the Cortina was made in Dagenham or not. It was the thought of taking a nice lady into the back of the car to inspect the upholstery. It was the dream of a Dagenham boy, when he snared a Barking girl, to be asked:  "Have you a cheap hotel in mind Owl?"

    "No Sharon, but I've got a Cortina."

    'snared a Barking girl'   Sounds like a real bitch to me.


    It looks like it was Dagenham according to wiki, but it is rather vague:


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