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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 1 minute ago, david555 said:
    6 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    This is amazing!

    I kept seeing people point their phone at a QR code in the shop entrance, then carry on walking.

    You're telling me I have to enter my personal details every time I go into the shop, even with this Thai Chana app?

    Theoretically   yes , but you can also write it by pen on the book ...... never strict enforced by Tesco & Big C  ....up to now , just temperature taking (automat system with gate opens if O.K.) and handwashing 

    I thought the whole point of the technology was to transfer each person's details instantly, just by the scanning of the QR code. Obviously not then?

  2. 7 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

    At the top of the Home page there is a symbol on the rh side of the search bar. Tap on that and it opens a QR code scanner. Scan the shop QR code and a web page address comes up at the top of the screen. Tap that and it opens the check in/check out web page.

    This is amazing!

    I kept seeing people point their phone at a QR code in the shop entrance, then carry on walking.

    You're telling me I have to enter my personal details every time I go into the shop, even with this Thai Chana app?

  3. 10 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    They've already retracted this:


     IMPORTANT UPDATE: Looks like they are going to cancel the rule that people travelling in the five provinces must have the Mor Chana app. Apparently they just realized that not everyone has a smartphone and so not fair to penalise them for this #COVID19 #โควิด19 #Thailand

    It's the 'elf minister who has "walked back the threat" to quote Coconuts Bangkok.

    :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Dit non plus.

    edit: So that one lasted perhaps four hours then.

  4. 3 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

    I thought that sim cards have to registered to the owner . if you turn on location they could track and trace from that . Or am I completely wrong ?

    I gathered the idea of the MorChana app was to use bluetooth (not confirmed clearly) to be able see if you rubbed noses with anyone who who is suspected of having covid.


  5. 8 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:

    Government spokesman Thaweesin Visanuyothin said that a new order from the government has been implemented and has made it mandatory to socially distance, wear a mask, and to use a tracing application.

    Those who are found with Covid-19 and not using the tracing applications could face punishment by law.

    by law now. enjoy! yours sincerely, big brother.

    src: https://www.thaienquirer.com/22554/thailand-discovers-305-new-coronavirus-infections/

    That is frightening.

    Assuming it isn't false news from the government (no gambling dens in Rayong or Bangkok, etc).


    Am I taking it to extremes now...

    Will we see those in hospital with covid be charged for 'wilfully not buying a mobile phone', or one 'not up to date enough to run the required government app'?

    Never mind not being tech savvy enough to install and operate one, or even 'negligently allowing their battery to go flat'?

    Big Brother IS watching you.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Hi Disgusted.

    As installed it wants Camera, Location, Physical activity, Storage (all of which my phone auto-denied) nothing about BlueTooth (which I do have enabled for my headset). It just wants too much personal information for me to let it run.


    OK, I can only quote what I read about it last night. I've just had another look again:


    A few of the reviews mentioned MorChana had too much battery usage.

    One person said you can save you battery when at home by disabling bluetooth, but don't forget to enable it when you go out. [Hence my earlier comment about bluetooth]

    A lot reviewers said it used too much battery and wanted to access your GPS constantly, not only when running.


    What does "Physical activity' cover? (Will I regret asking that?)

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, dictater said:

    I also think Lao Dark has been changed. It tastes somewhat sweeter, more mollases to me now, not as smooth as it was. Cant imagine why the Lao IPA can't be kept in stock it is by far and away the best beer in the local market. 

    It's all brewed by Carlsberg, in a joint venture with the Lao government.

    At least they weren't screwed by a brewing company in Thailand (something to do with elephants). They brewed Carlsberg under licence, and apparently under-declared the amount they were brewing.

    It went to court - in Thailand of course - and not surprisingly Carlsberg lost big time.

    The result was that a senior director of Carlsberg was quoted as saying the company would never set foot in Thailand again.

    It was suggested that the reason the Beer Laos brewery is located on the main road between the Friendship Bride and  Vientiane is so the Thais can see it across the Mekong.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, SimpleMan555 said:
    17 minutes ago, bluesofa said:



    I remember I was taught when writing the letters with loops, to start by forming the loop first. I'm sure Thai kids must be taught the same, as it was pre-printed sheets I used for this, with arrows showing the direction to form the letter.

    I hadn't thought about "the height of the central ^ in letters such as  and ," before. That's a very good
    point. Thanks.



    I was taught in the same manner, though being left handed, many forms are very difficult to form using the standard arrows, I thus had to learn to adapt and often draw them in the opposite direction.
    In my university course as Rajabhat Udon Thani, my teacher, who had often complimented me on my written Thai homework, was shocked to see me do this while using the classroom whiteboard but was amused and happy to see me being able to adapt. I forget her name now, but she had been teaching there 30+ years and an excellent teacher.


    I can see this going off at a tanget now!

    So you're another 'caggy-handed buggar' to use an English phrase! I'm left-handed too.


    However, I hold the pen the same way a right-handed person does - see pic 2.

    From what you've said, I'm guessing you twist your hand and drag it across the page - as in pic 1?


    I remember kids at school using the pic 1 method always had trouble using a fountain (ink) pen, as their hand would tend to smudge the line above - pic 3.



    The Worst Products For Left-Handed People - Fish Of Gold

    Pic 1


    Are "Lefty's" Smarter? - SiOWfa13: Science in Our World ...

    Pic 2


    Things Right-handers Wouldn't Understand That Lefties Go ...

    Pic 3


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