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Everything posted by KhaoNiaw

  1. Potential victims from 6-7 years ago. A lot of the latest victims seem to have been in one of those 'share' loan groups. If the killer's been running share groups for years who knows what the total might be.
  2. Police are saying probably at least 7-9 victims from more people that are now coming forward. She's actually married to a police officer. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets a capital sentence.
  3. There were some free buses but don't know if they're still running. They weren't all the buses on those routes so you'd have to look for the sign on the front. If you really needed a free bus, you could wait until one turned up on your route.
  4. It doesn't say he can't enter via land border. It just says that he was denied entry at the checkpoint on this occasion. I don't know whether that means that in practice he would be denied future entry at any land border. I remember some past forum posts about the 'lack of funds' stamp being used whether the IOs actually asked for proof or not.
  5. It says you were denied entry for not having the necessary means to support yourself.
  6. Yes, I've seen a friend who always does this. I think the traditional key card just pushes down to make the connection for the power to come on. He just puts some thick card into it to keep the aircon on.
  7. "Goy" is prepared in a slightly different way to "larb". "Goy khua" is a good option if you don't want the 'fresh' variety.
  8. IQAir showing it as second behind Beijing at this moment in time. Ahead of Dhaka and Delhi. (That's on the major cities list).Is your point that it's not worth talking about unless it's the worst at all moments in time? Or that it's all a big overreaction and not a genuine problem? Or you're just one of those who always reacts against anything that puts Thailand at No.1?
  9. Bhumjaithai are no different to Pheu Thai. A party of the rural masses, albeit on a more localized scale than Pheu Thai. Pheu Thai themselves are a very conservative party. Absolutely no initiatives for advancing democracy. Amazing the number of people on here who simply say elections are democracy. The Soviet Union used to hold local elections. When Thaksin was in power he completely set back and destroyed the more open and critical media that was just beginning to emerge. How can you hold democratic elections under such conditions? What say do Pheu Thai members have in the running of their party? Over party policies? Bhumjaithai, Pheu Thai, same same, just different people trying to take the biggest share of the pie. Better than the military I suppose. But inching closer to democracy? Not in any way at all.
  10. Mine are nearly always 25 baht. Maybe depends where you are?
  11. Didn't carry all the way into central Vientiane for me. However, there was an AIS option that popped up that I didn't work out for a couple of days. It was a couple of hundred baht and it worked for the rest of the week that I was in Laos. Would look it all up before I go next time.
  12. I agree that they should investigate first. But it's also quite possible that surviving passengers saw it. My girlfriend's often been on the vans to the border and she's had the driver ask her to talk to him so he doesn't drop off.
  13. They have to go if the employers don't get them MoU visas and work permits. So they need to go out and re-enter every 30 days to be able to stay. There was an accident with fatalities with a van carrying Lao workers just a few months ago. This time it sounds like they were from Cambodia and Myanmar. It's easy for people to say the vans should be stopped but what are the workers going to do then? That will just leave them open to extortion from immigration. Most of the bigger factories and construction companies probably get their workers the documents. It's usually smaller places that often don't bother with the paperwork.
  14. Very unlikely Chuwit is being misled or advised by anyone. More like following a personal feud. People mention him as bravely ready to name names. But seems to have been receiving donations recently that somewhat undermine his public-spirited motives.
  15. Well it obviously wasn't, was it? Seeing as the police said they had a massive response and he was quickly named by a number of different sources. Seems you're lying about "nobody was prepared to come forward".
  16. They've obviously been field testing this under username Liverpool Lou
  17. I've known a couple of people turned in to immigration. Both were reported by other foreigners, former 'friends' they'd had a falling-out with on quite petty issues.
  18. Teachers in private universities pay Thai social insurance contributions. Someone in a government university once told me he didn't receive any health insurance but I don't know if that's standard.
  19. I remember my daughter learned a lesson some years ago just after starting in her first real job in a hotel. They were all meant to sign out a float at the beginning of their shift but she noticed that often others (older hands) didn't. The rest of the day other staff, including the manager, would be in and out of her stash, saying just borrowing this, changing that, taking this out, putting that in. When it came up short, she had no idea if she had actually made a mistake or if it was something the others had done. But it came out of her pay. She guarded her own patch quite fiercely after that. There seemed to be quite a few ways you could end up out of pocket in that job and she moved on to better things.
  20. Two days ago, I didn't have a Revolut account. Now I do. From Thailand, using a Thai phone number with UK address. Now I'm not arguing with anything you're saying! But I was able to do it. At no point did I pretend I was in the UK. They sent an authentication code to a Thai number and I gave a UK address. If I'd had to show that I was resident in the UK, I would have given up. I have played around a bit and for some change of details like Revolut tag etc. an authentication code has again been sent to my Thai phone.
  21. I started at a private university in Bangkok in year 2000 on 40k. It was much better than was on offer at any state university. No idea what that would be now - maybe it hasn't changed!
  22. I don't know about the legalities but it's definitely common practice in businesses here. I know staff on bank counters and hotel reception who have to pay for any shortfalls.
  23. You're way off with that one and only thinking about government institutions. Going private would be much different.
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